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Can’t remember the name of a actor by jk03  •  last post May 16th

Guys I need help. I just had a dream where one male actor appeared and I don’t know his name. He was tall, not the youngest but not old (around 50) and he had greyish curly hair, only on top of his head. I’ve been trying to find him the whole morning but I can’t so I’m trying here. And you might think that it’s Will Ferell but it’s not unfortunately. “My” actor was a bit more “slim” in his face and had different hair- longer but still curly. I believe he still is comedy actor. Thank you whoever tries to help me:)

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Post - May 16 by AutoModerator  •  last post May 16th

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.

Going to hollywood to take a tour of pararmount studios for a day. Looking for other Actor-y tourist like stuff by Idobjj  •  last post May 16th

For motivation when I get back to do my first SAG Agent signing. Anyone got any ideas? I'll have one extra day. The paramount studios tour I got is VIP so it'll be like half a day.

Advice needed by jamesjimmybyrondean  •  last post May 16th

I went for an audition and was lucky enough to meet a casting director kind enough to talk to me for a bit. What he told me was that he sees me getting more of specific restricted roles like a nerd or a pastor. He said I should practice on being good at that as most casting directors will only want me for those kind of roles(which I've noticed) This isn't what I want. I told him that I want to be able to play different amount of roles. I want to wear different masks and look natural doing so not just be a nerd or a pastor So I'm asking you guys. How do I improve my range as an actor. If I want to play let's say a bad boy how do I go about this without looking out of my depth and looking plain natural doing it. I'm a novice at this. I haven't been in any film before and have no experience in acting outside auditions. But this is what I want to do.

NEW YORK CITY: Atlantic Theatre Company EPA... Anyone ever attended?? by longbroad  •  last post May 16th

I am a Non-Union actor hoping to get seen at an upcoming Equity Principal Audition, but the audition is taking place at Atlantic's Studio in Chelsea. Has anyone ever gone to an EPA (either as union or n/u)?? I'm certain it will run smoothly, but being a planner I like to know what to expect.

How do you go about finding headshot photographers? by easypename  •  last post May 16th

I’m an aspiring actress in NYC, and was wondering if there’s a better way to go about finding a photographer than through Google or Craigslist. I’ve had headshots taken before by photographer friends, but I’m ready to get something more professional (since although my friends are professional photographers, doesn’t mean they specialize in acting headshots). I’m also looking for something on the cheaper side. I’m getting this headshot to tide me over for a year-ish, before getting new better ones. One of the major reason is because my hair is dyed right now, but I plan on growing it out within the year. My past headshots do not reflect this color, which has stopped me from applying to auditions. **TL;DR: I’m looking for a professional headshot photographer in NYC on a budget for a temporary headshot. How do I go about finding one?**

What inspired you to become an actor? by rebeccatierney3  •  last post May 16th

Help for new voice actor by NightES  •  last post May 16th

Recently I have been looking for help in both looking for cheap mic to start voice acting and looking if anyone needs a voice actor. I am turning 21 in june, Male, goes by Night (NightSound), and so far I know I sound like Pegasus from yugioh, Pennywise from IT, and good at adjusting my voice ​ I am also in DnD which my friends say they love for me DMing (Fun Fact)

Question/Concern on my Agency's Commission by VKS23  •  last post May 16th

Hey everyone, I'm a non-union actor with a non-union agency in chicago. I did a commercial/product shoot this past March through them. The rate for the project is $1250. We shot it in a studio in Chicago. We were on set longer than anticipated for a total of 10 hours. Today I just received my check from my agent for $900. It looks like my agent took a 28% cut ($350) of the orginal project rate. This commission seems significantly higher than prior projects I had through my agent. I dont want to get taken advantage of and I want to be totally clear on how these rates are set. I've been with my agent for almost 2 years non exclusively. I signed as an independent contractor. It states on the contract: Agent takes 10%, 15% or 20% commission depending on the type of job booked. So now I'm confused about this and wondering if there's some type of tax rate that occured on my agent's end when they got paid by the client which is why I got paid lower than I was expecting. I'm getting ready to email my agent about this to see what her cut was but I wanted to see if anyone here had the answer to this or could put in their two cents? I appreciate you all for reading through this and providing feedback!

South Asian Actor looking for talent manager! by leo44556  •  last post May 16th

Please message me if you are a talent manager and want a early 20 year old south asian actor!!

I think I have to move to LA from NYC and any advice from former NY actors is appreciated. by CuspChaser111  •  last post May 15th

My biggest fear is (drumroll) the fakeness. Yes you get that everywhere and in all businesses but admit it for us it's a particular brand. How did you make the move/transition? Luckily I have had a day job (finance) and I have a few recurring on some shows you'd know so I have the credits. I am bi-coastally rep'd with ppl I love so that's good. Just booked a commercial so that's extra dough too thankfully. Layoffs just happened and I figure I might as well make the move. I have about a year's worth saved up to not have a day gig. I'd love to hear any advice really on how you found FRIENDS - like really good folks you trust because LA seems really lonely. Really what I'm moving for is that weather. :) How did you make the transition? How long did it take to 'fit in' - I've been out there for 2 or 3 month stints before but not for a long time...

Starting off and getting more experience. by BlackBunny95  •  last post May 15th

I created an actors access page, however I don’t have a demo reel. I know that most casting directors won’t look if they don’t see a reel. What should I do in this situation for just to build more experience and create a reel?

Help (info in post) by NexXPlayerz  •  last post May 15th

I need help with my mic, I am a beginner voice actor and instead of my voice being clear, crisp and its sounds like the character is actually saying words. Whenever I speak it sounds like I am outside of the mic, I guess you could say. I don't know how to describe it but, I will link audio recording in comments. Please someone help.

Japanese voice actors? by lpartOfficial  •  last post May 15th

Hey there, I am an indie animator looking for aspiring voice actors who would be able to deliver lines in Japanese :) ​ The lines are transcribed in English characters, (example: “Oioi, sōn nani ikiri tachi nasan natte. Rēisu ni naru no ka naranai no ka, tada mi ni kita dake sa”) so knowing Japanese isn't a huge deal, simply pronouncing it correctly is all that matters, Was just wondering if there are any here on this subreddit :) ​ In case you're interested its an anime pilot with about 3 or 4 minutes of dialogue and there are 3 male positions open. (Female lead already taken) If you want a little taste of what i do just lookup "Roborun" on youtube. (Latest project) ​ Cheers!

Cast & Crew for a Proof of Concept in LA by danny993  •  last post May 15th

Hello, my name's Daniel and I'm a screenwriter in LA. I'm working on a project in the LA area and am looking for the rest of my cast and crew. It's a short where 2 hitmen go out on a job, only for it to turn out that 1 of them is the job. After it's made, I'm going to be submitting it to festivals, including: the Austin Film Festival, NYFF, Sundance, and the LA Shorts International Film Festival. Location is in the LA area, compensation is deferred (like I said, I’m sending it to film festivals, but I’m also going to get a large YouTube viewership by trading shares with other YouTubers and building the viewership, monetizing the short of course). Specifically, what I'm looking for: CAST: 2 kids (a boy and girl between 5 and 10 and preferably siblings to get natural reactions out of them since they’ll be fighting over a toy) and an actress to play their mother (am open to her being the actual mother for simplicity's sake, since it's a small role) CREW \--producer \--director of photography \--key grip \--ac and or unit sound \--vfx Here's a link: So, do you think you'd like to be a part of this project?

South asian actor looking for a talent manager! by leo44556  •  last post May 14th

Hi! South Asian actor looking for a talent manager. Please message me if interested.