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Finally got an interface and a mic a couple weeks ago. Whipped up a reel of unedited voices and want to hear any thoughts you may have. by TheJakeChandler  •  last post May 9th

I'm an Actor and Musician but surprisingly didn't have an interface or mic. Voice Acting is something I've considered for a while since I'm also a regular (live? in-person?) Actor so I finally stopped being lazy and picked them up and got to work. I recorded all this in my closet under a blanket and left the voices raw, no edits other than cutting/snipping. I'd like to hear what ***you*** hear when listening - do you hear any background noise? Any quick technique constructive criticism? Are these voices worth editing? Thanks for listening!

Is Daniel Radcliffe a good actor since Harry Potter? by samuelhinchliffe91  •  last post May 9th

I have watched some of his movies post-Harry Potter such as *Horns* and *Now You See Me 2* and I wasn't all that impressed. He comes across as very "*wooden*" and "*stiff*", IMO!

Acting classes considered a priority or luxury rn? by highonscifi  •  last post May 9th

I know a lot of people are tight on money and have a lot of things going on rn so are acting classes considered a priority to many interested in the art or is it more of a luxury during the pandemic? I just want to get a gauge of how actors are feeling about classes rn.

Meet Miquela, the Fully CGI Actress That CAA Just Signed by themodernelephant  •  last post May 9th

Where are you watching your theatre now? Resources! by Aeyrien  •  last post May 9th

when I found out I had missed []( 's performance of Oscar Isaac and Francis mcDormand (to name just a few) doing "Oedipus", I realized I needed a resource thread. So let's make one. \- []( has a Digital Initiative, and I imagine they may be screening more as time goes on, so worth a look every once in a while []( example: Oscar Isaac and a small cast just did a Zoom reading of "Oedipus" ​ \- []( has a daily-updated list of plays and musicals being streamed- filmed professional performances (has an adblocker) []([outbreak-updating-daily]( for example: the National Theatre is letting us watch Benedict CUmberbatch and Jonny Lee Smith in "Frankentstein" right now, and many more. Ralph Fiennes and Sophie Okenedo in "Antony and Cleopatra" as well, from NT. "Next to Normal" is being shown this weekend as well. Some of these shows are being streamed ONCE, so I grab a calendar and write down the ones I want to watch. \- []( is having events fairly regularly- always a good one to check! also, a sub-section []( ballet classes, beginner tap- check for daily classes and events. ​ \-the Actor's Fund is doing live streaming play readings- with some big names! A few days ago John Malkovich and Patti Lupone did a reading of Mamet's "November", and it looks like thay have a new one every week! Bryan Cranston and Sally Field next week, and this week is "Significant Other" by Joshua Harmon, with Gideon Glick, John Behlmann, Sas Goldberg, Rebecca Naomi Jones, Lindsay Mendez, Luke Smith and Barbara Barrie. []( These are streamed live, and time-sensitive. If you wait to finish the video the next morning, it will be gone. (I learned the hard way) Streams on facebook and Youtube \- \-Here is a link to Magnet Theatre Company- an improv troupe in New York City. They have shows Friday and Saturday online. But looks like they cost $12.  []( ​ \-the Laugh Factory in Los Angeles is giving free shows every weekday afternoon at 2PM. Here's the link. []( ​ \- I know my college has hooked me up with []( , where I can use my school ID to get in and watch and read a stupid amount of shows and plays. What are you checking regularly?

Wanting to become an actor by jakefa123  •  last post May 8th

Hi, watching some recent films (La La Land in my case), it has suddenly implanted itself in my head that I want to become and actor because that film inspires me so much. I’m 17 now and have to decide what/if I want to do/go to university. I’ve been leads in school plays before when I was about 11 but that’s about it, I haven’t ever done anything out of school. So my question is, how hard is it to become an actor without a degree or something similar? If I possibly want to take it up after university? Thanks

Actors Studio MFA Questions by brettinthebathtub  •  last post May 8th

I’m considering applying to the Actors Studio Drama School MFA acting program at Pace. I had some questions for those who attended or are currently attending the program: 1) What’s the financial aid/scholarship situation like? The tuition looks to be on the higher end for an MFA, plus the cost of living in NYC. Are they fairly generous with scholarships or can I expect to take on 6 figures in debt? 2) How was the Shakespearean/classics training? I understand that The Studio emphasizes Stanislavsky (and I assume Strasberg) but I know they also cover classical training. Did you find that part of your training to be of good quality as well? 3) It’s my understanding that in your 3rd year you get to audition for membership in the Actors Studio. To the best of your knowledge, what percentage of students gain membership to the Studio? 4) Overall, would you recommend the program? Thanks in advance for any info/insight!

Being in the audition room longer than everyone else? Being told to do the scene again multiple times? by theactingkid  •  last post May 8th

hello all, As states are reopening I'm starting to get a couple of Self Tape auditions now, but I can't help but think of my last live audition which was about a week before productions stopped & everything got closed. ​ I was informed about my audition on a Wednesday and started to work on the background of my character and research on the time period (since it was a period piece). I didn't receive my Sides till Thursday Afternoon and my Audition was Friday morning, 3 scenes about 20 hours of rehearsal. It's Friday I get to the Audition, I sign in and start getting into my character. I was not nervous since I've met this Casting Director before, and gotten a callback on one of the CD's projects in the past. I've noticed the CD was taking about 15-20min per Actor which wasn't bad. It's then my turn to go into the Room, which the CD remembered me and we talked a little about the project. ​ I started with my Slate which they wanted me to talk about my background, culture, native languages, as I spoke I got the sense that they were visualizing me as the character and they were really happy about it, and that was just the slate. Then we got into the actual scenes, did I do great? I hope so, but I did get discouraged because I had to do the first scene about 4 times ( Which I don't know if that's a good thing or not?) I then did the next two scenes about twice each. When I was done she seemed really pleased, she offered her hand we shacked hands ( I NEVER shake hands with anyone in the audition process unless it's a screen test/chemistry read, or if they offer first ). On my way leaving I noticed I was in the room roughly 30-45min.. ​ My two Questions 1) What does it mean to be in the room that long? Roughly 30-45min. ​ 2) Have you been asked in an Audition Setting to do a Scene about 4 times? ​ I'm only asking because in the past, I've been in and out of the room & only done a scene twice at most. Thanks!

Hello, I notice there are a lot of actors in movies who have their own “persona” that they play in multiple movies. How do you find a persona like this? Is it their natural character? by knkkskknk  •  last post May 8th

I’m talking about people like. Adam Sandler, Ben stiller, Owen Wilson. There’s ones for none comedy roles too. But they generally have their own identity that they use in every film. Like you know what to expect when it’s a movie with them. They always have that same personality and character. How do I create my own “personality and character” like this, that is unique to myself, but also popular and good... Like, are they acting here, or is this generally just “themselves” Like for ppl like Vince Vaughn, I feel like that’s himself always lol

Do A-List "Actor's Studio" members practice there? by throwaway581387  •  last post May 8th

In New York and LA, do A-List lifetime members of the "Actor's Studio" still practice there? Some of the lifetime members include people like Melissa McCarthy, Bradley Cooper, Robert DeNiro, etc. Like would they still go there to just run scenes, practice, etc?

Im 16 years old and I REALLY want to become an actor but... by V3RT_MORIDIN  •  last post May 8th

... Im not quite sure what to do and would really appreciate some help and advice. I live in Victoria Australia so its obviously not the ideal place to begin a career for acting, im also quite young and my family would probabally laugh at me if i told them i want to be an actor. So my prospects dont seem to good right now but im really dedicated towards this and i KNOW i want to be an actor. Currently ive started doing the classes on r/actingclass but i know that wont be enough to get a role as an actor or be enough, so any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks! :)

What are the odds for an asian actor making a living in the canadian film industry? by TheDearLeaderJimmy  •  last post May 8th

Hey! I’m an 21year old theater student currently living in Korea and I’m trying to move to toronto after my mandatory military service. The question is, is there room for asian actors in the canadian film/Tv industry?While I’ve seen more asian male parts during the past few years, it still pales to the Caucasian, or even african american roles there are out there(Just my observation though ) So I was curious if anyone would know if there are a decent amount of options as an asian actor in toronto, or would it be such a niche thing? Thanks guys:)

Looking for an actor. Quick and easy job and will pay $$$ by sadboi487  •  last post May 8th

Currently looking for someone to record themselves describing a science project me and a buddy are working. Video will be uploaded to YouTube and is bound to get thousands of views !! Please private message for more info

Mike Pollock (Eggman's Voice Actor) Interview Coming Soon!!! by TheVoiceCast  •  last post May 8th

Mike Pollock (Dr. Eggman's voice actor) was nice enough to do an interview with the Vocal Violence crew! In only 2 days, coming soon to a computer monitor or phone near you! We also did a podcast comparing the voice actors of Eggman throughout the years. Find out which one's the best, the worst, and the weirdest!\_it2omYeDQ&t=1512s [Check it out at... ](

Im 16 years old and iI REALLY want to be an actor... by V3RT_MORIDIN  •  last post May 8th

But im not quite sure what to do and would really appreciate some help and advice. I live in Victoria Australia so its obviously not the ideal place to begin a career for acting, im also quite young and my family would probabally laugh at me if i told them i want to be an actor. So my prospects dont seem to good right now but im really dedicated towards this and i KNOW i want to be an actor. Currently ive started doing the classes on r/actingclass but i know that wont be enough to get a role as an actor or be enough, so any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks! :)

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Post - May 7 by AutoModerator  •  last post May 7th

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.

Actor's relief headshot program by capacitor_  •  last post May 7th

Hey all I hope you're well. I'm a headshot photographer in NYC and was thinking of putting together a program for actors aimed at relief. COVID-19 has hit everyone really hard and I enjoy helping out when I can. I was going to give away two free headshot sessions per week through May and June and wondering if you guys had any thoughts on the matter. They'd be full headshot sessions, at 90 minutes of studio time. I'll have a signup page finished shortly, but curious if anybody had any input with things that'd help rolling it out.

Drama/Horror Anthology series that needs actors by syfiarcade  •  last post May 7th

Hello everyone in r/acting I am a Co-Director for a currently untitled Anthology Series with a horror/drama twilight zone theme to it, we are currently in the process of writing our scripts for the episodes, this will be a live-action show where the actor will have to find a way to record themselves using at least a semi-decent camera to send back to the editors, we have several directors, 6 writers, one actor, one actress, and a handful of editors, right now we are looking for actors to be able to join in on this project. we are looking for actors in the roughly 16 - 20 ish age range so we have around the same age for everyone, these episodes will be mostly 1 actor by themselves interacting with other actors in the episode either over phonecall or types of cuts to make it seem as they are together, but unless if you live with a person who also wants to act, nobody will be physically interacting with you, if you are interested in joining this project, please come to our discord server with this link. []( thank you all for reading and I hope you have a great day.