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We have found 19,369 posts across 4 actor forums:

hello i am interested in voice acting by TheCluckWad  •  last post May 18th

if you are looking for a voice actor for a video that requires a young male i am here to help. I am interested in voice acting and i also want experience with it to

Does anyone know of any actor workout groups in LA? by Rocketyank  •  last post May 18th

Like, meetups that get together an put up scenes or practice monologues? Not a full on theater group per se, but if you’re working on something you can put it up fro feedback?

French Canadian Actor looking for some English pronunciation coaching by Chuckbone  •  last post May 18th

Hi, I’m a young actor (got out of the conservatory 8 years ago), been very lucky in my career so far with 16 to 20 productions on my resume, all of them French plays. Now I want to step up my game, as more and more production are coming and all are in english. So I’m looking for an experienced actor who would be willing to help with my English pronunciation and diction. I’m willing to pay you, and we could do this via FaceTime or else. Or if you guys could just point me in any direction to help me improve. Tips and trick, or online course... I don’t know. Thanks.

Do actors have to change their hairstyles? by okayOkapii  •  last post May 18th

I wanna be an actor when I grow up but I really want to have long hair. As a male actor, would the people shooting the movie or show make you cut it for some roles or could you keep it?

RTS Game voice actors! by phoinix104  •  last post May 18th

Hello this Phoenix with Armada Games a new indie game studio attempting to bring the classic RTS games from the 90's back to life! We need a narrator for the beginning scene of the game and will pay $20-$30 if we like what you have sent us! We prefer actors with deeper voices to get a good feel for the violent opening! If interested contact me! at

Single parents that are working actors/actresses, looking to hear about your experience! by alilbitcloser  •  last post May 18th

Hello everyone! So I recently came across a project that might FINALLY (fingers crossed) give me my first on screen experience/experience as a working actress. My passion—pretty much my entire life—has been to become an actress and it’s always been something I feel most passionate about. I dismissed these dreams after having my daughter but have lost 70 pounds and now I feel the most comfortable with my body that I have ever felt and feel like it’s time to start pursuing my dreams; as I have a wonderful support system. I have a 1 1/2 year old daughter, and was wondering to hear about other single parents’ experiences of pursuing acting while also being a parent? What is it like?

How long should my reel be? by DoubleFlip  •  last post May 18th

I got 3 projects back recently. I'm gonna splice everything into a reel. How long should it be? I don't want to make it too long or drag it out. I was thinking maybe 1 scene from each project? And should I do straight cuts or a fade between each different scene? I'm good with video editing but I'm not sure what agencies look for in terms of reels. I'm gonna put it on Actor's Access as well. Thanks!

Male actors that never changed their long hairstyle? by okayOkapii  •  last post May 18th

Who are some male actors that never cut their hair short?

Looking for Chicago area commercial casting director w/comedic focus by JimboMcMidges  •  last post May 18th

Greetings! I'm looking for a Chicago-based commercial casting director who has experience sourcing local non-union comedic actors / comedians. We have options in LA and NY, but really want to make sure we don't miss someone great in the Chicago area! Thanks for your help.

Does This Actually Work? (SVU - NY) by CaliforniaStoked  •  last post May 17th

I feel like this question may be a shot in the dark, but for all the New York Redditers on here... Have you had any success with dropping off your headshot at the Law & Order SVU offices? Johnathan Strauss (Casting Director) has a box outside of his office for actors to drop off their headshots to be considered for upcoming auditions. Has anyone done this and have you gotten called in from this? (Even if you didn't book it). I'm an LA actor, and have had mild success out here (no theatrical agent), and SVU was the reason why I started acting. Once the new season starts filming (finale is tonight), I was thinking of mailing my headshots to that box every month. I'm from the east coast, so I could easily fly into NY to go to the audition if I'm lucky enough to have success with this. I was curious to hear from anyone who has done this and how long, and if anything came from it. ​ Thanks!

Questionable school play? by maecana  •  last post May 17th

I have no idea if this adheres to guidelines but I just thought I'd share because I've been pondering this for a while now. ​ I was just thinking about something I did in a school play before I graduated, and some alarm bell started ringing in my head because it was... not okay? ​ I was in my senior year, I was seventeen, and did a sex scene onstage??? We were both clothed and it was made to look like it was either before or after the actual deed (I legit can't remember that far back, I blocked most of it out tbh), we were heavily making out, on top of each other and playing with each other's buttons and buckles, but it was still pretty uncomfortable and my scene partner (also seventeen) went too far with the touching without asking me first and my dumb ass just went with it bc I though that's what I was supposed to do even though I felt really uncomfortable. I was under the impression that I'd fail the class if I didn't do it, and while I understood that it was acting, and I was fine with doing the scene as a whole (because I understood that it was only acting and that's what actor's do), the circumstances just made it such a shitty experience. ​ Has anyone else ever been in a situation like this? Is it common? Is there a specific way the director is supposed to direct the scene? I'm guessing that grabbing my butt and rubbing my thighs under my skirt ISN'T good acting etiquette... Also is making seventeen year olds do a sexual scene (even though we were clothed) kind of illegal? I don't want to get anyone in trouble because it's in the past but I know my school was super shady and secretive about shit so I'm guessing (from their own responses to the scene, as well as our classmates and audiences) that it wasn't 100% okay and they just never told us? ​ The big question is: if I ever find myself in this situation again, how can I politely tell my director/scene partner/etc that I'm uncomfortable/that I don't think it's okay? ​ Edit: I'm not against sex scenes at all, it's a part of acting and I'm comfortable doing them I just mean that those specific circumstances made me feel uncomfortable and I would like to avoid that part of it.

Any LA based Asian actors/creators interested in meetup? by memorableoddity  •  last post May 17th

Hey alllllll! ​ Are there any fellow Asian (South Asian too!) actors & creators out there looking to meet up for coffee? Been wanting to sit down with other Asians in the industry currently in the trenches of Los Angeles to network/talk shop/complain/inspire one another/etc etc with this shift in the industry - this industry is tough enough as it is, but I find going at it without a solid group of like minded folks, esp those that share similar backgrounds, can get pretty difficult sometimes. ​ As for me, I'm an actor currently out auditioning for -mostly- commercial work, with some co-star and guest star roles for network. Ideally would like to get to know others also on the audition grind, but obviously more than happy to meet newer actors and creators as well. This line of work definitely has its good and bad days, but I think being able to build genuine relationships and learn from one another makes it that much more worthwhile to keep pushing forward in this crazy town.

industry lingo -- help! by secretly_an_octopus  •  last post May 17th

Hey guys, I'm a professional actor, graduated from a very good drama school, rep'd by a great agent, but there's a gap in my knowledge regarding some industry lingo. For some reason this stuff was never covered in drama school. Usually on Spotlight, I'll see something like this regarding payment/agreement and I just have no idea what it means: BSF: £400.00 Buyout: £2,000.00 Can someone explain please? also, "Non-Equity" vs. "Equity Minimum" regarding payment. Does one or the other mean I have to be a member of equity? Thanks!

Need Voice Actors for A RTS Game by phoinix104  •  last post May 17th

Hello! This is Phoenix with Armada Games, a new Indie development studio who are working on an RTS game based heavily off the likes of the Elder Scrolls series. To make this game happen we need a voice actor to be the narrator. We will pay $20 for the beginning narration! To learn more about this exciting prospect please contact me through the email linked below! Thanks in advance! ​ ​ Email: [](

Recently did my first scene! by jfelaheebaccus  •  last post May 17th

(First of all, English isn't my first language so sorry if there are mistakes or sentences that don't make sense) Hi guys, So, I made a post earlier this year about taking a theater class with no real experience and last week we had to act a small scene with dialogues and a monologue that we chose and worked on for couple weeks beforehand. So, I was there in front of a crowded audience in a small room (about 30 people were there) and I did it. I messed up some lines and even forgot some at the start, but this was my first ever acting experience and I gotta say, I liked it even though I wasn't satisfied with how I did. I was extremely stressed before the performance, but during it I didn't feel the stress as much, I just tried to enjoy the moment. The actors watching me even said that I was great even with that little fuck up at the start, but that was the happyish fun part of the experience...The others, I think, did waaaaaay better than me during their scenes and being a young adult dealing with anxiety and depression it kinda fucked me up and I'm ashamed to say that during the night I cried and belittled myself, because I really want to make a living out of this (and hoped that maybe I could someday be my area at least) and I felt like I was just not good enough and I'll never be good enough. Someone filmed the entire scene and after watching it, I thought I was below average and hated it. I want to work hard and continue acting, but I don't know if I have what it takes. Thanks for those who read this, I just needed to rant and talk about being in front of an audience for the first time ever. ​ TL;DR : Did first scene, liked performing, didn't like the performance.

Looking to connect with working actors in New York City! by ninacoletta  •  last post May 17th

Hello! 22F actor looking to connect with actors in NYC! I'm currently based in Los Angeles but I'm originally from NYC, and I'm out here for a short while right now. I'd love to meet up with any other transplants (or locals!), and just make some actor friends– no short film ideas attached! speak soon (:

Any interesting things you've been asked to do at auditions? by dragonsbhere  •  last post May 17th

Just watched Jack Gleeson's audition for Game of Thrones (the actor who played Joffrey), and he was asked to say the line "My god, it's sunny outside!" as himself and then as a villain, and I thought that was a really cool direction!! (He did an amazing job btw, you guys should check it out on youtube) Have you guys ever had an interesting audition experience or been asked to do something that stuck out to you or you found cool/fun?

Mandy Actors USA... worth it? by jonlevine  •  last post May 16th

I'm already on AA, CastingNetworks, and Backstage. Am I missing anything by not having a premium membership to Mandy? I have an agent, so this would mainly be for self-submit stuff.

Booked a Union Feature Through a Reference! by White_Mocha  •  last post May 16th

Hope y'all are ready for a real life story time! ​ I know this actress in Mar Vista that I ran around with when I was staying in Inglewood (now live in North Hollywood.) I opened up to this girl, platonically, even about my quarrels with the cute bartender, and other problems that I was facing at the time. She opened up to me also, and we had some great times together. She told me that she could ever give me a push or something, she'll do it. I told her that I would do the same. Was homeless for a time, and I ended up contacting her to just see how she was doing, and that I wished her blessings. She wished me well also. We had since fell out of contact. ​ An actor had to drop out of the project because of a family emergency. Production gave the casting director the task of immediately re-casting a role of brother relating to the lead actress' character. When she told her daughter, her daughter thought of someone that she knew from a year past, who's hard-working and really cares about the craft. The daughter gave her the actor's website, and the casting director ended up contacting the actor her daughter told her about, extending the role to him. It was in the actor's inbox when he woke up. ​ When the actor saw the email, he couldn't believe what he saw. The contact form was for his fans, but the first person to actually use the feature was a casting director. The actor spent the first 30 minutes wondering to himself if it was real or a hoax. He read and reread the email many times, with the mom telling him that her daughter had mentioned his name, and that she liked his work, and wanted to book him for the role. The actor had seen the mother's name on the daughter's IG many times. ​ He called her, politely introducing himself. She said that her daughter mentioned me that she detailed the whole story of her needing to re-cast a role. ​ If you didn't guess it yet, the daughter is the girl I knew in Mar Vista. She had told her mom about me, and that she thinks I would be a great fit for the role. Off of a reference I was booked for a paid multi-day union role. All because I took the time to know people; not for ill-intent either, but because I want to genuinely know the person. ​ I was really nervous, and I was tearing up listening to motivational music today. But I spent multiple hours rehearsing, learning my lines, grounding the character, and bringing him to life over the last 2 days. I made mistakes, but instead of making a big deal out of it ("Oh No, I mEsSeD uP" followed by flailing), I stayed in the scene, got the line from the director and kept going. The lead actress who has done hella work, made mistakes, but quietly reassured me that mistakes were okay. We killed the scenes, and I was the final actor to be wrapped today. ​ It feels so weird from background to lead. We were able to walk around, hang out, interact directly with the director (background rarely get to interact with them, ask me how I know) instead of the AD. Basically, royalty on set. But the important thing is also being professional with the newfound status. ​ Even though I had no audition or callback for this role, it was very, very serious to me. I got a taste of being a lead, and I want to continue tasting that. All three years of me acting has led to this role. I'll continue being friendly and professional (part of my creed when I decided to act). I won't change who I am, but I know that I am now ready for the increased responsibility of my current character. My first steps of being a lead has begun. ​ >You don't prepare for the thing by looking at the bottom of the mountain. You prepare for the thing by looking at the side. \~ Eric Thomas