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Leap or not to leap, apathy is the question. by JasonBricksHD  •  last post May 7th

So presonal/real talk for a sec: I am beyond miserable at my current job. As most people here, my dream is to be a successful actor. From the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep thats all I want to do: Act, Direct, Produce ( I cant write lol). I cant just act to release some creative energy. I want more, im sure all of you can understand. ​ I am currently making decent money and I am ready to make the leap: Quit my job and just pursue acting, make it my life, make it my full time job. But the reality is I need to make money and pay bills. Do agencies, restaurants, PT retail gigs really just let you take time off work to audition, do extra work, take classes, etc? How do they not fire you for being an unreliable employee? Or give you a job considering you're an actor? I know I have to start somewhere. Ive done theatre, a web series, and student films a few years ago. But I do not have the energy, drive, motivation, to do things in my spare time to work on my craft. I work with a non-profit theatre company but haven't gone to our practice rehearsals in months. Ive gotten to a place where I am just apathetic to every one and everything. I've read the FAQ's and resources several times here in this sub. So thats where I've started. I am beyond scared. I have no idea how to make it work. I don't know what to do. ​ Thanks for letting me vent. Any advice is appreciated.

Yale summer conservatory or Stella Adler? by roscoeswetsuit23  •  last post May 7th

I got into Yale's summer conservatory and I have an interview set up for Stella Adler's summer program too that I feel pretty good about. Which one would guys advise? I really want to grow even more as an actor and want the best training possible and I am not sure which of the two is better. I am huge fan of many actors who have went to both (granted I am only going for a month but you get my drift)

Is it hard for "Indigenous Americas" actors to find jobs? by artsyhugh  •  last post May 6th

From my limited experience with Hollywood movies and TV (I'm not from the US), whenever there's a Native (American, Canadian, etc.) actor, they are almost guaranteed to play a Native and to have something to do with Native culture: tribes, dances around a fire, rituals, myths, etc. It's not like a white, black or Asian who can just play a white, black or Asian and blend in unnoticed. In other words, Hollywood, to me, only cast Natives because they want a story about Natives (Navajos and aliens and werewolves shapeshifters in *The X-Files*, werewolves shapeshifters in *Twilight*, three white kids helping the Natives protect their ancestors' land in that ninja movie, etc.), and occasions for that kind of story don't arise very often. So my question is, is it hard for Native American, Native Canadian, etc. actors to find jobs? Do you get to play just random Americans or Canadians? Or do the producers have to squeeze in stuff about your Native root somehow?

Moving to LA and Advice for a Beginner by deleted834  •  last post May 6th

Hi all! As my title says, I will be moving to LA this August to start my MA in Public Relations at USC with a focus in the entertainment industry. This field is my career passion, but a side dream of mine has always been to be an actress. I only had the chance to start acting in high school, where I acted in my school’s annual spring play and winter musical, in ensemble and 1 or 2 leading roles, along with doing tech work. Outside of about 2 beginner acting classes, this is all the experience I have of the business. I really am tired of waiting any longer to pursue this dream, but I have no idea where to start and what to do first about becoming an actress, especially considering that I will be moving to such a notorious market without that much experience and will probably have rigorous coursework on top of that from my program. I would be so grateful if anyone can give me any advice on what I should do to get started and begin taking this dream more seriously!! :)

Importance of posture by superbouser  •  last post May 6th

I just saw my performance on a feature film I worked on last summer. This was very special because I was the Music supervisor & on set watching this A lister act. The actor that was working with him in the scene couldn’t speak English well & the star got pissed, so the director asked me to do it. No lines, no rehearsal just get in there & be the guard. It went great. Anyhow when watching the film I didn’t realize that I was not standing straight & if I didn’t have the strong personality I would have seemed weak. My question , Do any exercises exit to help with posture? I have not been taught any.

how do you even BECOME a big fish in a small pond by thulite  •  last post May 6th

i have very little theatrical experience. but i know that acting is what i’ve wanted to do my whole life, i’ve just been pushing it off for art since i’m very shy. people tell me all the time about how good of an actress i would be. i get told by everyone in the theater department at my school that im pretty, i have a lot of character, i’m funny, that i should go into comedy, that i should try acting, and i’m really good at improv. i know that doesn’t sound like a lot but it really seems like everyone’s seeing something that i’ve just been neglecting. i’m tired of not actually pursuing what i could be good at and just ignoring it. i decided that i’m gonna add a theater minor to my major and give it a little bit of a shot just to see next semester, but if i’m going to do this i want to actually be good and not waste my own time. i want to finally try to give something my all. i feel entirely directionless though. i attend a tiny university in an old ass town, and i really want to try to stand out and give this my all. even if the length of my experience ends in college. i just want to try, because i feel like i’ve spent way too long knowing i wanted to be an actress and just ignoring it. i have a friend who’s going to coach me a bit before summer starts. we’re gonna read some monologues and just ‘see where i’m at’ i guess, but i don’t know what i can do with that. i’m not really sure about what i should be practicing specifically or how to do so. what makes a monologue good? what makes my or anyone else’s acting good? what are people looking for? how should i sound? how do i make the one piece of my acting directors see worth their time? how can i prove myself? what books should i read and what should i get from them? what am i looking for? how do i use them to self assess? when practicing on my own, what should i be paying attention to? when pushing what i do, how far is too far? this is entirely new and kind of scary for me, because i never really did this before besides a few children’s plays, i had an agent as a child for acting and modeling for a short time, and some plays (ensemble) for church as a teen. i’m 19 now and i’m super scared that i really wasted my life and my time. practicing this seems entirely differently than practicing art which is the only thing i’ve ever really done so now i feel entirely out of my element. please help! any advice helps! edit: im also a black woman and there’s so few of them in this department. so i feel like it’s gonna be even harder for me to get any roles or even have the chance to do anything. i even feel more pressure to do well because i do NOT want to make a fool out of myself

Hand eye coordination as an actor by SalesToMarketing  •  last post May 6th

How important is it? My hand eye coordination isn’t great. I suck at sports, have bad handwriting, etc but it hasn’t hampered me from practically any role I’ve done yet. Yet, somebody on this sub said I probably won’t become a professional until I improve my hand eye coordination. The convo came up because I told them I pretty much eliminated serving as a flexible actor job because I’m always dropping tests. Plus, some jobs just aren’t a fit for certain people. Is there any truth to the fact that actors need at least average hand eye coordination? For the record, I have dyspraxia, a motor skills dysfunction. Hasn’t affected my life in the slightest, but I don’t do things like pool, darts, or sports. Fight scenes I haven’t had much trouble with since it’s all planned out and choreographed. But for whatever reason, this comment stuck with me. Am I screwed as an actor because of this “disability”?

Getting into acting at almost 24? by LetsSayUnusual  •  last post May 6th

As a kid, my dream was to become an actor (cliche, right). Anyway, I never told my parents or anyone though because I was afraid they'd say that it was dumb or make fun of me for that being my dream. I had planned to take drama during middle school, but the middle school I ended up going didn't offer drama. So I thought maybe I'd just have to take theatre in high school, and take acting and theatre classes after high school. But, between middle school and high school I developed fairly bad social anxiety, so I didn't end up taking theatre straight out of middle school. I did try taking it for one year during my junior year, but I just felt out of place because friend groups and favorite students were already established. So I didn't try for any parts in any plays, and I didn't take the class again the next year. Also didn't end up taking any college theater or acting classes. I'm now almost 24, and so wish I would have done things differently when I was younger. But, I still do have this want to try acting, even if it just starts out as a hobby at first, I'll see how I enjoy it and go from there. So, I guess I was kind of just wondering if almost 24 is too late to get into acting without any kind of experience? I also still very much have social anxiety, so any advice on overcoming your anxiety with acting would be extremely appreciated. Any other kind of advice you want to throw in is also very much appreciated!

I'd like to start a voice acting youtube channel but I'm not sure where to begin by Foxes-in-space  •  last post May 6th

As the title says, I'd like to start a voice acting youtube channel. I'm just a hobbyist, I don't intend to become a professional, so this would just be for fun and to motivate me to get more practice in. I'm just not sure what sort of content to include on it. I would like to do some comic dubs, or voice my own animations, but aside from that I'm not sure. Has anyone here got ideas? Also, could y'all please suggest some voice actors on youtube? I may be able to get inspiration from them. Professional or amateur hobbyists, I don't mind. Thanks!

how old were you when you first got into voice acting? How did you get your first audition? by missdarbyjean  •  last post May 5th

Hello friends! So I hate to add to the whole pile of "where do I start" questions, but I'm really just desperate for advice. As a 22 year old female, currently in college for wildlife (I'm also very passionate about wildlife conservation, though completely unrelated to voice acting), I worry I may have waited too long to get involved and make a name for myself in your guys' world. I've always been amazed how people can bring these amazing characters to life, in video games and especially anime. I've dreamt of one day doing it myself, but never thought that it may be possible until recently, after speaking with some amazing voice actors at a con that gave me hope, but were still realistic about the business. And now, I want so much to be able to create an English dubbed version of literally any anime character .. I guess it's one of those bucket list things. I'm considering moving down to Texas and trying to get an in with Funimation after I graduate college, but I know that's such a huge thing to try to achieve, especially for someone who had no education in the theatre field, or experience outside of theatre in highschool.. Currently I live in Pennsylvania, and was wondering if anyone could give me advice. Possibly someone to contact in the state? I've tried contacting the head of theatre at Penn State about any possible classes I could take to get experience, but heard nothing. ANY advice would be appreciated, as this is something I definitely want to pursue throughout the rest of my life, along with saving animals of course.

My first audition. Would this monologue be appropriate? by hammerfan12  •  last post May 5th

Hello, so soon, in about a week, i've got an audition. It's something i've always been curious about and wanted to try. I saw the ad on Facebook for CGTV, i think it's sponsored by Disney. The age limit is 26. I'm 21. They also sent a list of commercials for us to read for the part. It's not for a specific part, it's kind of just a search for talent. Agents looking for actors. They said in the email to prepare a monologue or read the commercial list. The commercial's are all "upbeat", but i was thinking of doing a monologue. You see, i always thought i'd make a good bad guy, i can do that better then upbeat and cheerful (after all, the email said to play to your strengths). I was thinking of doing a monologue from The Man With The Golden Gun. The main villain, Scaramanga's backstory. This monologue specifically. (watch from 1:50 to 3:06) But edited down. Now, i feel i could do cold bad guy more then cheerful and upbeat. But, considering this is a Disney audition, i don't know if it'd be appropriate. I don't think reading for a hitman would be appropriate for a Disney audition.

Seeking voice actors by Pinklizard77189  •  last post May 5th

Hello, I am making an animation youtube series about the SCP Foundation. If you know some lore or have heard of the Foundation before please DM me. I will give you a list of available roles. You dont have to have much experience in voice acting, just know the basics.

What's actually SAG-AFTRA ? by elviano  •  last post May 5th

So I'm from Europe and in one year I'll be living in USA. So if I get a SAG card does it help me to get roles easier? Am I represented by an agent that works on sag-aftra ? If I don't get a card or if I don't want a membership will casting directors see first actors that have a SAG card ? Can you also write me (if you know) successful and famous actors that don't have a card ? Ps. (Sorry if my questions are stupid but I don't know anything about sag-aftra)

Anyone here a Latino American female actress who doesn’t speak Spanish? What has been your experience in the industry? Do you feel more roles are being casted nowadays where they don’t ask you to use a broken accent and play stereotypes like hookers, maid by SitterNeedsHelp  •  last post May 5th

Because everything I read is negative . Remezca magazine and Latina magazine and other articles have featured interviews by America Ferrera, Eva Longoria, Jimmy Smit and other minorities who are American before all else and don’t speak the language of their grandparents etc. anyhow they all say it’s super hard to get cast or they are often asked to “Speak more Latina” which is ignorant to ask basically as if Latinos are only one way and cannot speak clear English Or they are seen as too light to play the role and they want dark Latinos. And they say American english speaking American roles are usually only advertised as being offered to White women If it’s still true, that’s so damn sad. Statistics show Latinos go to the movies more than anyone else but we’re only allowed to portray certain types of Latinos. Thoughts?

Is it possible to capitalize on looking like a famous actor? by Marlee4  •  last post May 5th

I constantly get people telling me I look like a famous actor. Not only do I physically look like him and am the same height, but I’m told I have certain intangible qualities about my body language and demeanor that are similar to his. Maybe this is a silly question, but is there a way to capitalize on this? Whether as a stand-in or some sort of double?

Using JCPenney Portraits for Headshots? by PriorSearch  •  last post May 5th

I'm a college student who is on a really tight budget right now, but I want to participate in a local cattle call that's coming up. I only have a couple of school production credits and a student short film credit. Knowing my budget and experience, is it still acceptable to use JCPenney Portraits to use as my headshots? They offer [business headshots]( and I'm wondering if it's still okay to use them as actor headshots.

Could I use a YouTube prank video I was in as part of my reel? by yuwannabesomean  •  last post May 5th

I was hired as an actor to get pranked by some dudes acting all crazy in an elevator and then have them reveal it was a prank. I think I did a great job acting scared and the comments on the video even mention a lot how scared I looked, they better have paid me out well, I seemed terrified, etc. Do you think I could add this to my reel? I have regular acting stuff in it of course, but I thought it might be refreshing to have a non traditional piece like that in it, or is that way off?

I need some advice from you guys by cheapskate-  •  last post May 4th

So let me set the scene here: I’m a 14 year old European kid and I’ve always wanted to become a doctor, for the soul purpose of helping people. Also bare in mind that I have been raised by two upper middle class parents and that I can do almost anything academic with my life at this point. So last weekend I went to see Endgame and I sat there for three hours absolutely gassed about everything in that movie. I got to see my favorite characters and their story’s come to the upmost satisfying conclusion. And after the movie I felt really upbeat and was on some sort of high in the hours that followed. So I started thinking: if I felt this way after this movie, me, who has no major issues at home and in life (well I don’t view them as such, because there are many people in much worse situations then I am) felt so good after watching this movie, how must someone who doesn’t have it like I do feel after watching Endgame. That escape for three hours out of reality to be with their favorite hero’s can help lots of people. And now I’m coming to my point don’t worry. What is I can help all these people in all these cinemas over the world by escaping from reality and enjoying something. So I want to start acting to help these people escape and I want to know if this is a valid reason to start acting and eventually move to somewhere like Hollywood or New York to reach the big masses with my acting. And also if this reason is just my unconscious wanting to be famous or actually me wanting to help the most amount of people Also take into consideration that my 14 year old brain is looking for purpose right now so my judgement might be a bit off. Feel free to ask anything to judge this fully and get a better picture of my situation. Tl;dr (Don’t actually know what this stands for but I am going to use it anyways) I want to become an actor to help many people and so I can help more people at once than for instance a doctor.

Need to act alone a movie/tv scene with 2-3 characters in it. Advice for scene and how to pull it off? by mustalala  •  last post May 4th

So I will audition for an acting school and for the first day we need to prepare a 2-minute-long scene from film or series where we act all the characters alone. It’s okay to modify the scene a bit to make it fit the time frame and purpose. Has anyone acted a scene this way, any advice? And could you suggest good scenes for this? Thanks a lot fellow actors!