I got the role really quickly. I auditioned once, a last-minute audition, and was told I got the role one day later. I had never had any acting experience, and I got the lead role. But I read the play, and it felt like a pity hire. The character was trans, and I was the only trans actor to audition. So, after some consideration, I've decided to drop the play. Completely. I'm done. My first ever play, with a lead role, and I dropped it. All because I was anxious and I hated the fact that I really wasn't chosen for the role but, instead, because I was trans. I'm either a fucking idiot or valid haha. But I feel better and less anxious already.
The last year and a half I was forced to live with a psychopath. A person whose only goal in life is to ruin my life. Little back story this man is my abusive "brother". He has made my life impossible to start. At age 18 I was SUPPOSE to be a radio DJ at our local college and he went out of his way to make sure I didn't THEN goes on and yells at me that if I don't become nothing by 23 he will kill me. He did go to prison for a while and that's when I got started on auditioning. And that's just one of many horrible moments. I should state I am very poor and pretty much forced to live at home with my mom. I'm also a care taker for her so I kinda can't leave, yet Fast forward to present day. I talked to my best friend and we made a voice over booth. We converted a closet into one. Its not the best but when your in it your ears get a odd feeling. Yes I have to go back home to that horrible stain of a human every few days to check up on my mom. But he's left me be since he's got back. But just to hear him laugh watching tv, or hear him talk about crazy government conspiracies is absolutely maddening. my mom told him what he did (he was a drinker, has no memory) and realized the damage he did. I will never forgive him and frankly his prison sentence should have been much long! I did some auditions on casting call club. It was a very emotional moment. I spent the last year mentoring a few other rookie voice actors. Some were able to actually get jobs. it really hurt. Of course I was happy for them but I missed the feeling of auditioning. I missed the people and looking for fun jobs. There were days where I wouldn't talk. I counted once. It was less then 20 words one day Now that I have that ability. I've been working out. I've been much happier. I'm constantly relearning my technique and technology. And yeah my first audition was very garbage but at least I CAN.
Hey there, I am working on a single character (preferably male 16 - 25 y/o) short film. I request interested actors willing to contribute for free to hit me up so that we can discuss further details. I plan to enter the film in festivals later this year.
Greetings from the Cherokee Nation Film Office! I am Preston Smith, CNFO database specialist, and we are looking to connect with Native American actors. CNFO works to increase the presence of Native Americans in every level of the film and TV industries. We have launched the first-ever all-Native directories of talent, crew, consultants, and film-friendly business and support services that are within the Cherokee Nation and/or are Native American. You can learn more about the directories [here](https://cherokee.film/cnfo-native-talent-directory/). These directories are one-stop-shop for productions looking to hire Native Americans in the industry. It is our goal to start a conversation with you to spread the word these directories exist and are open for all Native Americans to join. To register, just log onto [www.cherokee.film](http://www.cherokee.film/) and sign up under our “Directories” tab. Contact me with questions about submissions or any other information that is needed. at [preston.smith@cn-bus.com](mailto:preston.smith@cn-bus.com) Wado! (thank you)
Hello guys. I signed to an acting agency couple of weeks ago that sold me overpriced headshots ( $770 ) + other craps they make you believe you’re getting for free but in reality your paying for ( like a day acting class ). That being said. I paid an additional $175 to have 2 scenes recorded a monologue and a couple scene. Since I am paying I found very weird that I wasn’t able to pick my own scenes but that they decided this for the actors. My couple scene tho was going to highlight the other actress giving me only couple of lines to deliver: if I am paying for a product that it’s supposed to promote me and sell my talent I don’t see why I am paying to be a supporting actress? When I called and explained the situation Iv got shut down and basically got couple scene annulled if I didn’t want to do it their way. I decided I am not gonna show for the monologue as well. They make you pay everything upfront tho and sign a silly agreement that you understand you’re not gonna get refunded for pre-booked payments ( but they also tell you can’t get scheduled for a showreel session unless you pay upfront (?)... I know that I fucked myself signing but is there a way I can get my money back? Maybe because on the agreement it shows that the $175 would be for the editor to put your scenes on YouTube and stuff but if I don’t shoot the material than where the money going ? I tried to call and send emails but they are gone to ignore me. Please help
Hi there, I’m looking for a voice actress to work on my 40 second skit on my debut EP. This is a passion project and everything is home-made, so I don’t have a massive budget. I can offer very little, and 100% royalties from the skit. PM me for details if interested. Thank you.
I got an opportunity to move there. But it’s not near the big cities like salt lake. Closest big town is St George. I tried looking up agencies there, didn’t see much? Could my agency find me stuff out of state like Las Vegas? Is that a thing? I’ve only ever acted (commercial) in Columbus Ohio. They found me stuff in Cleveland but never out of state. Am I dwindling my opportunities if I move there?
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
I’m a 15 year old girl from the uk who has no experience and wants to become an actress. I have researched about becoming and actress and it says to go and find acting classes. I can’t afford acting classes at the moment. Is there any free ones?
Hey! I'm a pretty young aspiring actor (17 y/o) and I had a few smaller gigs when I was really young but then kind of fell out of acting. Any advice as to how I can get back into it? Maybe mainly advice on reels and agencies would be helpful, thanks in advance!
I’m just tired of being frustrated with this. I’m tired of doing everything in my power and still feel like I’m on the outside looking in. Constantly thinking “ok in getting close to booking something I can feel it, I’m starting to notice an increase in consistency of audtions... this has to mean something...” and then nothing. And then I bust my ass to get another rep to the equation, and then they do nothing. And we have no strategy conversations because who the fuck am I, I’m just some actor with no credits trying to get credits and nobody cares. What strategy is even possible. Just throw spaghetti against the wall and see what sticks, that’s all shitty agents can do. It’s exhausting. Every role I read for even stupid costars the person cast has a page 10+ Tv credits already... how am I ever supposed to compete or get my first credit when this is what it is? It just doesn’t make sense. It’s like if you don’t get started as a kid, literally born into it, or go to Juilliard at 19, you are just completely fucked. It seems like, as an “adult” actor, you literally just have to get extremely insanely lucky for literally every single step of the way, to have any kind of meaningful advancement or chance at a career what do ever, i have no idea how any of you people do it. Truly. I’ve gotten pins I’ve gotten call backs / tapes sent to producers, not a lot because I haven’t even had THAT many auditions over the course of years but enough to see SOME kind of validation that I don’t totally fucking suck and that I’m not totally fucking crazy for continuing to spend my time chasing this. It just is taking forever, it is not satisfying at all, how long this is taking, it doesn’t feel fair or make sense, it feels awful, it’s gutting. All I see now is people with less experience, making way less effort, that are way younger, that just get handed the keys to the castle so quickly because of money and it’s just nauseating to me. I see people say “treat it like a business!” What the fuck does that even mean? Nothing I have ever done on my own has ever equated to anything of actual value to advance my career. Not taking ridiculous overpriced casting workshops, not making stupid short films, not trying to be clever and navigating myself via business or production jobs in the industry. Nothing. Getting auditions from my agents has been the only thing that actually does anything and matters. That has been my experience. Which leaves me feeling totally powerless. I just don’t get it. For those of you unfortunate souls who have struggled as much as I have but have pushed through to the other side and succeeded... was there anything that you can look back on and recognize as a sign that you were perhaps close to booking that first costar, or that first credit that had a domino affect on either booking more stuff or just really finally establishing some sort of consistency with auditioning from that point forward? My fear is that after all this time... all these years... that I’m gonna book something and it will change absolutely nothing and it will still be sporadic inconsistent auditioning and me continuing to feel lost for years to come.... and honestly that would just be really really devastating. And just makes me feel really confused as to how any NORMAL human being actually does this.... or maybe they don't. Basically, I need to figure out a way to get in and feel in control of my career that is genuine and real. Or, just be told point blank what that is actually like, the actual reality of the situation, so that I know if I honestly truly have it in me to do this with the rest of my life. I love acting more than anything but this is so much harder than I ever possibly imagined and every time I think it's going to get "easier", it doesn't. Like, if getting a pin for a co-star and shit like that basically means nothing and makes me no closer to actually having any kind of career, and somebody could literally start acting tomorrow and surpass me.... then I can't do this anymore.
I think I'm not even average when it comes to looks, and I was wondering whether that would affect my employability. Say if I was good actor and good for a role, and there was someone else who is a good actor but doesn't fit the role as much (but good nonetheless), would he get the job as opposed to me?
So, my agent (who is great and works hard to get me great auditions) has requested talent to prep a pitch that we’d use to network outside of the agency for projects/contacts. I do know my type, etc., but having trouble finding an example of how to format this info. If someone can point me to how a general pitch looks or should sound, that would be very useful. To clarify, they want to see how we’d promote/brand ourselves outside of them - not actually craft a pitch for them. Thanks!
When actors learn new skills in order to better prepare for a role does the money for these classes come out of their own pocket? For example, learning a new language, martial arts, playing an instrument etc.
I know this is a silly question, and I’m not sure if this is the right subreddit for this question, but I’m really curious so I’m hoping someone knows the answer. When you think of a typical tv series, the characters tend to have a whole new outfit in each “day” of the episode, which includes new shoes. But as many of us know, when you wear brand new shoes, a lot of times they can be really uncomfortable and painful for a few weeks. Are actors just constantly working through that pain from the non-stop new shoes they wear in almost every scene?
Looking for an attractive and distanct urban voice to narrate a 4000 word audiobook for audible. Dm me an audio clip for extra details!
Hi, New actor looking for some formal training for acting. What are the best classes/schools for acting in Toronto that I can attend and why? Quite hard looking for a school when only really TFS shows up and schools that are out of province. I have seen a lot of positive feedback for LBStudios and Pro Labs. Any reason why they are so reputable? I don't see much reviews online outside of reddit. Thank you ! :)