Is it bad to want to pursue acting and also desire to be invited to events such as Fashion Weeks, Met Gala etc, is it bad to want to be on talk shows and interviews and gain fans to influence your fans, communicate with your fans and help them (Because that’s what I would want my actor to do) is that bad? Is it shallow, unrealistic???
Hi! I've recently moved to Toronto and I'm looking for a great place to take Meisner classes. I'm hoping to sign up for some more intro-level acting courses at LB or Second City as well (once classes go back in studio though, not sure I'm convinced about Zoom classes), but I'm also hoping to supplement these with Meisner. It's probably a long shot, but I've been reading William Esper's book and was wondering if there was a studio with a similar style of training (in which you progress slowly and meet multiple times a week) - I wonder if something like that exists outside of NY or LA even! Either way, I'd love to hear about the Meisner studios other Toronto-based actors have enjoyed studying at!
Hey guys, I'm an amateur voice actor who's just started off with a few gigs and I was wondering if any of you could help me with a problem I've been having, there's this ring at the end of most audio I record and I can't seem to isolate the problem, any education or help would be super appreciated! [\(Volume up on the video obviously\)](
Marlon Brando -- arguably *the* greatest film actor of all time -- was notorious for not learning his lines. In Superman, he read his lines off baby superman's diaper. I heard that in Godfather, he read his lines off cue cards. How the hell is it possible that he still gave such brilliant performances? Are some people just destined to be better actors than others? Is talent really a limiting factor? The thought of that gives me chills. ​ Robert Downey Jr. doesn't really learn his lines either. On the Joe Rogan podcast he's said that recently, A LOT of the time he'll have an earpiece in with someone feeding him the lines. ​ I just don't know. It makes me feel awfully discouraged. If they were able to be so good with so little, why even try, you know what I mean?
Give me a monologue. A hard monologue. Something that would make me push myself, that might be out of my comfort zone, that requires lots of practice and time to perfect. One that you’ve had before and struggled to master, or one you’ve seen and been amazed by. Either way, I want to keep growing as an actor over this strange time and I figured this sub would be the place to go for a good challenge.
As the title says, i'm currently working on a game and I am in need a female voice actor who can voice act a laboratory AI. Any examples would help!
Hey, everyone. I’ve been interested in voice acting from a young age but never thought of possibly making it a reality until now. However, I’d like your opinion on something; do you think there’s a thing such as a bad voice? Should some people “just not be” voice actors? It’s funny because everyone speaks differently in real life and it’s normal, but when it comes to voice acting, I’m wondering if the situation is different. Are some people’s voices simply unfit to become a voice actor?
My name is K, And I want to start practicing acting, I am 14 years old. And in Quartine like the rest of us. I decided to try Acting because I always wanted to become an actor. Does anyone have any tips or advice?
Hello! I am a 21 year old female voice actor and I have been dubbing for almost 5 years now on and off. The picture shows some of the roles I've had and some shows I mostly ad-libbed or had minor roles. (Missing a few...) I've been side-hustling online as well, but mostly dubbing on TV. My question goes out to all the international dubbers/VAs who've landed roles abroad (or in English), how and where did you find your projects? Dubbing is fun and all but I've always wanted to be that "original voice" or the "English voice"! I don't have a notable accent either, as I've lived in the US and generally since just have a lot of American/British friends. Even if you're not a dubber please do share your story, I find it very enjoyable and interesting to hear other's stories!- International dubber with huge ambitions
Hey all, first time poster on this r/, Does anyone know where/how to find random characters like the ones they use in the vanity Fair voice actor improvises series? I think it would be a fun exercise, but I've tried various Google searches, stock image sites and deviant art, and all met with various types of failure. Any ideas?
How do freelance VO artists go about getting insurance? Do you have to join a union?
I want to be a VO artist but how do freelance voice actors get health insurance? Do I have to join a union?
I signed up for online acting starting tomorrow. Is it normal when you read a monologue to sound stiff and fake? I haven’t memorized anything yet, but I’m worried that I won’t ever sound natural. I’ve never read a monologue or memorized or did anything having to do with acting before. Could practicing and learning really make me a good natural actor? I feel like even when I speak to anyone I sound scripted and like a robot.
im wondering if you guys can think of any actors who werent very good in their first role but then blossomed and became something great. The reason im asking is because i have a good feeling most of my work is shit. And recently i booked a big movie (probably because of my instagram following) but I was horrible in it. It hasnt come out yet but when it does I know people will write me off . Just curious, do you guys think actors only get one shot?
Hi all! I've been thinking of the future a lot, as my sister is graduating soon (lots of college talk in my house). So, here's the thing. I have a passion for performing in live theatre and I want that to be my life, however, I've seen the unemployment rate among actors, and I don't think I would be able to keep myself alive if I were only having a survival job (I can't work with people to save my life, and I can't specialize in things like computer science). So here's my question. Should I get a degree in something else and minor/double major in acting so I can have a safe backup? Or just go for it straight away? (my "backup" job would require a lot of schooling but I'm also really passionate about it). Opinions? Thanks!
Hey guys,my name is Austin and I'm 18 years old(turning 19 on June 12th). I recently joined this subreddit.I'm about to graduate on May 22 virtually due to the whole pandemic going on. But,i do want to pursue a career into voice acting. I want to say that I've been interesting in voice acting since I was young. Whether it was playing video games or watching cartoons/anime. Ever since then,i thought voicing a character seemed really awesome. Ever since then, I found my career choice and been heavily invested in it. But,there are a few problems that I'm facing currently. First off,i didn't take theatre during high school. The reason for this is because I had social anxiety and was afraid to work in crowds. I even struggled on school project presentations. To this day it still urks me that I didn't take it as I could've have some acting experience on my belt. Next,i feel like my reading and voice is just odd sounding. I sometimes mispronounce words and,read very fast from time to time. I cringe at the thought of hearing my voice in video recordings when I do Youtube Commentaries or even live streams. And finally, I lack confidence. I want to pursue Voice Acting because it seems like a fun and an unique experience. I want to have a career I can enjoy for myself. However,with my voice I feel like I'm going to fail at it. I also make careless mistakes. Sorry if this post is very long. I just need guidance from professionals like you guys. I want your guys feedback on what to do and how to get better. I have been practicing during this time by recording myself reading movie quotes to even poems. I also been watching free webinars from people like Steve Blum(one of my favorite V.A's) and other tutorials. And as mentioned earlier,i do gaming commentaries and live streams from time to time to build up my speaking voice.