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We have found 19,377 posts across 4 actor forums:

How I Made $5000 My First Three Months Voice Acting by Ello_eff  •  last post Jan 21st

I get a lot of questions on here about what I have done to be successful after people see my [voices profile]( [I wrote an article]( that goes over the things that I find most important to being successful! Hopefully it helps you on your journey

How to get where I want to be? by Uncle___Jeezy  •  last post Jan 21st

I’m 15 and I want to be an actor and I have an audition to get in to acting classes soon. So far things are going well and I remember my verse for the audition. Although I think I may need to get a job soon to save up for things like a car and other things that I may need. Please give me some advice and also tell me what you think about my situation right now, is it good or bad? Please pray for me, God bless.

Best actor of all time by Coldplay098  •  last post Jan 21st

Hey all, I'm entering a competition and I have to write who I think the 'best actor of all time is and why' in 25 words or less. I was wondering if you guys could give me some inspiration to help me out

WHAT PLAY IS THIS by enveycat  •  last post Jan 21st

Hello! This has been bothering me for so so long, I’m trying to identify a play I saw at Colorado Thescon 2019. I hope someone knows what I’m thinking about! It was a one act with a small cast, I want to say 7 actors? The gist of it was this: - A student (I think girl?) who is incredibly intelligent is placed into a special gifted kid school. - At said school, her classmates, kids her age, are all acting incredibly childish, throwing tantrums and everything. - The teacher assigned things like coloring and other child like tasks. - The new gifted student is confused by their actions and gets upset that this can’t possibly be the right class. - The big plot turn is that it’s a school for the incredibly gifted, but not to keep pushing them, but to let them relax and act like children since they matured so fast.

I’m about to upgrade my mic to either the Neumann u87 or the Neumann TLM 103 but I need help deciding by JaySilver  •  last post Jan 21st

I’ve listened to so many comparisons on YouTube but I still just can’t decide, the u87 seems to be the highest end for voice over and basically can be the end game mic for my career, but so many professional voice actors who I am friends with choose the TLM 103. Any opinions or personal experience you’d like to share?

Online Casting Sucks. The Sites are Outdated and worse than finding a Needle in a Hackstack. Let's Improve this Process by richhoods  •  last post Jan 21st

Hello, If you're reading this then you must agree with the title. I am working on a solution to that issue and wanted some feedback from my fellow actors-in-law. What separates this online casting platform from other platforms is that we leverage AI to find positions based on your face and other factors to automatically apply you to jobs that are most relevant to you. For example, if a Casting Directors post a job they can include a face with that position. Now for the user you will not need to apply to multiple positions, our system will automatically pick out the jobs you have the best resemblance to what the casting director wants and apply to that position along with other data-points. This would solve the issue of you having to apply for hundreds of roles that the CD are not a good fit for you due to what the CD had in mine, while at the same time allowing you to apply to multiple positions you are a fit for. I wanted to get the communities input on a service like this, which imo would be an improvement to the services out there today (Backstagae, Actors Access, etc). Thank you

Free Online Acting Class by matt_scerri  •  last post Jan 20th

Hi All, I am looking to create a group/class for Actor’s looking to hone their skills and have a safe and creative place to practice their craft. Message me to find out more as well as if you’re interested!

Stage acting to screen acting by lulu123p  •  last post Jan 20th

Was anyone trained as a stage actor and decided to start screen acting? I want to expand what i can do but i've only been trained for stage so i need to learn how to act for a camera and i wouldn't even know how to get into screen acting (uk if that changes anything) Does anyone have any ideas of where to start?

Am I overthinking it? by thisismilai  •  last post Jan 20th

25F, I never had any formal education, but I have been consistently taking acting classes for past 2.5 years. However, I feel like there's still so much to learn and I don't feel like an actress and don't feel like I am ready to go out and start acting. On the other hand, I understand that to be an actress, I just need to go out and do it.

Smoking in movies/series by LordBombadil1  •  last post Jan 20th

Hi guys, I am curious, are the cigarettes in movie productions actually real ones? I mean what if the actor is a non-smoker and don't wanna smoke because of health issues? Are there fake-cigerettes for this? Best regards

Why rookies seem to disregard experiences in other field. by GlitteringTarget0  •  last post Jan 20th

I just browsed the subreddit thoroughly and I noticed a lot of aspiring actors seemed to wonder about how certain actors/actresses got their "overnight success" like Gal Gadot, Will Smith or Katherine Langford, seemingly happy to disregard the fact that most of them have OTHER TALENTS, and that they've made it BIG in their other field before getting scouted into acting. Langford walk a straight path of acting though, getting the BEST training, winning competitions (if I'm not mistaken) but a little research could show you that she's already an amazing actor-in-training before getting her big break. Smith is a successful musician and Gadot is a successful model. I mean we still live on earth, time and time again I've seen those who could bring a lot to the table win the game faster than those who didn't. Those who didn't could win the game too, but unless they're lucky, they'd win it with a slower pace. It's either you have to be really, REALLY amazing at the craft like Langford did, or you need to be amazing at something else before being amazing at acting, like Smith and Gadot and many other actors. People getting their big break without any skill whatsoever is a myth, a fairytale, honestly. People being amazing at acting without prior training just because they're a natural born talent is also a myth, you still need training to be great, albeit with less time than others. You always gotta climb the ladder first, in anything, doesn't have to be acting since it's easier to make a career switch if you're already at the top, because great people knows ANOTHER great people, even if their field has nothing to do with the other, it's because great people flocked together, and connection is a precious commodity in this industry. So for newbies thinking overnight success is a thing, start grinding. Not just your acting skills (but especially your acting skills) but ALSO your other talents. Make the most of all you can do. One way or another, the path towards success will present itself.

Looking for voice actors by slorbas  •  last post Jan 20th

Hello! I'm in the final stages of making my 3D animated pilot episode. I am looking for several people to voice the bad guys of the show. You can check out some work in progress at []( If you are interested then please comment or send dm with your showreel, availability, and rate! Looking for both males and females, so as long as you can record from home feel free to contact me so I can see your work! Thank you.

PAID ROLE - Warcraft Trailer Redesign, 1 Actress Needed by shigley_dan  •  last post Jan 20th

\---CASTING--- World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Trailer Audio **Redesign** **Voice Acting** for Video Game Trailer Animation Paying: $150 for 9 lines Needed: 1 Female, Adult ​Due Date: Feb 10th ​Warnings: PG Violence This project is a music and sound redesign project intended to boost my audio portfolio. I will be providing the voice of the male character as well as redoing the sound effects and music. I plan on doing a few of these, so even if we don’t work together this time, I will definitely keep a list of applicants in mind for future voice acting roles! ​I am only looking for someone to play the female character, Sylvanas Windrunner. She is ambitious, defiant, angry, unyielding and arrogant in this scene as she single-handedly dethrones Arthas the Lich King in her quest for dominion over the deathly Shadowlands. **Requirements** \- Preferably a decent home recording setup with little to no background noise (I'm a sound designer so I can work with some noise, but I'd love to avoid the extra work if possible) \- **Audition material** can be *either* a link to previous/similar work OR a recording of any of her 9 lines of your choosing: 1. Ice crown… a monument to our suffering… 2. ...the veil between life and death… 3. ...where a usurper sits on a frozen throne. 4. But no king rules forever. 5. You are unfit to wear this crown-! 6. \-to wield so much power! 7. This world is a prison... 8. *\*Rising Intensity Scream as she rips the helmet apart*\* 9. And I will set us all (pause) free. Please record in .wav or .aiff formats Please email submissions to []( Link to trailer: []( I look forward to hearing from you! Thanks

Can actors on Cameo voice act lines? by GeneralSkywalker501  •  last post Jan 20th

I want to see if I can get Daniel Logan (Young Boba Fett) to voice act his Boba’s Battlefront 2 lines in his voice. Are they allowed to do this? I saw Steve Downes (Master Chief) record some lines for people.

Female VA needed [Paid Job] by Redditorhea  •  last post Jan 20th

Need a female voice actor for for 30-ish words email me at []( email must include some type of demo and rates. Compensation is 10-20 USD

Looking for female Voice Actor by Hefty_Money  •  last post Jan 20th

Looking For A Professional Calming And Soothing Female Voice For Spiritual Content On YouTube Approx 555 words, And About $20 to spend

How to be a voice actor? by Superficial2  •  last post Jan 20th

I’m 17 and being a voice actor has been a bit of a dream of mine, but how would I start? Just curious for anyone who has experience with that type of thing

How to cope with being cast as something you didn't want to be? by Rose_flowerx  •  last post Jan 20th

Hello I am a uni student, I really need some advice. Recently, my class have been cast for the play "twelfth night" and I was really hoping for Olivia or Viola. Instead, I got Maria. I was so upset with this casting choice and instantly burst into tears. I felt it was really unfair. This is where I sound awful because I don't think the actors who got the parts I wanted really deserved them at all. I spoke to my lecturer about it and she said I was the only one who would bring joy to the character, make her come to life. She seemed certain in her choice, and of course I couldn't ask her to switch parts because that wouldn't be fair to someone else, and I was not coming across as a brat, I talked to her in a very calm way, without looking like a drama queen. She was very kind, but of course, i can't help but feel like she was just trying to soften the blow. I don't really know much about the character Maria, I know the professional thing to do is move on, put your heart into the character and do my best, but I'm struggling to start liking her character because of the disappointment I feel. I feel so angry and upset, so any advice would be great. I really don't want to come off as a whiny brat, or be icy with any of my peers. I really want to do my best, but I can't help the way I feel. So my question is, has anyone here played Maria? did you enjoy it? or how do you cope when your cast as someone you really didn't hope to be?

Is voice acting your first job? When is it too late? by End_me_4242564  •  last post Jan 20th

Hi, I'm a 22 years old Brazilian and currently studying Computer Science. I'm passionate about voice acting - although I have 0 experience with it - and I'd like to know if voice acting is your first job, and if it isn't, why did you pursue it? Is it worth trying? When is too late? I like my course but I'm not very at it, also I don't like to search anything about it on my free time, while I'm always looking for news about voice acting and voice actors, specially the Japanese one. The reason I don't drop my course is because it took a lot of effort from both me and my mom so I could enter in the best university of my State, but I just don't feel doing it for the rest of my life. Should I graduate ( around 2022 ) and with the money of my futute job pay for a private theater college? Or will it be too late? I've been researching some voice acting courses to have the real experience with it and see if I like doing it or just admire the people who does but because of the pandemic there aren't many voice acting classes/ courses accepting new students... Any suggestions or questions, the comments are your friends. Thanks for reading!

how should i invest my time & money wisely during 2021 and beyond?! by rob2349  •  last post Jan 20th

now that the U.S. and major markets have seen persistent lock downs and restrictions etcetc.... for the "foreseeable future" what would be the best way for a newbie early 20s actor to get a jump start into the industry? if things were normal, id invest in a conservatory (graduated college not BFA), or even consider a masters or abroad program.. but things are mainly virtual.. im in south florida and im not too sure how the market is, but some self tape places in miami are starting up again but nothing too good..... would anyone invest in an online conservatory and if so where? im mainly interested in film/tv and really really want to invest in my craft, not just buy my way in or waste money or get a quick fix either.... no one knows the future, but advice is keeping me sane right now when i feel i cant do much but online intro stuff.. i mean, what do i do!!!!