Hey I had a few questions about being an actor. I always were interested in the acting profession but never had the balls to try it, because of the high "failure" % and the fact that it's really hard to make a living out of it. But I'm quite unhappy in what I'm studying right now (24 yo) and I've been reading again about acting for a few days now... So my questions would be (for someone that wants to act in movies, TV shows, etc rather than theater) : \- how hard is it really to be able to make a living out of acting ? In other words, how likely will I be to sustain myself only by acting ? \- is it really worth to try out acting, doing something I like, but probably end up with a very low pay-check (as i understand it is really hard to make a living out of it) when, at the point where I am, I could just study 2 more years and have a very comfortable lifestyle ? (But, maybe, end up unhappy in my job). I understand this is a very personal question, but I'd like to have some opinions on this... Thanks
Im a 15 year old who would like to become an actor one day but i dont know where to start. I have been in a play in elementary school but thats literally it. Ive been looking for ways to gain more experience but theres nothing i could do where i live. Does anybody know some good classes online for a teenager and would anybody who is in the same situation as me like to join me in an online class since im pretty nervous starting off alone?
Just a long time question Ive had for a while.
I'm trying to make the most of my setup. Does anyone know of any good Adobe Audition presets for voice actors?
Hi acting, seeking advice I have a talented daughter (11) daughter with a great singing voice. She seems very keen on getting involved in more professional acting opportunities than in school. I am not showbiz savvy and am curious what I can or should do to support her. She asks me questions like can I book her for a studio to record a demo and I am wondering if she is ahead of herself or that is a logical first step for a foot in the door. Similarly, I have a hard time telling which sites listing gigs are scam “agents” and which could give her some good first opportunities. I am also wondering what actors wished they could hear from their parents. I don’t want to overhype her expectations, nor do I want to crush her ambition and would love any guidance.
Im a bit young, And I'm kind of nervous of doing any voice actor since im scare'd i'd come out sounding my age, Any advice or words of encouragement?
I was watching an Q&A with the actress Emily Watson at Oxford University and she said she is "just offered parts" and if she is required to audition it will be a screen test for a blockbuster produced by Hollywood (e.g. *Star Wars*, *Jurassic Park*). She said that this started after her Lars Von Trier's *Breaking the Waves* and her Oscar nomination for Best Actress. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdvHxJYB3NU&t=238s&ab\_channel=OxfordUnion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdvHxJYB3NU&t=238s&ab_channel=OxfordUnion) I also read an interview that Michael Fassbender and he said that he hasn't had to audition for anything since Steve McQueen's film *Hunger* in 2008 and is just offered Another was Lesley Manville during an interview in 2018 and she said: >*"I don’t mean to sound grand, but it’s a very long time since I’ve had to do that because obviously I’m older and I’ve been acting for over 40 years. I no longer, thankfully, have to impress casting directors."* Does not having to audition come after receiving an nomination for an Oscar, Golden Globe, Emmy and British Academy Film Award nomination? or after receiving critical acclaim for a certain acting part?
Hey everyone! Some of you may have seen my post yesterday but the responses were good so I figured, why wait! My upcoming fictional podcast, The Storm Chasers, is seeking voice actors. Each role offers $20/hour for voice work. I'll be in communication during it to direct and I'll edit the audio when we're done so it's $20/hour of "in the booth" time. Your name will also be credited at the end of each episode. Pay increases at the beginning of each half hour (meaning at one hour and one minute you will be paid $30 and so on). This is a passion project of mine that I think will be a lot of fun! It'll be a small team of you, your fellow VA's, me, a sound engineer, and an artist. I'd love to have you onboard! It's a fantasy adventure story for all ages. Find the audition scripts here: [https://www.dropbox.com/.../AAAEDdawb1fNwJW9tAZW0f2ea...](https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2eypiccn32e2pzk/AAAEDdawb1fNwJW9tAZW0f2ea?dl=0&fbclid=IwAR02Qcsn8DiYxVIgUQTiUnQMFYGcfdBE_TSE_BqdHpfL5KEztL7l0rCdV4Q) And email your auditions to stormchaserspod@gmail.com What it's about: in a world of magic, monsters, and pirates, a young man and his friends do what they can to stop an evil sea goddess from taking over the world and destroying the freedom they've come to love. The Characters: Dodds: 20 years old, a young energetic man who wants to see the world and go on adventures. He has an idealistic view of the world that doesn't waver, even when staring at evidence to the contrary. He hones his body to become a powerful martial artist, tying much of his worth and self-confidence to his ability to fight. He values freedom over all else. Quinn: 30 years old. He's on a mission to avenge his father and brother who died in a mysterious magical fog that corroded their skin. Naturally, he tends to be pretty serious but is quick to point out when someone is acting absurd. Having grown up a hunter, he wields a bow and arrow and is quick on the draw when he feels threatened. He pretends to have a hard exterior but can often be seen sporting a smirk on his face, always ready to trade barbs with someone. Jackie: 27 years old. She washed up on the shores of Skalbard, her crew having just mutinied. She aims to get her ship back and punish her old crew for their insubordination. She has a chip on her shoulder and dual blades on her hips. She always wants to be in charge of every situation. She often makes boisterous claims of her abilities that aren't true but could be if she stopped being so insecure. Longbeard: 45 years old. A pirate sailor who works for the STC, the largest trading company in the realm. He captains his crew of sailors while doing merchant’s work that may or may not be above board. Despite his name, he doesn’t actually have a long beard, claiming it to be “more of a nickname.” He’s always on the look out for an extra buck and may cross lines to make sure that happens. Arabor: 60 years old. He is a shady businessman who is the president of the Skalbard Trading Company, the largest trading company in the realm. He is rich and will make sure he stays that way. He may act warm and inviting, but underneath is a man who would sell your soul for a dollar. Captain Cross: ??? years old. a tall, thin man. While he may have the body of a man in his forties, he acts as if he has an old soul inside him. This man is ancient. His machinations are unknown but one thing is for certain… he means to do harm to the people of the realm.
So I have a European and US passport. I am very grateful for that, but I've never lived in the EU mainly because of the financial cost of even making the move. I've been in Los Angeles as a SAG actor for quite a while. I struggle but get by, most months. I'm wondering if any americans have made the move to a European country and continued with it there, acting wise? I have a French passport and speak fluent French, but I'm also poorly educated in the language so even though I pass accent wise, its like I'm a moron (that'll make sense to the bi-lingual people anyway) I'm more inclined to go the UK or Ireland route, of course, Brexit and all that (said the moron who doesn't understand brexit) If anyone has been or known someone in a similar situation I'd love any thoughts. Thanks!
An actress gave a film reel where she is perfect weight. About 10 % body fat. All the features stick out. And eyes. Well I met her on zoom and found she is 20 pounds heavier. She does not look obese necessarily. She still looks sexy enough. probably still would work. But there is no doubt the best version of the character is the weight that she was in the reel. How do I tell her to drop 20 lbs, is that considered wrong to do for a producer and say it without offending her?
what is the difference between their actors compared to americans, how they work with you, what faux pas not to commit, as a director... etc... You might be aware in American indie film productions it's not unusual to be chaotic, full of divas, drama, and ego. I was told their actors aren't that way.
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
I don't really get it.
This may be a dumb question but thought I'd ask. In the past month, I have had two people on separate occasions ask me if I was an actor or that I looked like an actor. The first time I was buying sunglasses and the two women who worked there said I had "Riverdale vibes" (had to look it up to see what that meant). My dental hygienist today said I reminded her of one of the actors on "friends". Anyway, I have no experience acting at all. I'm not ugly but I honestly don't consider myself to be great looking, either. I have however always been able to do impressions and make people laugh. Maybe take a shot at it just 'cause? Any insight would be appreciated.
My agent has been sending me auditions and when I read about it, the CD wants a demo reel to even be considered. I don't have a demo reel even though I have a pretty decent resume. The projects I've done aren't really something I could add. I've called several companies that will make me one. They write a script, provide actors, edit, etc... I've been quoted a minimum of 5 thousand dollars for this. It went up to $10K. I don't really have that kind of money laying around. What have some of you done that don't have demo reels? Or was their a way to make one ona budget that CD are ok with?
Hello fellow actors! I was signed by an agency about 2 months ago and times will come when I have 3-4 auditions in a week and times when I won't get one for like 2 weeks. I haven't had an audition in 2.5 weeks. The other time this happened was 11 days. My agent submits me for recurring guest/supporting, idk if this makes a difference. Is this normal and just the quells of the business or are CD's just not wanting me LOL. BTW I live in a busy city for acting
I don't see how people can wait tables, do retail, and the like past like their mid 20s. At that point, isn't it time to maybe move on? How do these people keep going with such low salaries?
UPDATE: I've posted the official casting call here https://www.reddit.com/r/VoiceActing/comments/jcdo0r/casting_call_for_upcoming_podcast_the_storm/ Thanks so much for your advice, words of encouragement, and interest in the show! Hey everyone, I'm a writer/director for an upcoming fictional podcast. I'm getting pretty close to announcing the casting call on different subreddits, facebook groups, etc. But wanted some feedback before I do. I work freelance too so I don't believe in unpaid jobs (your time and skills are valuable) but I don't have investors or a budget beyond what I have in my pocket. I have 3 principal characters and 4 secondary characters. My thought was to offer $20 an hour for each actor. My question, I suppose, becomes: is this offer insultingly low? I don't expect every actor to walk away with much more than $60 or $80 per episode for the main characters (less for the secondaries). I know it's isn't a lot for them but it would be a lot to me as, by my estimation, after paying actors and crew I'll be spending about $500 or more per episode. For a 12 episode season that means I'll be spending around $6,000 on a product that very well might not make me a dime. Would this be seen as a joke and ignored by most freelancers or does this rate seem fine? Also should I just not worry about setting a rate and asking for the actor's rate? I'm pretty new at this so I don't know the protocol. Thanks for any help or advice!
Web Project - low/no experience actress wanted - selfie-style remote role(simple work) to add to your growing reel/portfolio (not adult content) usa only - please dm me for more details