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We have found 19,377 posts across 4 actor forums:

Is it Worth Getting IMDb Pro as a Rookie Actor? by nancysong74  •  last post Jan 24th

I recently did a short film in which one of the cast members decided to add their part to their IMDb credits, so there was a profile created automatically for me. Now that the casting landscape as turned to digital, actor's IMDb is inevitably going to be searched up by CD, producers, directors. So I was wondering, is it worth buying IMDb Pro to up my game? I never booked anything professional so all I can add are my student film credits. Please let me know your thoughts, thanks!

I'd like to get in touch with some UK actors. by FingersToKeyboard  •  last post Jan 24th

Hi. I'm currently planning on starting a youtube channel in order to build a video production portfolio. I want to start doing freelance work as well as potentially apply for jobs. So I need some content under my belt. It's something I've always wanted to do and I beleive in my ability to do it if I just get the ball rolling. My idea for my first project is to write a bunch of short scripts, perhaps 5 pages or so. Just short conversations between two people exploring various moments in human relationships. Conflicts between lovers, general discussions with family members, comedic exchanges between friends, people giving each other advice. Anything and everything that people might talk about. I want to focus on human interaction in all of it's forms, condensed into short 5 minute conversations. Actors of all ages, races and genders are welcome. I will be starting this project at some point in 2021. I'm based in Birmingham so the ability to travel to Birmingham would be essential. However depending on ideas and scripts I may go to other places. Of course Covid is a bit of a pain so we'll have to see how it goes. Given the brief nature of the videos I plan on making, shooting wouldn't take more than a day. I plan on having scenes already set up and lit a certain way to give a professional, cinematic feel. And I will absolutely pay you for your time. Hopefully it can be a mutually beneficial experience and add to not only my portfolio, but yours as an actor as well. I'd love to get in touch with some actors here in the UK who might be interested in being a part of this sort of thing. And even though starting this project is probably a little way off yet, it'd be nice to at least get in contact with people willing to take part so that I can contact you when I'm ready to shoot. ​ Thanks very much! Liam.

AUDITIONS for Virtual The Waitress Amateur Directed Script Read through/performance by BanjoKabooki  •  last post Jan 24th

These are trying times for us all but that shouldn’t mean no longer being able to do the things we want so terribly to take part in! I am going to be putting together a cast, complete for background vocals, characters, and the like for those who are interested in being a part of the Waitress! Due to the Pandemic, of course, this will most likely manifest as a voice over/recorded reading of the script and its songs! I will spend as long as need be screening all those who are interested in the available positions and keep a solid hold on updating a list of Currently Available/ Taken parts! Current Prerequisites are as follows: - Due to the implicit sexual/serious nature of the Piece, This is a 18+ production. - You must have a basic understanding of sheet music, how to read it, and a moderate singing ability. You don’t have to sound like Patti Lupone, so don’t stress it! - For Speaking Only Parts, Disregard the previous bullet. - Originality is a must! While it’s good to fit the dynamic of your given role, preference towards originality is best! If you naturally sound like one of the fantastic Actresses/Actors from previous popular renditions, that’s fine. - Must use a Laptop/Desktop as this will be a virtual production - For Both Singing/Speaking the parts, a decent quality Microphone **IS A MUST**. Our read throughs/recording will require a decent audio quality and need a decent quality microphone to match. This will be a slow rolling production so if you audition and get the part for your desired/other role, don’t worry! I’ll be in constant contact, just understand this production will take time! If you are interested please send me a message at the contact information listed on my profile Bio! Thank you so much for your time, and I look forward to working with all of you Current Cast Availability: O = Open. T = Taken - Jenna Hunterson = O - Cal = O - Becky = O - Dawn = O - Joe = O - Earl = O - Nurse Norma = O - Dr. Jim Pomanner = O - Mrs. Pomanner = O - Ensemble — 3 Female 3 Male = O

Is it just me, or do almost male actors in movies talk in a flat, gruff tone? by skatinislife446  •  last post Jan 24th

Unless the scene clearly calls for an outward display of a particular emotion—sadness, pleading, joy—I’ve finding that most men, especially in typically masculine roles, project their voices in often low, sometimes whispery tones and there’s minimal inflection or lilt. As an amateur male actor who thought I need to express and vary my tone more as part of my beginner training, it’s seeming like that heightened expressiveness is situational.

Actors: How long would this take? by TimPrice2  •  last post Jan 24th

Suppose I needed to book some actors for the following specific shoots. It was a video shoot, but the entire shoot would feature a single actor monologuing into the camera. The camera(s) would not move nor would the lighting. There would be nothing to adjust or slow the shoot down. There would only be one actor on the set. The pace the shoot moves at would entirely be up to them. We wouldn't even be cutting the camera between scenes, it would be our editor's job to dig through the footage and extract the usable parts (I'm the editor and my time isn't as valuable as a paid actor's time is). The entire shoot would consist of reciting 20-23 monologues, each 45-90 seconds long. They are dialogue only, the actor will be seated the entire time. The script would be provided well in advance of the shoot. The total length of all monologues would be between 15-25 minutes. How long do you think this would take? I'll need to book actors and rent location space for enough time to make sure we can get done. There would actually be several actors needed for shoots identical to this one (that's why there's a range listed for number of monologues) so if I get my estimate wrong it could cause a lot of problems. How long do you think would be appropriate?

Looking for advice on commercial reels by Mechtree  •  last post Jan 24th

So I'm a VA who has only recorded for video games and animation. It's occurred to me recently that if I want an agent, I need a commercial reel. I've listened to many different commercial reels on agency sites but every actor seems to have a reel made up of reads for big brand spots. My question is this: if you haven't done big brand work, what do you do? Read fake scripts for big brands? Read fake scripts for made-up brands? I'm not really sure what the etiquette or expectation is regarding commercial reels when it comes to agents and I don't want to send something over that could reduce my chances of being represented. Any advice would be much appreciated.

Hey everyone, if you don’t mind could you put yourselves in these shoes for a short while? by anxiousfrom94  •  last post Jan 24th

So you’re going into 2021 with the resolve that you’re finally going to follow after your long held dream of wanting to join the world of acting. You love everything acting; films, TV, acting as a vocation, the industry, changing voices, changing identity... everything! The only problem? You’re a complete acting noob!! For real this is me. I do love everything about acting and i’ve wanted to be an actor for a long time. Even before I had a comprehension of what an actor was, I just watched films and knew I wanted to be that guy! The cool or funny or evil or ugly or heroic guy on the big screen. But unfortunately the closest thing i’ve done to acting is an Oliver Twist play when I was very young. And I was painfully bad, I think even my mom may have walked out it was so bad. And thus! What instructions & advice would you give to a complete novice in order for them to get on the road to one day calling themselves a pro actor? :) thank you!!

Updated Repost: AUDITIONS for Virtual The Waitress performance/recording. by BanjoKabooki  •  last post Jan 24th

These are trying times for us all but that shouldn’t mean no longer being able to do the things we want so terribly to take part in! I am going to be putting together a cast, complete for background vocals, characters, and the like for those who are interested in being a part of the Waitress! Due to the Pandemic, of course, this will most likely manifest as a voice over/recorded reading of the script and its songs! I will spend as long as need be screening all those who are interested in the available positions and keep a solid hold on updating a list of Currently Available/ Taken parts! Current Prerequisites are as follows: - Due to the implicit sexual/serious nature of the Piece, This is a 18+ production. - You must have a basic understanding of sheet music, how to read it, and a moderate singing ability. You don’t have to sound like Patti Lupone, so don’t stress it! - For Speaking Only Parts, Disregard the previous bullet. - Originality is a must! While it’s good to fit the dynamic of your given role, preference towards originality is best! If you naturally sound like one of the fantastic Actresses/Actors from previous popular renditions, that’s fine. - Must use a Laptop/Desktop as this will be a virtual production - For Both Singing/Speaking the parts, a decent quality Microphone **IS A MUST**. Our read throughs/recording will require a decent audio quality and need a decent quality microphone to match. This will be a slow rolling production so if you audition and get the part for your desired/other role, don’t worry! I’ll be in constant contact, just understand this production will take time! If you are interested please send me a message at the contact information listed on my profile Bio! Thank you so much for your time, and I look forward to working with all of you Current Cast Availability/ Character Breakdown O = Open. T = Taken *Singing Parts* - Jenna Hunterson = O Female, 20’s-30’s. Any ethnicity. A woman stuck in her life as an unhappily married waitress in a small town. Finds some happiness and expression through her meticulous baking of pies and her friendships with her coworkers, Dawn and Becky. Lives her live paycheck-to-paycheck, day by day, and wants nothing more than to get away and start fresh, unbeknownst to her destructive husband, Earl. Must have a fantastic pop/rock voice with great range. PRINCIPAL - Becky = O Female, early 40’s-early 50’s, ANY ethnicity. The oldest of the three waitresses. Irreverent, irascible, been there, made it back, and somehow kept her forward and sometimes wicked sense of humor with excellent comedic timing. Must have a soulful pop voice with an excellent pop belt. PRINCIPAL - Dawn = O Female, 20’s, any ethnicity. She youngest of the waitresses. Thick glasses, hair parted 14 centimeters to the left — eccentric is the nice way to say she’s slightly unusual, and not so slightly OCD. She sets the tables, painstakingly insuring each salt and pepper-shaker is equidistant from the napkin holder. Must have an excellent pop/rock/folk voice. PRINCIPAL - Ogie = O Male, 30’s, any ethnicity. Strange, yet oddly lovable. Becomes slightly obsessed with Dawn (in a hilarious yet endearing way) after she goes on a 5-minute date with him. Quirky, incredibly persistent, and odd, yet kind. Should have excellent comedic timing. Must have an excellent pop/rock tenor/baritenor sound. PRINCIPAL - Cal = O Male, any ethnicity, 40’s. CAL: A chef at the diner. A “Salt of the Earth” guy’s guy surrounded by gals. Brash, impatient, unsentimental, but somehow charming. Should have a strong pop/rock voice with great comedic chops. Must have a strong contemporary baritone singing voice in the style of Sara Bareilles and have excellent comedic timing. Will also understudy the role of; - Joe = O Male, 60’s-70’s, any ethnicity. The owner of the diner where Jenna, Dawn, Becky, and Cal work. A seemingly old, curmudgeonly man who has a soft spot for Jenna (and her pie), warm at heart. A sarcastically funny and no-nonsense guy with a keen ability to read people. Very funny. PRINCIPAL. - Earl = O Male, 20’S-30’s. Caucasian. Jenna’s husband. Peaked in high school, handsome in a gruff way, but that face is clouded with broken dreams, drowned with cheap beer. Just enough narcissism mixed with stupidity, to be a potent Molotov cocktail that can explode into unexpected anger one second and then turn into a sobbing mess the next. Actors auditioning for EARL would need to come prepared with a song in the vein of Elton John or a similar contemporary singer/songwriter. Guitar playing a plus. PRINCIPAL - Dr. Jim Pomatter = O Male, 30’s-early 40’s, any ethnicity. Handsome, endearing, and neurotic. Has a warm, if clumsy, matter. Jenna’s gynecologist with whom an unexpected extramarital affair is born. Has a quirky sense of humor and a big heart, despite the fact that he’s contributing to the affair. Must have impeccable comedic timing and must move well. Should have a very strong pop/rock tenor that can navigate the musical style of Sara Bareilles with ease. PRINCIPAL. - **Ensemble** — - Females, any ethnicity, ranging from 20’s to 30’s. Must have excellent pop/rock voices in the style of Sara Bareilles. Must have excellent comedic timing and be able to play a range of characters comprising the community in which the story takes place. Must be strong movers/dancers. 4 FEMALE ENSEMBLE PLUS 2 FEMALE SWINGS - Males, any ethnicity, ranging from Mid-Late 20’s to late 40’s. Must have excellent pop/rock voices in the style of Sara Bareilles. Must have excellent comedic timing and be able to play a range of characters comprising the community in which the story takes place. Must be strong movers/dancers. 3 MALE ENSEMBLE PLUS 2 MALE SWINGS *Speaking parts* - Nurse Norma = O Female, 20’s to 30’s, any ethnicity. Nurse Norma is a nurse at the doctor’s office where Dr. Jim Pomatter works, as well as St. Joseph’s Hospital, where she supports him in delivering children. She is secretly aware of his affair with Jenna Hunterson and is a fan of the pies she brings to the office. - Francine Pomatter = O Female, Mid 30’s to early 40, any ethnicity. Wife to Dr. Pomatter and doing residency at St. Joseph’s Hospital. She is unaware of the affair between Jim and Jenna, and is only seen before Jenna’s birth.

Have you had a brush of fame? What was that like? by CuspChaser111  •  last post Jan 24th

I've learned so much from this Reddit Community, so first of all, thank you! I'm curious - we have all levels of actors on here - and I was wondering if anyone's had a brush with fame and what that felt like when you started to get noticed? Some people think it's great but I don't know...I'm pretty private. I gotten recognized on the train and at the mall a few times when the show I was on came out but that is it. (Obviously pre-Covid.) I liked it because the people were calm, chill, genuine, and it was NYC folk so I feel NYC ppl are not too insane about that kind of stuff in general.

If there is any actresses from the 19-25 age that's looking to make a quick buck give me a msg by CanucksFan22331  •  last post Jan 24th

Looking for an actress thats online I am willing to pay 25/hr, nothing sexual or illegal dm me if interested

Today I decided I will start acting and life gave me a sign? by BopBopBing16  •  last post Jan 24th

This morning I decided I will make plans to pursue a hidden dream. I go out for a walk at noon, towards the town center, while listening to Dave Chappelle. At one point in the video, he says the word "Artform". I have a habit of looking down while I am listening and walking but THE MOMENT he says that word, I look up, and to my left I see a building in black paint with the word ARTFORM painted on it in white. It was never there before today. The building was there, but not the ARTFORM sign and the fresh black and White paint. I think I am gonna be an actor. If you believe me, let me know. If I ever become famous I promise to come back to this and find you. If you don't believe me, well, how many people didn't believe YOU could become an actor? ;)

Any actors in London wanna chat? by feelslikeyou  •  last post Jan 24th

Hope this isn't inappropriate. I'm planning to move there as soon as possible and / or sensible after lockdown and it would be nice to know some fellow actors before I do! Like: Podcasts, meisner technique, music, inclusivity, comedy If that sounds cool, my chat is open! Thanks!

Figuring out my "actor type" or "brand" by BuhawiJax  •  last post Jan 23rd

HI! Im figuring out my actor type, and I've set up a tool I learned from a book called "Self-Management for Actors". It's just a short 5 minute survey. It's anonymous, and all answers are appreciated! Here's the link:[\_1a-HfMKWC30ARHzM40stt0xcvM1ceovkLvjaNgO6s/edit]( Thanks everyone!

Have a meeting with a talent manager... what should I expect? by EntertainerBusy3132  •  last post Jan 23rd

Hey all! I recently participated in an open call, and was lucky enough to be contacted by a reputable Los Angeles Talent Manager who set up a meeting with me! I'm curious if there is anything specific I should expect other than us getting to know one another, and me asking her a few questions... should I expect to perform? I have experience with agency meetings in the smaller market that I'm a part of, but am not sure how greatly agency meetings differ from management meetings. I'd love to hear from working actors who could give me some perspective! Thanks so much.

New VA Looking for Experience by Bungalowbear  •  last post Jan 23rd

Hey guys, just posting to say that if anyone needs a voice actress, you can PM me! I am new so I don’t have a demo, unfortunately, but I have a few auditions that I could send to anyone who needs it! I can do voices ranging from Barbie to Catwoman; I have a pretty good voice range. If you need a certain type of voice just let me know and I will be willing to do the best I can! I can also do a good British accent and Southern. I’m working on my Australian and Brooklyn accents, so with a little practice those will be more I can do. I am looking for any experience I can, whether it be for films, audiobooks, or video games! I am open to all VA and VO work. I am also a singer, if you need that for anything. My vocal range is soprano for my high range and pretty low alto for my low range. Please PM me if you need my voice for anything!

The appointment by Itsjneo  •  last post Jan 23rd

[the appointment]( Dear all, I’m a amateur student actor and filmmaker have first time experience in making my own film. The film below is called the appoinment which shows a patient and a therapist. However there is more than meets the eyes to the doctor. Please comment on what’s great and improvements could be made for this film. Bless yall

Conspiracy Thriller Short Film Auditions by derekwiththehair  •  last post Jan 23rd

Hi, I am the director of a short film born of a Reddit post last year. We came together after meeting on Reddit and wrote a screeplay for a short film. Now, we are preparing to move into production and are looking for interested actors who would like to audition. For more information, please email me at On behalf of the Let's Make a Film team. *This is a non-profit film.

The dream of becoming a Childhood Actor by MichaelVerce  •  last post Jan 23rd

I’m 15 I live in the EU. My parents are Vietnamese. My dream have always been to be come an childhood actor in an American movie, but there’s 3 problems. 1. I don’t live in the US, and my English is only okay. 2. There’s barely a demand for Asian roles, let alone me being from Vietnam. 3. I don’t where or how I’m gonna get started. I do have some acting experience, from participation in school theaters. But that’s about it. I wish to pursue the career of being a childhood actor, but I’m pretty certain that I should just forget about it. I would like some advice.

Acting Classes - Abusive Teachers and Casting Directors by Citygal123  •  last post Jan 23rd

I've been in and around the acting community for the past 12 years. During lockdown I've been reflecting on some of my actor training and classes. I've had some amazing, encouraging teachers and have dealt with some lovely casting directors but I've come across real bullies aswell who abuse the power they have. I've had a teacher roll up a newspaper and start whacking me violently with it to get a performance out of me, I've had teachers humiliate me in front of other students. I've had a casting director scream at me in an audition room saying how horrific I am and if only I could see how horrific my audition is. I've had an old agent say to me it's 'fxxin ridiculous that people say to you, you have a career in this industry'. I've been on the receiving of so much of this type of behaviour. I used to think that in order to be a successful actor you had to be 'tested' in order to survive and to develop a thick skin. Pre covid I had an actor friend crying her eyes out at the treatment she and her classmates received at a casting director workshop. I've heard of some classes where people have come out suicidal from the humiliation they received. I've also witnessed another friend of mine having a panic attack after coming out of meisner class. I wish I could go back and tell my younger self that this behaviour is not ok and to step away from those abusive people and classes but it is so difficult when you're trying to pursue your acting dreams. What are other people's experiences with abusive acting teachers/casting directors/agents?