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We have found 19,369 posts across 4 actor forums:

Need some advice. Follow your dreams or not? Having an existential crisis right now. by Avenger_3000  •  last post Jan 2nd

Dear people, I need some advice. I am a 21 year old guy from Amsterdam and I love going to movies! 3 years ago, this crazy idea popped into my head to become an actor. Every time I see a good movie/series this idea comes back. At that time, I had a gap year after I got my high school diploma. Out of the blue I decided to audition for LAMDA in London. I did some research and thought that the best way to make it to the big screens is through a prominent drama school like LAMDA. I went there without even preparing my monologue, don’t ask me why I was a fool… I didn’t get accepted like expected, since then I was like ‘okay it’s not for me’. 3 years later, now the idea of becoming an actor start to come back again. I am in my first years of college right now, my grades are good, but my heart is still with acting. It’s like an existential crisis, I don’t know what to do. Should I continue my bachelor that will ensure a career for me. Or should I choose for the risky unstable path of pursuing an acting career…. I am considering auditioning again for LAMDA, this time really preparing my monologue. But even if I get in there is no guarantee that I will make it in the industry. Besides that, there is also the financial burden of moving to London and live there, fees 9.000 pound per year for the school and all the living costs.   My heart is with acting, but my brain says forget that it’s too risky, stay in college. I really want to follow my dreams, but I don’t want to ruin my life while doing that. I will be 22 after one month, I don’t want to waste time anymore. I have to decide now. This uncertainty about my future really drives me crazy. Do you guys have some advice for me? Can I combine my bachelor and acting? Or should I choose one of them? Or anything else… Everything is welcome!

Bass Playing Actor by xxFoxyGhostxx  •  last post Jan 2nd

I am a Bass playing Actor willing to do anything to make it. The projects I'd have interest in the most are horror and comity. Any agents out there interested? Message me on here if you are. You'll be given my phone number and we can talk from there.

Austin Texas actors? by NobodyNamedSmith  •  last post Jan 2nd

I'd love to get a group together to read scenes, monologues and audition material! DM me or reply here if interested!

Actor's Pad (UK) by lerlay  •  last post Jan 2nd

Hey, has anyone heard anything about a group called Actor's Pad? They're on twitter as @TheActorsPad but mostly they just plug becoming a member and how they've got workshops if you pay for membership. I can't find review of them online or anything, but has anyone here had any dealings with them? Are they good? Are they a scam?

New life to my old monologue by ellisaych24  •  last post Jan 2nd

I got an acting showcase where we perform a 60 second monologue. I got a go to monologue that works most of the time. Now, The monologue and my performance is pretty solid, but it could be better; it reflects my old thought process as an actor (emote, emote, emote) . I want to revamp it with my new skill set but cant seem to break away from old habits. Any suggestions? Or just get a new monologue?

Anyone here in Dublin or other parts of Ireland? by Hyper_Intake123  •  last post Jan 2nd

18yo actor in cork here. Dont have an agent yet. Pretty hard to find work even more cos I dont have a white ethnicity as a lot of roles posted online are usually white ethnicities or out of my age. How do you find work? Also are there any good studios in dubline that might do a one day workshop or something? Any advice appreciated

I am 17 years old, what should I do ... by deffrankchella  •  last post Jan 2nd

I'm 17 years old from Europe (male). I love acting and I would really like to try myself in it. I'm particularly interested in TV shows and movies (not so much on stage theater). I have no specific education in acting. Trying to sound as less narcissistic as possible, most people tell me that I would make a good actor (not including the ones that are saying it to be polite). As cliche as it sounds my dream is to pursue acting in L.A. But I guess that I'm a little scared that if I go all in on acting and that it might fail and I end up "ruining" my life. On top of that I've heard that getting a O-1 Visa without popularity and achievements in your own country is most likely impossible. So I guess my question is, where do I start from here?

Best way to simultaneously record voice actors that are in different locations. by GeoMDCM  •  last post Jan 2nd

Please excuse my ignorance as I'm completely new to this. I'm interested in making a scripted podcast. When I was a "writer" in Los Angeles, I pitched multiple scripts, blah blah blah, nothing happened. Anyway, I always wanted to film/create the movies my self, but that avenue just isn't an option. I'd like to create a scripted podcast, and before I get too far ahead of my self, I'd like to figure out if it's plausible. For the sake of argument, let's say on location isn't an option. I'm trying to figure out the correct/best way to simultaneously record multiple voice actors that are all in different locations. How I envision the process is to have voice actors record their own dialogue while connected through skype to play off each other's emotions. When the scene/s is complete, they send me the files that they have recorded and I can mix them in post. Recording the actual Skype session was an option, but I figured the compression would just kill the mixing/editing in post. Like I said before, please excuse my ignorance. If there is a correct way to do this, let me know. Or if you have any further questions, don't hesitate to ask.

The Screen Actors Guild & Leaving New York | Will Franken by midnightmasss  •  last post Jan 2nd

Best websites for extra work in Los Angeles or New York? by NimbusCloud1  •  last post Jan 2nd

 10 years ago I registered with Central casting in Los Angeles. The only offers I ever got for extra work we're actually positions where they just wanted somebody to bring props, usually a car that had to be no more than 2 years old and they always wanted me to bring my own costume to play a police woman or a waitress, Etc. I recently rejoined and it seems like nothing has changed. The latest job required that I bring my own bagpipes. This place feels like such a total joke but I hear people say they use it all the time and get work.  I also just discovered that there is something called extras access. This is obviously the same company as Actors Access and breakdown Express. I tried to log in with the same registration information I have for my Actors Access account but it didn't recognize me. So do I have to create a whole different profile for extras access? Also looks like they charge to submit to extra work? no way.

Question for London based actors! by tomibombadill  •  last post Jan 2nd

Hello London actors! Anyone heard about Middleweek Newton academy? Supposedly it's mostly a screen acting course with an agency read at the end. I know the agency is legit but I am curious about the quality of the course. Is it any good? Or is it just to lure people in with false promises of getting an agent? I am also open to hear some suggestion of some good workshops in London if you have some! Cheers guys!

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Post - Jan 2 by AutoModerator  •  last post Jan 2nd

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.

Improv comedy experience..amyone else? by StrobeRogers  •  last post Jan 1st

Hello, I seem to do better when i am around other actors vs my local indie school, where I usually have non actors. Anyone else and what does this mean? Thanks

Actors Gaming League by ChrisLuhrsVA  •  last post Jan 1st

Hey everyone! I'm starting a group called Actors Gaming League. Mainly for Fortnite right now but if you're interested in joining the Discord server, let me know. :)

Actors Gaming League by ChrisLuhrsVA  •  last post Jan 1st

Hey everyone! I'm starting a group called Actors Gaming League. Mainly for Fortnite right now. If you're interested in joining the Discord server, let me know. The only requirement is to have a microphone. :)

What are some good ressources to check out if want to improve your craft? by SirCuntyMcDoucheface  •  last post Jan 1st

I've recently got into VOing and am now trying to find ways to improve. So far, I've found the book "The Art of Voice Acting" by James Alburger which seems to be highly respected in the community, a similar book by famous voice actor Yuri Lowenthal, and the "Tip of The Tongue" podcast on the JelloApocalypse YouTube channel. If someone could point me towards any other good ressources that I could learn from, free or not, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Acting beyond the method by stile03  •  last post Jan 1st

Daniel day Lewis is considered in the top 3 actors to ever live (if not the best actor) and he is renowned for his embodiment of his characters, not one of his performances are the same which makes him so unique and amazing. He is known for being a method actor that stays in character throughout the entire 8 month shoots of his movies, there was a claim that in “my left foot” DDL would make people push him around set in a wheelchair and that he broke 2 ribs whilst acting out his paralysis. So my question is, do you guys think that there will ever be an actor better than DDL? And my second question is do you think that it is possible for an actor to surpass Daniel day Lewis without being a method actor? Or is method acting vital to reaaaallly connecting with a characters past present future and emotions related.

Any of you actors out there skateboard? by throwawayacccccccoun  •  last post Jan 1st

Just curious.

When I watch myself on video, I find myself involuntarily shaking my head. I hate it. What might you recommend to break this habit? by OUntimelyDeath  •  last post Dec 31st

I’ve been this way for years, but it hasn’t been as much a problem before as it is for the project I’m working on now. I’ve taken movement classes, and apparently they didn’t beat this out of me. Little shakes, when I’m trying to keep my head still. Like Jay Leno. It doesn’t seem to be medically related. I’ve checked with my physician. This is just how I am. I hate this more than anything else about me, because it makes me a worse actor, and I just can’t seem to shak— uh, you know, get rid of it. Any tips to help me be more mindful of my movements? And happy new year, of course!

Need help by JulesLuck7  •  last post Dec 31st

I been going through horrible depression. My life isn’t how I wanted it to be not even close to what I wanted. I know i shouldn’t be complaining because at the end of the day I have a roof.. but I can’t stop thinking I want to be happier. I want to stop thinking about what happened.... anyways I’m on here because I always wanted to be a actress since I was little. I guess I owe it to my innocent old me to atleast try. If you guys can help me.. I would really appreciate it.