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We have found 19,377 posts across 4 actor forums:

Pls help I’m new by gustavoboscan  •  last post Jan 16th

Hi everyone, I’m a 17 year old actor I just moved to the US, leaving everything behind to pursue this crazy dream that I have since I’m a kid, the thing is, I have no idea where to start I have IMDB pro I have my headshots and photos, I also have actors access plus but don’t wanna keep signing to stuff that I don’t know how to use that well, if someone has tips to find agents with imdb pro, auditions etc. Pls let me know.(also I’ve been studying acting in front of camera for two years now)

Advice for crying on mic by us_sa_ha_na  •  last post Jan 16th

So, a bit of background info, I've done voice acting for a while just on personal projects and videos for youtube, and I'm currently an actress and sound editor on an audio drama which has been very fun so far, but I've run into a little roadblock. I have never had to pretend to cry on mic before, and I'm struggling. See, I can cry on command thanks to working in multiple SETC shows during my highschool years, so that's not really the issue. The issue is that real crying sounds very gross on mic because real crying isn't pretty. But, it does sound realistic. Which is good, I'd like to keep the acting realistic and not hammy, but all the mouth noises and gasping and spittle that comes with crying sound horrid on mic and I do not want to expose the listeners to a gross cry fest that isn't enjoyable to hear. But, fake crying on mic, even though it's not gross, is super fake sounding and kind of cringy to listen to. Does anyone here have any experience crying on mic? If so, I'd really appreciate some advice!

Hard to pick voices by bravobickham  •  last post Jan 16th

Hi my name is Dion "Bravo" Bickham and I'm an actor but currently working on voice acting. Earlier today I found a talent agency looking for voice actors. Their roster is full so I really wanna stand out when I submit these voices. So what voices do y'all think I should practice???

"Questions Young Actors Always Ask" by glennenglishnyc  •  last post Jan 16th

My latest post on questions young actors always ask, at least in my class.

are there any private subs for repped union actors actively auditioning? by legion8975  •  last post Jan 16th

this sub is great for newer actors starting out, there is a plethora of information and fantastic advice to get you where you need to be, but for anybody operating in a professional level, it’s become a brain drain to read with all the posts from 13 year olds. Gotta scour really hard for nuggets of helpful wisdom. Are there any other subs for working actors actively auditioning for tv/film? I’m not trying to compromise peoples’ anonymity but there’s gotta be a better place for us than here....

Do actors become more eloquent from memorizing lines ? by theservusdei  •  last post Jan 15th

I figured that a side effect of constantly memorizing lines, is that actors become good at talking in general. Since they have learned many words, many ways to convey stuff, etc. anyone can confirm ? thanks.

Looking for 3 voice actors (2 female characters + 1 male character) by BKInteractive  •  last post Jan 15th

Hey there! I'm looking for 3 voice actors for a short movie I'm working on. I'm ready to pay! As I mentioned, 2 female characters (who have around 10 and around 5 lines) and 1 male character (who has around 26 lines). DM me if you're interested :)

Help, I'm probably going to burn my fingers by epyllionard  •  last post Jan 15th

Hey actors. I'm a writer, making a short video of a story of mine. And YE GODS, the things I'm discovering, and the things I'm probably not noticing. But hey. Here we are. The story is about a sorcerer and a broom, you know the rest (don't say it out loud please, I don't want to get hammered by You-Know-Who for copyright - this is based on the POEM BY GOETHE\*, and no other source, thank you very much). At one point, I have to extinguish a candleflame with my finger and thumb. So okay, fine... but there will probably be multiple takes. So I'm going to burn my fingertips a bit. I'd like tips on how to minimize the damage! Any actors out there who've done bare-handed candle snuffing? Thanks everyone! ​ \* "Der Zauberlehrling" (1797), by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

:3 Thanks to this place, SOB, the first HYPER IMMERSIVE AUDIOBOOK, was born... by J_Riggsaw  •  last post Jan 15th

Hi guys !! Thanks to this sub, 4 years ago I found 5 of the most talented actors I had ever met to collab with me on the WORLDS FIRST HYPER IMMERSIVE AUDIOBOOK (SOB, which we released for free on Youtube this week). Shout out to Anthony Bender, Sherrie Shan, Rasmus Baekgaard, Dom Trimboli, Aldon Jacob, some of my fave people. If there are any directors/producers looking, they are awesome and I am more than happy to push for them in any piece of art you are fishing for here!!! And to the rest of the community here, thanks for helping me bring this project to fruition. Below I have included a description of WHAT exactly SOB is. If anybody enjoys this kind of stuff, reach out to me and I’ll see if I have any projects to direct you to (paid projects only) in a few months. —————- SOB - The most ROIDED UP Audio Drama you’ll Ever Hear ( FREE ON YOUTUBE ^w^) !WARNING! This production contains mature themes including explicit violence, strong language, sexual references. Listener discretion is advised. SOB is an audio-only production performed by a cast of voice actors, enhanced with amazing soundtracks & SFX, and available for FREE on Youtube. Kind of like a roided up audiobook or a blockbuster movie you don’t have to see to enjoy. So go ahead and keep doing what you’re doing, whether you’re scrolling your phone, driving home, working out, gaming or whatever. If you’ve got speakers, we’ll bring you the show :) SAMPLE CHAPTER: Premise: Main character is about to pay off his debt to a ruthless mobster and hopefully sever his last tether to a life of fear-drenched squalor. FULL CHANNEL LINK FOR THE WHOLE STORY: Plot description: Our tale finds Theo, a young man with a peculiar power and a truckload of baggage desperately trying to protect his only remaining family from a world he has only ever known as a cruel testament to social Darwinism. Scarred by the memories of the bloody crime scene he used to call his home, Theo scratches and claws to survive amongst Windson’s twisted spires and equally crooked citizens. However, when his last remaining tether to sanity, his younger brother Yomi, is diagnosed with a terminal illness, despair forces Theo’s hand. Defying every voice screaming sense into his ears, he recklessly strikes a boneheaded deal with a ruthless loan shark that forces his hand into innocents’ pockets and ultimately leads to him with a noose around his neck. The trapdoor gives way. The line around his neck tauts. His eyes open, but it’s not the Reaper he greets. He finds himself face-to-face with something else. Something that can give him a second chance. Something that might just lead to that ‘happily ever after’ he so desperately craves...

People with negative approach towards the crafts. by GlitteringTarget0  •  last post Jan 15th

I've met people who blamed POC for their lack of jobs, or people telling rookie actors to give up on their dreams to become an actor just for the sake of making them give up. How could someone be like this? And is this kind of person common in the industry? Do you guys have a bad experiences with these folks?

2021 and beyond by rob2349  •  last post Jan 15th

what do u think this year of productions will look like? especially for new actors with little to no experience? LA? NYC? when will more classes and auditions be back in person? anyone in LA or NYC with in person things ? etc

Acting Notes I took in a lesson from a coach... by JungleSasquatch  •  last post Jan 15th

Utilize a "Life Rich Background" approach to acting style, character development, and auditioning. - development of the characters history and take on the persona/being of who you are creating We start with analysis of the script - Scrpit=fact  the confines of the script is what is there, however it is my job to create the character the resonates with real emotion  - that's why it is important to create the background, the life of the character is promoted through background details - character background details will encourage and help illicit authenticity  At an audition I need to be 100% prepared to do and know the homework necessary to illustrate the role - reiterate facts about the script and what casting directors are encouraging - not trying to "win" a role but rather demonstrate acting capabilities and collaborate, "you want to be their coworkers." - key note: the goal is to impress the casting team, they can potentially hold roles or have roles for you in the future  - create great rapport during the audition  BASICS  Scripts Analysis.   (We discussed and evaluated Breaking Bads, Walter White, "I am the one who knocks." Monologue) - read the script as much as you can, allow it to dissolve and saturate to better understand it "Homework terms/ Larger Concepts" Objective - what the character wants to achieve in that interaction, dialogue, event - to help promote character objective choose specific words or phrases to create energy, "it will charge up, gives authentic emotions  - Keep these phrases and charge for you, it creates power in the character development you've worked on  Super Objective - broader scope of the characters life  - create clues and facts that are not included in the script the enhance the objectives purpose - the super objectives help make a driving motive to what's happening - The movie Flight with Denzel Washington as example - Authenticity and vulnerability are desired and the goal Consider Relationships with every script, every character, every....thing - when we have detailed images of how the relationship developed, operates, dynamic growth, potentially ambiguity gives you more flexibility to be creative  - fictional resonance is suggested as it helps avoid real transference, "I might handle a situation differently than the character would." - relationships can create motive  - the reasons why we care for what is going on come from the foundations of the character, they need to be engrained  - consider the characters romantic/familial/friend relationships, the relationship they have with their career/work, internal relationship, emotional relationships, etc Remember what Coach stated, "We created all this depth from the small chunk of text we had." Scene Analysis  - physically visualize the scene, surroundings, scents, sounds, tastes, feels (5 Senses) - Coach recommends utilizing sight last as other senses help illustrate the scene, they are more of the precursors to the visualization  - aspects such as time of day, the temperature, location, are all key to help illustrate the sene  - the audition is a blank room with a camera, build the visualization skill prior to auditions in order to increase success rates - compile emotions, actors have "tactics and beats"  - practice these and better intrinsic understanding of the characters will come These are not gospel so you do not have to use them, tweak them to work for you or not, you develop as your own professional

Acrors Access by DatBoiMemes425  •  last post Jan 15th

Hi, i'm 17 and just found a breakdown on actors access in my city that would be for a indie feature film, i'm pretty new at this so don't currently have an agent or anything or professional headshots. I know i'd be great for one of the characters but would it look unprofessional and hurt my chances of an audition if I use non professional headshot images that I took myself on my profile. I do plan on getting headshots done but with covid it won't be for a bit, and I feel like i'm already missing a huge opportunity here.

Question regarding how many agents an actor can have by indigo_flamingo  •  last post Jan 15th

Hi all! I live in LA and am in a relationship with someone who lives in SF. As a result, I drive up to SF pretty regularly. Since there are a lot of “real couple” commercial auditions right now, I figured it might be nice to get another agent in SF (my current agent is in LA). I have a few meetings set up for next week, but I’m a little unsure of how the rules work... *Would I have to drop my LA agent in order to sign an agent in SF?* Technically these cities are considered different markets, but they are in the same state... Thanks in advance!

I just want everyone to know how horrified I am by Cast It Talent by CuspChaser111  •  last post Jan 15th

I get shivers down my spine when I have to upload there. My non-actor computer-dude bf is aghast at the site and said it looks like it was made in 2002 by a middle school student. And I was like, I mean, yeah. I wonder if the same person that created hamster dance created eco cast /cast it? If an actor that was tech savvy created a new interface with them they would be a God. Thanks everyone. Just wanted to get that off my chest.

Global VO survey: please participate! All are welcome by morganbkeaton  •  last post Jan 15th

Who: any voice actor, beginner to pro What: anonymous survey to gather data on the state of voice-over; looking for 1000+ responses, so please share! Why: data is power! This can help us with pricing, with showing SAG-AFTRA how much work they’ve lost, and so on (see the [current petition]( by legend Bob Bergen to make joining the union for VO easier) Where: survey at [this link]( Reposting from the Facebook group “Voiceover Universe”: Posted with Doug Turkel's blessing! And insight! Thank you, Doug. THE BIG VO SURVEY IS HERE!!!! We need you. The more data we collect, the more comprehensive the results will be. Data is the most powerful tool we have. We need data to make change. For years now, people have given their anecdotal evidence of how the voice over industry operates. You’ll see people say, “80% of the work out there is non-union!” But is that really true? How many people are making a full living in VO? How long does it typically take to go from beginner to pro? How many professionals are union vs. non-union? Does it matter if you live in LA, NY, or somewhere else? How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected how we do business? To answer these questions and more, voice actors from every part of the industry have joined together to create a survey. This is a collaborative effort, sponsored by Voice Actors of NYC, to gather the data we need to move into the future armed with knowledge. And now we need you. Everyone who is a voice actor is encouraged to take this survey. EVERYONE. Beginners and pros, union and non, English, Spanish, hobbyists, big earners… everyone. The more data we can gather the more comprehensive the results will be. The survey is 100% anonymous. We are not collecting any identifying information or IP addresses. There is no way for those giving the survey to know who you are, nor do we want to. The results of this survey as a whole will be published to benefit the voiceover community. The individual responses will not. We’re hoping to get a sample size of 500-1000 voice actors, but more would be even better. So, share, share, share! Please fill out the survey only once. And please be as honest as you can. Once again THIS SURVEY IS 100% ANONYMOUS. (A link to take this survey in Spanish is [here]( , and included on the first page of the survey itself.) Thank you all so much for being the best professional community in the world. []

Is it worth going to college for acting/theatre if I already have agents in LA and NYC? by jetcte  •  last post Jan 15th

I’m at a point where I want the traditional college experience and something to fall back on. I initially wanted to go to college for acting in NYC (and was accepted) obviously to hone my craft, but also to gain the connections needed to then gain representation from the senior showcase in the form of agents. But I now have reps on both coasts. Just two days ago I was called in to audition for a major guest star role in a popular TV series. So I’m wondering if it’s even worth going to school for acting? I’ve always yearned for the college experience of dorming and friends and eating in the college cafeteria and such. And also I wonder what’ll happen if I don’t become a successful actor, which is obviously the norm. I also have dreams of working in IT and psychology and social work. Obviously an undergrad in acting won’t really get me there.

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback by AutoModerator  •  last post Jan 14th

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.

Looking for work by CargsYT  •  last post Jan 14th

Beginner voice actor here looking for some work in some form of animation or something like that. I have a condenser microphone which produces very clear and nice sounding audio. Please contact me if you have work.