Hello everyone! I posted on this subreddit a few months ago (I don't remember exactly when, as the post has since been removed) with a title similar to "Let's make a movie!". In short, the post called all actors and filmmakers to join together and collaboratively make a film from the comforts of our own home, without ever having to meet face to face. The original idea revolved around the project being filmed entirely via Zoom (as this was the beginning of the pandemic and Zoom had blown up overnight), but it didn't end up being very practical. Anyway, long story short: we created a Discord server (with 72 members so far), **and we were extremely lucky to have found the most talented team of writers for our script. This whole project is their creation and all credit goes to them. After only a few months, the writing team came up with an amazing script without ever meeting in person or knowing each other beforehand.** The writers have told me they are ready for auditions, so here is the call sheet for this short film! Everyone is welcome to audition. Please read everything and let me know if you have any questions: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/193\_D2UhM3GGosMPUdHmKbXaO2XuJm3FEHJRaMPo-\_94/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/193_D2UhM3GGosMPUdHmKbXaO2XuJm3FEHJRaMPo-_94/edit) I am also leaving a link to our Discord server for anyone who wants to join: [https://discord.gg/TDYrGuda](https://discord.gg/TDYrGuda)
When people say he stays in character that must just mean he stays in costume and the accent no? From an actors perspective I can understand that. But there’s no way he acts like an asshole to everyone. From a non actor’s perspective it would seem very mythical and difficult which I suppose he uses to his advantage.
So after a lot of thinking, many deep conversations with other actor friends, and several Pros/Cons lists, I've decided that I would like to leave my current manager. I'm feeling confident in this decision, but what I'm stuck on is this: should I leave my current manager before I start seeking new reps? I've heard MANY conflicting opinions. Some say leave now so that the new reps I reach out to don't see that I still have reps, potentially branding me as "disloyal;" or, worse, reach out to my current reps, thus accidentally informing them of my decision to leave, creating an incredibly awkward situation. I've also heard that I should stay while I search; that way, your stock is slightly higher since you've already got reps. Another pro I've heard from this end is that my current reps can continue to submit while I'm searching for new one. I know each and every situation is probably different, but I'd really appreciate hearing from folks who have experienced this!
Looking to film reference for an animation assignment. Only around 20 seconds. The character is a Native American. See concept, pose study, and render here: [https://syncsketch.com/sketch/ccc6b6c366ef/#/3386422/4047446](https://syncsketch.com/sketch/ccc6b6c366ef/#/3386422/4047446) Will pay you 20$ if I use your reference. Message me if you have any questions
We are the parents of 2 child actors and have decided to make the move to LA. We need at least 3 bedrooms and a yard for small dogs. Looking mostly at areas that are safe and convenient for auditions. Budget is up to 6k a month. Looking to rent for the time being but would like to find a rental in an area that would also be a good place to buy later. Schools are important. Where should we focus our search?
I can’t believe she has the same award as James Gandolfini, Viola Davis, or Brian Cranston to name a few. Her acting makes me cringe so much. Part of it reminds me of the melodramatic Latino soap operas I grew up with and has remnants of Disney melodrama. She just needs to tone it down and master subtle nuances maybe? Oh my lord and then her Oscar campaign for Malcolm and Marie. I wouldn’t be surprised if she got it. I mean, the Oscars get it wrong too — Jennifer Lawrence over Emmanuelle Riva, Faye Dunaway over Liv Ullmann for the year of 1974. Ullmann is brilliant, fuck. This is even more personal opinion: I also have some of the same mental illnesses she has in Euphoria, and as much as people say the show is realistic, I don’t see it. I saw some people who abuse drugs tweet about how cringy and unrealistic her scenes were. Esp the one where she’s banging on her friends door. Although I’m aware the creator of the show (he didn’t really create it he just remade the Israeli version and hires consultants to write the poc culture parts) claims to have had problems with drugs.
Hey all I don’t want to do commercials. It doesn’t interest me in the slightest. But I’m not sure I could get into acting without them. Beggars can’t be choosers, yk? I live around Tampa, FL, which is mostly commercial work, or so I’ve heard. Right now I have no credits, just taking classes. I’m completely willing to do all kinds of things when I start auditioning; unpaid stuff, making my own content, theatre. Just not commercials. I would do them if they were the only auditions I’d be getting, but if I can avoid it I will. Is this possible or must I accept my fate? It’s worth mentioning I am a minor and would like to move to Atlanta when possible, plus I really want to go to drama school.
I'm just looking to hear some real stories and experiences. I'd like to move to LA when I graduate high school, but my area doesn't have any opportunities to help my resume. That being said, should I move there, I'd really be starting fresh. Jobs, rent, location, logistics, agents, etc. The Internet can only help so much. What's your story?
Hi guys, im making my first movie in July this year and i have to prepare myself since im also acting in my movie. I need to prepare myself and my crew to act. We have about 5 months to train and prepare ourselves. How can we do this? I also wanted to ask what is it that every actor has in common and must know. Thank you very much!
Hi, I'm a 16 year old looking for a way to Kickstart my acting career, any tips, heads ups, and websites I could use to find local auditions? Also maybe some people I could turn to, to improve my acting?
When an audition notice calls for a “slender” or “athletic” or anything that doesn’t not include larger bodied people, do you still submit for it? Do you take that into consideration when auditioning for roles?
Hi, friends! I'm a fellow actor and all-around theatre dork who's especially got a thing for accents. So recently, I decided to try and make a career out of it! Below is a lil' TikTok I made promoting my services. I coach these accents and more! If you're bored in quarantine and wanna pick up a new skill, consider emailing me to book a session. I hope all of your 2021's are starting off well (as one can be right now)! <3 [https://youtu.be/p1ey-sSy7GY](https://youtu.be/p1ey-sSy7GY) ​ (Also- I'm new to Reddit in general, so if this isn't the place to self-promote, feel free to let me know and I'll delete!)
I’ve got to do a songologue for an audition coming up. If you don’t know what that is, it’s where I pick a song and simply say the lyrics as though I’m delivering a monologue without tune or rhythm from the song itself. I’ve got to pick a song and deliver it in character from the role I’m auditioning for. The role in question a very smart history teacher who wants to become a playwright and this project is his first chance ever to have professional actors use the words he’s written in their play. It’s a very funny show, and the exercise is meant to be funny and silly, but I have absolutely NO idea what song to use. Can somebody help me?
Notes Summary from Coaching Session with Don Phillip Smith 1/5/2021 Info on the industry: There will be a production hiatus during the month of January in LA (unknown whether NY will be affected) Persons looking for agents and managers, there is directories in various networking sites including (Actors Access, Backstage, and Casting Networks) *check out Actors Access (also known as Breakdown) for an "agent / manager guide" whether you have an agent or not, continue to submit for projects and roles If you are curious about the validity and efficacy of an agent, utilize IMDB-Pro we briefly held an open dialogue about self-tape demos Script/Scene Analysis: The FYI parts written in scripts are critical, they are intentionally placed in order to assist in painting the picture of what will be seen, know the history, experience your characters endeavors, emotions, and intent The Breakdown in the script for each character is critical as well, it illustrates an initial snapshot of the character Invest in our leads, especially in a horror script, we need to care about the leads or else we are not going to care what takes place Have your "moment before" the scene, illicit the character you have helped create with the background information not mentioned in the script (gives texture to a person we barely know) Again this is not gosel, make your own decisions that complement your style, that promote your unique skills, and that make you happy. Be genuine and live in the moment. Thank you! Feel free to follow more on IG: Witchdoctorsavage
My podcast [‘Actors With Issues’](http://linktr.ee/actorswithissues) is featuring Broadway performers Stephanie Jae Park (Hamilton, Cinderella), Pierre Marais (Disney’s Aladdin) and Nina LaFarga (Disney’s Frozen, In The Heights) and we’d love to include questions from young actors, Broadway fans and our listeners! Leave them in the comments below or DM them to us on Instagram @actorswithissues ! Thanks!
Hello! Anyone here have any thought practices/habits that help them keep a positive attitude between an audition and when you hear back about a callback or casting? I tend to fall into doomsday thinking/anticipating the worst while I wait and it is not a sustainable habit given the amount of auditions it takes to be an actor.
Only lets me choose 6 options, would’ve liked to see another option for “theater and commercial” [View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/kzwy67)
I got an EcoCast but no Sides were attached and no audition instructions were listed. Just said they're looking for someone available on ___ dates. What do I do? There's no way to respond directly (on Actors Access). Should I post a random file and write in the submission notes?
In case you are afraid to drop your old rep - I just want you to know good rep changes everything. I've talked to friends in casting and even friends that are actors themselves that have had to cast something (ex. films they had get into sundance) and they were like, "I hate to say it, especially as an actor, but the UTA and CAA's and WM's get to the top of the pile to get seen bc they are top of competition." It sucked hearing that BUT it also inspired me to leave my old rep. I was writing my own projects, getting into contests, and booking parts on my own through friendships/getting seen in class, and I felt they weren't holding up part of their bargain. One of the guys I was on a show with (SERIES REGULAR) told me his agents never sent him out for that role - HE sent HIMSELF out. And he is a certain ethnicity and the showrunner told him, "The agents and Mgrs had told us they had sent us everyone in your ethnicity and age range. And we saw the tape you sent in yourself and was like why haven't we seen this guy yet?!!!" I'm soooo fucking glad I left my old manager and old rep. Even in 2019/2020. They fucking sucked ass. So glad I got my new rep and they are working so much harder for me. So many more rooms. So many more holds. So many more callbacks. So many better CDs to see me. If your gut tells you to leave, leave. So much of the time they want us to feel like "the spoiled whiny actor: - NOPE. If they suck leave. It doesn't have to be the Ivy Leagues of Acting, but have the faith in yourself to leave. It's your fucking career.
By professional, I mean either: making all of their income from acting, or enough to greatly supplement it. If you fall into those categories: I have a question for you! How often do you work? How many auditions/bookings do you get on the average year? What kind of work?