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We have found 19,373 posts across 4 actor forums:

Do I have to move to LA to become a voice actor?? by Dangus777  •  last post May 1st

I live in Arkansas

I want to attend an acting school but am not sure what I need by 375845019272  •  last post May 1st

I really want to attend Elizabeth Mestnik's acting studio to join the program for studying Meisner's technique. I have absolutely zero experience in acting. No resume, nothing to even put on a resume, etc. I really want to go to this acting studio to not only learn but also to gain some sort of experience and some confidence to comfortable with acting in front of people. I can say that I'm 100% it's what I want to pursue even though I know that right no I'm probably not very good at it. I mean I haven't even performed ANYTHING in front of anyone besides myself to even get some feedback. Sometimes even just doing any acting exercises alone leaves me embarrassed in a way. I'm afraid of the neighbors hearing me so I never let myself go. What advice can you other actresses / actors give me? I'm a woman btw. What can I do to learn on my own for the time being? I have a brother that I could perform for. And how about the acting school. Would I even have a chance of being accepted if I applied? What would I even need to be accepted into her acting studio?? Anything advice or info would be greatly appreciated.

Any Tips for Auditions/Interviews (Applying to MA and One Year FT Drama Schools in the UK)? by ohpandanium  •  last post May 1st

Hey actor friends! A bit of background...I am an American actor who moved to the UK with my partner while he completes a PhD program. I was taking regular part-time classes in the Southeast and had an agent in the Southeast region of the US. I was starting to get bigger and more exciting auditions before we moved. Since I have been here (only 5 mos now) I have connected with the acting community around Oxford, Reading and London a bit and have done a few projects, but it's been harder with the lockdown and the halt on projects. I had an audition for a BBC3 show cancelled due to Covid-19. :( I was excited because it was the first bigger-ish thing I had gotten since I moved here. I do not have an agent in the UK or a Spotlight because I don't have a FT degree or enough qualifying projects (so says Spotlight). However, I have decided to get a bit more serious about my training and my acting career in general so I have applied to a few full-time one year and MA in Acting for Screen programs in London. I have auditions coming up for two different schools (online because obviously) and I want this so much, but it is quite competitive and I am hella nervous. Does anyone here have tips for auditions and interviews at ISSA and RCSSD or just audition advice in general for drama schools in the UK?

Do major agencies (CAA, WME, UTA) use resumes for auditions? by throwaway581387  •  last post May 1st

When an actor repped at a major agency (CAA, WME, UTA) is sent on auditions do the agents send the casting director a resume or do they just go in and audition with just a headshot. I would think that at that level, just being repped by one of them would suffice enough for a resume.

IMDb Rejecting To Add Your Film? I Can Help You Get It Approved In Just A Few Hours. by Michael Johnson  •  last post May 1st

If you're having trouble getting an older film or a film that's currently in development listed on IMDb, I can help. Guaranteed approval to IMDb for all short films, documentaries, and student films. Even if your film is not listed or mentioned on any other site or is no longer available to watch or stream anywhere, I can help you get it approved and listed on IMDb in just a few hours. Text/WhatsApp: 213-262-3874

IMDb Rejecting To Add Your Film? I Can Help You Get It Approved In Just A Few Hours. by Michael Johnson  •  last post May 1st

If you're having trouble getting an older film or a film that's currently in development listed on IMDb, I can help. Guaranteed approval to IMDb for all short films, documentaries, and student films. Even if your film is not listed or mentioned on any other site or is no longer available to watch or stream anywhere, I can help you get it approved and listed on IMDb in just a few hours. Text/WhatsApp: 213-262-3874

My unexpected start in voice acting! by StephenRoe  •  last post Apr 30th

Last year I moved to Seattle and started taking acting classes, doing stand up, and some other endeavors, with the long term goal of making a living by not sitting in a cubicle. While taking acting classes I found out quickly that voice actors take acting classes to improve their craft. I also had an encounter with the the late Rick May last November - I accidentally walked in on his voice acting class. Afterward, I apologized and he encouraged me to take his class (he was so nice). However at that time VO training was not on my radar. Fast forward to the apocalyptic present. Acting class and my first Improv class has been postponed, but my first acting gig unexpectedly ended up being a lead VO for a video game short film (RDRO). And with the lockdown, I’m only able to take a VO class via Zoom. Something clicked in me and I realized that I have the essential recording equipment, PLUS I’m in Seattle - a giant hub for video game development that reaches out to the same network I’m getting into for talent. I’m all in! I love video games! Am I on the right track? What else could I be doing to build my skill and resume? I know this is a patience game. -

How hard would it be to get one speaking role, no matter how small, in a TV show or film? by WhyIsItAlwaysKenny  •  last post Apr 30th

I've always wanted to be an actor and I cry sometimes from sadness at the thought I'll never be able to have my dream come true. If I could just get one speaking role even if it's just a few lines in a TV show or film (one that's not a student film or something that people will likely never watch a year or 2 down the road), I would consider myself to have at least achieved something that I've always wanted to. I'm willing to put the work in, audition for absolutely anything and everything I possibly can, and I don't have an issue with money so I won't be in a position where I'm limited by finances. I'm also quite good at acting according to people who've seen me act, and an agent had me do headshots years ago and said I was ready for auditions, but due to family reasons I couldn't go ahead with it at the time. I regret it so much. I live in London by the way. I really appreciate any help, thank you

Voice actors needed (unpaid) by kirubiel  •  last post Apr 30th

Hi everyone. I am looking for voice actors to work with for a project of mine on Instagram called @freshdoseofnothing. It is primarily centered around comedy and I only use audio for my videos (and then a visualizer for the video) since my computer is not good enough to edit videos. I have two videos on there and you can feel free to check them out. I've been trying to source audio from videos on the internet so the script literally depended on what audio I can get. But I have a lot of original ideas that I want to write scripts for and if I have voice actors on board I feel like those ideas can come to life. I haven't worked out all the details yet but if you're down, drop a comment and I will get back to you asap. As I said in the title, this is unpaid but I will definitely credit you and make it worth your while. Thank you!

Looking for an acting class or workshop that lets you go crazy! Recommendations needed by lqcnyc  •  last post Apr 30th

Hey I’m in nyc and am not an actor. However I’d really like to let loose with others and kind of go crazy. Not in a depressing serious way but in a fun silly funny way. Like people acting like monkeys, make funny faces and noises, dance around and stuff with guidance from a teacher or leader. I’m looking to do this for therapeutic, mental health reasons. I’d just like to break out of my normal self for an hour or two with others and have a fun time doing it. I don’t even know if this falls into acting or if there are acting classes like it, but I figured it might be. Thanks!

Scooby-Doo- The Voice Cast (Episode 14) by TheVoiceCast  •  last post Apr 30th

[Video Version]( [Audio Version]( [ For the next few episodes on The Voice Cast, we are going to be delving into the case behind the voice actors of your favorite band of meddling kids from Mystery Inc. This is because of the new CGI movie that's happening in May. With our first case being on the iconic dog, Scooby Doo. I hope you enjoy! ](

Has IMDb Rejected Your Indie Film? I Can Help You Get It Approved In Just A Few Hours. by Michael Johnson  •  last post Apr 30th

If you're having trouble getting your independent film, documentary, or student film added to IMDb, I can help. Guaranteed approval to IMDb for all short and feature films, documentaries, and even older films which are no longer available to watch or stream anywhere. WhatsApp: 213-262-3874 Skype: live:.cid.e794eb07a5aeb1a3

How can I use acting to my advantage in the real world? by spectacularkay  •  last post Apr 30th

Okay so first I want to say that I'm not a professional actor and I'm not interested in theater really. But I've been really intrigued with the idea of acting lately, the way you can get in the mind of a character and become someone completely different. That is amazing to me. Anyways, i've been curious about something. I graduate high school in may and I'll admit i'm not the most confident person ever. In some situations I can find myself getting anxious and nervous. But I don't want to be that person anymore, especially since I am on my way to becoming an adult. So acting...could I use the power of acting to become confident in the *real world?* Like for instance. Using it to land jobs, to ace jobs interviews, to reduce social anxiety, or perhaps even to defend myself ? I am terrible in these types of scenarios but I have a feeling acting could help. do people even use acting for this? lol . what do you say?

Should I drop out of acting school (PLZ READ( by clarissasmith8049  •  last post Apr 30th

Okay well I already did but just please read and give me advice. At first, I was really happy with my decision, but lately I’ve had some doubts. I got into acting when I was 11 because I really loved singing and the studio I was at offered acting lessons so why not? I auditioned for Disney stuff and even was in a music video (13 y/o)but that’s all the professional work I had. My mom was constantly researching agents and gigs and was always trying to get me signed or new gigs. She was always looking for teachers and the whole time, it seemed like she was more into it than me. I planned to major in acting and become an actor because that’s all I’d known and industry professionals had told me I could make it and my mom really wanted me to. Don’t want to sound vain, but I am really pretty and have a good toned body and I know that nowadays, that’s important and makes you way mite likely to get an agent or book. Now don’t get me wrong, I really like acting and performing. However, I don’t know if I’m as a passionate about it as other people. I very well might be, but I’ve never been one of those acting people who makes theatre their whole life and only talks about theatre and acting. Anyways, fast forward to acting school. The 2 years leading up to it, I had a gut feeling that it’s not what I wanted to do but I ignored it. I started school and at first I liked it fine. But then I started to become miserable in the classes. I was being treated very u disrespectfully by other kids. The thought of trying to be an actor after graduating me so anxious and so so sad and there were other things I wanted to study and do!! I spoke to my mom about this and she was concerned that I wanted to quit because i was scared of failing/being poor. And I thought about it. Yes, the actor lifestyle turns me off of it, but the main thing is quitting acting school. I was miserable in school and there are other majors In passionate about. So I told my teachers and switched majors. And I was so happy and relieved about it! I just had to finish the semester But then classes switched online. I wasn’t in class with kids who were mean. I wasn’t doing the stuff in class I couldn’t stand. I’m basically just sending in self tapes now, and since I still like acting, I’m actually enjoying. And my mom, who had been pushing me to do this since I was a child, keeps making comments that I’m destined to be an actor and I told her how when she makes comments I feel unsupported and it makes me upset, but she just got mad at me. I’m really torn. In my gut, I’ve known for a long time that I don’t want to do an acting BFA program. I don’t think I want to be an actor after graduation, but I’ve been enjoying the self tapes and my mom is making me question everything. What if this is my destiny? I’m terrified if looking back on this when I’m old and saying “I gave up because I was scared” (which my mom thought and I’m pretty sure still thinks is the case). But I also know that if i continue in the program my mental health will be shit for the next 3 years and I’ll most likely be crying the day if my graduation. And not happy tears. 18 y/o college freshman in an acting BFA program btw. If anyone read all of this, please let me know your thoughts? Did I make the right decision? Am I being swayed by my mom? Am I giving up because I’m scared? Lmk.

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Post - Apr 30 by AutoModerator  •  last post Apr 30th

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.

Do you hang out at DISCORD? by JoleaDragon  •  last post Apr 30th

Just wondering if voice actors are active in there. I don't really understand Discord, but whenever I get an invite for an animation VO-I always get invited there.

Canadian actors, have you heard of these talent agencies? by fuckthepatriarchy241  •  last post Apr 29th

I got offers from: - Dorothy Management - Prestige Talent - KC Talent - Ignite Artists - Leo Management - Talent Picobello - Eagle Talent Agency I’m an American actor looking to expand my market into Canada and am hoping to find enough work to become UBCP/ACTRA.

If you are able to do Acting Work for any Company in the whole world, which Company would you work for and WHY? by dbowsmashbros  •  last post Apr 29th

This is for all the aspiring Actors/Actresses of Reddit