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We have found 19,364 posts across 4 actor forums:

Help finding a cartoon voice actor? by timothylobster  •  last post Jun 4th

Hello there, I've been having a very doffocult time finding a male character/cartoon voice actor for a very tiny animation I'm working on. There's plenty of voice actors, and I've been on various forums, Fiverr, Newgrounds etc. But with little to no luck-- lots of talented people that's for sure! But for some reason it's really hard to find people who can do character voices. Does anybody know where I can find online character voice actors-- no studios or anything, just paying via PayPal and receiving voicelines as mp3s and wavs? I'm having a hard time. Thanks!

What Are The Best Instagram Accounts For Actors To Follow by EricScott1993  •  last post Jun 4th

What instagram accounts should we be following for advice or just a little pre-audition inspiration?

i wanted to be an actor because i wanted to spend my life doing something i love, yet all i do is spend the vast majority of my time doing things I absolutely hate, just to survive by poopchalupa99  •  last post Jun 4th

if the industry doesnt make an actual effort to find talent that ISN"T of the wealthy class, then art will suffer, plain and simple. i get that this industry isn't "fair", and that life via capitalism is a fucking nightmare for everyone not born rich, but god damn, to not even have the chance to PARTICIPATE because even acting classes are so expensive, it just all feels so fucked and gross and impossible. whenever i can even feel good enough or have an extra dollar after working non stop at my shitty nightmare job, i'm so anxious and fearful of losing my stability the LAST thing that feels responsible is putting that dollar towards acting. i just cant take it anymore. then i see all these rich kids being handed the keys to the kingdom at 19. it's just sickening, it really is

People just getting into acting by Selftapejunkie  •  last post Jun 4th

Or thinking about it...listen to the podcast Audrey Helps Actors. Been lurking here awhile and I see a lot of the same questions almost every single day. Or people coming here for monologue ideas and all that...was listening to an episode yesterday that stresses the fact that getting used to doing your own research should be priority #1. It’s our job to research. She was doing a listener question panel and a few answers she responded with “that’s why you do your own research.” Just thought that was extremely relevant to the type of questions seen on here. Like, if you can’t find a monologue on your own, how are you gonna be able to research a role? Not at all saying asking questions is a bad thing, because it’s not. But I see a lot of questions on here that make me think to myself, “really?”

Does IMDBpro have the option to track talent agency's instead of only tracking actors and agents? by chicken_lipps  •  last post Jun 3rd

I don't see the option to track talent agency's, only the option to track actors and agents

I need help evoking genuine sadness in my acting by RispyCrisp  •  last post Jun 3rd

So I'm playing a king in a theatre play. I think I'm a bit of a method actor because I can evoke anger and hapiness and a little fear as well using my own experiences. I just think of one guy that's funny, or one irritating person or event and immediately I feel the anger/happiness/whatever. With sadness it is harder. Last time I cried was when my dog died (beginning of 2017) and a moment of hopelessness in june 2018. But when I think back to that the sadness won't come back, it's processed. In the last scene of the play I carry my dead son on stage. A few minutes later someone else carries my dead wife on stage which is a big shocker for the king. It's my fault that they died, because I was too stubborn with them after they both committed suicide. (As I'm typing this I actually feel some genuine sadness of the character which surprises me, so at least the empathy and ability to feel it are there). So understanding my character/really living the situations seems to help, but I don't want to wait until the next big rehearsal to see if I can feel sad/cry. I want to practice at home. What also helps is living in the moment, not focussing on: I need to cry. But then I also notice that as soon as I feel sad I think: "yes the sadness is here". After which it disappears :p Can you help me? I need some genuine advice here. :) again, I want to practice at home on my own, because the remaining rehearsals are scarce.

Who else loves Tara Strong? by bertabees  •  last post Jun 3rd

I only discovered who she was a few months ago and I still can't believe how many voices she can do, and how many times I've actually already heard her voice! Does anyone else have a favorite voice actor they would recommend checking out?

What to do in meetings with managers/agents? by ParkingGrab  •  last post Jun 3rd

I'm at the point in my acting journey where I've stacked quite a few indie short credits, have been on a web series, and am producing my own content as well. I have a reel and I feel confident in myself as an actor, but I still make sure to take classes now I'm doing those P2P at Actors Connection and One on One just to network and get myself in front of CDs and agents/managers. ​ Is there anything you feel like is a must do and must DON'T for these meetings? I always do my research, I'm off-book for the scenes, I have a list of CDs I know and work with...but I still just feel naive and unprepared. Any advice?

The childrens hour audition by trevski143  •  last post Jun 3rd

In a while i will be auditioning for "The childrens hour" for those of you who dont know there is only one major male part in that play. The director already knows and likes me but im not sure if he sees me as a viable dramatic actor (as i usually stick to comedic roles.) What are some ways to make sure I stand out at the audition?

Film/Television Agent by Dlb  •  last post Jun 2nd

Hello! Struggling a little with finding an agent. Many want a referral, and the several I have emailed have not responded. I have a commercial agent, and have done several commercials, but want to transition to what I’ve trained so hard for. Are follow up appropriate for the agents I’ve...

Voiceover agents by allthingstheatre  •  last post Jun 2nd

Hi everyone I wanted to know if anyone has sent out any of their voiceover demos to agents via email or submissions and gotten response? I was looking to send my voiceover demo to some VO agents such as CESD. would love to hear some thoughts and any advice!

LA to NYC by Beautiful_Heartbeat  •  last post Jun 2nd

Hi All! I've been in LA for about three and a half years now and am finally accepting it isn't where I really want to be. I'm really happy and proud of the training I've done here, how I've evolved as a person, and how I've deepened (word?) as an artist - but after a visit to NYC it became blatantly clear that I've been very unhappy here and hence unmotivated to really go out and audition, etc. I'm no stranger to New York, so it's not a fleeting "one-trip-changing-my-mind" situation, and it's been tucked in the back of my mind all the while, but I chose LA for logical reasons and, I remember now, dreams don't often operate on logic. I know it's more expensive and will be just as much of a grind, but I feel me being happier there will make all of that more manageable - I'll be struggling in either place, so might as well struggle in good feelings, hah. So all that being said - I know most people do the opposite of NYC to LA, but has anyone else here gone this route? And for any NYC actors reading, I'd love any insights or tips on the scene there - I've funnily done mostly theatre here and would love to know about breaking into the underground scene in New York, but of course would also like to know how film/TV castings go. Good luck to us all, wherever we are, and thank you for taking the time to read and chime in!

What kind of samples would be reccomended for a voice123 portfolio by Pezzimism213  •  last post Jun 2nd

I am trying to get started on my dream of being a voice actor, but I have run into a problem. I have no earthly idea what to record to advertise my voice and my anxiety makes me feel ridiculously stupid anytime I record anything. What types pf recordings are people supposed to put on their profile and any reccomendations on what to say would be greatly appreciated.

Do voice over actors really get blacklisted for being on Fiverr or Upwork? by Iknotfunny  •  last post Jun 1st

Just wondering if being on sites like Fiverr or Upwork will negatively impact my odds of finding an agent (and I know I sound naive). Thanks!

A question for actors with agents by SheSneeze  •  last post Jun 1st

Hello actors! I recently (three days ago) had an audition with an agency (BMG talent) and I thought it went really well. It seemed to me that the agent was teasing a three year contract. I’m based in Chicago. I am wondering how long I should expect to wait before I hear back from them. How long did it take for you to hear back from your agency after you auditioned with them?