If you've turned down multiple paid gigs then what was the story of either the first or most interesting role you turned down?
I love self tapes. As someone who gets nervous during in person auditions and stresses about forgetting my lines, self tapes are where I feel like my best work gets to shine. They truly are a blessing for me. But being an LA actor, one who moved here from a small town- I miss driving to Hollywood or a studio lot looking my best and feeling like a million bucks. Driving down palm tree lined streets on a beautiful sunny California day, while listening to music that makes you feel something and going over lines. Always having that small glimmer of hope that today could be the day that everything changes. I miss the energy of commercial auditions, and the back and forth banter with a casting director that you really hit it off with. Or that celebratory special treat after an audition, when you feel like you did well. I appreciate self tapes, and the convenience of them. But I’m ready for the world to go back to normal now, because I miss the LA audition experience.
For the past 15-ish years I have had a passive interest in being an actor. I have had some experience in front of the camera since high school, 8 years ago. Mostly non-directed informative "roles". Some background on unionized sets. I have auditioned for plays, but often found I did things that I had no idea I was doing. Like shifting from side to side too often, or not projecting enough. And with no forgiveness as I would usually do when casting things myself. Not that I do many auditions, but short of my years of experience directing others, I have surprisingly, no f*cking clue how to act. I don't find it feasible to go to school for acting at this point in my life. Are there any good acting resources or help for someone in my boat? Basically I don't even know what I don't know.
How were they able to get into it and make it 'big'? Example: the actors/actresses in Bridgerton and even Emily in Paris (I'm not sure if they're 'big' in their countries, but they were mostly known for these roles which resulted in their fame).
What's the average number of auditions an actor was requested in a month? Especially in January when TV Pilot and feature films are preparing to start in the spring.
to my fellow actors who have attention disorders, in the hopes that you're out there, I'm finding that it's been getting in the way more and more lately, but specifically when it comes to my acting / prep work. When I get a scene, I am often unable to see the big picture of the scene or the role because of all the noise in my head, and when it comes time to actually work on the scene, I have so many things to consider (objective, character, relationships, atmosphere, etc) that my mind feels overwhelmed and can barely focus on anything. has anyone found anything that helps you focus when breaking down a scene? or is there anything in particular you guys have found is most useful to focus on? as always, anything is helpful! thanks!
I'm a fan translator, and the characters I usually translate are theater kids. This time, I'm really stuck on how to localize a line. Note that these are all just rough drafts, and translated more literally. >**Tomoya:** Ahaha. More often than not, he overshadows the lead despite being a supporting actor. That guy likes taking up comedic roles. *Actually, with how he grabs everyone's attention in an instant, it's more accurate to say he's a projectile (*[*飛び道具*](https://www.dorakuou.com/kaizoku2/yogo/yogo_t.html)*).* I mean, he never ceases to surprise others. > >**Shinobu:** *"Projectile"? Such as shuriken and blowguns?* > >**Tomoya:** Nah. *It's theater jargon for a character actor (*[色物](http://www.moon-light.ne.jp/termi-nology/meaning/iromono.htm)*).* Since Hibiki-senpai can pretty much do anything, there's no need for him to rely on little tricks. Since a literal translation cannot convey the same nuances a Japanese reader would understand, it has to be localized. Is there a term for a character actor that would somewhat fit in this situation? I do know of "chameleon," but it doesn't have the same "attention-grabbing" meaning "projectile" does.
I’m looking for a A or B list agency! Thank you so much.
I'm a student filmmaker looking to recruit other students at my high school who act in theatre for a talent agency. I'm looking to make a short film which would take multiple hours to shoot - should I try reaching out to the students and ask whether they'd be interested in acting in the film for no pay but a share in the prize if we win an award in a film festival? Due to financial reasons and still being a minor I don't really have money lying around to pay actors for a small film project. One part of me says that asking them to ask without pay is unrealistic as they are part of a talent agency; the other part of me says that they might be willing, since they are still high school students and might be looking for more exposure in the industry. I've also been selected in film festivals before. Reddit, what is your advice on this?
I worked really hard to even get to a point where I get auditions, and the slow drip, the inconsistency / infrequency, the stupid ass co-stars the bad writing, it all just feels like a scam. How many actors are spending their time not working a full time job (because this truly doesn’t allow you too) putting their all into these tapes... for just a few lines.... and god only knows how many tapes casting is seeing. Not only that but the writing is just atrocious, for major shows. I didn’t get into this to play racist cops for poorly written ghetto television shows that further precipitate grotesque racist tropes of both black and white people. I don’t want to tell this story. I don’t want to tell any of these dumb ass shitty stories. I’m tired of sacrificing my life for these self tapes. One of these days I’m going to write a long ass post about the actual realities of being an actor and what my experience has truly been like, the shitty people I’ve met along the way, etc etc. it’s just not what you think it is. The right people don’t get ahead and im really starting to lose respect for this entire process to be honest. Man to come this far and to genuinely conclude that this shit is not for me, unexpected conclusion I’ll tell you that
Here's the email draft so far, for a London casting director. ​ Dear X, I hope you're well. I am writing to introduce myself to you as an actor and 2020 drama school graduate. I am represented by X. I am originally from X and speak X and X bilingually, and I also have a background in dance and modeling. I'm currently based in X, London. \[Insert Photo\] I'm wondering if you're doing any Zoom generals at the moment, and if so, I'd love to meet you and have a chat! I'm a huge admirer of your work, and it would be a privilege to meet you. You can find my Spotlight and showreel by clicking here \[Insert Link\] Wishing you all the best, LoveTempests \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ​ So, is it too short? The general consensus I've seen is that you should keep it short and sweet with casting directors, however I'm worried it doesn't show personality. My heading is always "Graduate Actor, bilingual with modern look" or something along those lines. I heard that "Seeking Representation" is not eye catching enough. \[In the UK, it's customary and expected for actors to email casting directors directly to introduce yourself - I know it's different in other places but here actors do it all the time and CDs expect it, I was taught this at drama school and heard in numerous workshops with top casting directors\]
Based on various videos I've watched about voice acting, I was under the impression that mouth noises were something to be solve by the voice actor during recording, not by audio engineers. However, I often listen to live podcasts, and I never hear mouth noises. I can't imagine the podcasters simply make no mouth noises the entire time. Is this because of superior equipment? is it real-time filtering? Is there a higher standard for things like audio book narration that requires a higher quality recording? Should I simply use filters to remove my mouth noises?
Who are your favorite actors to point to or whom people bring up when they talk about actors who "made it big with no experience"? For example, people highlight that Emma Stone dropped out of high school to move to LA "without any acting classes because she was *that good*". This isn't to disparage Emma Stone, who is a talented and hard working professional - I'm just repeating notions I've heard. I'm from the same city, and I can tell you she worked with probably our most prestigious youth theatre (and they have her posters up to prove it, lol). I think she's talked about working with a coach, too, even if she hasn't had formal schooling. She also made the move with her parents' support and apparently took part in a reality TV competition - and she *still* has several smaller credits over a few years before she "made it". She wasn't "discovered", she was a teenager busting her butt to build on the luck and advantages she already had, and she did so very well. Other examples: Anna Kendrick (who had a Tony nomination at, like, twelve and still lived the "starving artist" life) and Dwayne Johnson (who had fame, consciously transitioned into acting, and made a point of studying the craft). I'm curious: what are the names you hear? What are your counterexamples?
I love seeing the tapes that book actors the role. Ruby Barker posted hers on her Instagram – nothing fancy, but such clear choices and facility with Shonda Rhimes' language. Inspiring! [https://www.instagram.com/p/CKY0koujtUz/](https://www.instagram.com/p/CKY0koujtUz/)
Hi there! I am a doctoral student at the University of Oregon trying to get in contact with people who earn some income with acting while also working a full-time job (i.e., 30+ hours a week) unrelated to acting. For my dissertation project, I want to understand the unique experiences of people who have a second source of income that has its origins in a personal passion. I am interested in understanding how this second source of income impacts emotions, attitudes, and behaviors. My study will involve completing 3 short (about 15 minutes each) surveys about three weeks apart each. Participants must also be willing to ask a co-worker at their full-time job to participate in one short study on their behalf. Co-workers do not need to know about your second job or side gig; I only say that the study is about work engagement. All questions in the co-worker survey concern your full-time job and I do not share any information about your second job with your co-worker—surveys are confidential. I reward each participant with a gift card for completing three short surveys and asking a coworker at their full-time job to complete a short survey (co-workers get a gift card, too). If you are an actor in addition to working a full-time job, I would be delighted if you can participate. Shoot me a message and I will get you registered for the study!
Hi guys, Just wanted to see if there was anyone else who thinks that Stephen Graham is one of the most underrated actors io this generation. For anyone looking for examples of his work to be introduced to him : - This is England (best work) - The irishman - Boardwalk Empire - taboo - band of brothers These are some things he has worked on, please if anyone else in the comments who is a fan has any suggestions from his work then please comment below
Anyone else have random Haters from their acting videos? I mostly post gaming content now, along with other things for promotion, but for whatever reason I've attracted haters again off an old audition tape. It reminds me of my bullies in high school who bullied me more after I was a center of attention in drama class from being a main on a dance show. I think it's envy, but it's interesting how every so often there's faceless recent users with no videos writing an insult with a few likes from others. I've learned to ignore them and report. As far as I know they'll eventually get banned which happened to one.
Hey all! Super excited to reconnect with my theatre/acting side again. Just some background info: I majored in theatre when I was in university. I got a taste of acting when I was 19 and realized that I sucked BIG TIME when I was 20.