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Is it safe to assume I won't have any chance at an acting career? I don't know if it's worth pursuing at all or how. by NaiveComment  •  last post Jul 9th

I was always an animated kid in front of a camera but never really considered any sort of acting or theater because I had a very old fashioned immigrant family and that was just not a thing. I was always jealous of other kids doing it though. Senior year of high school I finally got the guts to take a theater class and it rocked my worldview. It was seriously the best time of my life til this day. I loved it so much, everything about it, improv, working with others, putting on a show, being on stage, all of it. Nothing made me so happy and gave me such an adrenaline rush. I also was really good at it, too. I know I wasn't as good as the advanced theater kids (I was in intro). But at the risk of sounding very egotistical, I know I was much above average and arguably the best in the class. I was constantly complimented by other students. In college I took two more semesters my first year for fun, and albeit I had a really bad teacher, I still loved it nearly the same (my high school teacher was amazing). However, I eventually bunkered down and got a degree in computer science because that seemed more logical. Throughout college I played a dozen or so shows in a band (music has been my main side hobby for the last decade) and got a similar rush. I've had friends say they've never seen me smile more or seem more happy than on stage. I tried stand up comedy for one summer and that was rough, but I still felt super alive and happy with it. Even if I bombed I was fairly happy at the end of the day. Maybe it's a product of being bullied growing up, or being one of the youngest in a big family, not feeling heard. All that cliche stuff you hear about wanna-be actors upbringing. But I constantly think about pursuing acting even though I'm sure my family and even therapist would tell me it's a horrible idea and a waste of time. Whenever I watch a TV show or movie or something I just think about how fun and exciting that would be to be a part of. Including all the downtime and "boring" stuff. I once PA'd on a short internet video and really enjoyed the process (although the entire time I was thinking "just let me go in front of the camera, I could nail what he's doing"). I made some short movies growing up with family and those were some of my favorite memories. I recently made a "tv pilot" with a friend and it was a hit among our social circle. People really wanted to see more. Anyway, I'm in my mid-twenties and getting older and I just don't know if this is something worth pursuing at all. I live about 1-2 hours from LA depending on traffic and what part of LA we're talking about. I've been out of college for a few months unable to find work in my degree but I'm also extremely broke and barely get by paying my bills as is. I know 99.9% of actors are miserable and don't make it. But I'm sure the 0.1% at least tried. Is it worth trying? Is there a proper way to go about this without being stupid or rash? I'm trying to be logical here. I always thought I could pursue it on the side with a 9-5 programming job but I don't know if that's feasible. Also requires getting that job which I don't have, but that's for another subreddit. Sorry for the vent. Thank you if you even bothered to read this giant word vomit. I hope I can get a reality check here.

Archetypes for Actors: The Shadow by Will-Kelly  •  last post Jul 9th

Help Support me in my acting journey by thana17  •  last post Jul 9th

Hello fellow actors! I’ve joined in a reality talent search on national tv. I reached this milestone because of the tips and techniques I’ve learned in this subreddit so I would like to thank you guys!I was hoping if you guys could help me by voting for me! :) You can watch my acting videos on youtube because part of the show has its episodes uploaded on youtube every weekdays. (sorry if it’s not in english) You can find it here: You can vote here by registering and selecting me (Radson Flores) or if you spotted anyone you like! Thank u r/acting !!

Understanding contracts with 'In Perpetuity'? by Waidlylol  •  last post Jul 9th

I have been cautious of signing contracts that states "In perpetuity" or any other variations of that word. Is that a strict requirement for all film contracts (Be it a student film, feature film, commercial etc)? Most importantly, should it be signed? Is there way to bypass it or change it? Can it be beneficial to the actor? When should something like that be signed? I looked online and the below seems like a common actor agreement form. Can you give me a break down of it? : "The Actor hereby grants to the Production Company and to its licensees, assignees, and other successors-in-interest, all rights of every kind and character, in perpetuity, in and to the Actor’s performance, appearance, likeness, name and/or voice (the “Performance”) in connection with the motion picture entitled \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ which is based on the concept and outline by \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (the “Picture”)." ​ or a contract that they could use my image and likeness in perpetuity. ​ Also, is there anything else I should look out for regarding actor release forms/consent? I'm not union or have representation.

My first professional gig!! by FearlessInteraction  •  last post Jul 8th

Heyoooo fellow actors! I recently graduated from my conservatory program in NYC and have been living here since. My survival job is rather boring and not in my career path but the people are very nice. I haven't been able to audition bc of my own insecurities, habits, and lack of time management but I have been sending out many online auditions. AND I BOOKED A PODCAST !!! I've never done a podcast, let alone get paid for an acting gig. It was a really cool experience. We recorded in my directors (million dollar) apartment which was a nice surprise. (Considering my protective father was thinking I was gonna be attacked in some random apartment bc the job was fake???) The director was really cool and excited for his project. It is called 'COMMUNITY' and it follows the story of multiple LGBT+ characters when they all are in a massive gay club and a gunman attacks. Now, I am transgender (FTM) and I was scared about auditioning bc I don't feel I fit the look of 'the leading man.' BUT this role I got is actually a Transgender character. PLUS what I didn't know that in the last 6 episodes of the podcast, MY BOY LUKE (my character) ENDS UP BECOMING A CENTER POINT OF THE WHOLE SHOW. So that's LIT. If you're interested at all after my nonsensical ramble, please check out the release of our first episode on Spotify: []( MUCH LOVE TO ALL THE ACTORS THAT FOLLOW THIS SUBREDDIT! You all are working hard and inspiring! xx Much Love xx (If this post in anyway violates a rule Im so sorry)

How do I give this up? by helpmegivethisup  •  last post Jul 8th

Part of this is a rant, but I'm also genuinely asking for advice: I'm a really bad actor. In college I was cut from a BFA acting program. I didn't fit in, and I think my (at the time) whole-hearted attempts at "honing my craft" were amusing at best and cringy at worst. That was ten years ago. I'm 29 now and have a full time job. The problem is that I thought I'd learned to mute this part of myself and accept that I don't belong in front of a camera, but recently I've felt inspired by watching TV and films... and I started taping myself, performing monologues. I auditioned for a local musical. I've memorized (and even written) bits to practice: finding emotion, staying present, finding intention... I find that I can't stop entertaining this silly, overly optimistic fantasy even though my 9-5 work is piling up as I journal about characters and record takes over and over again. I don't know how to stop this. I'm very, very bad at acting. And besides - taking myself seriously in the industry means acknowledging a reality that my heart hates: I don't have the dedication or intelligence or insert-word-here that the millions of other people trying to act have. Hard work beats talent, but I have neither! How do I forget about this already?

United States to Canada? by Leastfancy  •  last post Jul 8th

I’m currently an actor in Washington state and I was wondering what the process looks like if I wanted to act in Vancouver, BC. I would want to still live in Washington but submit for stuff there too. I visit there a few times a year already with a passport, but my specific question is regarding work visas/permits and what paperwork would be required. My apologies if this has already been asked here before. I couldn’t really find an answer anywhere else regarding a situation like this and I’m just kind of wanting to hear from someone who has done this or something similar and what that process is like. I should mention that I’m non union but have an agent in Washington. Feel free to share any advice, experiences or suggestions. Thanks in advanced!

I want to be an actor. by ApplepieStudios123  •  last post Jul 8th

I’m a freshman in theatre. How would I go about becoming an actor for commercials/tv/movies.

Should I even consider trying to audition for roles and find an agent while in college? by JockNerd0924  •  last post Jul 8th

I’m 18 and about to start college next month. I’m majoring in Political Science, not theatre or any of the arts. Acting and performing has always been a huge part of my life, I’ve got several acting awards through my high school drama competitions along with a plethora of public speaking awards with various organizations. I was recently chosen to do a county wide audition for a movie coming up, I’ve made it into the top 3 actors and am currently waiting on the casting directors call. I’m very interested in pursuing a professional acting career but am a bit overwhelmed with the risk of changing my major to performing arts or hindering my education for the whole acting thing to fall through. Bottom line, what I’m asking is is it even possible to balance college and acting or should I just wait out the four years and try to start then when I’m 22?

Offered representation - too easy to be true? by IWannaActUK  •  last post Jul 8th

I've recently moved to a new city, which has a thriving film and TV industry. I've been contacting agents for the last couple of weeks, introducing myself, sharing my showreel, CV and headshots, and asking for a meeting. Most of them have outright ignored me. Some of them have politely stated their books are closed (I'm sure their books would magically open if it was Daniel Day Lewis writing, but I digress...). One of them, however, replied immediately, offering to send a contract for exclusive representation. This immediately triggered my "too good to be true" instincts. However, I know this to be a legit agency, because I have an acquaintance that is represented by them, and while his feedback is mixed, it does look like they do what an agency is supposed to do. My acquaintance has been submitted to projects, has gone to auditions, etc. I did mention his name in the introductory email. The other aspect is that they're not based in this city, but in the second largest in the country. They do have a bunch of actors based here, they come periodically, and they claim to have international offices, but it might be not ideal that we're based in different cities. So I'm not sure what to make of this. On the one hand, it feels too easy to be true. On the other hand, I have good reasons to believe they're legit. Given that I don't have an agent right now, maybe it's better to sign with them, and worst case scenario, use that as leverage to approach other agents?

Becoming an actress by Danielkaaa  •  last post Jul 8th

Hello everyone. I though I would ask here, since I did not found much information by searching on Google. I wanted to become an actress since I was very young, I was attending various “Acting Camps” in my country where I had mostly main roles, but I would like acting to become my profession, because it is my passion. Unfortunately, I come from a very small country in Europe where to audition for a movie/TV Show is very difficult because we basically don’t have any auditions, they hire the same actors over and over to every TV Show/Movie. The same is with theatres... I’d love to audition (best would be video audition) but I don’t found much on the Internet. Also forgot to mention that I am just 17. Could anyone give me advice? What should I do? Thanks in advance.

LA Actors: Avoid the Church of Scientology classes by StruggleSeshFan  •  last post Jul 8th

So I live in Hollywood, and as an actor who has been slowly transitioning to behind the camera work, I've decided to start doing one on one acting coaching as both a way to help others with self-tapes and technique, make some side cash, and improve my directing skills. I've come to be disturbed to find that LOTS of acting classes on Eventbrite and Craigslist are hosted by the Church of Scientology. Please, please, PLEASE avoid these classes. Good coaches, consultants, and teachers want to help you get better at acting. They don't want you to join a predatory cult that uses it's lower ranking members for debt and slave labor. Scientology literally worships Tom Cruise as a Space God and believe that a galactic tyrant named Xenu, with the help of psychiatrists, implanted the souls of interplanetary demons called thetans into our bodies. Please avoid them for your mental, financial, and spiritual well-being. They use blackmail, extortion, and manipulation to keep people from leaving. Don't fall for their trap.

I never had an acting agent before today, and now I have two! by Ramoach  •  last post Jul 8th

Yo guys. Just wanted to celebrate the fact that I finally have representation! For about a year I've been looking for someone who might pick me up but it's proved difficult without professional film/tv credits. All i've done is student film and a short promo film for an organization, but I eventually harassed enough people to see my showreel. One of the agents is non-exclusive, and fortunately my primary agent agreed to work with him so I may have gotten pretty lucky. Whoop! If anyone here is looking for an agent, I found both of mine on twitter while browsing #castingcall I think it was. It's such a useful tool for an actor. Hope everyone's having a fun night/day. Cheers o/

I'd it normal for close friends not to come see you perform? by daymanmissedtheboat  •  last post Jul 8th

Not sure if this is the right sort of thing to discuss here, if not I am sorry. Here's my personal issue: I've never asked friends or even family to see any of my performances before (because of confidence and I didn't want to put them out). But now I have a large role in a performance that I'm really proud of and it's doing well. My closest friends seemed really interested and said they would come. But now none of them respond about it, I know that they aren't busy but they are making strange excuses. They aren't saying yes or no but just changing the subject. I've made it as easy for them as the can, it's very close by, I've sorted transport for them and got them the cheapest tickets possible £5 (which is way less than the normal price). I guess I'm just disappointed, I've tried to support everything they do, and I never ask for things and I've mention how much it would mean to me if they were there to support me. Maybe I'm over thinking it but it does hurt and I don't understand this. It would be great to hear other actors experiences with this sort of thing, I'd like to know if it's the norm. I don't have family near me, so my friends are my support system. My brain tells me I shouldn't expect people to do anything but my heart hurts. This might belong if r/relationships or something but I figured you guys would understand what it means to have your loved ones support you. Thanks

Article about a lack of passion for theatre and a passion for attention instead(?) by ChoralGuyForever  •  last post Jul 7th

I remember reading (not sure if it was here or r/theatre) an interview outline an acting teacher talking on a philosophy that not all actors have a passion for theatre. Some simply have a passion for attention, and for some that passion is strong enough to make a career out of it. As he described, the actor with a passion for attention is what leads to sloppy, selfish acting. Can anyone link me to this article? I cannot find it on either sub

do you have to act in school plays to become an actor? by fluerbell  •  last post Jul 7th

im totally new at this, but ive always wanted to become an actor; although ive never persued it. ive never been interested in auditioning for high school plays or going into drama class simply because im too shy in front of my classmates. id rather start elsewhere, like in local plays instead. i know its strongly suggested that you start in high school plays, but do you have to? is there a way to start outside of school without an agent yet?

A VA musical?? by BillRandom  •  last post Jul 7th

I just finished watching “What About Dick?” on Netflix. From the *very* Monty Python influenced mind of Eric Idles, you can safely assume this is comedy gold from start to finish. Here’s why it’s relevant to the VA community: It’s a pretty good look behind the curtain of how radio dramas were created right around the time TV’s came on the market. Multiple actors, a couple of them playing different roles, multiple scenes and songs (plus a band AND a SFX booth), and they had to knock it out in one take! For those not in the industry, is damn funny! For us, it’s a rare chance to see some greats in action, be entertained by them, as well as be able to learn so much. In short, this is a highly advisable show to watch.

Halo fan project seeking 4 voice actors. 3 male and 1 female. by Galactose_Intolerant  •  last post Jul 7th