I'm an amateur untrained actor who recently auditioned for a local professional theatre. I got glowing feedback from the casting director and was told by them out right they wanted to recommend/call me back to audition for a specific show later in the season. While I'm very proud of myself for pushing myself out of my comfort zone and performing well enough in the audition to be noticed by a person who sees hundreds of professional actors each year, I am also quite nervous. The bios for the actors from prior productions they've put on are quite intimidating with some of them having performed in Broadway and off Broadway shows. The auditions will likely be in the next couple months and I would really love some advice about how to prepare for not only the audition but for the production should I actually be cast. Any recommendations for the types of classes to take, books to read, etc? I have been largely self taught as I have not had the expendable income for classes but feel like I have the support now to invest in them, especially with this opportunity. Any recommendations would help!
Has anyone had any success with signing with someone from Talent Link? I signed up for this month so I’m wondering what to anticipate
“Indie feature shooting Fall 2019, thriller/dark comedy about a social media influencer. Script has been read at table reads, gets laughs and gasps every time. Also won an award at a script competition and was a top 3 requested script on Virtual Pitchfest. Looking for actresses or actors willing to invest $5k+ in the film for a main role. This is an ensemble film with 6 interesting main roles. Please email for more details. Send links acting reels/links to acting experience as well as social media links. Please forward to anyone who might be interested.”
Hi r/acting! I was wondering if there was something you always carry with you, or something you use when doing your work. Like a plumber or an electrician always carries their toolboxes, I imagine actors too, carry some sort of tools, physical or not. It could be anything, from a piece of paper with a questionnaire or an app-folder, to a "sense memory toolbox" in your head. What tools do you carry?
Hello! I'm looking for male actors in the 35-65 age in the NYC area range for a short video / performance art piece. The shoot will take under 2 hours and will pay $50 as well as a meal. No date scheduled yet but the shoot will likely be taking place the weekend of April 26th. Heads up - if you are not comfortable performing in public with crowds around, this is probably not for you! Feel free to PM me for more details!
For joining Sag-aftra in the future.
i just got my first major contract, and instead of being overwhelmed with joy like i wish i was, i'm genuinely concerned with how im supposed to pull this off and live like this. i have to break my apartment lease to travel for this and it's already been pushed back so many times which has been incredibly stressful logistically, i have to be cooped up in a hotel for multiple months out of state and not work on anything else, and then what..... come back and get another apartment lease and find another survival job and start this whole process all over again?! what the fuck?! this is not life changing money. this is not even enough money to make this sort of logistical transition EASY. this just creates another headache, another 2 moves for me to have to worry about during this long shoot, when i should be only thinking about my acting. i don't get it man. how the fuck is anybody supposed to live like this. it would be one thing if you got paid enough money not to have to WORRY anymore... enough $ to make any of this easier. but this isn't. instead it's a huge ask and a huge logistical inconvenience and i'm just genuinely confused how any of you people afford to do this, and if this is what its going to be like?! i just can't even imagine living like this after this project. my friends make more in corporate america 1 year out of college then i will make for this
So I’ve realized recently that I’m comfortable with almost all emotions, I especially shine with anger and intensity but I have a difficult time with sadness. I’ve been trying to allow myself to be more emotionally vulnerable and to be more emotional in real life as to better myself as an actor. Have any of y’all struggled with this and how did you overcome it? I’m also going to try therapy because I figure if I can become better with sadness in real life I’ll improve as an actor. Any tips appreciated.
Have always liked acting as a hobby but never really pursued it, have always wanted to play older villains / anti-villains instead of the young gun / hero type roles so I always thought I can be an actor when I’m older. I feel like I can act and I haven’t really done any classes but have read / watched a lot of content online whenever I had time. Any suggestions on where I should start? Like look for representation first? Get some headshots done? How do I gauge whether or not to go with a specific Agent? What’s the number 1 thing to look for? Their portfolio I guess? How do I know if I’m not just going to be “on the bench”? Have heard of talent leaving their agents because of the lack of quality work they were set up with? When is a good time to re-evaluate that relationship? Manager? When to decide you’d need a manager AND an agent? Not sure if that’s how it works... what makes a good manager? :p would love to hear more info or be pointed in the right direction!!! I had some k-pop style photo shoot before for a hair contest but not sure if that’d make a good Head Shot since I’m a male in lots of makeup. Have also done a more amateur Music Video and a very small indie film so I have very little experience but I feel like I should start being a bit more serious. Have a huge passion now for filmmaking and acting is what I feel is the first step for me besides eventually directing and or producing which I’ve recently learned much more of? Any tips would be highly appreciated! Thanks reddit community! If I succeed I’d aspire to make films that would change the world! Thanks in advance.
Hello everyone! I've been wanting to be a voice actor for some time and I've been doing my share of reading, practice etc. I'm taking things slow and making progress slowly but surely. What I wanted to know is if anyone knows of a balance between a 9 to 5 job and VA life? I've been trying to think to myself how anyone would balance a job (for bills, food, rent) and living the life of a VA and the only thing I can think of is if you take vacation / sick days, use your days off to record and even then; who knows when the project youre hired for will finish? I'd just like to hear some input from someone that currently or has done it or maybe even just some thoughts on the matter. Thanks again.
Hi voice actors, I recently shipped my microphone to myself as I moved county and it now sounds like I’m about 30 feet underwater and incredibly quiet when I try and record. I’ve checked the cable connections and they seem fine, does anyone have any ideas? If that’s a sure sign of my gear being busted, I’m also open to recommendations
***PLEASE HELP! (long post ahead)*** Hi! I landed a role for a TV show in my country (i'm from Europe) and that's basically a huge thing since our film industry is nearly nonexistent so the only thing you could achieve in terms of acting is book a role for a TV show because only one show is made yearly and basically that's the only project anyone could star in (i'm 16, filming starts in August). What i genuinely don't understand is how people make the transition from their own countries to Hollywood. I mean it is definitely easier to get "discovered" in here since there are nowhere as much actors due to the lack of projects to begin with and that's the case for a lot of countries. Technically speaking - starting off your career in a foreign, not so competitive country is in a way a privilege since you don't need to compete with millions of others actors in L.A. to get your first 2-3 roles or any kind of a role just so that you could make a showreel for example, at least that's how i see it. You're not becoming a worldwide star but you have professional experience in your resume which many actors in the US are fighting for, especially if you become a show regular for a year or two. But there comes the visa problem.. getting a visa for the US really is a pain in the ass. If you wanna go to a university or start a business out there it isn't anywhere as hard, but getting a visa suitable for entertainers/actors? My head aches only thinking about it. From what I've heard most agents and directors won't even bother working with anyone who has a visa suitable for acting for only a period of time (they usually last 6 months-2 years) so your only chance is an O-1 visa, which allows you to work as an entertainer in the US permanently. The thing is, in order to get an O-1 visa your lawyer has to prove that you're an entertainer "of extraordinary ability". Well, to me an entertainer of extraordinary ability is Meryl Streep for example. I am not someone who could win an Oscar with their performances as of now (i'm not saying that one day i will but after all i'm a complete beginner in the literal sense of it, i have years to get better at the craft) so how could i even think about qualifying for this visa? Apparently you can manage to get one if you hire a good lawyer and make him showcase every proof of how "amazing and extraordinary" of an actor you are. You need proof of you starring in topflight roles in your homecountry (I've technically achieved that although my role will be far from spectacular), articles written about you (individually, not your name mentioned) that talk about you as an actor (as in an article about you where it's mentioned that you act, not necessarily a detailed breakdown of your Stanislavsky method acting lol. for example you cannot show an article about you saying that you're a doctor and also occasionally do acting.. the main profession mentioned should be acting). That wouldn't be extremely hard either since there are tons of "gossip sites" which are apparently our news sites.. they are trying to find people to talk about so badly that they're making thousands of articles about unknown TV hosts and the wives of 50 year old retired sports players that even don't do anything. Actors from the "annual show of the year" get talked about a lot in the media because of that too, regardless of how boring or untalented they may be.. literally. Tons of these articles get printed in newspapers and magazines too and in here we're huge about "celebrity gossip" for some reason.. think American pop culture in the early 2000s. Our magazines, articles, headlines look exactly the same. Having an award for some of your performances would be an advantage too but we literally don't have awards for anything acting-related in here, a very small amount of countries do and these awards aren't as relevant as an Emmy let's say. Given the circumstances i do have a chance, because that's the country i'm in an the competition is almost nonexistent. The problem is that i don't know anyone in here who has went to the US in order to make it "big" or anything since: 1. They don't speak English at all. Even if they do their accents are very thick so they'll get typecasted as "the foreigner" roles only. 2. The people who star in the "show of the year" transition to the next year's show. They get paid well since they're the only ones in here so they live perfectly. So i was thinking about foreign actors who have made it in the US. Not Priyanka Chopra, but actors who weren't big or famous internationally back when they were starting out in their countries. Well - i found 2 great examples: 1. Margot Robbie. She is from Australia and her only "prominent" role that could qualify for a visa was her role in "Neighbors". That's basically the type of a sitcom i got a role in. She had starred in some extra indie movies and a couple of other student films but these roles were nowhere as beneficial as her being a regular in Neighbors. 2 or 3 years afterwards she went to the U.S. for a pilot season, meaning that she was able to get a visa thanks to this role alone. 2. KJ Apa (the male lead in Riverdale). He's from New Zealand and was in Shortland Street as a regular for 2 years (his role was very minor, Margot's was more prominent in the series) and then in another series The Cul De Sac for 6 episodes only. He then apparently got a visa since he starred in the comedy-drama film A Dog's Purpose which was filmed in the US. He said that 5 months after filming A Dog's Purpose he went back to LA for pilot season and landed his Riverdale role. If i do as much projects in my country as possible until i become 18 (i have roughly 2 years) and get the media attention that i need (neither Margot or KJ had gotten a lot of attention in their countries back in the day), which will be easy because everyone in here is "celebrity" obsessed for unexplainable reasons, technically speaking i could qualify for the visa. The other day though i read somewhere that in order to apply for an O-1 visa you need to have booked a role in the US so that you can get a chance of actually getting the visa. How could you book a role without the visa then? This doesn't make any sense. How do you find an agent in the US without a visa or being there if you're not Deepika Padukone in the first place? I know that Ed Westwick (Chuck Bass in Gossip Girl) didn't know whether he'd manage to get the visa or not because the show creators weren't sure about it although they applied him for an O-1 visa BECAUSE he had landed the GG role. Beforehand his only work in TV/film ever (he's from England) is starring in [3 different series only for an episode](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Westwick#Television). And all of his appearances were made a year or less than a year before he booked Gossip Girl. Okay, so Ed's acting experience was almost absolutely none, KJ had only 2 roles before coming to LA and only 1 of them was a regular, as minor as it was and Margot had only 1 regular role and a couple of unheard of indie and student films. How did Margot and Kj get the visa in the first place when they got them before they had *any* acting roles booked in the US? How did Ed get the visa with so little acting experience? How did they get US agents in the first place (especially Ed, who didn't even have a visa)?? KJ Apa literally said that he went to read for David Rapaport a couple of hours after he had landed in LA. How did he read for him without an agent? I cannot understand any of that. Can someone please enlighten me?
I am aspiring to be an actor. I've been imagining myself giving different expressions in my head which were great. I never looked at myself giving any expression. Today I recorded myself making different kind of reactions and they (did not) look good. By that I mean they were a lot better in my head and I cannot live up to the mark. When I see other actors with a really horrible acting I judge them immediately 'cause I've been seeing myself better than them. Today's incident gave me a whole new perspective towards them. Is this normal. How to improve my acting skills and give really good facial expressions. And is there a place where people can review my expressions (other than tik tok) TIA
Hey Everyone! After months of preparation and hard work, I have finally secured a principal agent! Only question is...now what? It's strange to be constantly on the look out for work and then suddenly just trust that someone else will do it. I have a great relationship with them and feel that they have my best interest in mind, but what do I do in the mean time? I feel like I have no control over my career now that this has been taken care of. What are you all doing while you wait for auditions? What should I be doing to position myself better? Thanks for your time!
In one of CDawgVA's recent videos, he went to various voice acting sites and auditioned for jokey roles on them (Stuff like Asuna X Thomas the train shit) but didn't link to the sites he went to. But I actually really wanna know what website(s) he used because I'm trying to dip my toe in the waters of voice acting. Does anyone know which site(s) he visited, or maybes have any recommendations for alternative websites that work the same?