Can a Canadian actor submit themselves to submissions/breakdowns that are posted under US (e.g. Los Angeles, New York, etc.) Do you pretty much have free reign to submit for any projects that are posted on the site?
A little background. I have a small youtube channel (3k subs) and am currently working on some animated shorts. I plan to post the shorts in my channel (monetized), twitter, tumblr, instagram and facebook. I am in the process of hiring voice actors for these shorts but for now, my budget is quite limited, but I still want to provide a fair price to these voice over talents. Please note as well that as far as I'm aware, the ones in my selection are voice actors with no prior experience and not ones working professionally. Aside from paying them per number of words.... 1. Do I pay them for commercial, or social media rights? Or both? How much would that usually cost? 2. Do I need to pay for broadcast rights too? Because the way I understand it, broadcast rights only come into play if you're using it for TV and movies, whereby you make money directly off of the product (unlike commercial, where you make money after the fact like in advertisements) 3. What would be a fair price for amateur voice actors per 100 words? These are shorts and there's very little dialogue for now (each short is usually just 1-2mins long). In fact, one character only has 20 words of dialogue, and the other 100 words. 4. Am I able to use their voice clips in perpetuity or do I discuss that with the voice actor of the limits of the use? What's the usual limit or the fair limit for my situation? Use per episode only? Thank you so much guys and I appreciate the input!
Anyone else feel like giving up on this? I’ve been at this for years and have booked jobs but not at all consistently or enough to live on. At the same time I see other actors that started after me being much more successful. I’ve invested so much time, money and energy into this but I don’t feel like I’m getting anything out of it. I’ve been rejected several times for big, what would have been a breakthrough, projects and I’m starting to think that maybe I’m just not good enough. So I’m asking has anyone else ever felt like this and would you give up in my situation? I’m almost 24 years old now.
Hi guys, this is my first post on reddit so I’m sorry if I’ve done anything wrong. I’ve dreamed of being an actor my whole life and cannot remember a time where it hadn’t been my life’s plan. I am about to complete my drama A-level next year and I also do youth theatre at my local theatre. I am planning to apply to RADA, Guildhall or LAMDA however I would like to primarily do screen acting (I know I will probably need to do more theatre for experience aswell) but I’ve searched the internet over the past year trying to see if drama school is ‘worth it’ if you want to work on screen but I can’t find any solid results.
I did a few voice acting lines for some people a while back but I never did anything professional, I'm cheap, I can do voice impressions of cartoon characters pretty well my best include Rick Sanchez, Peter Griffin, and Kermit the frog. If you don't want voice impressions I can also bend my voice to low and high.
Hello! I am an actor in the twin cities area, and I am moving to Chicago by the end of the year. I have a BFA in acting and was always told by my professors that I should do voice acting. It’s something that I really love and would love to get real work in, but I feel like we didn’t talk about it much in class, we had one weekend workshop on it and that was a few years ago. I’m wondering, how does one get started making a demo from home? I obviously want to start working from home with the situation the world is in now, and since I am moving, I don’t want to start something in the twin cities that I won’t be able to continue to work on when I move to Chicago. Any tips on how to make a demo at home? Equipment I need, how to get it out there? TIA :)
I’m making a film soon with friends and I don’t have the benefit of hiring actors and I have to rely on them. The roles are already similar to they personalities so it’ll be easier to slip into a persona. Other than that, do you actors have any advice on how to handle them and try to a get an at least competent performance?
Hi all! I'm an actor with an extensive training background and I've always been interested in voiceover. I was just preparing to put together a new demo before the pandemic hit. I know building a homebrew demo is generally frowned upon, but under the circumstances I'm not sure I have any other choice if I want to start putting myself out there. I have a professionally recorded commercial reel but I'm not of the opinion it reflects my talent all that well anymore. I'd like to start submitting for and booking work, primarily in commercial and potentially in animation, video games, and narration, but I'd also like to not waste my time. Any and all advice would be appreciated!
I know this sounds dumb and probably kinda childish, but i hope some of you also share this dream of one day playing in a superhero movie. Not because all of the money and fame, but more to inspire others like I got inspired of. Just to give something back, something that brings so much joy to some people. So now my questions: even though it‘s very unlikely, does anybody know numbers of how many people actually were able to play these roles in contrast to those trying? And how would be the best way to get to an audition as a no-name (or is it just like when you want to succeed in other genres)? Wish you all a happy day!
I know this sounds dumb and probably kinda childish, but i hope some of you also share this dream of one day playing in a superhero movie. Not because all of the money and fame, but more to inspire others like I got inspired of. Just to give something back, something that brings so much joy to some people. So now my questions: even though it‘s very unlikely, does anybody know numbers of how many people actually were able to play these roles in contrast to those trying? And how would be the best way to get to an audition as a no-name (or is it just like when you want to succeed in other genres)? Wish you all a happy day!
I've always been fascinated with how actors sort of become their characters. That is what I first fell in love with about films. So I wanted to be an actor. So far though I've never been on set(because I either didn't get the part or if I did I couldn't go due to far location) or gone to acting classes(hardly any in my country). The only acting experience I have is auditions and my private monologue recordings in my room. So my question is, are those two things enough to know whether acting is what I like? Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think they are because auditions are more like tasks and monologue is like quarter of the full experience of an actor. So is auditions and my private monologue recordings in my room enough to know whether I like acting? And if they are not then what would make me know? Acting on set? Acting classes?
He is one of the best known actors of all time! he did Darth Vader and Mufasa and he had a sever stammer. I was told I have a good voice and I what to use my gift and refine it to share to the world. I won't go so far as to say we have a lot in common, but I think we have similar backgrounds as we are both black men with a stammer and it was pretty bad when we were younger. I want to meet him and let him know that he has been a inspiration to me. I think VO may be my calling, but I just need to stick with it. I know they are going to be obstacles with the nature of stammering, but I think it's worth to reach a career I've been wanting to find for the longest.
I was going to upload my Demo Reel to Actors Access even though I rarely use it, but it costs $150 because of how long they are. Someone told me don't upload to YouTube, instead chose Vimeo. Is that true? I'd love advice, thank you.
Hi everyone! I want to get the word out so more practicing Catholics can feel less alone! Find us on facebook-- "Catholic Performing Artists". Group mission: We exist! This private group is to foster healthy conversation and debate, and generate moral support amongst practicing Catholics who uphold the moral teachings of the Catholic Church AND are trying to forge a career as professional singers, instrumentalists, theatre performer or film actors. No doubt, a very specific set of challenges face us. The world we live in and the time we live in are in many ways not amenable to faithful Catholics, especially those in the arts. This group attempts to ask the question and to continue to ask: “can we be a practicing Catholic AND a performing artist?”
Hey, everyone. I'm an independent film producer and today, Saturday, April 25th, I'll be doing an AMA. Here's a bit of background: As a kid, I was interested in becoming an actor. I took classes and ended up doing some voiceover work but soon realized I wanted to be more of a behind the scenes type. I wanted to realize *my vision* rather than *help others to realize their*s. I started out by literally sneaking onto the Universal Lot after reading that Spielberg had done that in the late 60s, and I got my first ever job as a P.A. on an Amblin series. From there I spent a few years in production before moving to personal assisting where I got to work closely with such actors as Ben Stiller, Courteney Cox, Jack Black, and Christopher Walken. Next I moved into working for directors and learned everything from development through to press junkets and the release of a film under filmmakers like Judd Apatow, Peter Hedges, and Joe Wright and during that time, was able to dust off my voiceover skills and got to join SAG-AFTRA! I started producing shortly after that and never looked back. I am an IFP-Gotham Award-winning filmmaker, a member of the Producers Guild of America, and have had three feature films released. In addition to that, I've written for publications like Filmmaker and Moviemaker Magazines, taught at a number of film schools around the globe (and through online courses with [Stage32). I've also produced commercials, music videos, and a live event for the Obama White House. One of my favorite parts of the filmmaking process is casting. I truly love and respect actors and I've had the opportunity to watch and learn from some of the best so I thought it would be interesting to offer an AMA to actors of all levels from an indie producers perspective. So. If that would be interesting to you, come back to the r/acting page later today at 12pm PST/3pm EST/9pm CET and let's dive in! Thanks for reading and I look forward to chatting with anyone who's interested! (One last thing: I have opted to remain anonymous for a variety of reasons, not least of which is so that I don’t end up receiving tons of emails with headshots or from people asking me to look at reels - I always use a casting director so that’s who you ought to submit to anyway. All of that said, the moderator here has verified me and my credits so I’m hoping that will make everyone feel comfortable).
Hey, everyone. I'm an independent film producer and this is my AMA. First, I just want to note that I have opted to remain anonymous for a variety of reasons, not least of which is so that I don’t end up receiving tons of emails with headshots from people asking me to look at reels - I always use a casting director so that’s who you ought to submit to anyway. All of that said, the moderator here has verified me below and reviewed my credits so I’m hoping that will make everyone feel comfortable Here's a bit of background on me: As a kid, I was interested in becoming an actor. I took classes and ended up doing some voiceover work but soon realized I wanted to be more of a behind the scenes type. I wanted to realize *my vision*rather than *help others to realize their*s. I started out by literally sneaking onto the Universal Lot after reading that Spielberg had done that in the late 60s, and I got my first ever job as a P.A. on an Amblin series. From there I spent a few years in production before moving to personal assisting where I got to work closely with such actors as Ben Stiller, Courteney Cox, Jack Black, and Christopher Walken. Next I moved into working for directors and learned everything from development through to press junkets and the release of a film under filmmakers like Judd Apatow, Peter Hedges, and Joe Wright and during that time, was able to dust off my voiceover skills and got to join SAG-AFTRA! I started producing shortly after that and never looked back. I am an IFP-Gotham Award-winning filmmaker, a member of the Producers Guild of America, and have had three feature films released. In addition to that, I've written for publications like Filmmaker and Moviemaker Magazines, taught at a number of film schools around the globe (and through online courses with \[Stage32). I've also produced commercials, music videos, and a live event for the Obama White House. One of my favorite parts of the filmmaking process is casting. I truly love and respect actors and I've had the opportunity to watch and learn from some of the best so I thought it would be interesting to offer an AMA to actors of all levels from an indie producers perspective. So. Thanks for reading and I look forward to chatting with anyone who's interested!
Hi folks! I won't bore you with the full life story. I did 5 years of youth drama school as a teenager. Acting was all I ever wanted to do as a kid, and I used to obsessively read acting websites like industry websites as a teenager thinking about the career I wanted to have. I had this whole plan in my head for how I was going to make my dream come true. But life got the better of me. Despite doing obscenely well in my professional career (I was upper middle management at a big, multi-million non-profit before my 25th birthday) since university, a lot of things have made me realise that I can't be happy in that kind of life. I've put so much time, energy, effort and dedication into something that's left me so unfulfilled. I have an enormously supportive family and friend network behind me trying to do this. Why not put that energy into what I've always loved? I've got an audition for a reputable, part-time acting school here in the UK. When exactly that audition is I'm not sure because of quarantine. Now I've done a ton of public speaking, events hosting and so on, but I haven't been on a stage since I was 16. I know I'm rusty as hell. I know I'll be competing against people who have more experience under their belt just for the chance to learn and practice again (I'm trying to remind myself that 26 is not nearly as old as it *feels* right now!). I'm very fortunate to be in a city that has a ton of student film making going on, so I'm already doing things like booking headshots - as much as anything to learn to start feeling comfortable behind a camera - in the hope next year I can start doing some free stuff to rack up a bit of experience and practice for paid work, whilst also investigating how I can use my skills and passions to find more flexible day work. **So I'm looking for advice: craft-wise, what should I be doing right now, in these weeks I'm trapped in the house, to set myself up for success both in getting into this acting school and in the next couple of years in general?** My gut tells me to pick a few monologues or scenes to start practising the ever loving hell out of, and maybe do some accent work as well to get some practice testing and 'stretching' my voice out (I was a stupendous voice actor as a kid but I am hugely out of practice) and broadening my range, but I'm interested in hearing what anyone else here might think is a good idea in my situation.