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How much should I charge per line? by gnbman  •  last post May 2nd

I'm voicing a character in an animation. It started out as a one-time thing that I was doing just for fun, but now that the creator set up a Patreon, she is paying the actors, and the animation has become a series. I've never done voice work before, and I have no idea what to charge. She says the other actors are charging by the line. Any suggestions? I've only seen the first script, in which I have two lines toward the end, but I get the impression that my character becomes more important as the series goes on.

I need your help guys :) by dawid59101  •  last post May 1st

Hello! I need an advice of some sort. I got accepted to study acting in the UK and they want my audition tape... I need to record a scene from a movie or tv series. That's where the complications come in. I'm disabled, as in Dr. House level of disability. I use a cane usually because of the pain management problems, in the wrong hand haha, no vicodin for me tho. I can walk without a cane no problem if needed. You are all probably asking yourself "why even apply for an acting course when you're disabled? ". Well... I don't even kbow the answer to that. So what scene would be good enough for a beginner? I wanted to be an actor for a long time, then I had an accident so thought about voice acting... But well they want a movie scene, so I'll give them a movie scene. What do you guys recommend? All help is appreciated ^^ (Also I have no idea if I will succeed, but without trying, life isn't complete.) Cheers.

What do you want/need in an acting class/bootcamp by dancinglobstahz  •  last post May 1st

I work at an acting coaching studio and we are currently putting together an acting bootcamp. Our thoughts were to hold a session once a week for six weeks and eventually bring in casting directors for at least two of the sessions at the end. Max class size of 12. We want to focus on not just the acting, but also on interacting with casting directors and agents. Being in NYC, obviously there are many different options available, so I was wondering what personally draws you to committing to an acting class/workshop? I want to make sure we focus on what actors and actresses today truly want. For example, our company also has a speech coaching division available: do you think you would benefit from having speech coaching incorporated into the bootcamp? Any thoughts are appreciated! Thank you.

You are here podcast (Film & Acting Podcast) by sebasn777  •  last post May 1st

Hello everyone, new to this community and reddit looking to introduce you guys to a podcast that focuses on film and acting that these guys has been doing the past few months. The podcast is called the "You are here podcast" by Mike Nowicki (Filmmaker) and Dave Volino (Actor). The focus is inspiring upcoming actors and filmmakers pursue their aspirations as Mike and Dave pursue their own while touching on various experiences. I have linked the latest episode so check it out if you are up for it. Guests include other working actors and filmmakers in the industry such as Jim Parrack. They are open to questions from you guys and are really open to helping out if they can with anything you might be struggling with. Feel free to reach out and comment. They also offer helpful resources if you are around NYC too if you ask for actors or anyone in the film industry where you can actually go and meet up with other actors or people interested in the film industry and work on your scripts, writing, acting, etc. I forget the exact name but you can message them for more details on the collective they work with. ​ [\_link?a=tv2wimLDVqE&u=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DCMonlU5EZKA%26feature%3Dshare]( ​ [](

Would I be in the wrong for asking for a new set of headshots that were originally done for free, but totally half-assed? by yuwannabesomean  •  last post May 1st

So in case anyone is unaware, sometimes it happens that an indie production offering no pay for background actors will offer free headshots done by one of the usually many photographers on set. So I get cast as background for a production offering this very thing. Myself and a few other background actors are inquiring a lot about when the headshots will occur, not so much out of doubting their promise, but just so we could be prepared makeup and clothing wise. No one really has an answer for us. Before the second day of shooting commences I send a formal inquiry to the assistant director asking when the shots will occur, and all they say is that they will occur on set, but not when, like I asked. So I come to set in full headshot makeup, figuring I’d be prepared no matter what. They then send me into costume makeup for the scene we’re shooting next. As soon as I’m out of makeup with now heavy black eyeshadow, false eyelashes and bright red lipstick, a photographer approaches me and says we can go outside to do my shots. I am PISSED that they didn’t check in with me before I went into makeup. So I go to the bathroom, scramble to wipe off the costume makeup and fix my face into my headshot look, and then take the shots but theres obvious black blotches around my eyes and I’m annoyed and the shots just look like crap because of the whole debacle. The next day of shooting commences on Friday and I’m scheduled to be there, would it be totally inappropriate to express this situation to them and ask for a re-do?

LA actors by alwaystoiyurd  •  last post May 1st

How did you guys find your talent agent? Do I need to book on my own before I contact agencies for my resume? I currently only have theatre wor,k no film.

I’m realising to grow as an actor I must grow in myself first. by anonsweet  •  last post May 1st

I’m realising more and more how the defence mechanisms my ego has created to protect me, are leading me far away from true honesty and vulnerability. I’ve always been a perfectionist in some area’s of my life, mainly area’s I care deeply for- On set the other day I wasn’t able to reach a point emotionally that I wanted to, in result of this I started to beat myself up, and questioned my ability to be a successful actor, compared myself to those who are successful and thought “well if I can’t expose my vulnerability In this small role what’s the hope in ever getting any bigger roles” “fuck being an average actor, if I wanna act, I wanna make sure I give my all to every character I play and expose myself fully. Then after these thoughts I started to feel like I genuinely had no purpose in life and felt so awful. Then I realised, I have defined my entire identity and value and purpose on being an actor, and if I can’t reach where I want to, I will perceive myself as a failure. My perfectionism side will make me work, and gives me great dedication and persistence but comes with a lot of frustration and self loathing and quite frankly I don’t think that’s necessary to being a successful actor. I’m only 20 and I’ve got plenty of time to develop my skills and grow, but I’m wondering, if this mentality, me not wanting to act if I’m just going to be average, is really bad. I don’t mean average as in, low key, because fame is not what I want, but I mean, average, not memorable, not unique, not able to fully engage and play characters convincingly. watching others, I’m so amazed by some actors, I’m thinking, that’s the sort of reaction I want to create, that’s how I want to be, and others I’m aware of how I just don’t want to be. I do care about others enjoying my performances, but I care even more for engaging myself, really feeling and immersing myself, Cos the reward only comes from this, and not from somebody telling me I was good, it’s simply not enough to convince me- I want to speak to people who have experienced or share this thought, who have struggled with being a perfectionist and setting high standards for themselves, I believe (in a very clouded way) that I am talented and have something unique to offer, I have always had this higher trust in myself, but if I don’t consistently prove this, it’s hard for me to feel okay.

How to know when to start looking for agents? by Ccaves0127  •  last post May 1st

I know a lot of actors are approached by agents. I've worked on maybe 15 films and I feel like I have a lot of experience, how do I know when I cross the threshold and I should start looking for an agent?

Question about Edge Studios by KNIGHTjo  •  last post Apr 30th

Hey all, I am very new to VO. I actually no experience in VO, however I am a classically trained actor with several years of experience and have been looking to move my career towards VO. I am very curious about Edge Studios and their Investigate Voice Over Class and am wondering if any of you have any experience with them? Mostly I am curious as to whether or not it will be a worthwhile investment, if they are merely in the business of "selling dreams," or if I should practice on my own and seek out freelance work to begin my career?

Thinking of moving to Atlanta from Los Angeles for acting work? Thoughts? by manateedisco  •  last post Apr 30th

Hi there! I'm 29 and a female. I grew up in Los Angeles my entire life. I grew up around the industry, and my father was also a constantly working actor. When I graduated theatre school several years ago, I thought booking work would come quickly for me, since it seemed so effortless in my dad's career.... It did not for me. ​ I've been hustling my butt off, and keep hitting dead ends and lost opportunities. With the very small amount of nepotism I had through my dad (he worked a lot of was on soaps for a long time), I thought that would help. It didn't and almost made it harder. Approaching 30, the most important thing for me right now to get my career GOING is that I NEED to book professional work this year. I've done independents and commercials, and been doing well at the Groundlings here in LA, but booking a job on a substantial show or film is something I have not yet attained. It is just not happening for me right now here in LA. ​ I am SAG/AFTRA, have good headshots and lots of good footage. I've unfortunately found myself in bad representation with agents that weren't behind me like they should be, and I've been struggling with trying to figure out what I need to change about my approach and what I have to offer to audition more and book work. I go out all the time, but only on my own doing and my own submission process on casting sites...hardly through my agents, who i recently fired. ​ My boyfriend currently lives in Atlanta, and is finishing up his last year of art school. He lives in the heart of midtown, and we've been talking about me going to ATL for a while to get rep and start BOOKING, hopefully. He thinks I could get signed and start booking in a heartbeat (sweet of him, but who knows). ​ I want to know what anyone else thinks about this. What is the industry like in Atlanta? What is your experience? Is it a good move? Is this idea foolish> ​ LA seems to not be working for me right now and I need to shake things up FAST.

MADIVA Podcast Season 2 - tomorrow! by SARAAAAAH777  •  last post Apr 30th

Hallo! V excited to say that the free podcast MADIVA (Modern Audio Drama Indie Voice Acting ) is kicking off Season 2 this week. Tomorrow for Patreons and May the 4th be with you for the rest of the world! This season I have done interviews with some ammaaazing Voice Actors from indie audio so do jump in and have a listen to their thoughts and expertise so far. Guests include Thoreau Smiley (Attention Hellmart/1994pod/Girl in space) and Jordan Cobb, Lucy Valentine, Lisette Alvarez, Klaudia Amenabar, Matt Wieteska, Julia Morizawa, Karim Kronfli, Marc Grau, and Tanja Milojevic! So. Excited to share their insights with you! I’m a voice actor for audiodrama and in possibly 100 podcasts by now and counting and absolutely love it. Hope you do too. I share my experience advice and thoughts in conversation with awesome folks. Jump in! Here’s a clip [Madiva Podcast](

why does it feel like the most successful never struggled? by moaningaboutacting  •  last post Apr 30th

idk, it's weird, looking at peoples imdb's and wiki's and they're so different from your own experience: like, i get it, fame and being a working actor are different things but i do find it odd that a lot of the most successful actors didn't even seem to really struggle at all: like, game of thrones: Kit Harington graduated his drama school, got a major theater show (war horse), and then, straight after, bang! Jon Snow. Or Emilia Clarke, graduates, spends a few months doing tv and short film then .. boom! She's cast as Dany. An example isn't needed for Maisie Williams, Sophie Turner, and Bran because, i mean, damn, that's the dream right there - first audition, nail it, grow up on the set of one of the best tv shows ever: helluva lot better than my childhood i can tell you that haha but you know what im saying? almost all of these super successful actors have had at least one major (tv/film/theater) job a year since they started and I just don't get it... like, man, im out here still doing amatuer theatre and student films inbetween gigs - last time I had a major film/tv show under my belt was 2016!! is it just destiny that these guys get chosen by the acting gods in their teens/early 20s and the rest of us are just stuck around to pick up the crumbs forever? feels more like destiny than hard work, imo

Am i wasting my life? Is this all there is? by IlLungo  •  last post Apr 30th

So i'm a 23 year old male from Argentina. All my life was based on passing school and doing whatever was the right thing to do for my parents, or society. I've played basketball 11 years cause my father wanted me to. There was this moment, kind of an insight, where i thought... is this what i want? Does this make me happy? I ended up dropping it. Sort of the same thing happened with my career, i'm soon to become a lawyer, and i'm now asking myself if this is what i want to do for the rest of my life. A couple of years ago i started to feel this way, and the only thought that makes me feel wholesome is becoming an actor, imagine myself as characters on Netflix or movies, or whatever, and not even primary.. a secondary character, or the bad guy, or the one that dies first, doesn't matter. I'm soon to become 24 now, i'm 6'5", i think i'm kinda handsome as people sometimes ask me if i'm a model, i speak fluent english, and of course spanish, i have good memory and a good physique. I feel stuck, am i late for it? Am i gonna be stuck with a job i don't even know if i like it? You, with your experience on acting, what do you think about this? You can brake my heart if you want to.

I'm stuck in an awful perpetual cycle and I don't know how to get out. by Gold_Transition  •  last post Apr 30th

Hi, I think I'm fucked. So, let me begin, I graduated my drama school back in 2017 and by the autumn, despite my lack of experience, I'd gotten myself a pretty reputable agent - if you're going by how successful his clients are. The first thing he asked me was to get some new headshots for 2018, fair enough, so, by January, I'd done that and I thought they looked pretty good. Three months, and no auditions later, he phones me asking to get some different ones done because these weren't working, he suggests someone and I get more. Almost immediately after an audition comes through ... for an Audible drama (lol) and I book the gig. My first job. I was really excited and I spent a week in the Audible studios recording this thing and I was super, super hyped. I thought that this was the start of something, that I'd be getting more and more auditions, I might have to even consider quitting my job and getting a more flexible one, moving out of my parents house - all of this is going through my head after booking a bit part in an audio drama hahaha. Fast forward seven months, the only jobs and auditions I've gotten are for student films and theatre productions I'd applied for myself. I hadn't heard a word from my agent, despite leaving him numerous emails, and I was honestly convinced he'd dropped me and just forgot to tell me about it. But, apparently, he hadn't as I get a phone call asking me to update my showreel and that he'd written this scene for me to film with a few filmmakers and actors that I could add to my reel - we split the cost on this and, by the later half of 2018, I now had one audio drama under my belt, two student films, an amateur theatre production, and a poorly written scene that I'd paid for myself ... not ideal. So, I make the choice that, if by the end of the year, I hadn't gotten any auditions I was going to look for a new agent. Lo and behold, 2018 ends and I've still not gotten one audition. Seriously, over a year with this guy, this dude that has clients on major HBO, BBC, and ITV shows and I haven't even gotten one *real* audition. What the actual fuck? I changed my headshots three times, updated my showreel numerous times, and still, nothing. I do not understand. He claims he's been submitting me for stuff but how is that even possible? Over a year with no auditions? Anyway, I start emailing agencies and I quickly realize that I'm, more or less, screwed here. Why would another agency want to take me on? I graduated my acting course two years ago now and since then I haven't done jackshit. I'm actually in a worse position than I originally was because now it just looks like I've bombed every audition I've had since then ... despite the fact, I haven't had any! Hundreds of emails later... no replies: and it wasn't that generic "seeking representation" copypasta either, each one was a researched, detailed email that I'd put a lot of thought into - picking agents that were, in my opinion, right for me. I didn't just stick to the big guns either, I emailed agents that didn't have as successful clients, weren't apart of the PMA, weren't based in London - still, nothing. So, now it's been exactly one year and six months that I've been with this guy and I have no idea what to do. I've given up on the possibility of getting any auditions in the near future and I don't have a shot with any other agency's until I get more roles ... which I'm not going to be able to get in the position that I'm in now. Fuck, man, I don't wanna waste two years of my life in limbo like this. I'm literally getting unbelievably depressed by this whole scenario. There was a dude on here yesterday that said they, at 22, were comparing themselves to Maisie Williams and Sophie Turner and getting very sad by the fact that they are so much more successful than them ... but, at least you can justify that by the fact they were child actors. I went to a similar drama school as Emelia Clarke and Kit Harington, graduated at the same age, got an agent not too dissimilar from the first ones they got, same city, and now I'm 26 years old - that's 3 years old than when they booked Game of *fucking* Thrones. I feel like I've fucked myself. I feel like this is it and I'm stuck in this limbo forever with no way out. Honestly, you name it I've tried it: make my own content - nothing - not good enough, go to a weekly drama class; have been since 2018, self-submission - rarely anything better than student films, change my look; I've put on muscle, lost weight, gained weight, grown my beard, shaved my head - still, nothing. I'm trapped, man. Every time I look at fellow actors or even friends, I feel like shit because whatever I try just doesn't work. Can someone help me?

Unpopular Truth: A Voice Actor will likely make more money on Fiverr than on VDC by john_lutherVO  •  last post Apr 30th

I just did some math and came to the conclusion that I can make way more on Fiverr than on vdc. ​ The math: Yearly cost for VDC is $399 A decent conversion rate for VDC is 2% An audition takes around 10 min 50 auditions for a gig= 500 min (8.3 hours) Most gigs on VDC range between $100-$350 Average time to produce a gig is about .5 hours 9 hours of work = $100-$500 Average dollars per hour = $11 - $55 (minus $399 subscription fee) ​ Cost for Fiverr is nothing Time auditioning is nothing My average Fiverr gig is about $50 Average time to produce a gig is about .5 hours My average gigs per day is 3 1.5 hours of work = $150 Average dollars per working hour = $100 ​ Now, this is just putting the two platforms against each other. This doesn't include all the other direct marketing efforts that we all do. Most importantly...don't shoot the messenger. ​ \[Edited for format\]

How do I go about finding auditions in Las Vegas? by SevenWhoAreOne  •  last post Apr 29th

I live in Las Vegas Nevada and Ive been an actor since I was 14 (I'm 24 now) but I havent acted in a while and most of my stuff then was just highschool plays which Im not even sure count. I recently moved here and Ive decided that Im tired of just working all the time and not putting any time or effort into my longterm goals, one of which is acting/film making. So this brings me back to my question, where do I find auditions for Vegas? Ive been looking around, starting to think about subscribing to Backstage for a month to give that a try but is there anything else I can use to help me? Thanks in advance for any help/support given <3

City Headshots? by BUTTERSANDWlCH  •  last post Apr 29th

Hi, I'm new to the industry and have been looking for a headshot photographer for my very first headshots. I came across City Headshots in NYC and I like the look of them. What do you guys think? Do you have any experience with them? Here's their website: Thanks! Edit: This is the direct link to their gallery:

I want to be an actor in the future but don‘t know how. by osidermagier  •  last post Apr 29th

Hey people, first of all excuse any language mistakes I‘m not a native speaker. Now when thats out of the way I can ask you my question. I‘ve had some roles in the theater, but I also want to explore the film world and see what thats about. I just finished school and want to audition for an acting-school in Berlin( I‘m from Germany), but I know that I don‘t have to to go to such a school, to try my luck at some auditions for tv or commercials. And there comes my question, for you fellow actors, in play. How do I find auditions and stuff like that. I look in the newspapers and the internet, but even there I don‘t find proper advertisements or invitations for auditions. Everytime I watch Netflix I see these young actors on there and always ask myself the question I just asked you. Thank you for listening and I would be very happy for some tips from you guys!! Edit: Maybe I should direct my question more to the ‚non-american‘ actors here. I checked the about-section but only found auditions in america, london or canada.