I was watching a bit of the movie Scooby-Doo yesterday, and I chuckled at the thought of these actors being in a really strict environment between takes, but I also know they're still highly trained actors with a huge budget at stake. So, what are the differences & similarities between shooting a serious movie and shooting a silly one? Are there OCD Christian Bale rants on the set of Paul Blart: Mall Cop?
why is it okay for actors to kiss each other, on screen? ​ I mean, if you're married with wife and kids, you wouldn't go and start kissing random girls on the street, so why is it okay for people to kiss on screen? I get its a character but its still YOU, playing that character. Its still YOUR mouth kissing another person's mouth. smh.
Hi Everyone- I need two actors tomorrow to read an original script I wrote for "Top Gun"- Goose and Iceman. The script read on zoom is Friday October 30th at 7:30 p.m. East Coast time. Thank you very much. Sincerely- Ed Skirtich
Hey, I’m 30 and thinking of getting my MFA at either Columbia or NYU. Is it worth it? I do NOT want to teach but I am also a writing and filmmaker, in addition to be an actor. I do have acting training but not from such a reputable institution like NYU or Columbia. I’m having trouble deciding between dramatic writing, film and acting. Which is most useful? Is an MFA mostly for the connections anyway? Does it matter? Is it a waste of money? Is it stupid to go back to school during COVID? Help!
Hey All, I did an agent panel on Saturday and met with one of the agents on Monday where they offered to represent me for commercial+theatrical but didn't formally sign me (had me add representation to my Actors Access and LA Casting, sign a check authorization form). Does anyone have insight on what I should I expect in regards to the following: auditions - how many / how often frequency of contact - should we be talking daily/weekly/monthly being formally signed - realistic timeframe Thanks!
As I was thinking about revamping my headshots, I was looking through the myriad of headshots available online and on photographer's portfolios. And there are no actresses with straight hair. Generally, the hair tends to be styled in a flowy, wavy style that looks absolutely gorgeous. But there is no way that I can do my flat, limp hair like that for every single audition. But... is that what most actresses do? Are there no actresses that just have more "realistic" hair?
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
Toronto actor here, I’m from Vancouver originally, moved down to Toronto because I wanted to try out acting here. My goal was to get some reel footages and experiences, do the acting grind here. I actually have been having some luck here, and I like the classes and studios I study at here. The networking seemed pretty good too. However, I seemed to have picked a bad year to start really auditioning and submitting for agents. A lot of the projects I booked were in limbo, and the agents aren’t very responsive to taking on new clients. I get it that a part of it is the environment, and another part is me. I’m gonna whine here, and say there are definitely agents telling me there’s already another Asian on their roster... Long story short, I’ve been thinking about submitting again to agencies in Vancouver, and as I had done so back in May since I was home through first half of the year when everything was very uncertain, I’ve gotten more responses and feedbacks from there too. I’ve established some good conversations, but I had to come back to Toronto for work (my main gig), and was told to keep in touch by a couple of them. It seems anecdotally, from friends in the Vancouver film industry, Vancouver is doing better with covid and film productions coming back. I’m just wondering if it’s reasonable for me to make a plan to move back Vancouver soon and do the acting grind there instead of Toronto... It could also be covid is making me a bit home sick... I feel like I fit in with the lifestyle there
So I was listening to "Threedom" with Paul F Tompkins and he related that he had a guest star role here in Los Angeles where things seemed pretty well handled (minus the holding room for actors which seemed like a poor idea) however a day or two in the whole set was shut down for the day as a camera person tested positive. Has anyone else heard this happening anecdotally? I only have one friend on a show right now, so I'm not getting much info otherwise.
Hey, Stage-32-ers!
Hi all! Would love some help on this. My brother is 14 and caught the acting bug about a year ago. I'm an actor too and he came to me asking for advice etc. Fast forward a bit and he had joined an acting group in his local area, having the time of his life. Unfortunately due to the pandemic all classes are off and he has reached out to me to see if there's anything else he could do. I have promised to try and help and am looking for any suitable online resources, just to keep him engaged and passionate with acting. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
Hi! I got hired for a scene and initially I was hired as a principal actor but just got my updated script and I have less lines. I’m not too sure what they mean by “more/less than 5 lines”. Are they able to change my role from principal to actor? Is below considered 2 lines... SAM It’s a great day today. I’m going to the park with my dog! I’ll probably go in an hour. OR Is this considered 2 lines... SAM It’s a great day today. I’m going to the park with my dog! AMANDA Really? That sounds fun!! SAM I know right? I hope you liked my short script lol also I’m writing on mobile so if you’re on desktop the first part may show up as one line!!!
Hi, I’m looking to hire an actor for an audiobook I’m doing. The agent is asking if this will be a SAG production. I have the budget to cover the SAG minimum but wondering from a production point of view If I need to do anything like fill out forms, pay anything else (health insurance contribution) to be SAG or does it just mean that I’m SAG if I can cover that minimum fee? Thanks