Hi again! I just posted a couple days ago about film vs theater transitioning and the difference in prep/style, and I appreciate everyone's responses. I haven't been doing theater very long but I have noticed that I'm suddenly getting v skittish about receiving direction. It's not that I don't think direction is warranted -- I love having directors who are really willing to get into it with you and your scene partners and explore. But now whenever I get a piece of direction my first thought is "OH, duh. That sounds so obvious. I really should've figured that out on my own already and not needed it spelled out for me." which then turns into "I must be an irredeemably bad actor. wth is wrong with me, am I wasting everyone's time being here?" even tho logically I know that the only way I could really waste time is to get gunshy and stop putting myself out there and being willing to screw up. Does anyone relate? I'm sure there's a right time to be embarrassed about not having gotten something in the first place.....I just dunno when that time is. I feel like if I ever \*did\* end up getting into film I would make myself loco with a mindset like this.
I'm developing a video game in my spare time and couldn't dream of hiring proper VO actors for all of the dialogue since I'm usually broke. I already have a Pro license and a modest setup to do something similar as a DM for my D&D group, but I want to know if anyone here has experience in using something like Voicemod to do dialogue for a multitude of characters for the same project.
**Friday, March 10 - Thursday, March 16** ###Interesting | score | comments | title & link | |--|--|--| | 34 | [3 comments](/r/VoiceActing/comments/11oal2f/great_video_on_demos/) | `[interesting Link
Hi all. While i respect actors who do sex/nudity scenes and dont think they should be dehumanized or get any hate/negativity for it, ive decided throughout my acting journey intimate scenes is something i wont be doing. Does anyone have a list or a few actors they can name who don't do intimate and nude scenes in movies and TV shows or who have talked about it openly? This is a decision I've made for myself in the current rise of constantly hearing this "If you want to be successful you have to take your clothes off." nonsense. it's really helpful and empowering to me to see actors who are great success stories who have stuck to their boundaries. Especially since I've turned down auditions here and there( like 2 or 3) that have included these scenes. Thanks!
Hi all! I live in the UK but I am a citizen of a different country, and I'm a working actor. I have supporting roles in three feature films coming out this year, and I've just had an offer from a decent US manager to rep me there. My question is - how much will this actually help me if I don't have a US visa? I did ask this, but the manager has been very laidback about it, and keeps telling me that I should concentrate on getting job offers first and then worry about that later. They seem to think that a big enough offer (for instance on a big streaming show or movie that films in the US and internationally), would merit the production company organising a visa on my behalf. However, I can't see anyone making me an offer without me having a US visa, it just wouldn't be worth their time and money, surely. I wonder if the manager is sweet-talking me, and I'm skeptical that I'm even at a high enough level for that yet. Can any non-US citizen actors weigh in on their experiences with this?
If I'm in the wrong place I apologize in advance I am looking to be pushed into the right direction of some legit/successful casting call sites. I want to get my foot in the door with acting, with little to no experience. Where would you recommend I start? I have briefly looked into Backstage but I never knew how serious it was or not, if that's even the right way to get started in this business. I also live in a small Midwest town which obviously doesn't hold lots of movie auditions or anything of the sort so I never knew how to go about this. I appreciate any positive feedback
19F living in Indiana. Currently taking classes/working outside of class on all things acting at minimum 14-18 hours a week. I’m confident that I am going in the right direction training wise, but not so much when it comes to supporting my acting career. I’m not going to give much detail into my plans on how I will be pursuing my career, as I feel it is irrelevant to the subject matter. Moral of the story, I definitely plan on moving to LA as soon as I have gained reasonable experience in my local market (definitely not even thinking about moving over there till I have at least 10K saved up, still living at home so that helps with savings). Currently working as a barista at $13.55/hr and food service is my only experience. As I have browsed through r/acting, I obviously have come across many side gig horror stories/miracles or “Focus on a ‘real’ career then come back to acting!”. All of this is very overwhelming and I’m just not sure which direction to even look at when it comes to side gigs. I don’t want to be miserable and burnt out, and it’s obviously important that whatever job I have allows for flexibility. It often seems like it’s one or the other but I know there has to be something out there or at least someone who can help me at least begin to figure out where to start. And yes, I’m extremely aware that this is something that I do have to figure out on my own, but I just need some suggestions. Here’s some more info: •Went to a coding boot camp… long story short, it was not for me. •Skills I do NOT have -> Math, skilled labor of any kind, can’t bartend under 21 in IN, currently cannot drive for at least 6 months due to a seizure incident. All the skills I do posses have to do with the arts. I know I have an amazing singing voice and have been told to pursue that professionally, but that’s basically chasing two unpaid dreams, right!? I don’t know. Moral of the story, I absolutely can’t not pursue acting. I’m not going to go into detail of why because who on here cares? All I know is that I’m following my heart and I need advice on how I can be the best actor/moderately happy person I can be, and I understand that whatever job that I chose to support this endeavor will be crucial to both of those. And yes, probably a TLDR but I just feel so lost and I really, REALLY need some ideas.
Hello! I've learned a lot about the history of American Acting method in school, from Stanislavsky to Boleslavsky at the American Lab, to Strasberg and the Group Theater, the split and the rise of Adler and Meisner and Uta Hagen, and many others. Do the British Drama Schools teach from a similar lineage? I understand that they generally teach the System, but is there a history to what they teach, and does it come from Stanislavsky's books? I'm super curious and realize this is a hole in my understanding. Thanks!
Go check it out. https://stagestyle.myshopify.com
Awhile back I established a connection with an indie horror director through social media. Earlier today he sends me a short script, intending for me to play the lead. I read it, and found it pretty damn tasteless. I'd be playing an evil preacher who rapes a girl, stabs her baby to death and eats it. Now, I'm open to dark subject matter and aspire to be a villainous character actor, but the way this thing is written is so juvenile, edgelordy, and cruel for the sake of cruel that I'm pretty turned off by it. Thing is, I'm a massive people pleaser and don't know how to break it to the guy that I'm not interested, especially since I came off so enthusiastic to collaborate initially. I know that I'm probably being too picky for an amateur trying to get my foot in the door. Have any of you had a similar experience?
At the moment in just 17 and in about 6 months time I’ve gone from doing basically nothing to having to work all day everyday to a point I’ve just kinda stopped because it feels to much and now the work has piled up. My family has basically said that I should just deal with it and get used to it because I chose this and they are right but I don’t feel like I can do this because it’s just too much. They don’t seem to understand how I feel about all of this and I’ve tried explaining it to them and how much work this all is but all they says is “get used to it and think about the future” Is this the life of an actor? To not feel as if we do enough and that our best is not enough? I’m very negative about life but simply this is the way things are. Should I feel this way even at 17?
I am a 23 year old actress with a dregree in theatre. I have multiple skills and speak multiple languages. However, I am from Western Europe and the agencies I’m signed up with only work in my country. I know this is a stretch but I trust that as actors, we’ve all been there: there is an upcoming movie based on a book I love with a character that looks like me and I would love to audition for that role. I’m not even thinking about actually getting cast, I just want the chance to audition. The audition process should take place in the next few months. I already know who the casting director is and found them on social media. I am also going to ask my college professors who worked abroad for tips on how to get an agent, but I might as well ask here: what is the best way for me to get an agent who might get me an audition for this role? Reddit, if I ever asked for help then this is it. I know what I’m asking for is impossible so please be nice. Thank you ;)
Hi everyone. I am registered with CC and have done like 11 shows so far as a background actor. Once on set, a background actor in the union was pretty much getting annoyed that I wasn't working everyday since I am non union. He told me I should be checking the job listings all the time and working way more. I checked the CC website but I can't find any info on any listings. The only place I see any is facebook and it's not a lot everyday. Can someone point me to the place to go to find work because I am used to just waiting for them to text me and email me job offers. I have also only gotten TV work. No movies or commercials. Does CC not cast for those? The guy that got me into CC has been in some movies so not sure why I haven't gotten any movie work. I want to branch out to movies and commercials.
Okay so basically i need some advice. I’m doing a scene from a play called When we were young and unafraid by Sarah Treem. I’m playing a character called Mary Anne and i’m a runaway. The start of my scene calls for me to be crying and cleaning an oven. Even though I feel like I know the character and the circumstances I cannot seem to get to the tears. I’ve been trying to not focus on the outcome and live in the feelings and the moment but I can never get the desired results when I perform the scene in front of my class. I’ve been working on this scene for months and it’s starting to get embarrassing and making me feel like a bad actor. I also don’t want to keep letting my scène partner down. Help me please!!!
Which type of meditation is best for actors? I need to find the best kind of meditation that works. I need to strengthen my concentration (because I have ADD) so I can focus more in the moment and on stage, have a more relaxed and in-tune body (because tension is an actors enemy), and not be so judgmental and critical of myself when things don’t go the way I wish or hoped they would in rehearsal or scene. Which type of meditation sounds like it would fit me and solve these issues?
Hello, I'm an aspiring actor with little experience and have come across the site fame street Of course because of where I am in the world options for acting as a career are low but from what I can see this seems like good option. I just want to know if anyone on this has tried it before and if it's worth the per monthly fee as I'm a college student that needs to pay for my commute, food and among other living expenses. Any thoughts?
Gray Model and Talent Or Five Star Talent and Productions Company states: "Once a month, we hold our New Faces Meetings via Google Hangouts. Our new meeting is this Friday within our free community of information for actors and models." It’s not registered with SAG. Website seems janky. Seems like a “model/actor lessons pretending to be an agency” agency. Any sleuths know anything?
Hey there! I'm an aspiring young actress in New Zealand, who has never tried out for acting classes or community plays simply due to the fear of not being good enough. This year I'd really love to start trying to get into more projects, and so I'm starting off with looking around at scenebot. (Not for opportunities, but to learn a few things) My only error with scenebot is that no matter what location I put down, it reads as invalid and I can not continue. Does anyone know how to fix this? I'd really love to access more content but I can only do that by completing my profile. Thank you! I guess this doubles as an introduction!
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. ​ For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
I recently saw a TikTok where an actor was talking about how they talked to their agent about an audition they had not gotten a callback for that they knew they did great in, and really strongly felt like they would be perfect for a role and so they told their agent that, and she got a callback the next day. Is doing this normal or even accepted? I had no idea you could even do that. Is this like considered advocating for yourself or is it like an unspoken thing not to do?