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We have found 19,364 posts across 4 actor forums:

How big of a role is needed to have a praise worthy performance? by Squirejons  •  last post Jun 6th

I was usually cast as bit parts in my drama days. While I would do my best in these parts, I realized that even if I was the best guard #2 in the world, (as oppose to a mediocre one), few would notice or care. As I gained a few lines here and there over the years, I have often wondered this question. How much of a chance does an actor need to showcase their ability to the point that it is noticeable?

Present for my husband, help! by templenameis_beyonce  •  last post Jun 6th

My husband is an actor and loves it, it’s definitely his passion. His birthday is next month and I’d love to get him something acting-wise. Is there a book or anything that you found helpful? Or really anything! Thanks!

How can you tell whether the issue is with the material you chose or your acting ability? by silkk8  •  last post Jun 6th

I recently performed a scene in front of two groups of agents, some top tier, some boutique. I’ve done it before with mixed results, but I have gotten very encouraging feedback before, when I performed a monologue. This time I did a scene from a different movie, but one I’d worked on in class and gotten good feedback from. I did the scene twice and I was feeling pretty good about it, but then I got my written feedback from the agents and it was...less than stellar. They were all pretty much bored, I got called one note by someone too. Apparently I came across way worse than I thought I did, when usually the opposite happens. It was pretty harsh criticism from some of them, and I’m not going to lie, it hurt my confidence in my abilities pretty badly. One said my look needs polishing, which I guess was a nice way of saying I looked sloppy? I’m just confused how I can get such drastically different feedback just from doing a different piece of material that fits my type, wearing pretty much the same clothes too. I just don’t know where the problem is, and it sucks because I know I have the ability to do well, and I have least I think. Idk this just really shook me and my sense of my abilities as an actor.

what sort of roles do actors like? by strontium_pup  •  last post Jun 6th

speaking as a writer not an actor.

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Post - Jun 6 by AutoModerator  •  last post Jun 6th

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.

Regarding packaging and find representation by Audrey  •  last post Jun 5th

Hey there, I need mentor to guide me for my resume, headshot, reel. I appreciate if you can help me!!

3 months in NYC, studios/classes you can recommend? by yukon_potato  •  last post Jun 5th

I am currently a San Francisco/Bay Area based actor (a little over a year of representation and some short film credits) and have an opportunity to live in NYC (rent-free!) for 3 months this coming late Summer-early Fall. Other than just getting to experience life in NYC, I've been trying explore options to study acting during my time out there, maybe study a different school or method of acting (I've been training under the Chubbuck method for a few years). I know 3 months is a limited time but I really want to make the most of it. Can anyone recommend some classes/studios I can look into? ​ Also, how realistic would it be try to pursue some short film work or even extra while out there? ​ Also also, I really want to express some gratitude for this subreddit! You guys have such a valuable resource that I've turned to these past couple years!

Where do you go for auditions? by -CapriSun-  •  last post Jun 5th

Little back story, I graduated from a 6 month course at John Casablanca’s. It taught me lots and gave me a lot of confidence performing in front of people. I was recommended by JC at the end of the course to sign with this MTM agency. That fell through and I never signed any contract with them because they were poorly managed and my “agent” got fired nearly a month after I was referred to her. I’ve been submitting on Backstage and Actors Access quite a bit and so far I’ve landed one role. I know I have to keep trying, I’m nowhere near giving up I’m just trying to get more involved. Another important thing is that I live in Arizona, the scene out here is almost non existent. I’m looking at LA auditions because I can drive there no problem. I’m also planning to take a trip to Cali and trying to sign with an agency out there so I can get some help with getting auditions. With all that being said, what are some places you go to that have helped you out? If anyone wants to start a conversation feel free to message me! I’m open to talk about the industry and meet people in this subreddit. Thanks for reading!

Dallas Travers' 38-Day Representation Race by Angela Sauer  •  last post Jun 5th

I'm doing it right now and am on Day 10. Has anyone been through this program before? Did you have success getting representation? Any advice?

I Want To Be An Actor But I'm Skinny by ethanxestoya  •  last post Jun 5th

Hello, Reddit! I'm 17 years old. I'm just beginning to learn acting and I want to be a great actor, not because of money and fame, but because I want to inspire people and make them feel what a movie should be all about. But there's a little bit of problem... I'm skinny. Will it be a problem to skinny people who passionately wants to be an actor?

Can American actors get big in other countries? by AsheGames  •  last post Jun 5th

I know my goal should be trying to make it in my own country, but I want to try to make it in movies in other countries as well. Part of it is me wanting to see the world and part of it is me loving foreign culture and cinema. I love to watch movies from countries like Korea, Japan, Germany, China, India, and Norway just to name a few. I have seen foreigners in these movies but it’s not that often I suppose. I know it’s hard enough getting noticed in Hollywood but I have big dreams lol.

Do I need to join an actor's union as a teenager? by blinkablonka  •  last post Jun 5th

I am 15 years old, and quite experienced for my age (supporting character in Netflix original, guest role on a show with a very well known cast, both of these series are yet to be released). I've heard a bit about the importance of joining acting unions, in Australia (where I'm based) it's called actors equity I think. Is this something that's still important for me to join at my age? Or should I only bother with it when I'm an adult? Thanks in advance for any help :)

[REQUEST] College Assignment Help by TescoValueBeans  •  last post Jun 5th

Hey guys, I'm a Music Tech student tasked with recreating a scene from a chosen piece of media. I am to take a clip, remove the audio from said clip and then produce and record my own by any means whether that be recording instruments or Foley art mainly. I have chosen a scene from the game "The Last Of Us" and am hoping to get a male and female voice actor to replace the spoken sections over my recorded ambience. When i've finalised what i want to record, i shall send a script of the few phrases i need recording. If anyone is interested, please check out some clips of the characters "Joel" and "Ellie" for vocal reference. Doesn't need to be exact by any means as this is only for my coursework however i do need it to fit the character's model. Many thanks, \-TescoValueBeans

Podcast with Mel Hutchison - The Walking Dead's Clementine by jonohimself  •  last post Jun 5th

I just had Melissa Hutchison on my podcast to talk about her voice acting career, the impact of her role as Clementine, fans' emotional response to The Walking Dead, and the experience of the final season with Telltale Games' sudden closure last year. Check it out, she is awesome :) []( And here's a sneak peek:

Director looking for feedback - Meisner trained actors by Mattgilp  •  last post Jun 4th

TL;DR: I made a short using Meisner techniques, what are your thoughts on the performances? (or other aspects) ​ Hey! So I'm a director who came out of film school a couple of years ago knowing next to nothing about acting, but knowing that it was a vital part of the craft. In trying to learn how to direct actors, I ended up in a community of Meisner actors in my city. I put together this short in part to try using the technique deliberately and intentionally with actors, as well as also seeing if I could put together a short on an smartphone. ​ I was wondering what you wonderful people think, from the perspective of actors, of the short and the performances therein. If you have any other feedback on the writing or direction, that would be appreciated as well. Always looking to hone craft! ​ [](

Am Dram advice? by maireadthepirate  •  last post Jun 4th

Hi everyone! Just needed a bit of advice. My name is Mairead. I'm a trained actress who left London about 2 years ago for personal reasons. I've only got back to my passion in the last 18months or so and I want to make a proper go at it. Next month I'll be performing in Bedroom Farce by Alan Aykebourn with a local Amateur Dramatic theatre group. In the past with drama school Showcases I haven't been lucky with getting representation, only resulting in invite declines and one meeting which ended as a no. I'm tempted to invite London agents to my play but a little apprehensive as it's being performed about an hour outside of London (Colchester in Essex). I pretty much know the answer, but do you think it's worth it even if they're unlikely to come? Do you think they are likely to make the trip if I offer a ticket for them? Colchester (and Essex in general) don't seem to have any Acting Agencies so I haven't got any local to invite. Thanks in advance.