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We have found 19,364 posts across 4 actor forums:

Do actors become famous because of skill or luck? by SomeYotedThing  •  last post Jun 10th

I was thinking about how a good actor cant really become famous or popular if they star in a bad movie because everyone will hate it. But what if an actor isn't very good but stars in an extremely popular movie or show? I've seen little youtube skits and what not where the actors seem really passionate and good about their parts, but it doesn't get them anywhere because the video barely gets any views. Then there are some Hollywood movies and shows that are a amazing, but the actors are just "there." So is this whole acting thing kinda pre-destined with the directors and the people they work for?

I need honest feedback on my narration of The Witchwood Crown by ChaseVoDream  •  last post Jun 10th

Hello All, I'm looking for some genuine feedback on my very first project. I've watched a lot of videos on what it would take to be a voice actor / narrator. The one that got me started was Sean Pratt's "So... You want to be an audiobook narrator". This is not being done for any financial gain. I'm pursuing this as a passion project and plan on finishing the entire book to monitor my progress across each chapter from not only a VO standpoint, but also editing skills. This has absolutely been a fun challenging experience and I plan to finish it regardless of feedback, but would like to take some constructive criticism along the way. Be kind, but honest! Thank you in advance! ​ [](

Acting classes in Sydney by torschlussspanik  •  last post Jun 10th

I've seen this question before but it was quite a while ago so I thought I'd ask again: can anyone recommend some really great classes in Sydney Australia? There are plenty of crappy classes in Syd (ironically ones held at a world famous school) and I'd like to know if there are any that are actually recommended. I'd prefer ones taught by people who aren't going through the same process now as I feel there's a conflict of interest. Has anyone been to The Actors Studio in Surry Hills? This is the one I'm currently looking at but there isn't much out there on it. Thanks in advance!

aspiring 'voice actor' questions by thepacificoctopus  •  last post Jun 10th

After a few decades of not acknowledging how people have commented on my voice in a very positive manner, I have decided to relinquish to the compliments and accept that I am blessed with a unique trait. Describing my current emotional range verbally and facially as ‘stoic’ would be a compliment. For example: After years of working with a colleague, he once said to me in front of our peers,” you’re becoming more and more human every day Data.” Everyone laughed endearingly. I responded expressionlessly with, “thank you.” Everyone laughed louder. <guess who was socially inept at that moment...> Yesterday, i became re-aquatinted with an old friend from the late 90’s and they stopped me mid sentence because of said voice complimenting topic. I can’t really think of a better platform to ask for guidance in regards to learning how to use my voice more effectively. I’m asking mainly because I would like to donate my voice to a person that may not have a literal voice of their own. I’ve heard of the technologies that have emerged regarding this matter and feel I would be doing a disservice to myself and any person that identifies with the voice I naturally have if I don’t take the time to understand basic principals of how to control the tools I have. I’m only interested in interacting with reputable organizations/institutions/individuals when it comes to learning. Essentially I’m looking for a person that is recognized at their mastery of teaching on such matters, as I’m completely disinterested in spending time and energy in a service that is a service for the sake of commodity. Thank you in advance for any responses and I appreciate any words shared on this topic.

A new voice actor. First recording is done, looking for pointers. by zidanethreepwood  •  last post Jun 10th

Hi! I am new here, I wondered if i could get some advice? If this isn't allowed I apologize! I have just gotten into SCP's I didn't know they existed for a long time, somehow. I am loving them. I have read from the beginning up to about SCP 010 and I wondered what it would be like to encounter these things. I'm sure its been done before, but i decided to create a YouTube series about that. I am writing short stories from the perspective of a Class D personnel. I wanted to share them and figured the best way would be online. This is my first audio reading of a short story, its only about five minutes. I know there are a lot of people out there who do readings as well. I wondered if anyone has any tips on what i could do better Thanks! Chanley [](

Going to be an actor, what’s a legit casting website ? by swavyjoey  •  last post Jun 10th

So I did a lot of acting growing up (School & Church) and now I want to go further as in being an actor on the screen (Feature films, tv shows, commercials etc ) but don’t know where can I locate an audition

I am doing free voice acting by toastersmasher  •  last post Jun 10th

I Have a bit of free time in between projects. So i am willing to do so free voice acting based on size of project for the experience and overall love of the job. I am a male voice actor and can shift my voice to fit many rolls. So if you need any information or want to see if i can fit one of your characters just send me a picture of them, some dialog, or just any small bit of reference material and ill happily get to work.

Yet another 'Is this a scam?' question by puffymannequin  •  last post Jun 10th

Hello, I just started trying to get background work. I registered with a company called Extras Access because it's affiliated with Actor's Access (their link is on Actor's Access site.) Today, they sent me a couple of links to look at for my consideration. However, after I click that I think I could fit the BG role and am available, I am sent to a shopping cart, and they want to charge me $2 per job submission. I know Actors Access is a legit company, but I have repeatedly read that I shouldn't be paying for jobs. My spidey sense says run away, but they are affiliated with Actors Access. Has anybody worked with Extras Access? Is it normal for them to charge for submitting for a role? I've read the sidebar and other than the charge, they aren't doing anything else suspicious. No pie-in-the-sky offers or promises. Thanks for your help!

(Female?) actors, did you ever get a pie in the face? by ritavolita  •  last post Jun 10th

How did you prepare? What was the guidance from the director? I'm afraid that I'm not going to do well in one take, and getting ready takes time. Not sure how many takes we'll have, but it will guarantee me a close up. Also, did you use that scene in your showreel? A friend told me that it's important to show different kinds of comedy.

How soon to add work to a resume? by andrewT_S  •  last post Jun 9th

If I am in a production, I want other casting directors to know I've been cast before. However, what should I do if that play is still in rehearsal? Should I add it to my acting resume before I've technically performed it? And if I do, should there be some...

How to find a reputable modeling agency for kids in AZ? by Antigonie  •  last post Jun 9th

I would like to help my 6 year old get started with modeling. But I don't really know where to get started. It is a bit overwhelming looking at various agency websites and not really knowing anything about them. Can anyone recommend a reputable modeling agency for kids near Tucson,...

TV Show Industry Questions... by azulioo  •  last post Jun 9th

Hi, I’ve recently been wondering a few things... 1. I see a lot of BTS for shows and bloopers, does the production team not get annoyed or tired? How long would an actor have to ace a scene without the production team getting annoyed? 2. How long do you get to learn a script? 3. What extra help or guidance do you get on a scene? I know a bit about this but was wondering if someone else knew... 4. I was also wondering what some top tips are for getting over the fact that you have about 4 ish cameras on you when acting at all time and where you should look if you are supposedly looking beyond the camera. Thanks guys :)

Problem opening IMDB pages by Ozzie Stewart  •  last post Jun 9th

Anyone having this problem today? If so, how do you correct it? Tx, Ozzie

What I Don't Understand About Vocal Fry by JTang2014  •  last post Jun 9th

Alright, so I have been voice acting online for over two years now, and I was recently told by someone that I should never use vocal fry. Here's my question: what's so bad about using it once in a while? I hear professional voice actors with deep and gritty voices use it all the time and nobody seems to mind. It's completely natural for me to slip into that range a little at the end of a sentence if I'm doing specific voices. Am I supposed to somehow counteract that no matter what voice I do? That seems both impossible and impractical. A bit of vocal fry conveys certain emotions very effectively in my opinion. What do you guys think?

Any suggestions for how I can improve my cover letter to agents (UK) by CornrowKenny100  •  last post Jun 9th

I've been e-mailing agents recently, and I haven't fared too well in terms of responses. Out of 8, I had two responses that said they are not interested. The other 6 haven't responded. Here's a copy, tell me what you think - cheers! Dear **(insert name)**, I’m an actor writing to **(agency name)** seeking representation, as I absolutely admire the quality of actors you represent. The projects you’ve acquired for your clients such as **(insert name)** reflects your ambition, which is something we have in common. As an actor, I approach my work with a bold attitude, in the pursuit of creating compelling art. I’ve written a mockumentary film titled **(insert name)** starring myself. It’s based on a character who wants to be cast as the young **(insert name)** in his biopic, as well as meeting him in Dublin. I’ll be entering it to four festivals: * 2020 Sundance - International Narrative Feature Films * London BFI 2019 - UK Feature Films * Berlinale 2020 - Generation * TIFF 2019 - International Documentary Features I’ve trained with **(insert name)** from The Actors Centre, and my headshots were done by **(insert name)**. I’d love to discuss us working together in the future and in the meantime, please check out the link to a teaser of my film. Regards, **(insert name)**.

Actors who are also primary caregivers of your kids, how do you balance acting, day job (if applicable), and family life? by Al-GirlVersion  •  last post Jun 9th

The title says it all. I think this is a good discussion to have, as it sometimes feels like you have to give up having a family unless you’re already famous.

How do you network? by StrobeRogers  •  last post Jun 9th

Hello, What is an ideal place for actors to meet outside of work? Thank you.

I give you, Veloci-Actor! :) Hold all applause by SeanPKer  •  last post Jun 9th