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For actors who use stage names, how has changing your name effected your career, if at all? by animeskinnyjeans  •  last post Jun 23rd

I‘ve been acting professionally for 20 years and have a pretty impressive resume with my name attached to those projects. At a meeting with a manager last week, all she wanted to talk about was my name and how it is not marketable for me. My name is Sean J Moran, I’m Puerto Rican and this manager said that it would serve me much more if I used an ethnic stage name such as Rodriguez, my mother’s maiden because of the direction the industry is moving to embrace diversity. And to be honest, I don’t really like my real name; it sounds like slush in my mouth, there are like 40 other Sean Moran’s in the industry (I’m the only Sean J Moran) and as a whole it doesn’t have that *HUHH* quality some name have, and yes I know those are bad actor thoughts. In the opposite argument, I don’t speak spanish and Sean Rodriguez feels so inauthentic to who I am. I’ve thought of some names like Sean Michael Jeffreys, Sean Rimes, Mark Jefferson, among others but I’m curious to hear what some actor who use or have used a stage name have to say about how it has effected their career and if it’s worth putting some thought into changing my name to give myself a better chance of being called into the room.

Need advice on next steps - London and acting in general by iamonlineagain  •  last post Jun 23rd

Hi everyone, I'll keep my background short and sweet: 24F, spent 2 fairly successful years in the corporate world, now after a series of events I realized that the only thing I ever want to do is acting. I don't even care about financial stability, or 'making it', whatever - acting is the one thing that got me out of my prolonged depression and made me feel complete. There's nothing else like it for me, and I have decided to make it my life's purpose to improve my skills as much as I can. So I have started planning my escape. I'm living in Europe now, in a country where I speak very little of the language. There aren't too many English acting classes near me, same with amateur filmmakers etc. I have been reading extensively on different techniques (Meisner, Strasberg, watching Uta Hagen) and taping myself doing monologues (visualizing a partner and trying to 'react' to them). My end game is London. It's close, and as a Canadian I could get a Tier 5 visa to live/work/study there for 2 years. I'd like to spend this year learning as much as I can while still in this small European city, saving money to support myself when I move to London (I will also have a remote translating job), and then take some part-time foundation course there so I can a) develop my skills and b) make connections. For those of you who've made it through this long, rambly post, here are some questions: \- How can I make the most of this year? For example, in the worst-case scenario where I don't find any classes in the area. I read about a lot of people starting out in community theatres etc, but that's not much of an option for me due to the language barrier. \- Is moving to London a wise idea? LA is definitely too far (and tricky) for me. I could also try Toronto (easier with my citizenship) but I honestly don't want to go back there for some time. \- What are the best drama / acting programs in London that would serve my purpose? Good teachers, but also decent network of actors/visiting teachers/etc that would allow me to meet the right people in the industry? What are some big names (that would also accept a relative nobody like me lol)? I would really appreciate any advice. You guys have been very helpful in my journey so far (lots of great posts on this sub). PS: Any English speaking actors in Budapest? PM me, maybe we can start our own club :)

Anyone practicing the Suzuki method in London? by RoyalMathematician  •  last post Jun 23rd

I'm looking for other actors in London interested in the Suzuki acting method - anyone out there?

Name Changing In The Industry by iputmytoeonmymouth  •  last post Jun 23rd

I wanna be an actress and as I’m Asian my full name is hard to read. So I was thinking of just using my nickname “Sofia” without my last name “Pham” so instead of “Sofia Pham” I just go by the name “Sofia”. I was told no one does that as actors but as singers you can. For example “Zendaya” she’s an actress but she also makes music so it’s ok for her to use only her first name without her last name. Is it possible to just use the first name without last name when you are an actor? Please no comment about keeping the last name. I just wanna if it’s possible if not why?

How many hours should I rehearse at home before I perform on stage ( play ) by Stephan-Wolfgang  •  last post Jun 22nd

Hi, I’m a 15 year old who has been acting for quite a while now and I totally love acting. But I want to know how long should an actor rehearse at home to prepare for their role. Some of my friends say they rehearse an hour , even 15 minutes, I don’t know how long I should rehearse for so Do you guys have any suggestions?. I usually rehearse for about an hour or two but I’m not sure if that’s enough

Is it possible to balance a relationship and still do acting? by yabadabbin  •  last post Jun 22nd

Seems every photographer/coach/ anyone in the field is always telling me to be single. Not sure if they’re trying to ruin me or giving me the truth. but I dont really believe you need to be single to be successful as an actor ?

Does anyone have Valorie Hubbard - Rule Breakers: Changing the Way Actors Do Business PDF? by actingboy123  •  last post Jun 22nd

Amazon doesn't ship to my country and it isn't available anywhere else here :( Does anyone here have it and is willing to share it with me? Thanks!

Child Actor Demo Reel by iCreativity_Love  •  last post Jun 22nd

Hi, everyone! I just recently put together my demo reel, and would like some opinions on if I should switch up the current order, and if so, what scene I should start/end with instead? Also, if you have any ideas on what other types of material I should put in, please let me know. Thank you so much! ​ My reel: [****]( (it's only a minute long)- change the video quality to 1080p60 for better results.

Talent Link on Actor's Access? by thomyorkesadoptedson  •  last post Jun 22nd

Has anyone tried out this service? Has it worked for you?

Voice over demo with video by Iknotfunny  •  last post Jun 22nd

I know everyone hates Fiverr, but I've seen a lot of voice over demos there where the voice actor takes several TV commercials and removes the audio and then adds their own as if they were the original voice of the commercial. If you google the original commercial, you'll find that it's an entirely different voice and music track. Is that legal?

How to become a successful working screen actor in the UK? [serious] by FlashyFlounder98  •  last post Jun 22nd

I have an agent, and I have graduated from university and drama school. I am 21 and I'm worried I will never make it; my agent is lovely, but not very big, and I didn't go to any of the fancy drama schools/universities. People like Emma Corrin (new princess Diana on The Crown) seem to be getting cast in things without even going to drama school or studying acting. With 0 credits. And they are signed with top agents? How does that work? Lots of young British actors don't even seem to go to drama school, like Ellie Bamber, Chance Perdomo (he studied part-time at IDS but not at a top school), Erin Kellyman, Maisie Williams, or even in previous years people like Kate Winslet, Emma Thompson etc. never went to drama school. So people who are in the UK market - how does one become a working screen actor in the UK, without having gone to Guildhall/RADA/the top drama schools, and no connections? I'd really love to know more about the way the system works in London and what people think.

looking for action roles... by chunky20011  •  last post Jun 22nd

I really want to get into acting and try out for action roles. I know im pigeon holing myself by going for specific type of roles, but that is the whole reason why i love acting. I love the adrenaline rush, and the stunts you get to do, and embody characters that are strong,confident, and powerful! that and the fact that i have always been an athlete, dancer, and actress. i can be tough and emotional at the same time! lols. However, i cant seem to find auditions on websites like backstage, actors access,etc. Its one thing to audition for a variety of dramatic, comedic, theatrical roles....but what about the action packed roles? is there any websites and can look into for to find these type of roles?

David Proval: "You are the sum total as an actor of what your life is about..." by myfootfeelsnormal  •  last post Jun 22nd

Actor David Proval (Mean Streets, The Sopranos) appearing on [Role Call,]( a new podcast hosted by Raul S. Julia and Adam Cushman.

Advice for aspiring Toronto actors? by somedaysyzygy  •  last post Jun 21st

I’m from Ontario, Canada and I moved to Toronto a few years back to go to school and hopefully get started on auditions again (I used to do lots as a kid.) As it does, life got in the way and I never ended up doing what I wanted to do. I’m at the end of my rope and I quit my job to pursue my dreams. It’s crazy, I know, but what’s done is done and if I don’t try I think I might go nuts. So... Anyone from the area have any good tips? Such as if I should contact any talent agencies, or some good websites that offer audition info? Any good photographers or acting classes? I’ll take anything I can get! Thanks y’all...

Actors Access - Is It Worth Paying for Application Submissions??? by thedazeddaisy  •  last post Jun 21st

So far, I did not pay for anything on Actors Access. I see a lot of roles I can apply for, but I don't know if I should pay $2 for each application submission. There was one opportunity I was able to find outside the database on my own, and I managed to email my resume and headshots to the casting company (for free, of course). So, I was wondering if anyone with an Actors Access account has had experience finding the same opportunities from that database through Google and avoiding the $2 submission fee. Will most of the opportunities in Actors Access show up in other places online where I don't have to pay submission fees? And where else should I keep an eye out for opportunities? Side notes: I'm a starting actor. I have zero experience in acting so far. I've auditioned for lead roles before and got casted for them, but had to turn them down. My resume in Actors Access only lists my work experience, background acting experience, and skills/talents.

A question about UK agents .. by serenavanderwoodsen_  •  last post Jun 21st

Let’s say that I have a green card for the US and a resume large enough to sign with a top-tier UK agent. Most of the big agencies help many of their actors book US roles. I am an EU citizen though and have decided to start looking for UK/American agents unfortunately after Brexit which means I won’t be able to work on UK projects at all since I’ll probably need a work visa if Brexit happens which is super hard to get when it comes to entertainers (the reason why there are no US actors working in the UK). I could start immediately searching for a US agent but big agencies don’t even check their submissions while UK ones do (a friend of a friend of mine who’s a UK citizen signed with Tom Holland and Robert Pattinson’s agency with 3x less experience than me). Given the fact that I’m technically qualified enough to sign with a topflight agency it’d be better for me to start out with a good UK agent since they have Hollywood connections. Would any one of them want to take me on if I’m European after Brexit though? I could specifically mention that I have a US green card in my submission but j don’t know whether any one of them could possibly be interested although a big percentage of their less experienced than me actors are booking US roles only.

Pursuing Character Voiceover for Aussies at Sydney's SMASH! by AimeeSmithVA  •  last post Jun 21st

**Looking at Pursuing Character Voiceover as an Australian Aspiring or Professional Voice Actor?** I'll be running two panels across the 13th and 14th of July at [SMASH! Sydney Manga and Anime Show]( for 'How to Find Character Voiceover Work' and a 'Mock Video Game Audition' panel (This one co-hosted by Nate Gothard)! Come along, say hi, and join in on the fun!

Resume for actor/musician by closet_artist  •  last post Jun 21st

Hi there! I'm a young actor/musician, and I'm wondering if it's normal / appropriate to have a dedicated music section in my resume where I would list all my work MDing/accompanying for the theatre. Thanks!