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Question... by andreea123456789  •  last post May 19th

Why do most voiceover recordings nowadays still take place in a studio? In this day & age, people are able to just easily record themselves over the phone (there are a tons of free apps out there that allow you to record yourself very easily). You don't even need a setup for this 20 years ago that wasn't possible, I do I understand but nowadays? The voice actors would be able to just easily send in their lines & it would be a lot cheaper.

I (a WOC actor) went through my friend that puts ppl on tape's Self-Tapes that Booked people big jobs - my thoughts. by June_Etoile  •  last post May 19th

Hi guys, My friend's roommate that puts folks on tapes let me watch some self-tapes that booked people their pilots, major feature films, etc. jobs. A few days ago I posted on here asking about self-tapes that booked them because I am very curious (especially during this time of Covid) - my boyfriend works in computer technology and though I know I drive him crazy with the artist thing, he has a point about actors analyzing more data. So I've tried to get better with that. Also as a woman of color I am very intrigued by self-tapes. I once heard a black female standup comedian remark: You know why I didn't make it in Hollywood? Because for a Black Woman to make it in Hollywood you either gotta look like Halle Berry....or you look like Precious." It's like you gotta be one end of the spectrum or the other. An acid or a base. Though I am not black as a WOC this pithy remark resonated deeply with me - anyone (successful) in the middle seems to have taken a) more time - Viola v. Halle and/or b) taken matters into their own hands (Issa Rae) - the men of color get away a little bit more in the looks department as all men do. I have guest star recurring on Marvel series and I always put a lot of work and let go with the auditions. When I've sent the auditions out I've received good feedback from mgrs and agents and casting as well. This is what I noticed from the bookings I saw: \-Most bookings were white blonde women 20 year-old age range (the ones that booked the most already had a ton of movie credits) and a lot of them also have really top agents. \-The women of color were the lightest skinned, european looking women of color than I have ever seen (lighter skinned and prettier than a young Vanessa Williams, that range.) They were all or at some point had been working models. The middle eastern/terrorist/Indian girls looked like lighter than most Lebanese girls I know and in looks department very european looking as well. \-The darker-skinned, less european-looking men of color had a lot of credits (I can see this because if they've played the same types of roles on their reels their not as big of a risk to take to book as they have this type of character down pat.) \-No dark skinned or even one 'paper-bag' level skinned women of color with classic ethnic features. Here's the most important thing (for me) - I saw **all levels** of performances - f**rom A+ (off book, every moment realized, homework done on the environment, accent, other character's lines, wardrobe, knowing your 'category') to C- level performances** (not off-book, looking off into nowhere, everything your acting teachers yell at you about) and all of those tapes still booked. This whole process has really taken a weight off my chest. Hope it has helped someone reading this. (Sorry if I sound so naive, my teachers were such perfectionists with us that it was a bit flabbergasting to see not-so-great performances book.) Anyway, if you feel like you've been sitting on your booty and you need to write for yourself - write for yourself. It has been TREMENDOUSLY helpful for me to watch these videos even though it took a while.

Demo feedback appreciated! by Josh_Juice_Jones  •  last post May 19th

Hello voice actors! My name is Josh Jones, and I would really appreciate getting some feedback on my character demo. I'm looking to polish it and make some updates so it can really shine. I did get the feedback that it would help to cut a few of the bits to give the rest a little breathing room, which I am working on currently. I appreciate your time, link is below! ​ [](

Andrew Scott doing Sea Wall, available on Youtube for another week, a must-watch for actors. 30min. by aznednacni  •  last post May 19th

This is one of the most powerful performances I've ever seen, what a privilege that it's made free and available for us during these times. As I understand, this piece was actually written *for* him back in 2013. It got a lot of attention in the UK, and was recently revived for Broadway by a different actor. Seriously, watch this. Much love.

Question... by andreea123456789  •  last post May 19th

Why are voiceover recording sessions so short compared to live action acting? With live action acting, you could be stuck on the set all day long but with voiceover, you're normally in and out of the studio in less than 4 hours (it's not particularly uncommon to see voice actors tweeting about how they finished up their session in only 1 hour & now they're chilling at a coffee shop, lol). The sessions are so short that most voice actors have 2 or 3 of them a day. For example : you could wake up at 8 am & have to travel to a recording studio for a cartoon recording session, finish it at 12 am ,chill at the library for 2 hours, then run off to a another studio for a video game session.

Monologue Competition by andrewpierno  •  last post May 19th

Hi Everyone, I used to act in college and a bit after before getting into tech. I'm working on an actor discovery app for fun. The way it will work is: 1. Each week we'll pick a monologue or scene 2. Actors can perform the monologue and submit in the app 3. People come and vote on their favorite performance. My hope is that actors looking for a creative outlet will have some fun with this and hopefully get some more followers. I'd be interesting in hearing the thoughts of this sub, if you have any suggestions I'd love to hear them. If you'd like to learn more, the site is here [](

honest opinion nyc by magicbeing  •  last post May 19th

what would some of you say about schools in New York? Such as what is the equivalent to Stella Adler’a conservatory or the Actors Studio in the modern day?

Leading roles only!? by dgeek  •  last post May 19th

Hello! Actor here... been earning a living for 30+ years doing this crazy job and I love it... and I hate it! I love acting but often hate actually being an actor...probably something do with control issues I imagine!? I'm jealous of painters or sculptors or even writers who can just create whenever they feel inspired. So... I'm starting a kind of "virtual theatre" site with the goal of compiling and showcasing monologues (I've got writers contributing monologues too!)...but just monologues. I want a gallery type of approach where performances are not competing with ads and gaming videos and everything else on Social desire is to strip away everything we can and focus solely on the actor and the acting... no camera moves, no editing, music or even co-stars... just the actor doing their thing. Right now I'll be posting these to the site myself, but eventually the site will be able to have actors record and post videos (whenever and as many as they'd like) long as they're under 4 minutes. I've mentioned it to friends in the industry and they're quite excited about being a part of it...even the more established ones...could be because we're all still mostly in lockdown up here in Toronto. The funny thing is that producers and casting folks I know have also really loved the idea. My hope is that this can become a site for discovering new actors (or writers!) or perhaps rediscover established artists in a new light...but most importantly be a place for actors to just show off as they want to. I'm calling it []( (spanish for Soliloquy) and I've started putting together a gallery of performances to have on the site for Beta testing and launch. If anyone is interested in contributing to it, please feel free to sign up for the beta at []( and I'll include your performance(s) in this experiment. To be clear...This is not a commercial's just a bunch of my actor and writer friends and costars and I, doing what we love... when and how we want. Cheers!

advice for a new actor by krazykarmaa  •  last post May 19th

hiii so i've wanted to be an actor for as long as i could remember. i used to be super dramatic as a child and it's always carried on with me throughout my years. in elementary school i was in so many plays and i was the lead in most of them (but i was still extremely young and they weren't that competitive as they were school plays). since i grew up in an asian-american household, my parents soon forced me to study hard 24/7 and forced me to suppress my passion for acting. i still took great interest in the art but they convinced me that it wasn't a viable career option so i accepted that i would never get to do what i love and throughout the rest of the years i worked on studying nonstop. now i'm 14 which is still young (i think?) but i want to get back into acting since during quarantine i rediscovered my passion and with all this time to reflect i decided that it's something i want to pursue. i don't have any acting experience since i'm not sure elementary school plays count and i can't get acting classes right now because of corona, and even if i could get out of the house my parents would put me up for adoption before they allowed me to enroll myself in one. does anyone have any advice on how to start acting? oh and i live in florida if that helps!

help by deletedhahah  •  last post May 19th

this is my first ever post on reddit so please keep that in mind :) im a 15 year old actor and im torn between going to acting school full time after i finish secondary school or training for a job and doing acting classes and going to auditions on the side. does anyone have advice about this? also, does anyone have any tips regarding getting an agent? i’m in the process of applying to a few at the moment. thank you!!!

I am making a video by Kaydf  •  last post May 19th

Hello everybody ! I have just started a (small) youtube channel due to quarantine boredom. I have been challenging myself to random goals that I would like to accomplish every week and this week I have decided I would like to meet 100 different dogs and their owners via zoom/gotomeeting/facetime! I'm sorry that this might not be the right subreddit to post in but who better to get on video than actors themselves, lol! P.S. bonus points if your dog has special talents. If interested please message me!!

Looking to rebuild acting foundation in LA. Advice? by looseonthemoose1321  •  last post May 18th

Hey actor peeps, So this quarantine gave me a lot of time to reflect and plan for when the industry eventually does open back up. I've learned that I would like to try to revisit and rebuild my acting foundational training. I didn't attend a conservatory or anything, and I learned how to act only from doing plays in school, so my acting is very much "instinct"-based and uses real memories to get me emotionally "there" (Method-ish, I guess?), which I feel won't carry me forever. That's why I've been feeling the desire to learn a "technique" that's grounded that I can rely on. I want to exclusively focus on film/tv acting, and I've looked into acting schools and techniques in the LA area: \- William Alderson (Meisner) \- Stella Adler Studio (Adler) \- Warner Loughlin \- Diana Castle Which school/teacher would you recommend I look into (either on this list or not)? I need a class that is part-time that would allow me to still audition, so a full-time conservatory program is out of the question.

Dropping everything for LA by lichiiiii  •  last post May 18th

Hiii everybody it’s my first day on this subreddit! Essentially, I want to pursue this dream I’ve had of becoming an actress. I am 21F studying Mechanical Engineering right now and about to graduate next month. And I hate my major, but I stuck with it these four years because I felt lost in regards to what I actually wanted to do and I don’t want to let down my family. I’m thinking, after my lease ends in two months I’m going to move to LA. I really do like LA. My sister is there and so is my favorite aunt. I’m going to ask my aunt if I can move in with her, but I haven’t yet because I’m giving myself some time to see if I’ll change my mind. I live with my boyfriend right now and we can’t afford to get our own place in LA together, so he’s going back to his family in NorCal and he is gonna work for a while before applying to grad school. And that means we’re gonna have to do long distance. I’m so afraid. I love him so much and I don’t want to break up. I’m just so afraid of dropping everything I have and just moving to LA for a career that might not even happen for me. Is anyone experiencing the same thing, or experienced something similar? Not really looking for advice, just hoping to feel a little less alone :(

Starting to finally get into voice acting seriously. Now what? by -Joozhuah-  •  last post May 18th

I want to be a voice actor, particularly for video games or TV shows possibly. But to get an agent or really get my foot in the door I need more roles and experience from what I can tell. Where do I find these? How do I start?

If you need a voice actor/website maker, hmu by slapchloe  •  last post May 18th

[]( \- My voice (I also have access to voice editing software if you need me to do that) []( \- Website example (this is a very general example, I can make any type of website)

Signs my agent is going to drop me...? by 2embarrassed2ask  •  last post May 18th

It's been almost two years since I signed with my agency. They've gotten me so many auditions, and they're by far the most amazing people I've had a chance to work with. I got three jobs my first year, and another one at the beginning of this year's renewal, but since only voice actors are getting gigs right now, I haven't been getting much other than open calls (which is totally fine and understandable). Anyways I stress 24/7 about losing them, and last year they told me 10 days earlier than now. But also my contract was signed at the end of June, so I still have a little over month. Am I overreacting...? Are agent's fairly consistent with their renewal dates? Or would this be different because of the current situation in the world? I'm so stressed, and I'm a quiet actor, so I don't always ask a lot of questions. I'm so scared that I come off as awkward, but I've still gotten parts so I don't know what to make of that... I'm also a bit of a "type" and from what I see in other people from the agency, there isn't anyone physically like me. They've added a few people this year, but also have dropped a few. What are some signs? I'm so stressed they're not going to renew me and I want to prepare myself for the worst.

Snobbery in the voice acting community. by goodfashion20  •  last post May 18th

[]( I don't know if anyone has seen it, but above is a video posted by Eric Vale a few years back on "How to Become a Voice Actor". You may be familiar with Eric Vale as he did the voice of Future Trunks on DBZ. Now the first thing that was a bit off-putting was his annoyance at being asked how to become a voice actor. I mean, does he not realize how many people aspire to be in his exact position? He should be happy that he's inspired people to join the field. Now there is one point that I do agree with him on. He says that in order to be a voice actor, you have to be an actor first. I actually agree with this because, voice acting is more than just making voices. You actually have to immerse yourself into your given characters, you have to be able to convey the proper emotions, etc. However, then he goes off about how he's been involved theater since he was 12, and how voice acting "found him". And it just comes off as smug and pretentious. The assertion that he's making is that "if you're not a classically trained thespian actor from the time you were 12, you are not going to be a successful voice actor". And I find this assertion ridiculous. I'm not saying getting acting training can't help. I'm saying that being a supposed "classically trained Shakespearean actor" is not a prerequisite. I mean Chris R. Sabat, Sean Schemmel, John Burgmeier, Steve Blum, Billy West, Lex Lang, etc. are not "classically trained actors". And yet they've managed to find success in the voice acting field. Also not everyone had the privilege of classical theater training growing up. Some people came from poor families, or their school didn't offer a drama department, or in some unfortunate cases, people came from strict families that disapproved of theater and arts. My main point is that there's many ways people can get into voice acting. But some of these high and mighty thespian types want to act like their way is somehow superior. I'm not saying they're training didn't help, I'm sure it did. But it's not like their way is the only way or the correct way. So yeah, I kind of lost respect for Eric Vale after he made this video. What are your thoughts?

Need two actors - I'm a videographer and writer - looking to make an indie short dark comedy, spoof doc during quarantine lockdown, think 'jam', 'brasseye', 'four lions' in tone. by seanbastard1  •  last post May 18th

The screenplay is written, need two actors - aged 30s minimum who would be up for collaborating on this - you will need access to a (ideally 4k capable) dslr camera & mic, I'm still locked in so i can't film this myself but I will help with camera & lighting set up over facetime, etc. There is no money to be made here, we're just doing this for an excuse to be creative whilst we can't do our regular day jobs (I'm a editor and videographer by trade - for my work) if we can pull it off it'll go on youtube for free & hopefully give some people something to have a giggle about in this shitty time. My co-writer is based in london (where i'm from) and I'm stuck in Barcelona in one of the strictest lockdowns in the world, so making a short during this time, under these restrictions - is somewhat of a challenge, but hey, its been fun so far. After watching 'plandemic' and seeing all the other bullshit posted about bill gates, we decided to make our own corona virus doc and just like plandemic - everything is bullshit... but we've had some fun with it, did you know bill gates fascination with tracking devices started when he was asked to put a GPS in some gerbils for one of epsteins parties? that should give you some idea The film is about 20 mins, and features two interviews, one w/ a scientist and the other with an ex microsoft employee - they both get around 10 pages each. If this is something you'd be interested in reply here or PM me and i'll email you over a copy of the sreenplay. Ta

Looking for input on project by dontfailplz  •  last post May 18th

So for a final project I have to devote 2 hours a week for 4 weeks into anything of my choice. I have never really acted, but every time I watch a movie or show, I can't help thinking about the actors choices and how I would do it. I love to take lines they say and try to deliver it with different tones and facial expressions. I was wondering if anyone had any input on how I could do a 8 hour project focusing on learning acting(not as much performing). Any books to read? Videos to watch? Etc.