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We have found 19,364 posts across 4 actor forums:

Japanese Voice Actors (Anime Pilot) by lpartOfficial  •  last post Aug 3rd

Hey all! I am an animator and I am currently making an anime pilot and am looking for voice actors who can speak Japanese! The pilot is just a few minutes long and all the lines are available in Japanese and transcribed in English characters :) I currently have 3 male roles open (female lead is already filled) I unfortunately wont be able to pay anyone as i have no money :( But for anyone who's looking for a cool portfolio piece or just a fun project be sure to message me and we can talk about the project! Thanks for reading, if you are interested you can pm me or email me here!

I need help of y'all by twentytwopilotsFAN14  •  last post Aug 3rd

Alright so I want to be an actor, can I start it a bit up at age 12?

What to do when you're questioning your talent (in a funk)? by forthe_99and2000  •  last post Aug 2nd

I usually don't internalize auditions when I don't get the gig or callback, because I know that's part of it. But I've recently switched from being an actor on the side to doing it full time. I've moved to another city and most of my friends here are also actors. Lately, my self doubt has been surfacing and it's pretty nasty. My friends and I are all in the same age and ethnicity group. We go to the same auditions for the same roles, and I'm noticing that all of them have gotten booked and I'm the only one who isn't. I know you're not supposed to compare yourself to others but I guess because I always know who got the part over me, it makes me feel like I'm inferior and less talented than everyone else. And of course I've fallen into the rabbit hole of negative thoughts and it's turned into me feeling like if everyone is getting roles except me, essentially it must mean I'm just not a good actor. People always say that the life of an actor has its ups and downs, sometimes you'll get work, sometimes there will be stretches of time when you won't, etc. Has anyone ever looked over their career so far and felt like they never had any ups yet, no stretches of time where they got roles that felt prominent to them? Thus feeling like it's been strictly downs and no ups to balance it out? How does one deal with that? I hate this feeling.

I used to be polite re:side nose by sandrasnet  •  last post Aug 2nd

When I saw an actress, who seemed to have dermatitis where their nostrils connect with the start of their cheeks, i gave them the benefit of the doubt, that you can only act under bright lights while wearing makeup for so long unless you have the greatest help. i personally think that's where they fuck up the silicon glue application when they put on their fake nose. so now i, along with a group of people with similar 'social leanings', go hunting for someone like that on my days off, to find answers. my wife has a lot of very difficult to answer questions regarding things she may have read while checking out with groceries, and its my job as a man to solve those problems for her.

Actors, what does your schedule look like? by cinema_owl21  •  last post Aug 2nd

I’m really trying to become more consistent with the acting field and would love some insight about what y’all do on a daily basis. Do you always work out every morning? On average how many auditions a week do you do? How many acting classes a week/month? Do you wake up at 7 am everyday? Work 2 jobs? Everyone’s journey is different, so basically what do you do during your week that makes you feel like you’ve done the most to help your career? Thanks:)

LA actors! by alwaystoiyurd  •  last post Aug 2nd

For those that live in LA, which casting site do u guys prefer the most? Backstage? La casting? Actors access??

What kind of role is this and how much should I pay for it? by Gjork  •  last post Aug 2nd

Hi! I'm working on a short (3 min) film for an online video contest. I need about five "henchmen" for the big finale scene. What kind of role is this? They interact with the protagonist, but don't have any lines. I'm thinking it would fall under "Featured Background" but I'm not sure. Also, what would you say is a reasonable rate for this kind of work? In the past, I haven't felt too bad about only paying actors $100 bucks or so because I knew they were building up their portfolios and gaining experience just like I was, but with this kind of work there isn't anything the actor can put in a reel. I'm in LA if that matters. Appreciate the help.

this is not working out for me and I'm miserable and broke and depressed. how can i FORCE myself to do something else with my life? by Ilikedogs1500  •  last post Aug 1st

i'm so tired of waiting tables, i'm so tired of being poor, i'm so tired of everything. i haven't been able to afford an acting class for years, it's all just a nightmare, it really really is. i have no idea what else to do with my life and i have no idea where to even look. how to even make myself feel like anything else is worth pursuing. but i have to. because pursuing acting is for RICH PEOPLE. period. and im not rich, and if I keep wasting more years of my life doing this i'm going to be in serious trouble. how do you move on from this? how do you release yourself mentally from this temptation? i'm just destroying my life pursuing this, straight up, because i'm working class. everytime i've tried to quit and move on in the past, i get depressed and come back to "trying to be an actor" again, but its like, i'm not able to make ANY progress because this is simply for rich people and i can't even afford a decent place to live in these expensive cities let alone find a goddamn student film auditon let alone make a DOLLAR off of this! it's just a never ending nightmare I want to truly release myself from before it really is too late to have a decent life of any kind. i just don't know what to do anymore, i really don't

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Post - Aug 1 by AutoModerator  •  last post Aug 1st

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.

What are the biggest mental/emotional/social struggles you face as an actor? by AlisonHaselden  •  last post Aug 1st

Hey guys! I'm an actor and host of the podcast "It's a Slate of Mind" ([click here]( to check out the show!). I'm currently working on my next season and want to make sure that the subjects of each episode are on point with what our entertainment community is experiencing. Rather than focusing on technique and business, my show focuses on sparking conversations about the mental, emotional, and social aspects of the business that we all face, but don't openly talk about enough! What are some struggles in these areas that you all face/have noticed around you? Thanks so much for your help!

Method acting relaxation tips? by ZachhatesEaSomuch  •  last post Aug 1st

New-ish to acting (2 years) and I really want to know how you(method actors) improve on the relaxion techniques you learnt in school , I feel like I’m always too stiff and anxious even 30 minutes after the fact

quality HS photographers in LA with 2-3 looks under $500 for men? by fuckingdiscrete  •  last post Aug 1st

i'm doing my research but it looks like prices have gone up... quite a bit. and considering, with previous headshot sessions, I got more auditions from FREE headshots from a passionate up and coming photographer than I did for $1000 ones with a "pro".... more money doesn't always equal better... and I also don't want to support a photographer that is so out-of-touch with modern reality that thinks it's acceptable to charge that much money for headshots when most actors are poor. who are you hearing / seeing good things from?

actors access sides scam? by leeval11  •  last post Aug 1st

Hello! I recently got invited to do an audition via actors access. I'm pretty new to this website but do I'm trying to download the sides but it says you have to pay for the sides? Is this a scam?

Please help me decide if I should join SAG. by LadiesWhoPunch  •  last post Aug 1st

First off, I live in San Francisco. I recently met a SAG actor who is going to make a full length film. He likes me and wants to write a part for me in his film. If I choose to do this project, I will be SAG eligible. My hesitations for joining are a couple. First, I have not been acting for very long. I just got out of a 7 week conservatory program. I literally don't have a reel. I have done some theatre work, and would want to continue to do that. I think of acting as art and some fun things are happening in the non-union space. My fear is that there won't be any gigs for union actors with not too much experience. I don't have an agent, which might be what my next move ought to be after I get my card. Would I still get gigs but have them all come through an agent if I am a member of SAG? Any advice you have would be appreciated.

Worried about my ethnicity in Hollywood... by dontstopmenow9898  •  last post Jul 31st

Hi Everyone, So I've been taking lessons and auditioning in my local area whilst saving up to move to LA. However, I am worried my ethnicity will make me uncastable in Hollywood. I am Middle Eastern but look ethnically ambiguous, people don't ever accurately guess where I'm from. I've gotten mixed race, half white, Latinx, Italian, etc... I have heard that being diverse/ethnically ambiguous is a plus in Hollywood right now but... I’m not white enough to play white roles. I’m not "brown/dark enough" to play typically Middle Eastern roles. People often think I'm Latinx but I don’t speak Spanish so I can’t do those roles. In my wildest dreams, I branch out like Rami Malek or Tessa Thompson. Where instead of being typecast by my ethnicity, I am able to play lead roles despite not being white. But I am afraid that I won't be right for ANY roles. I've read a few interviews from actors from similar backgrounds saying exactly this. Anyone already in Hollywood with any advice?

NYC and LA Actors (and NJ)... tell me about your LOCATION! by flipsing96  •  last post Jul 31st

I am an actor living in NJ. I'm studying at a professional actor training school in New York City, and I just finished my first year (I have one more year to go.) Sometimes I get to thinking if I should give LA a try when I graduate. I began in Musical Theatre but am leaning very much into film and straight theatre. I have connects in New York City, but I always wonder if the distance from the city is hindering me, in comparision to people who actually live in NYC and get to be a Subway ride away from everything, more than it would if I were in LA, in which everybody commutes the exact same way. Firstly, to those who commute from New Jersey to NYC and have been making it work-- what has your experience been like for auditions? Have you found success in working in New Jersey, or making your auditions really quality by having scheduled ones to go into the city? And for the LA actors out there who have experience with NYC as well... what has your experience been like doing straight theatre/film acting?

Help!! Is the Mike Beaty Talent Expo a scam? by kaleb2dope  •  last post Jul 31st

I met with a “talent rep” today to potentially have some type of representation to bring exposure to my name as an actor. I met with her and right off the top she talked about how handsome and articulate I was and all this other stuff. Later she asked me to do a monologue which I was prepared for, although I messed up the first time she gave me a tip which helped me fly through it the second time and I knew I killed it. She talked about how she was overwhelmed by the monologue. She later said she thinks I have the drive the look and a really nice build to take it far but to start in commercials. Everything was fine an dandy until she dropped the price which was dang near $2000 dollars. $1995.50 to be exact. So she shows me the booklet with her in it dealing with the expo. So I found out the name and googled it and couldn’t find anything.

Beginning My Voice Acting Journey by catflemington  •  last post Jul 31st

Hello everyone! I just recently started my journey as a voice actor and I'm very excited to get into this field. As far as equipment, I have a couple of different options I'm looking at for microphones. I'm split between the Focusrite Scarlett Solo recording pack and the Røde NT USB (definitely picking up a pop filter as well). Care to give any tips on which one would work better or perhaps share recommendations on better equipment for a beginner? Thanks!