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Absolutely bombed my drama school audition today by inthetrip  •  last post Apr 16th

Needed to get this off my chest because otherwise I’d just hold it in and that’s never a good idea... So, I was auditioning for RADA today, for context, they have 4 separate audition stages; an audition in front of two people, an audition in front of six people, a “short” workshop, and, the final audition, a day-long workshop. I had made it to the third round today and was pretty excited to just have a workshop at the place itself, with some of the best acting teachers in the world. I wanted my monologues to be a blank canvas and to use the tools provided to me at the workshop to help paint them... uhm, yeah, that’s not how it went. We start off with Shakespeare and everybody is killing it, there’s just that vibe, whoever you are, you go up, workshop it, nail every exercise, and off you go ... everyone but me. I jump up all giddy and, I don’t know what it was, but I seriously butchered the whole thing; couldn’t connect to my scene partner, couldn’t connect to the text, it was just this monotonous drag — I knew it was bad when the workshop leader cut me off halfway through and his only feedback was a long pause then the word “... yeah”. I shook it off, though, went into the contemporary workshop with an open mind but, I don’t know, man, that was even worse; I couldn’t even allow myself to focus and try to even learn something. Firstly, I forget the name of my character — you know, this character I’ve been performing and researching for months now. Then, when I’m workshopping it, oh, damn, DAMN, I just blank. I make up a solid 60% of the monologue and the rest is just random snippets from it that I end up recalling by total fluke. The workshop lady, bless her, tried so hard to work with me but it was like my mind had shut itself down and everything I was going to do was wrong or muddled up. When you look around the room and all of your fellow actors are cringing, yeah, that’s not a great sight haha But whatever, onwards, I guess! After auditioning for two years, I’m starting to feel this place isn’t for me, anyway. I’ve seen many people on here talk about how they entered the industry through a private coach as opposed to 3/4 years of dedicated drama school, I’m gonna try this route next. Just wanted to get this off my chest on my journey back home — normally I’m good with screwing up auditions but my first audition for this school was last Christmas and I’ve been going at it for months now, just wanted to air my failure to the world and not dwell on it. Hope you guys are doing well, failure is all part of the process. Happy auditioning!!

Looking for a beginner acting class in Chicago area! by coffeeseahawkscats  •  last post Apr 16th

Hey guys! I've been told I need to look into an acting class, I feel like I am terrrrrible at it but I guess that's why an acting class makes sense, lol. I do some comedy out here in Chicago so being on stage for improv and stand-up is fine but give me a script and I am terrified. Wondering what the best studio is for beginner actors. Thanks!

Is there any “working class” actors here who went to drama school? by Roggstein  •  last post Apr 16th

I’m going to be auditioning in the next year to goto drama school and I was wondering how did you working class people find auditioning even though you where working class. I come from the north and come from a council estate - I don’t know if Americans will understand. I come from a family with low income basically. I’m rather worried about auditioning, not the acting part it’s fine, it’s just that I don’t want to audition and then the school I audition for don’t like me because I’m working class. I know a lot of things have changed and what not regarding drama schools and how they take people on. I just can’t seem to get that, “fuck it” attitude if you get me - constantly in the back of my mind I feel I don’t see the point in auditioning because I’m not from a privileged background. Apologise if that sounds so mad I’m really bad at wording things.

How do I get started? by uglylittledogboy  •  last post Apr 16th

I’m in college and have done some voiceover work, but I’d really like to get into it as more than a hobby. Any advice on how to get started as a voice actor in a professional capacity?

Gifts for actors? by Polartec239  •  last post Apr 16th

Looking for gift ideas!

Are there any Jamaicans here? by bellehouseofann  •  last post Apr 16th

I know it's a long shot lol, but I've been living in jamaica for the past few years and I just can't find the acting scene. Not even classes or auditions. All I see is a new film every few months and I can't figure out where these actors are coming from. I'd love to get involved

Amateur actor invited to audition for professional production (help!) by crybabyruth  •  last post Apr 16th

I'm an amateur untrained actor who recently auditioned for a local professional theatre. I got glowing feedback from the casting director and was told by them out right they wanted to recommend/call me back to audition for a specific show later in the season. While I'm very proud of myself for pushing myself out of my comfort zone and performing well enough in the audition to be noticed by a person who sees hundreds of professional actors each year, I am also quite nervous. The bios for the actors from prior productions they've put on are quite intimidating with some of them having performed in Broadway and off Broadway shows. The auditions will likely be in the next couple months and I would really love some advice about how to prepare for not only the audition but for the production should I actually be cast. Any recommendations for the types of classes to take, books to read, etc? I have been largely self taught as I have not had the expendable income for classes but feel like I have the support now to invest in them, especially with this opportunity. Any recommendations would help!

Actors Access Talent Link by YellowFawkes  •  last post Apr 16th

Has anyone had any success with signing with someone from Talent Link? I signed up for this month so I’m wondering what to anticipate

What do you guys think about a post like this off of Craigslist? Copied and pasted below. by yuwannabesomean  •  last post Apr 16th

“Indie feature shooting Fall 2019, thriller/dark comedy about a social media influencer. Script has been read at table reads, gets laughs and gasps every time. Also won an award at a script competition and was a top 3 requested script on Virtual Pitchfest. Looking for actresses or actors willing to invest $5k+ in the film for a main role. This is an ensemble film with 6 interesting main roles. Please email for more details. Send links acting reels/links to acting experience as well as social media links. Please forward to anyone who might be interested.”

Do you have a "toolbox"? by Gwarek2  •  last post Apr 16th

Hi r/acting! I was wondering if there was something you always carry with you, or something you use when doing your work. Like a plumber or an electrician always carries their toolboxes, I imagine actors too, carry some sort of tools, physical or not. It could be anything, from a piece of paper with a questionnaire or an app-folder, to a "sense memory toolbox" in your head. What tools do you carry?

How the voice actor behind King Kong’s mighty roar got his gig by PureGainsborough  •  last post Apr 16th

Looking for NYC male actor for short video / performance art piece - Age 35-65 by Brometheus_9  •  last post Apr 16th

Hello! I'm looking for male actors in the 35-65 age in the NYC area range for a short video / performance art piece. The shoot will take under 2 hours and will pay $50 as well as a meal. No date scheduled yet but the shoot will likely be taking place the weekend of April 26th. Heads up - if you are not comfortable performing in public with crowds around, this is probably not for you! Feel free to PM me for more details!

[STUPID QUESTION] How does some one new to acting get credits as a background actor? by Big_Interaction  •  last post Apr 15th

For joining Sag-aftra in the future.

i don't understand logistics and reasonable expectations of actors by 5432fuckyourself  •  last post Apr 15th

i just got my first major contract, and instead of being overwhelmed with joy like i wish i was, i'm genuinely concerned with how im supposed to pull this off and live like this. i have to break my apartment lease to travel for this and it's already been pushed back so many times which has been incredibly stressful logistically, i have to be cooped up in a hotel for multiple months out of state and not work on anything else, and then what..... come back and get another apartment lease and find another survival job and start this whole process all over again?! what the fuck?! this is not life changing money. this is not even enough money to make this sort of logistical transition EASY. this just creates another headache, another 2 moves for me to have to worry about during this long shoot, when i should be only thinking about my acting. i don't get it man. how the fuck is anybody supposed to live like this. it would be one thing if you got paid enough money not to have to WORRY anymore... enough $ to make any of this easier. but this isn't. instead it's a huge ask and a huge logistical inconvenience and i'm just genuinely confused how any of you people afford to do this, and if this is what its going to be like?! i just can't even imagine living like this after this project. my friends make more in corporate america 1 year out of college then i will make for this

How do y’all become more comfortable with sadness? (or any emotion for you) by BigWungusBill  •  last post Apr 15th

So I’ve realized recently that I’m comfortable with almost all emotions, I especially shine with anger and intensity but I have a difficult time with sadness. I’ve been trying to allow myself to be more emotionally vulnerable and to be more emotional in real life as to better myself as an actor. Have any of y’all struggled with this and how did you overcome it? I’m also going to try therapy because I figure if I can become better with sadness in real life I’ll improve as an actor. Any tips appreciated.

Hair model to actor? Looking for some guidance! by jycreddit  •  last post Apr 15th

Have always liked acting as a hobby but never really pursued it, have always wanted to play older villains / anti-villains instead of the young gun / hero type roles so I always thought I can be an actor when I’m older. I feel like I can act and I haven’t really done any classes but have read / watched a lot of content online whenever I had time. Any suggestions on where I should start? Like look for representation first? Get some headshots done? How do I gauge whether or not to go with a specific Agent? What’s the number 1 thing to look for? Their portfolio I guess? How do I know if I’m not just going to be “on the bench”? Have heard of talent leaving their agents because of the lack of quality work they were set up with? When is a good time to re-evaluate that relationship? Manager? When to decide you’d need a manager AND an agent? Not sure if that’s how it works... what makes a good manager? :p would love to hear more info or be pointed in the right direction!!! I had some k-pop style photo shoot before for a hair contest but not sure if that’d make a good Head Shot since I’m a male in lots of makeup. Have also done a more amateur Music Video and a very small indie film so I have very little experience but I feel like I should start being a bit more serious. Have a huge passion now for filmmaking and acting is what I feel is the first step for me besides eventually directing and or producing which I’ve recently learned much more of? Any tips would be highly appreciated! Thanks reddit community! If I succeed I’d aspire to make films that would change the world! Thanks in advance.

9 to 5 job and VA? by CrackedPlayDoh  •  last post Apr 15th

Hello everyone! I've been wanting to be a voice actor for some time and I've been doing my share of reading, practice etc. I'm taking things slow and making progress slowly but surely. What I wanted to know is if anyone knows of a balance between a 9 to 5 job and VA life? I've been trying to think to myself how anyone would balance a job (for bills, food, rent) and living the life of a VA and the only thing I can think of is if you take vacation / sick days, use your days off to record and even then; who knows when the project youre hired for will finish? I'd just like to hear some input from someone that currently or has done it or maybe even just some thoughts on the matter. Thanks again.