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We have found 19,364 posts across 4 actor forums:

Is sweating and blushing at audition deal breaker? by isohendrix  •  last post Jun 9th

Hey guys. I had an auditin recently where I was sweating and blushing a lot. However, the performance was strong. The beats and reactions I gave were all strong since I filmed myself mutliple times before the audition and I felt the energy and everything was where I wanted it while performing it. I was a bit self conscious because the director asked me how I was feeling after the first scene. Then he asked me again later in the second. He probably caught on that I was blushing and sweating. On camera, nobody will notice I don't think. personally I would take the shy performer who delievers a strong performance over the confident actor who with weak performance,but I am bias. Is this over for me because I sweat while perform at auditions?

Dragon Rage Voice Actors by Ronnie-R15  •  last post Jun 8th

Been trying to find out who voices who in the old PS2 game "Dragon Rage" for a website, does anyone know anything? I'm pretty sure that Kath Soucie voiced Adara, but I'm not entirely sure?

My first website is up, asking for direction and helpful advice only. by MisterELight  •  last post Jun 8th

Got my first website going. It appears that I really need to work on my conversational reads for adverts/spots though. I will be making many new demos soon anyways, I guess these are better than having none while I go for small gigs right? My voice is so freaking stuck in between the radio/announcer style right now! I mean, I am in no way trying to do radio imaging styles, it is just my normal speaking voice with applied cadence. I speak in real life this way too so I am still trying to find my conversational voice for reads. I am Just curious what you guys think about my site and the reels overall? I really do want to start building some rep and going for public/open casting and auditioning for the smaller gigs. ​ Is my website and demo reel set decent enough to show my voice off to a basic extent? I really want to do my own kind of adverts and make them a bit radio-ish, but I keep hearing and semi-realizing that conversational reads are what is in lol. I really just want to get some small paying gigs that will build my name and allow me to pay for a real studio demo and sound more professional as I work up the chain. Any advice guys? I mean how can we get demos as good as the ACM guys that have REAL work included in their reels? Constructive advice only please. I am ignoring all dickheads and trolls. We all had to start somewhere and I work hard to do all this shit on my own with zero help most of the time. ​ I would like to think that reddit can be a place of sincere help and guided direction, however it seems that many here just like to be sneaky and bash each other calling it "criticism". I get that many of you feel your answers are fully correct, I get that. I will say that some of you here have no clue what courtesy is. I am just asking for some genuine advice on where I need to go at this point, and where I am currently. I am dead serious, I will not respond to trolls. If I get zero constructive feedback here and the "advice" is said in a derogatory manner, my steps are as follows. ​ I plan to deeply study every male actor's reel on the ACM talent directory and learn/adapt how they deliver the best they currently offer as talents. I plane to step up my mixing and production for my demos too. I think if I learn to mix/master demos that sound as good as ACM's and I learn to master all the talented styles of commercial reads there, I may be able to get my demos in a more organized state, especially the advert/spots etc. I may be able to get on a basic roster. I do realize that ACM is for professional with fully supported careers. I do not plan to get in there. Anyways. Here is my site. Again, any advice from human beings is appreciated. Those of you that feel entitled to bash others just because you are further in your career, well, I will not reply to you. Too much drama on here. ​ [](

What other attributes do actors gain as a by product of this career? by worldtraveler9700  •  last post Jun 8th

Actors have a lot of other attributes that comes along with their training. What do you think those are? Time management, collaboration, etc?

Translating acting into the real world by chedderwet_  •  last post Jun 8th

I’m not and professional actor but though you guys could really help. I feel like we’ve all had the time where we flubbed on an interview by portraying and lack of confidence despite the skill we may have. I also bet we’ve had social situation where we know how we’re supposed to act but fail at acting that way. To all you great actors and aspiring actors how do you enter a character and stay in that character no matter what happens? It’s so frustrating when I know what I need to do but can’t do it. Thanks guys

What happens if actors don't attend award ceremony's for movies and tv shows? by chicken_lipps  •  last post Jun 8th

I never understood why no one talks about what happens if no one attends them.

Online pages and groups for UK actors - like this subreddit by lovetempests  •  last post Jun 8th

Hey, I was wondering if there are any online groups, forums, pages, etc. for UK actors, like this subreddit but specifically for UK based performers? Thanks!

Casting HIVE - SEEDY and NOT WORTH IT. by feflaherty  •  last post Jun 8th

Henry Jaderlung or other casting director making you sign up for "Casting Hive?" Its bullsh\*t and don't get scammed. The website is trash. Once you sign up, there is no way to cancel or even ACCESS billing information OR contact information! There are no casting notices posted, or anything remotely useful to actor. Its a way to make his job easy and honestly probably screw actors for money. I contacted two different emails, that I had to find through paypal's info - and have not gotten any response.

Questions to Christian Actors by The_CatholicBadboy  •  last post Jun 7th

Have you ever used some christian imagery to access emotions for your roles? What images did you use? What was the emotion they produced?

Working with someone you don't like? by Jungna  •  last post Jun 7th

So... I've been tolerating my co-actor’s antics for the past two months. Thing is, I really can't stand how she's so overly direct when expressing her opinions. She forces her ideas on me and when I try to rebut, she reacts aggressively all the time. I've grown to really dislike working with her, but the show must go on. Need tips on what I can do to not feel so annoyed with her all the time. Do I continue letting her boss me around? She has a severe case of "I'm better than you so you must listen to me" syndrome and it's really getting into my head during rehearsals. Will be grateful for any tips or advice!

Looking for a camera to film vlogs/self-tapes/short films. Which one is best to buy? by THG497  •  last post Jun 7th

I want to make a career investment and buy a nice video camera. I write and create my own content, and want my work to be higher quality than what I get with my IPhone 6S, as I will be moving to LA within the next couple years and need footage. I am looking for quality over cheap price - so I’m willing to save up and pay up to $1700-$2000 (fuck those $6000 cameras). I’d like suggestions, as all I’m currently seeing as a candidate is the canonC100. But I’m a writer/actor and don’t know much about the technical side so I’d love some advice!

Is Van Nuys a good place for actors to live? by lunaboro  •  last post Jun 7th

Moving here this summer! Was wondering how Van Nuys would be.

Questions about the automation of VO by ThisPlaceReddit  •  last post Jun 7th

I've been looking into voice-over acting (specifically audiobook recording). I work in media and a part of my job is hosting a animated show. I think VO work might be a great compliment. But then I see deepfake audio stuff like this: []( I can tell its fake. There's a test in there to see if you can tell the difference between real and fake snippets. I don't think it's difficult to get 100% (I got 100%). But also, the fake sounds pretty real, and more natural than other robot voices I’ve heard. And it's only going to get better. This website lists a 37% risk (relatively lower risk of automation) []( Some things I've read from VO actors says the nuance of voice acting work is so important and companies will always prefer the real thing. But then I imagine voice actors working with the ai. Rather than them feeding the ai stuff pulled from a podcast. Systematically feeding it all the different words and tones that are possible creates a tool that gives the audiobook author (for example) complete control over how it sounds possibly making it easier and cheaper than going through auditions, rerecords and requests etc. Giving them something better than what an amateur might give them. I’ve seen ai learning do some pretty amazing things, I imagine there must be a way to iterate every sentence/word with different options and let the human pick the most realistic sounding one or the one they want. And the machine will learn as it goes producing better first options. But then also maybe these ai voices will become recognizable and associated with what any author wants them to say. Then just as an audiobook (for example) read by Kevin Spacey would be of little draw to audiences today, these voices will have low value as they become associated with cheap, fast, offensive text. But then also maybe the tool has so many voices and can realistically alter voices or something and this isn’t an issue. But also maybe Audible just buys/creates some voices itself, offers them to authors and takes a bigger cut. And the market becomes selling your voice rather than selling your recording. I don’t know. Just random fears. What are your thoughts? I'm pretty sure AI/robots can do anything humans can do better. It's just a matter of how long it takes to get there. (edits for clarity) tl;dr How afraid are you of VO work (particularly audiobook recordings as this is my interest) becoming automated by these deepfake things?

Agent website says "Submission by industry referral only." by michgilgar  •  last post Jun 7th

I recently became SAG eligible and I'm looking for an agent in my city. This one looks really good but their contact page says "Submission by industry referral only." I believe this means I need a referral from someone in the industry. I know a few actors with lots of credits, but they're not represented by the same agency. So what exactly does this mean? Do I need my referral to contact the agent directly somehow? Write them a letter? There's really no other info on their contact page.

Best time to move to LA? by yungjrueskii  •  last post Jun 7th

Hi all, I'm an actor in Northern California and was curious to see what your thoughts are on my situation as far as when to move to LA. As far as experience goes: - I've been in an ongoing scene study class for about a year and a half. - I've been with an agent for a little over half a year in this market and audition consistently (mostly for commercials). - I have 10 credits to my name (mostly short films). - As of recently, I became a SAG Must Join. - I have a good amount of money saved up, but nothing crazy significant where I could just pursue acting full-time. Would love to hear what you all think and I would definitely enjoy hearing your personal stories and experiences with your moves to LA. It's a big step so it'd be great to learn as much as possible about the process. Thank you all in advance!

Interview: Actress and voice-over performer Therese Plumme by PureGainsborough  •  last post Jun 7th

Feeling like you’re behind the 8 ball in your career. by Selftapejunkie  •  last post Jun 7th

Audrey Helps Actors episode 12: Momentum, most recent season. Posted May 27, 2019. One of the better episodes I’ve heard recently. Talks about feeling behind your peers and how important life experiences really are. That even starting later in life could actually have you ahead of your peers who have been acting for years already.

Acting alone in a room full of people (ADVICE) by ramblingdan1990  •  last post Jun 7th

Hey everyone, first time poster here so making a little bit of history for myself. Tomorrow I'm going to be on my first film set as an actor, and I've ended up being cast as the male lead in the film. It's a student short film, about 10 minutes long. I've learned my lines but no rehearsals were held for some reason and so I was wondering if anyone has any tips for when on set with the other actors? Is there any other way I could prepare to make sure it runs smoothly? Sorry if that's a dumb question but I'm a little nervous, very excited and just want things to go well tomorrow. Thanks for reading folks

Acting workshops for foreigners in LA? by currentsofsaturn  •  last post Jun 6th

Hi guys, I'm an actress and filmmaker from the EU. Due to visa regulations, I can't legally stay in the US for longer than 3 months or work there. But, since L.A. is where the industry is, I would love to go for a while and take acting classes or workshops. I've found MANY. Not all of them seem legit. Maybe some of you could recommend some workshops for me, anywhere between intense 1 week workshops or up to 12 weeks. (OR maybe some of you even know of job openings in other, less creative filmmaking areas like lighting or camera operating that hire foreigners... but that's less realistic I guess). I would really appreciate your recommendations since I've only been to L.A. once and can only do so much research from many thousand miles away. Best.