Hey all I hope you're well. I'm a headshot photographer in NYC and was thinking of putting together a program for actors aimed at relief. COVID-19 has hit everyone really hard and I enjoy helping out when I can. I was going to give away two free headshot sessions per week through May and June and wondering if you guys had any thoughts on the matter. They'd be full headshot sessions, at 90 minutes of studio time. I'll have a signup page finished shortly, but curious if anybody had any input with things that'd help rolling it out.
Hello everyone in r/acting I am a Co-Director for a currently untitled Anthology Series with a horror/drama twilight zone theme to it, we are currently in the process of writing our scripts for the episodes, this will be a live-action show where the actor will have to find a way to record themselves using at least a semi-decent camera to send back to the editors, we have several directors, 6 writers, one actor, one actress, and a handful of editors, right now we are looking for actors to be able to join in on this project. we are looking for actors in the roughly 16 - 20 ish age range so we have around the same age for everyone, these episodes will be mostly 1 actor by themselves interacting with other actors in the episode either over phonecall or types of cuts to make it seem as they are together, but unless if you live with a person who also wants to act, nobody will be physically interacting with you, if you are interested in joining this project, please come to our discord server with this link. [https://discord.gg/NsDKJCk](https://discord.gg/NsDKJCk) thank you all for reading and I hope you have a great day.
When working on a scene, how do I go about making substitutions? When acting in the scene do I envision my substation on the other actor? How do I personalize the other character?
Where can I find new, random cartoon characters that I can improvise the voice for? You know, just for fun. Kinda like in the YouTube videos where famous voice actors improvise new cartoon voices.
So for anyone who edits their own reel (and for any actor really), you know that getting the actual usable footage is one of the hardest parts. And even if your stuff airs on legit sources you have to go through the process of grabbing it which can be a pain. Basically if you don't have an actual file, it's a struggle. Quicktime gives you the option of recording your screen, but it doesn't record the sound coming from your computer. Up until sometime in the last couple years, you could use Soundflower (a specific software for rerouting audio in your computer) to change the Audio Input in Quicktime, and get the video and sound, but Soundflower doesn't work for the latest Mac OS. But after months of struggling to find something that would do the trick, I just found a new alternative to Soundflower a guy developed that's super simple to use. The Github page even has all the user-friendly descriptions of how to use it to reroute the sound in your computer so you can record seamlessly. It's called **Blackhole**, and I highly recommend it - if you're generally technically inclined. This link has the download, and all the explanations: [https://github.com/ExistentialAudio/BlackHole](https://github.com/ExistentialAudio/BlackHole)
You know in the past, i thought it would be cool to play the villian but honestly i find it more and more confusing and somewhat disturbing why someone would want to play the villian. Imagine someone in an interview for their villianous role and they get asked what generally actors get asked who play things, why do you want to play the role. What is someone supposed to say in their answer? It has to be awkward. Sometimes people say its interesting and complex but i'd have to imagine the manager of the actor is telling them to say that. Imo, if there were ever a time to say im only doing it for the money, it would for the villian roles, idk that is more relatable than the desire to play fake evil. Maybe you all think differently. I dont want to use the excuse that what is reflected on art can reflect on life but id be lying if i said that would never happen. And I know villians have to be there, i know, i just dont know if an actor should said i enjoy playing someone evil. I can understand a character who appears bad on the surface but deep down is good and truly misunderstood but the characters who just kill, inflict pain and driven by hatred, im not sure what the charm in those roles are to actors.
...[this](https://imgur.com/XYj5tJO) person comes on screen. I couldn't believe my eyes. I don't particularly care for Lucy Liu. But theres no denying that she has achieved an unparalleled level of success. I couldn't be more happy for her. Fun fact: The episode aired on February 7th 1995. She played Woman #3 on the episode. She would later be on Bang / Hercules / and ER that same year. Can't imagine what a wild time it must have been to be a working actor during the 90s. Anyway, just wanted to share something I thought was special. Keep living the dream everyone!
This isnt meant to be a self promoting post, mostly a question that I have to describe myself in. I've been told since 8th grade (my voice went from shaky base to steady) that I should get in to narration or voice acting and after 3 years I've decided to look into it. Seeing how most animated shows and book narrations tend to be higher voiced actors , is there a part of voice acting that could use a good bass in? My low range is pretty good and my high is ok, but to be realistic my high isnt anything special. For those who dont wanna read:is there a real need for bass voice actors or are higher voiced actors more sought after?
Hi! I have recently found this community and have decided to work to getting into voice acting and voice over. I have read through the beginners guide on the sub but I have some more financial or more specific questions. I am currently a college student so I don't have a ton of time so I was looking to make this more as a hobby or something I could work on the side. With this I am concerned of the financial cost, how much will a good mic cost? what mics do you recommend? general resources for recording studio setups on the cheap and that are easy. Also any personalized tips or wisdom would be excellent. I go to a college in a small town so I won't have many opportunities, but I am almost finished with becoming a dj with a student run radio station. I have recently gotten a fascination with voice actors the past few year with podcasts, watching hazbin hotel flourish, getting into anime, and watching Critical role and checking into each of the Critters careers. It is just so amazing how everything is so connected and how people can create whole personalities and characters with just a voice. I have decided to take the leap and work towards become a voice actor for the future. I'll respond to any questions and replies in the morning, Thank you so much for your help!
I read a comment of someone I’m presuming to be a member of the LGTBQ+ who said straight actors playing gay characters isn’t enough for a diverse Hollywood. While I agree with that, it also implied IMHO that straight actors should not play queer characters....this terrifies me.
I’m 15 (almost 16) and have been interested in getting into acting for a few years. But after hearing some of my friends tried out for the role of Devi in Never Have I Ever, I realized I might as well try it out. I was wondering what exactly to do to find good casting calls or even just popular auditions (like Mindy Kaling posting about wanting actors to play Devi!). Thank you in advance haha.
I'm a 21/F and have wanted to be an actor for as long as I can remember. I'm from a very small town and my parents didn't understand it all that much, but I have been practicing monologues and watching instructional videos on acting since I was about 9 years old. I participated in a few plays as a kid and was a featured extra in an indie film filmed in my hometown. Then, once I began high school I was a part of my drama class and was in many school plays. My junior year my drama teacher selected me and a few others to participate in a state wide talent show with a scene from The Great Gatsby (in which I played Daisy). We placed first in the region and fourth in the state. After high school I mostly gave up on acting for about two years because I didn't think it was realistic. It was still my dream though, and after moving to a much larger city I decided to give it my very best shot. About a year ago I messaged a nearby agent and ended up landing an interview and getting signed to the agency. I took semi-professional photos for headshots and was using those for a while. I have attended two workshops with reputable instructors over the past year and have another scheduled for August (it was delayed because of the virus). I have been taking weekly online classes with an LA based acting coach via skype throughout the past year. He has really helped me establish myself and get better at the craft. I spent until this past January saving up money so that I have the money and flexibility to travel for auditions and filming (my job is an extremely flexible, work from home job that I do mostly on my own time). I started auditioning for llnearby indie and college films in January and filmed two college films since then, one of which I got paid a small amount for (I'm just stoked I actually got paid to do what I love, that's crazy). Right before the virus hit I had professional headshots done and am very pleased with them. Since the virus I have been continuing my weekly sessions and sending in self tapes. I've booked three indie films scheduled to film around my area this summer. I have also sent in self tapes to open call auditions for Freeform and NCIS, one of which my agent sent in for me. I have been in contact with two bigger agencies around my region and they both seem interested and want to set up a meeting with me. I really want to self tape a bunch of the scenes to put together a reel, but I have been losing weight since January and really want to lose these last 10 to 15 pounds before I start the reel. Should I just go ahead and remake it later? My plan is to keep building up a resume here for the next year and a half, then move to Atlanta at that time to pursue it more (I will be 23). In the meantime I'm also saving back $500-$800 a month aside from my acting fund to help pay for my move (although my job can go where I go). Once I get there I want to look for an agent in the area and keep doing what I'm doing for about two years, then if it is going well I want to move to LA for a pilot season and see how that goes. My coach says that moving to Atlanta is a bad idea and I should go straight to LA. What do you guys think? Also, am I going in the right direction?
Hey guys I am a voice actor and have done a few audiobooks in the last few years. I have a question about some of the short-length audiobooks on ACX. I have done a few of them (4), and I am reluctant to do them again, as I have heard more serious authors don't take you seriously if you have these kind of books under your portfolio. And I have heard about promo code scamming with some of these people who put these books on acx. To give you an idea of what kind of books I am talking about, I mean self-help books, cookbooks, hydroponics, spirituality etc. Usually lasting anything between 1 hour to 4 hrs. I have auditioned for a couple and its almost like they offer it to the first person that shows an interest. Its bizarre and suspicious. Making me think serious narrators don't touch this stuff. The only reason why I am contemplating doing it, is because I am currently struggling for money. What do you guys think, does narrating these kind of books, ruin your chances of successful audiobook career? Would really appreciate some feedback on this
Hey, lads! How's it going? I am new to this subreddit and I am fairly sure that this has been asked multiple times but I was wondering if you guys could help with a few questions. Long story short, I am an aspiring 21 year old actor in L.A. and have begun to take acting seriously starting last year in 2019 (and late 2018) I have done a few gigs, (almost entirely extra) and need advice on where to go from here. I have had multiple directors tell me to find an agent but I don't know where to begin. I haven't gotten any SAG vouchers and because of the Covid outbreak, have been stagnant for the last few months. Any adivce lads? Any help is appreciated.
I've been told by a bunch of people that know what they're talking about to move to Atlanta / New Mexico to truly build up a film career and get those crucial first credits. life is SO EXPENSIVE in NYC / LA i'm really considering it. plus you can maintain your network while you're away and move back. I'm reading about how Covid will affect things, density & cost of productions in LA/NYC vs more spread out cities, these two places with the tax incentives and infrastrucure already in place... might be the smart way to do. i just found out Audrey helps actors did that before moving to LA. with supply & demand and the future of the industry due to covid... maybe you really don't have to be in NYC / LA anymore. yeah you can say casting lives there, but with self tapes / remote casting, if they like you'll theyll fly you in for producer session.
Hi all! I’m an 18 year old actor in Michigan and this fall I’ll be starting my formal training at the University of Michigan. It was my dream program so I’m super excited. One of the major selling points is that it is a high level conservatory within a large and established university. This means I’ll have the opportunity to take classes outside of the Acting school and they make sure that there is time for those who want to pursue a minor to do so. I’m planning on moving to LA after college so I was wondering if there is a specific minor that I should pursue so help me get a solid survival job once I get there. (Also tell me about your survival jobs) Thanks everyone!
I have been seeing an acting coach for a few months! It’s definitely not something I was taking as serious because of working and mental health. But I’ve definitely been working on my craft waaay more lately and I’d love some tips on bettering my skills as an actor with choices, creativity, stage fright? Anything really! Thank you in advance!