Hello there, I am 29 years old and still a beginner, getting somewhat close to intermediate. I have taken 2.5 acting classes and did a few months of extra work full time. I have never acted on camera or on stage, well other than for my band's music videos. I never took acting in high school or college. I have directed a short film. If I had all the money in the world, next fall I would join a 1 year intensive program and make that my life. Unfortunately that's not something I can afford to do. So I'm trying to see what the next best option is. I have blind spots in my self awareness and kinesthetic awareness so I know it's going to be a lot of labor to get me where I need to go. And I'm not confident in my speaking voice. My thoughts now are that I take a weekly acting class, and just start auditioning for little films, student films, unpaid stuff. Maybe between those two my brain will begin to understand the process. Another thing I've noticed in a couple acting classes is a lot of my peers are actually very good and already trained. Already had a theater degree. So I felt a little out of place. I needed to just sink a lot of hours into practice, while they had already done that and they were more about working on abstract skills. I need to be doing a ton of scenes. **TL;DR: What can a working not wealthy person do to really get a lot of experience to become a professional actor?**
After almost 4 years working as an actor in South Florida, I finally got an agent in Los Angeles. I can't wait to see what new opportunities lie ahead. So if there are any new auditions in Los Angeles, please contact my agent Laura Lichen [https://lauralichenmanagement.com/](https://lauralichenmanagement.com/) |||| |:-|:-|:-| |||| ​ https://preview.redd.it/kx6ummmtqt261.jpg?width=1565&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66981b98d775cab26e3113eff26f5f040c607b3b
I’ve seen many actors like Saoirse Ronan, Florence Pugh, Jodie comer, Anya Taylor, etc. who repeatedly keep saying they never had any formal training and actor on their instincts? What does that even mean? Are they just talented enough to be natural actors or they learn acting on the job? What is their process how do they get their emotions out? How do they figure out the character?
I've been considering it and I'm willing to put in countless hours into mending my craft! I'd appreciate it if you'd give me a rough explanation on how hard or simple it is, before I do something irrational!! I'm 18 and looking to this as a job
I want to be an actor. I really do. The craft of acting fascinates me so much. Watching good acting makes me tear up. Doesn't matter if it's grief the actor is showing, or joy. I love it all. What I want to talk about here is my problems with facing a camera. I have as they call it, camera shyness. Mainly because I'm not really photogenic. That has affected me a lot. And now I get scared of being infront of the camera. How do I remove this fear and start expressing my self better? I am very much a beginner. I've never acted infront of anyone. I've kept it to myself. But I want to open up. Help out.
By “successful actors” I mean actors making their livings from acting, and well-knowns.
what are good markets right now for new actors starting out? female, 22, currently in south florida area... is ATL doing much these days? where is production more freq w covid? NYC? LA? CHI? looking to relocate anywhere but dont wanna waste $ bc im living at home still
I'm looking into getting a Masterclass subscription and will of course take the acting classes. I then had the idea of doing a directors class like Scorsese. Would that be a good idea for an aspiring actor to learn more of the directors point of view and understand them a lot more? Or would I just be wasting my time? Let me know!
Hi. I am wondering if anyone had experience with 321 acting studios? They have an overall good rating and it seems like they get good results for young actors but idk I haven’t seen any blogs or reddit posts about them. Additionally, does anyone know any good online acting lessons? I have masterclass and am taking those but I want to do some deeper work with a class. Thanks.
Hey guys, I was wondering if there were any actors on here that were under 20 and wanted feedback for their acting by a small group? It would basically be getting in a discord call once a week and we all do a 2 minute monologue and receive comments and ways to improve by peers. I want to do this for the many people who want to take acting classes but don't have the funds to do so. Reply that you're interested in the comments and I'll send you all an invite link tomorrow!
Hi all, first time poster here! I have a question about about the acting markets in ABQ vs ATL. I currently live in Georgia about 2 hours from ATL and was planning to move in several months but now that I have started looking for places to live in and around the city, I am realizing how much I dislike it. No offense to anyone who loves Atlanta, it's a cool place, just not for me. Anyway, it got me thinking of alternatives and I have heard that New Mexico is a good place to be right now (and having spent plenty of time in the state, I know I would love it). I have seen several posts on reddit and articles on Backstage etc. that make the ATL and ABQ markets sound comparable, so what I am wondering is, is that true? I periodically check the Rockies regional postings on Actors Access and it seems like there is way less stuff going on in NM right now, but maybe I am looking in the wrong place? Any and all advice would be so appreciated! I don't hate Atlanta so much that I wouldn't live there, but if there is a viable alternative in the Land of Enchantment then I would like to at least consider it! Thank you so much for your help! A little background on me: 30 yo female (I look significantly younger if that is relevant) who started taking classes 4 months ago. Been sending in a lot of self tapes but so far only booked a handful of student films. No agent yet.
Ok, i will cut straight to the point. I am an Indian residing in Bangalore and during this lockdown i have developed an interest in acting. I think i have some skills to be an actor as i keep mimicking and imitating characters from my favourite movies. I have also played the role of the main character in some of my school plays, and have received positive feedback for the same. I joined this Sub about a month ago and from a few posts, learnt that i need to start giving auditions to kick off my acting career. The thing is, i dunno where to find auditions around me. If there are any Indians in this sub, i would really like some help from you. Secondly, i find that while rehearsing for a play, during serious scenes i tend to smile conspicuously, and this ruins the emotion at the moment. I can't seem to fix this and during the final play, i barely stop myself from smiling and ruining the play. So yeah, i would really love some pointers on how to fix this and also some general tips on portraying my emotions better. Thank you in advance
Hello Actors,
Hey everyone! I have something I need help with. Bit of background on me, Im an amateur voice actor. I started a couple months ago with no prior experience in acting at all. As time went on I improved and became fairly decent for an amateur. A local agent has displayed interest for me and wants to have an interview. Since Ive never done this before and dont really know what to expect, what advice can you all offer me? Like what should I say or not say, what to wear (its online), etc. Thanks :)
Hi everyone, hope you're having a good day:3 I was planning to post a series of mine on r/nosleep and I wanted to add an audio recording in the last part BUT , here's the catch, I personally am the worst poss candidate for voice acting something. My first thought was to ask a friend but none of them fit the role. My second thought was to ask here (and paying ofc) for someone to do it. The problem is: I'm not sure on how to correctly give the credits to the one I will pay to do the recording. You see, one of the rules of r/nosleep is to treat every story like it was real and adding the credit for the voice actor would kinda ruin the immersion but I would absolutely be against not crediting the actor for their work. Any ideas?:/
Hey y'all! I'm a ghost writer and a stand-up comedian (5 years), in these times I've lost the ability to work material out on stage. Which has lead me to write a comedy podcast. SO I NEED VOICE ACTORS! I have commercials about tactical dildos and guard cats. Or fake news like: Jesus and Satan are the leaders of: the Gay New World. If you want to read a script lmk, if you vibe well with a script- (I can write for a lot of characters) I can pay up to $75 a month for 30sec to 5min of voice work. I'm new to this so I apologize if the offer is insulting. I just want to support and grow with fellow artists. Hope to hear from you soon!
My studio is working on a game project that will have extensive voiceover work. We are in the early stages of planning our approach to the voiceover, and one thing that has come up is if we should do ensemble or individual recording. Our cast is mainly 2 characters, so ensemble would be feasible from a logistics perspective. I also feel like it would be reasonable to assume we'd get better and more natural performances with the actors being able to play off each other in ensemble. However, I also suspect that ensemble is going to be pushing it in terms of budget. At best, it won't leave any breathing room, which could make things difficult for an indie project. Are these assumptions accurate? If so, is ensemble that much better that it is worth nearly doubling the budget for (though, maybe I'm overlooking something in my estimates)? Anyone have any thoughts or experience on this front?
Hey All! Myself and some actor friends are all in SAG, and we came up with an idea for a short film and are eager to shoot it. Is it worth it/necessary to go through all of the SAG paperwork? My friends are all on board with just hiring a crew and shooting it non-union style, but since I'm a newer SAG member and haven't done something like this before I wanted to be sure it was safe to do so.