Curious what pieces of media people would recommend for the actors' work in them - I recently saw Call Me By Your Name and I was super into it for that reason. ALSO I'm curious if anyone has any comedies that fit the ticket, since I feel like performances in them are often overlooked.
Hi all, new to equity and am planning to go to my first EPA tomorrow that I don’t have an appointment for - I know there are walk-in slots, but how likely is it that I’ll get one? Those of you who’ve walked in before, did you have to wait all day as if you were non union, or was it pretty straightforward? I know it’s case by case, but I’m curious about all of your individual experiences.
So I am obsessing over her work on this show. I was so curious to see what she would bring, and if her game would up the game of the other ladies. I believe her presence has - but as an actress I'm curious what you think the specific reasons are that makes her so.....GOOD? Every little thing from playing with the cross necklace around her neck to how she performs like 3 different beats in one small passive-aggressive look to Reese - she knows how to channel - GAH! Anyway I would love to discuss her work and what makes her so freaking watchable. Would love to hear your insights.
So I realized so many things about the voice over industry. I will just shoot them off really quick and then end with the BIG realization that you guys may not know. Regardless, I want to leave here with some honest thoughts, even though acting is all about lying to yourself and others... ​ So here goes. ​ \- Many people here think they know everything and they don't. \- Many people here think they are good coaches and have the right to make money off others and they don't. \- Many people here THINK they are helping aspiring voice actors by telling them to get coaching as a FIX ALL. \- Many people here like to stick in groups and bully people that do not follow the pack. \- Many people here THINK they can ACT when in fact they are merely speaking with a particular cadence. \- Many people here ATTACK others without even realizing that they do it. \- Many people here are bitter because they have not gotten where they wanted to be in their careers yet. \- Many people here are spending so MUCH money on coaching/workshops/training/gear/etc and NOT seeing a return. \- Many people here do not SEE and realize that this "career" is basically like throwing coins in a slot machine. \- Many people here DO NOT KNOW the true love of acting, they only want fame and money/career out of all this. \- Many people here are arrogant, they just do not realize it because NO ONE CALLS them out. \- Many people here THINK they KNOW what real acting IS and that there is ONLY ONE way to get it. \- Many people here stretch information to suite their own means. ​ 1. So what is ACTING? Do you NEED a coach? Honestly... Does one NEED a coach? 2. What does it mean if someone can ACT characters and dramatic roles, yet struggles on OTHER reads? 3. What defines a BAD actor or someone that cannot ACT? 4. Why are people so quick to give HARD/HARSH feedback with VAGUE ideas of how to improve? 5. Why is voice acting so confusing now? ​ ​ 1 - Acting is emoting with control. If you can command these emotions, then YOU can act. NO coaching needed. If you can convey REAL emotions that YOU have personally known and experienced, then you are all set. You will never be more authentic than that. It is the pinnacle of acting. Ironically it requires HONESTY the one thing most actors are NOT known for. ​ 2 - If you can do character acting and send emotional responses to your audience, if you can transform into characters and show emotions with ease, YET you oddly enough have really tough problems with other "reads" like the modern "manipulative" NATURAL/CONVERSATIONAL reads... These are based on the psychology of getting into the mind of the consumer in order to manipulate them into buying products or services. Having issues acting these things just means that you are bored/opposed to and not emotionally connected to weaker types of copy/reads. In order to ACT these sorts of reads/copy, you actually have to use YOUR real voice and talk normal while emphasizing key words and phrases that stick and attempt to convince/sell the consumer into trusting you as the actual product/service. So, if you suck at these FAKE type of "friendly" reads, it just means you don't like manipulation and "marketing". It does NOT make you a BAD actor. If you are not connected to something emotionally, you will not act it well at all. Remember that. ​ 3 - BAD acting could be ONE or TWO things... The person is either bored and not connected emotionally to the script/copy OR the person is just not able to be HONEST with themselves when they TRY too hard to convey sincere ideas. ACTING is about being HONEST with yourself and letting go of YOU, and replacing that YOU with another person entirely. ​ 4 - People are selfish and they ultimately think about themselves, they will never tell you, but the truth is you are alone in most of everything that you do out there in the world. Sometimes people put others down because they themselves are lacking in areas they want to improve in. They could have concern of other talents entering the arena too. They will never show you their cards though. They play them close to the chest and rarely tell you how they honestly feel. Some people think harsh feedback is good and pushes someone with tough love, this depends on the person though. Some people will shut down and not improve, other people will use it as fuel and burn their fire brighter each time they improve. The truth is simple. Harsh feedback is negative feedback and that can never lead to a positive experience when you want encouragement and "support". This sort of feedback is non-supportive at it's core. ​ 5 - Voice acting is confusing because EVERYONE is trying to TELL you what to DO, and WHEN to do it. They are going off of their own experiences and fail to understand that others out there MAY NOT be in the positions they were in. This is the big problem. It is very hard to take advice from someone that says "YOU cannot act" yet, they offer paid coaching? This is not a place built on walls of trust. This is a place of competition and rights of passage, dues are expected to be paid and many people stick together. This place is far from a democracy. Voice acting is just as ugly as real acting now. The olden days are gone. They never were perfect, but now more than ever... Things are harder, things are flooded, and people are jealous/jaded/stressed/exhausted/confused and not always in the "mood" to offer YOU valuable support to those first entering this very self based/ego driven arena/career. ​ ​ Voice acting is a wonderful art form. Just be sure you DEFINE what it means to you. Never let others try to mold your definition of it and what "success" is. Unless you are willing to be honest, let go, and embrace the freedom of acting, YOU are just talking with the crowd, traveling with the herd, walking in a line, NOT forging your own path to what YOU want. If you cannot let go of YOU and embrace emotions/characters/ideas as your acting style, then you are missing out on what REAL ACTING is... The ultimate escape from yourself and all limitation and boundaries. ​ ​ \*Characters/Dramatic roles/Energetic roles = REAL ACTING / "Requires most skill and ability" & "LOSING YOURSELF" \*Promos/Announcer/Radio Imaging = STRONG TALKING / "Needs stronger voices" & "Commands people to buy things" \*Emotional/Natural Read Commercials = TALKING / "Trying to manipulate people to buy things" & "FAKING YOURSELF" \*Narration/E-Training = TALKING / "Just talking" & "Informing people about normal things" ​ ​ NOW YOU KNOW what REAL acting is. You have to understand that the other forms of "ACTING" are really not tied to the sacred art of drama/story telling and conveying REAL emotions. ACTING is about being REAL not being fake and trying to weasel your voice/ideas into unsuspecting people's heads. I find that practice quite deplorable. Every time I watch a TV show and have to stomach those damn adverts, I hate that VOICE ACTING is a part of that series of "talents". ​ \*Those of you that said I could not act... Were DEAD wrong. My character reels and dramatic reads were spot on and I have asked many voice over coaches about them too. They all said my character/drama/game/interactive reels were quite amazing. It is the COMMERCIAL ones that felt "disconnected". What does that tell you? Maybe you all should go listen to your reels now and tell me how HONEST your character/drama reads are! Tell me how connected you are to those reads hmmm? Until you can show the angst and powerful emotions I bring to the acting table... Your advice really meant nothing. I just wonder how many people you will mislead and take for a ride with needless voice coaching and bad/biased advice only meant to serve your own means and businesses. ​ This was my last post. You guys have no idea what you are talking about. I do not care if you make thousands. YOU still lack the things that MAKE a great actor. Conviction, honesty, and an unbridled enthusiasm for the art of the HONESTY itself. When I truly ACT I am naked and fully exposed, ready to feel all the emotions that come to me. I do not manipulate and I do not PRETEND to be anything I am not! I become these ideas, and lose myself with the honesty of the moment. ​ Tell me what do you do when you act? Talk? Talk in cadence? Talk as if you are doing work? Where did your imagination and genuine enthusiasm go? Was it ever even there? I doubt it. ​ I say these things with all of my heart and the honesty within my soul. If you cannot bare to accept them, so be it. I am glad I finally told you how I feel about this whole place and the way I was treated here. Deep down, you know what I say here is true, unless of course you lie to yourself continually. Maybe just maybe you can read this and LEARN something, still I doubt you will. You always bury your heads in the sand.
I have noticed that when I get really uncomfortable, like a friend telling me about the passing of a loved one or something else horrendous, all I can do is smile. I hate myself for it, but I cant control it. I mentioned it to my therapist and she said it was a defence mechanism (I was beaten by my dad growing up) and she said its normal. But she didnt know how to fix it. I really need to learn how to control this, any tips?
Just wondering about people's personal experiences with auditioning. I recently had a commercial audition and was one of the very last people to go in, and this got me thinking; have you had more success being one of the first actors in the casting room that day or one of the last? I feel like the first one's can really set the bar high, but maybe the last get a bump in the casting director's mind because of recency bias? Obviously, a lot of it comes down to nailing your audition and being fit for the role, but I was curious if anyone has personally noticed any trends themselves?
Thanks for your patience, guys, and for those of you that have provided so much helpful feedback to help me work through the issues. We're getting there! The Pro extension should be working properly (make sure you're using version 2.4.2, which was published today), the Listings should be up to date, the "pop-up warning" when opening a listing in a new window should be gone (make sure you have refreshed the page at least once to make sure you have the current version) and I'm getting to each request as quickly as possible. I've added 7 days of Premium membership and Pro membership for those that already have it, so it should just be extended for you to make up for some lost time while I'm working out the bugs. Next up: working out interesting issues with Instagram. Finally, on to newer stuff!
Hi guys! I'm kinda scared to post this because people might think that I'm delusional and whatnot for wanting to be an actress because it's an ambitious goal/dream, but I think this subreddit might be the only place to ask. NOTE: I also checked out the sidebar and the FAQ post, but I was hoping for more personal advice! ​ For reference, I'm an 19 year old Korean-American that's based in MA. I'm not sure if I should be doing acting or modeling, but I thought it'd be a good idea to just post here because the modeling subreddit is very quiet and also because I think the main issue here is finding an agent? A company? A casting director? That'll represent me? I'm not sure what I exactly need, which shows how much of a noob I am and how much help I need. ​ I've been streetcasted for modeling when I was younger, and nowadays I've been casted for Kpop companies. I've considered going to Korea to do face-modeling because I'm not that tall (5 ft 4) and because I fit Korean beauty standards. But at the same time, I do think that having an agent in America would be nice because I'm not at the place right now to just leave America and go to Korea. ​ I'm open to suggestions, and any advice! Also, any recommendations on agencies based in MA would be nice as well, whether it be for modeling or acting! Thanks!
Going forward, are points only going to be released at 12 am, 6 am, 12 pm, and 6 pm? If so, this will cause problems for those of us who aren't available to get points during those times. The above appear to be the only options for releasing points. I really liked randomly releasing 5 views throughout the day.
Hey r/acting, I’m an actor in South Florida, and as of recent years there just hasn’t been many auditions to go out for in my area. I’m early on in my career, with likely not enough credits to get an agent, but I’m coming to learn that there aren’t many auditions to build up a resume that are just open to find without an agent. Occasionally auditions do come up (typically theatre as opposed to tv/film), but when there isn’t one I’m actively working towards I get really stressed and anxious that I’m falling behind in my career. So my question is - to all of you guys that live in areas with maybe not the most booming acting industry - what do you do in your down time? How would you best work with a situation like this?
Hey acting! hope you all are well. I love this forum and visit it frequently, thank you all for sharing your successes and questions! I'm a 25 year old Male, Los angeles based actoe. I was wondering. How do you keep moving forward? I take classes, have reps, taking care of my health. Yet I feel very stuck. things were moving strong about a year and a half ago and since then things have slowed down a lot. What do other actors do to move their career forward?
As an actor and writer, I am always on the hunt for a new project I would love to be in. Recently I realize my dream is coming true and Sandman is becoming a thing! I want to be in Sandman, as an actor, many of us have what we call our "Dream Role"- from what you can guess it's a role that we have always wanted to play. For me, I have always wanted to play Desire from Sandman. But I don't know how I could ever get there...or who to talk too? ​ \-Thanks a lot, reddit.
Hey guys!! I’m new to this sub, but I’m an actress trying to break into the business. I’m moving to Reno, NV in a couple weeks (only 8 hours from LA!!!!) and want to get into some training workshops or classes, but don’t really know where to even start. Anyone taken any of the classes in the area that they can recommend?
My friend and I are struggling to find good scripts online and we may have to write our own (we've never done it before). To give context, we are both 17 but can play characters in their twenties. Thanks! P.S. Sexual content is a no but mild language and violence is ok
So I’m wondering, I’ve already god an agent who gets me a decent amount of work I mean considering my resume and stuff she gets me short films and sometimes auditions for ads and rarely tv auditions, How does an Australian get an agent over in America, preferably LA who gets persistent work?
Hi guys, I'm about to roll out a new project of mine over at which is intended for actors to learn their lines. It's free to use but I need some testing done. I've tried it with Sides from Actors Access, works okay. I'll announce it on my website over at next week, but wanted to make sure that I have at least a couple of dozens confirmed uploads before I do so. I'd love to hear what you think. And here's a link to unpublished blog article: