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We have found 19,364 posts across 4 actor forums:

How the hell do you contact an agent?? by serenavanderwoodsen_  •  last post May 27th

I come from a small European city and have literally booked all of my projects on my own. Most of the working actors in here don't even bother getting an agent since we have a minimal amount of projects available and our "talent representation" is so tragic that it's better not to have one. You land roles by networking which is quite easy since there are only 2-3 "big" directors which pretty much know all of the actors and literally just write new projects for the actors they like. I don't plan on moving to the US anytime soon since i want to make sure that i expand my resume as much as possible and milk every single opportunity in here, but how on earth do you get an agent? Like.. yeah, you e-mail them your headshots + resume + showreel etc. but do busy, top-tier agents usually even check these e-mails? That's not to say that i'm "eligible" enough for a super good agent or anything like that yet, but technically speaking i have 10x more work on my resume than 99% of the people in the US with small agents do. So what do you do? Our "talent agencies" in here have no representation overseas and know absolutely no one outside of our market. If in 3-4 years i decide to go to the US i'd need a manager or a talent agency to sponsor my visa if i want to work legally but how do i get in touch with them in the first place?

An advice podcast for actors and other members of the industry by watkins1989  •  last post May 27th

Hi all! ​ When I first started out acting, I had tons of questions that no one really had answers to, and once I moved to NYC I found it even harder to get any of those answers, because honestly there are no real definitive steps to success in this industry, just anecdotes. ​ Regardless of that fact, I made a podcast anyway, to try to help people along the way, and I'd love it if you all could take a look! It's just getting going now, but I have plans to get some very interesting guests this summer! ​ It's under the title of Making It, Or What I Wish I Knew on Apple podcasts and Stitcher, if you'd like to take a look! Also if you have any suggestions or ideas about the show, please please let me know, as I want this to be as helpful as possible for as many people as possible. ​ Here's a link to an interview with the cast of the Off-Broadway show Daniel's Husband that I did a couple months ago as an example of what it's all about: ​ [](

Is working as a Paramedic a good survival job in LA? by DTJ1313  •  last post May 27th

Hello Everyone, I have a cousin who wants to move out here to LA and live with me to pursue an acting career. He’s currently a certified Paramedic on the east coast. I'm hesitant on letting him move out here. I don’t want to get an apartment with him and then he fails and leaves me holding the bag. I've seen it happen to a lot of people here in LA. He claims that a Paramedic can work nights and he’ll have a flexible schedule that will allow him to pursue an acting career during the day. He also claims that some companies in LA offer 12-24 hour shifts and pay $20-$30hr. Let’s say all of this is true. Is this a good side job for an actor considering the danger? Is anybody else here an EMT/Actor in LA? All suggestions are welcomed.

DMV ACTRESS by CactR  •  last post May 26th


Acting with a shit bladder by dontfeedthetrollss  •  last post May 26th

So I am attempting to be an opera singer, musical theatre performer and possibly a film actor(dont really wanna be a world class famous one) but I have a shit bladder. I also have bad panic attacks which is amplified with this bladder problem. Getting into the scene or song can distract me from this bastard of a problem. Does anyone on here have or know anyone with a bad bladder? I mean I am about to audition for a short horror film, unpaid, but I don't really wanna make a bad impression having to run to the bathroom. I am also about to start a musical theatre course. I really want to perform, I have spent a long long time learning to sing and I hate that all my hard work could be ruined by this evil thing. ​ Would love thoughts.

Tools of the trade - what I need to know by kinyem  •  last post May 26th

Hi there! So as part of my interest in voice acting I also have been doing research on what all I need to get into the world and begin voice acting. I already know that a microphone is a must-have. I'm looking into getting an audio technica at2020, blue yeti, or monoprice large diaphragm microphone (any other recommendations that are preferably under $100 are very welcome). The one thing I don't quite understand yet is how much I need to know and use audio editing. This includes using programs like audible, reaper, etc. What would I use these programs for? Do most voice actors use such programs and have editing skills? If so, what are some good, affordable programs, and what are some resources to learn? Thanks for any advice.

I think “typing” or “typecasting” is emotionally dangerous, artistically reductive, and insulting to actors working on their technique. by thetendy  •  last post May 26th

I also don’t think branding is important for us doing our work. Go for the stories you want to be telling. People on the other side of the table can think about this, but it only puts actors up into their heads and removes them from the given circumstances of the scene. So often I see young actors get “typed” by someone with no business typing anyone (if anyone has any business doing that) and they live their lives around it. If you want to be a lead but get told you’re a best friend, go out for leading roles. The landscape is changing 100% who gets seen for what - and that’s a good thing. Far *more* often, unfortunately, are people looking for validation. Hoping to be told that they fit a mold - any mold at all - rather than being the three dimensional human being that they are. This mentality is dangerous - and maybe most on topic, it leads to bad acting. Stop typing each other. Stop searching for validation through the sort of person that you look like. Be vulnerable, know what you want to do as an actor, and pursue that.

I'm in the MCU! by teejrado  •  last post May 26th

On Friday night I made my debut in the MCU as Toad on Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.! It was such a cool experience and I'm so friggin' happy with how it turned out. I've had good years and bad years in LA but I never wanted to quit because I knew that this is what I wanted to do. Patience, dedication, and good old fashioned hard work all led to that moment when I got to see myself on a show that I've been watching since it premiered. It was surreal. Being able to work with actors that you've been watching grow and evolve over the course of 5 seasons is a whole other level of cool. Everyone on set was super cool and they welcomed me into their family with open loving arms. I can't even begin to describe just how thankful I am to have been able to have work on such a rad project. So don't stop! If you want this keep going! I hope everyone gets to experience something like this! Positive vibes to everyone this weekend!

Job: Beautiful Groupie (F) Washington, DC area $50 1-2 hours late August by mitakeet  •  last post May 26th

The beautiful female groupie (character early 20’s, actress must be at least 18) has no lines. She's the girlfriend of the main character's best friend (both are professional bicycle racers), and, as such, is 'familiar' with the main character. The MC's girlfriend, though, doesn't know this and reacts badly, leaving him. This project is a short intended to be used to interest investors in the feature. My expectation is the short will get lots of views, via Youtube and/or Vimeo. I plan to add it to IMDB. The same actress could play the role in the feature (assuming it gets funded), though the role won't be much larger than the short (2-3 scenes). This will be filmed under SAG's Small Project Agreement, but you do not need to be in SAG. The filming will be done in Shenandoah County, Virginia (near Mount Jackson) on August 24th or 25th. I’ll pay $50 for what should be no more than an hour or two. You’ll have access to the video when it’s done and credit if it makes it to IMDB. If interested, PM me links to your headshot, resume and/or reel. I will respond one way or another.

Question to auditioning actors in NYC by floydcolllins  •  last post May 25th

Do you find that you don’t audition as much as you’d like to because you don’t know the exact details of getting seen at all of the different types of auditions? Do you find it aggravating that different auditions are on different websites and feel like you miss out on opportunities because of that?

Where should actors move to in Atlanta? by LawSchoolPros  •  last post May 25th

I was wondering if anybody knew of any specific areas in Atlanta that are good for actors to move to? Thank you in advance!

ELDO PRODUCTIONS SCAM!!!! by rowdyarabian  •  last post May 24th

So recently I submitted on LA Casting for a role playing as a home buyer for a real estate company commercial. I got reach out by a production company called Eldo Productions. I checked out their webpage seemed normal so no red flags went off yet. Then they asked for 2 recent photos, measurements, availability, etc and even sent an actor release. I WAS HYPED. I was gonna be paid 5k in total for fittings, shooting, usage, etc. So they ended up sending me a check and saying I needed to use $4300 to buy the wardrobe. This was a little fishy because I was thinking they usually provide wardrobe, and the fuck am I gonna spend 4.3k on? A YSL Suit? The next red flag was when they said it was an issue that the bank was gonna put a hold on the check and that. Once they asked me to go get 3x $1000 and 1x $300 money orders from Walmart and to mail them blank I KNEW it was a bamboozling scam. To be even more sure I called the building that was listed as the business address the website, ask security what floor they were on and security said they never heard of the company and if I had made a mistake. Thankfully, I didn't provide them any sensitive information and caught on. ​ TLDR: Eldo Productions is fake shell company that is a money fishing SCAM. Be careful of who reaches out to you and stay safe out there, kids.

Acting in Spain? by serenavanderwoodsen_  •  last post May 24th

Could anyone tell me what the acting scene is like in Spain? Are there any "main" reputable agents/acting agencies? Also - is Madrid the best city to be in as an actor?

How important is training? by monsow  •  last post May 24th

I've never gone to drama school, and the last class I did was when I started acting 3 years ago. Since then I've taken a break of more than a year, and only last October did I get back to acting. In that time it's been going quite well, I've booked some great roles and gotten callbacks that I didn't book. I do quite a few part-time jobs where most people are actors, due to the flexibility. Everybody I talk to does regular classes - and they love it. I personally never got too much out of classes and have been doing alright so far, but am I missing out? Should I give classes another go? Does anyone else get on just fine without classes? Advice much appreciated!

This guy shares 8 free resources for beginner voice actors. by SomeCosmicEntity  •  last post May 23rd

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Post - May 23 by AutoModerator  •  last post May 23rd

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.

Hey New York Actors I Have A Quick Question! by ActorActingInLA  •  last post May 23rd

I'm an LA actor that will be spending the next year in New York. I've read a few times online and in interviews, that being on Law and Order SVU is like a New York actor staple. That everyone in that city who acts has either been on that show or has auditioned for that show. Is this somewhat true? That show dominates New York, so I'm sure that statement holds some truth. Are auditions for that show hard to get? I know they cast like 15 new parts for each episode. Really just curious, both as an actor and as a fan.

I'm going to miss one of my biggest opportunities because of my nose... by serenavanderwoodsen_  •  last post May 23rd

I was offered a role in a soap opera drama (not a regular, a guest star role) for 5 episodes and that's the biggest acting gig you can book in my country. Basically if i need to be honest i look objectively really attractive. If it weren't for my looks i doubt i would've even landed the role. The thing is - i injured my nose as a kid and it didn't heal properly at all so my septum got deviated (my nose doesn't looked crooked, it's barely visible) and ever since then i couldn't breathe through my nose anymore. I was raised by a super careless single mother so she didn't pay any attention to it/send me to a doctor when it was needed and i just didn't do anything about it. What i didn't know though is that constant mouthbreathing only as a kid has a lot of effect on your facial growth (it's explained [here]( with images) and it kind of causes your facial profile to grow outward. My chin hasn't became unattractively weak and my face shape overall isn't that messed up only because my face even as a kid was super balanced and pretty to begin with but it really did change my appearance to an extent. I really don't mind it because i don't look ugly by any means but it really f%cked up my nose.. before it was super upturned and now the bridge isn't only straight, it even has a small hump in it. It really kind of ruins my facial aesthetics not because the nose itself is ugly but because all of my other features are so pretty and perfectly balanced that it looks way too much out of place. Obviously it does not make me ugly and you as an actor don't face the camera with your facial profile at all times but even when you see it for a split second it's distracting. I am only 16 and a half and cannot get a nose job which i plan on having (i'm going to just shave off the hump) at 18 but i'll be eventually filming the show after a couple of months at 17 if i accept the offer. My mother once again doesn't really care about me and definitely won't allow me to get the nose job now either because she couldn't care less about my career too. She doesn't even want me to act but thank God i'm financially independent and can freely pursue the craft. And yes, a certified doctor told me that this was the cause of my hump/bump (i don't know what it's called in English) because before i thought that my face changed like that by itself growing up. I know that less than 0.1% really breaks into acting but realistically speaking if i DO "make it" one day in the distant future (i most likely won't, but still) these old clips of me acting before my nose job will come to haunt me and people won't stop making fun of it like they do whenever a pretty celebrity has had work done. Think Megan Fox's 2007-2009 nose job and lip fillers (she also had a small hump shaved and my nose is super similar to hers before her nose job but my hump is a bit more prominent due to my mouthbreathing and it really ruins my facial profile). I am not ASHAMED of my nose but i know that people and everyone on the internet one day may make me feel horrible about it. Megan has one of the most naturally beautiful faces in the world and people online rip her to shreds back in the day because she got a small cosmetic enhancement (i'm talking about [this]( type of comments) so i cannot even imagine what would happen to me. We live in a terrible society. The thing is, pretty but not supermodel pretty stars like Miley Cyrus can get a nose job and get away with it because their face resembles more the beautiful girl next door than let's say Adriana Lima (not to say that i look like her) and people don't pay attention at all times to the smallest details to their faces at all times. I know that if i genuinely do succeed in this business i will get terribly humiliated after people find out about it. I LOVE acting and i wouldn't ever want to miss this opportunity but at the same time i know how terrible our society is and i know that i won't be able to overcome such an amount of backlash. I've been wondering whether it'd be better for me to simply enroll in a drama school after i get my nose job and graduate from high school so that i could be completely confident in myself but i'll also miss a great opportunity which i maybe wouldn't be given ever again.

Acting agents in MA? by serenavanderwoodsen_  •  last post May 23rd

Actors of Massachusetts - does anyone know any good acting agents/agencies?