Hello!. I have a quick question, so I just got a work permit fee from Actra on a recent set I’ve been on and I was wondering if I’m supposed to pay it or not since I’m a non-union actor. Or is that a permit for joining the Actra apprentice program since that’s what I got it with?
Hi there! I am a doctoral student working and I'm trying to get in contact with voice actors who also work a different full-time job (i.e. 30+ hours a week). We—a group of researchers at the University of Oregon—want to understand the unique experiences of people who have multiple and possibly very different work arrangements. We are interested in understanding the characteristics of these jobs and their impact on emotions, attitudes, and behaviors. The study will involve completing 3 short (about 15 minutes each) surveys about three weeks apart each. Our participants must also be willing to ask a coworker at their primary job to participate in one short study on their behalf. We reward each participant with an Amazon or Starbucks gift card for completing three short surveys and asking a coworker at one of your jobs to complete a short survey. If you do voice acting on the side of a full-time job, we would be delighted to have you participate. Shoot me a direct message and I will get you registered for the study. ​ PS: I posted here in this subreddit before about a similar study. Thanks everyone who signed up! I just want to point out that this here is a different study with questions about different emotional experiences and a "harder" eligibility criterion of having that 30+ hours full-time job.
I am 22 year old black woman with cerebral palsy that affects my whole body my upper half is pretty good better than my lower half. But I cannot do much for myself it has often been a joke amongst my family if I could do nothing else I can talk. Since a break up and a realization of sexuality. I haven't wanted to focus on romantic Endeavors and I've been looking for a jobs. I found some things I could possibly do that I would like to make a career for myself. There are multiple things that Scott me from getting jobs I am not a fast typist despite the fact that I cannot write either. I often use speech to text to such a degree I punctuate my sentences when talking to people. I have reading comprehension issues that I most often call dyslexia because me describing it in full would be a little bit harder even though I'm not diagnosed. To put it simply I can see words sometimes but I won't know what they mean unless I really focus. It takes me twice as long to read most things. So that leaves me out for most reading jobs even though I love reading. I also wonder if my comprehension issue would it hurt my chances of getting a job like this. But I love talking and I love people complimenting my voice even though I have lung damage so my voice is breathy and soft. I do not think that this is an easy career by any means I know that it requires a lot of equipment and I would like some sort of code so I can do accents or something like that. I honestly want to know if there's some sort of teaching website where I could get free coaching or set up some sort of payment plan to wear when I get work I can pay off all the stuff I have racked up learning and getting trained. If anyone can give me any insight on if I should be a voice actor with my shortcomings and if there is any website like I have mentioned. It is willing to charge me after I get a job to pay off training.
When I was sorting my thoughts for this week's update, I realized that I should have apologized earlies for the lack of acting notes I had included in my previous weekly updates. As you noted, I was really diarizing what the Company was doing nd how we were getting closer to performance - including my part of it all. However, this week was different, so you now you can parse my preparations as I concentrate on me! Outside of a few re-blocking days and the addition of the live Violinist into the play, the full costume half-day for pictures, and the re-choreographing of the Minuet scene, we ran he play three times this week. Important, because this will be the last time we do this until the Dress rehearsal. From now on it's all tech as the set grows, lights and sound are added, full music cues 'as they will be heard' and the actors will both be off book. Now I know what Vivaldi will look and move like and can add the memories he has that makes up his 'world view'. Basically, he's exhausted. He's 60 years old and has worked hard his entire life to support himself, his family and his Church. Do some research on the guy's life and he was incredibly prolific. Nowadays, he is famous only for one piece of music like a rock act that put out an album every year but is still known only for his 'one big hit'. He only earns money now by being paid by rich people to stay a t their houses for a few weeks, write music for them and be a party guest and entertainer, playing his greatest hits and to be shown off as a 'friend' to the hosts. However, he needs them to give them money. I try to ensure that the story enfolds 'as it happens', so his ideas and reactions are based on where he came from - poor, struggling and a heavily religious 'world view'. He was a Catholic Priest in his younger days and, of course, 18th Century Italy was a much more Catholic society than anywhere else is, now. His major concerns are: What was all the struggle for? Why has God made him like this, only for him to die, probably penniless and completely forgotten. He isn't ill, but he's tired. He still moves quickly, plays violin exactly as he always had (THAT is mentioned) and travels widely but not in luxury. He still has something to say, but no-one is listening. Pick an obituary you see online about a famous person from your youth that has died suddenly and where your thoughts immediately go back to: How their movies or music affected you then, not now: "I didn't realize he was still alive !' While there are lots of smaller points concerning life, love, sex, passion and personal freedom to handle, but they all echo back to his thoughts and ideas, his youth, an investigation of what 'A life of Art' actually means, and what it's value is. I'll catch everyone up before performance week on how it's all coming together, but if anyone is interested in the show (it's only 80 minutes long), here's the details on how you can watch it either on stage in Vancouver or via broadcast online. Thanks for your attention, everyone. I can only hope that everyone here gets a chance this exciting to act before long. [http://unitedplayers.com/watch-online/](http://unitedplayers.com/watch-online/)
My agent (I’m with a modeling agency) emailed me asking if I was free this week for a speaking role for an industrial. I told her I would check it out and see if I’m interested. After checking out the script, I wasn’t too interested as it seemed like it for one of those new hire office videos for employees. I told her I wasn’t interested and she gave me this response: “Are you saying you only want to do episodics and film? That is not the lions share of what we do. If we are going to rep you as an actor we expect you to take all available work. Not pick and choose, unless its something that you morally can’t do “ Was this a correct response from her? Am I in the wrong? I would only prefer to do SAG projects. Thank you all
Dear actors of reddit, I am an 18 year old student living in Romania. It's my last year of high school and very, very soon I need to make a big decision, and I want to do it as right as I can. Before starting I wish to express the gravity of my feelings and emotions towards acting and pursuing it as a job: Ever since I was a kid I always looked at children series on the TV or at movies and said to myself "I want to do that", and weirdly, I could imagine myself so clearly being there, acting with them. In fact, I still do. I literally can't see myself doing anything else happily, I can't see myself truly ''living'' through any other profession. I've always acted in front of the mirror, sometimes jokingly sometimes actually testing out my skills and natural talent toward acting, other times with my friends, who, sadly, weren't interested in joining my games :( . I can say, with 100% certainty, that this is what I want to pursue and that I am willing to give EVERYTHING in my power to fulfill my dream. Do I have some sort of experience outside acting in front of the mirror? Well, very little, I'm afraid. I was in a modelling agency for a while, I was in a music video about two lovers and I attended an acting course here in my city, but it was, much to my dissatisfaction, very weak. I didn't feel like I was learning anything, eventually more and more people started leaving so it just became dull and I ended up leaving as well. To put it into perspective for you guys, the movie industry is very, VERY weak here in Romania, chances are extremely limited and, since the movie industry is pretty much dead, the only thing to do as an actor is theatre. I don't enjoy the idea of being a theatre actor very much, I want to be a movie actor. My family is in Germany and that's where I plan on going to university next year, an acting university, preferably in english. I have lived in Germany before, by the way, for 5 years almost but ended up going back to Romania to finish high school here. I started watching more and more educational videos about acting and becoming an actor from actors and I am taking notes about my questions. However, the reason I am here is that I wish to speak to an actor in person (not exactly) but perhaps over a discord call or something of that sort. I would like to discuss everything about acting with someone experienced in this domain. So, if you are an actor and are willing to make a sad 18 year old's day by just talking to him a little bit, answering some of his questions, reviewing him a little and perhaps giving him some advice, he would be oh so grateful! No, but seriously, any kind of help would be very much appreciated.
Backstory: I was a part of an agency when I was a lot younger, but I left due to reasons. I’m doing theater at school, and I’ve done musicals pretty much every year, but I want to transition back into on camera acting. Should I wait until I become apart of another agency to make a social media profile for acting? Edit: I’m 13 if that helps anything.
Hi there! I am a doctoral student working and I'm trying to get in contact with actors who also work a different full-time job (i.e. 30+ hours a week). We—a group of researchers at the University of Oregon—want to understand the unique experiences of people who have multiple and possibly very different work arrangements. We are interested in understanding the characteristics of these jobs and their impact on emotions, attitudes, and behaviors. The study will involve completing 3 short (about 15 minutes each) surveys about three weeks apart each. Our participants must also be willing to ask a coworker at their primary job to participate in one short study on their behalf. We reward each participant with an Amazon or Starbucks gift card for completing three short surveys and asking a coworker at one of your jobs to complete a short survey. If you do voice acting on the side of a full-time job, we would be delighted to have you participate. Shoot me a direct message and I will get you registered for the study.
Okay this might sound like a stupid question but hear me out. I am a 15 year old living in India, Im currently in 10th grade and studying in a IGCSE school. I have always wanted to be an actor but never knew how. I am 2 years away from passing out from school yet i still do not know how an acting college works etc. I come from a decent family but they are not going to be willing to pay a fortune for my college. I really wanna know a way i can apply for a acting school which is not costly and if there is a way i can get scholarship for a college that gives acting classes.
To be honest I think they don't like people from Europe that try to break out in their industry. Is it true?
Hi, When watching bloopers I sometime see actors pinch their fingers and pull their hand down to poise themselves. Can someone tell me what's the name of this gesture if I want to describe character A doing it in a story?
Hello! I’m an actress in the U.K. and have a couple of meetings next week with some American managers. Do you have any advice for what I should prepare? What’s good to wear, makeup, and what kind of questions may they ask? They are reputable with some pretty well known clients. Thanks so much!
I’m very interested in acting. I’ve taken classes and I’m in my high school drama department. I don’t think my parents would ever let me do anything on screen, but this morning I saw a casting call for a tv show. It’s with a pretty well known competition and I fit the description perfectly. I know I probably won’t get the role, I just want to audition for the experience. But I’m afraid that my parents will take this as me trying to become a professional actress and throw away my teen years or something. How should I approach them about it?
I’ve been hearing rumors about this. I start quarantine tomorrow.
anybody looking for an acting coach? NYC based Actor and Coach with Off Broadway and TV/Film Credits
I need to have a male voice actor voice become female and realistic (not underwater nor robotic), like manga voice over. I need the voice transformation real time because the person I’m asking to voice over is remote and would want the voice to come in real time as we converse. What tool, hardware, software can help me accomplish this? Thank you so much
Hello! So this is a tricky question now. I'm bilingual Slovak-Serb, but mainly I do VO in the English language. I had some Slovak, Serbian VO jobs, but not as many as English. Now, I have demos (In Eng, Serb, Slo) + website ready, all that is left is to upload them. However... I'm not sure if I should mix languages, or just upload English demo reels because I think it might be off-putting to clients that need Eng VO actor, as they mainly look for native speakers. So what you peeps think, should I upload on the website just Eng demo reels, or Serb and Slovak also?