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We have found 19,355 posts across 4 actor forums:

I don’t feel like an actor by Either_Glass782  •  last post Mar 13th

When I’m acting, I don’t feel like the character. I’m acting mad, sad, etc. but I don’t feel like I’m acting it. I just feel like I’m myself, and every word isn’t coming from the character but me. Do you have any tips to not feel like this?

How do I network and keep connections as an actor? by Abstract_Corduroy74  •  last post Mar 12th

I’ve always had great difficulty maintaining relationships on a consistent basis. I’ve never been all that great with friendships, relationships, and the likes of such. I’ve always been sort of a loner. I’ve always been socially awkward, and to combat this, I’ve always preferred to just keep to myself rather than step on any one’s toes or rub anyone the wrong way because I lack proficient social skills. I’ve heard it’s all about connections in this business, so how can I (a socially-awkward, reclusive loner) make, maintain and keep connections and polish up the ones I’ve got now so that I can have good connections? Any habits, schedules, or tips you guys can lend me would be great.

Coach Recommendations by yessirree2  •  last post Mar 12th

**Hello everyone!** I figure this is a good place to ask for recommendations for *online-working* voice over coaches. More specifically in those teaching Commercial and Narration. I'm an actor in my metropolitan hometown and I figure there is a market here to gain experience and begin a resume that isn't quite as competitive as the larger markets. I'm looking for someone that is blunt, knowledgeable, reputable, and will really hammer me in to shape. **Thank you for your time.**

Should I never become an actor? by Iloveacting  •  last post Mar 12th

I have understood that in acting training teachers want you to experience the emotions that you are to act out on stage. Although Meisner is not method acting it uses emotional preparation so it still asks you to experience the emotions. I am a person who hate the idea of "you should feel the emotions that you are acting out on a stage". I haven't really come across a teacher who said that you do not have to feel the emotions. Is modern acting all about experiencing the emotions of your character? Should I never become an actor?

Physical Sustainability? by GnarlonRando  •  last post Mar 12th

I'm heading into day 3 of 3 on a fairly intense short film shoot, involving some heavy emotional moments of fear, greed, anger, euphoria, and a lot of physicality; chase and fight scenes. I'm so proud of the work we're doing on this, and so happy to be a part of the project, but it got me wondering how actors make it through even longer shoots, whether it's something stunt-heavy like a John Wick/Mission Impossible/etc. movie, or something with a brutal schedule like a network show, or both. So, my fellow actors, what are your go-to tips for self-care and sustainability, mainly physical but emotional too, on intense/grueling shoots?

Any tricks to help an actor say his lines in a foreign language during filming? by loserwwwhale  •  last post Mar 12th

I'm a directo and i'm working with an actor who speaks only Spanish and English, and his character is a German who knows very little Spanish. The original idea is to do a dubbing after filming and put the voice of a native speaker over the pure German lines. But I find that during rehearsals it would be good to at least have him say it so that the lips match better with what he says.

Balkans meetup? by LTHewitt  •  last post Mar 12th

I'm an award-winning, British actor, screenwriter and film director, and I'll be touring the Balkans next months. Would any actors, filmmakers, critics or enthusiasts be interested in meeting up? It's always fun to meet people who love films and theatre, and it would be a great chance to make connections for potential future work. I'll be visiting Ljubljana, Sarajevo, Podgorica, Pristina and Belgrade between 6th and 11th April. Potentially also Tirana, Skopje and Zagreb if I have time.

Any Good Toronto Posing Classes? by sionaxyw_  •  last post Mar 12th

Im in toronto for a few weeks filming a project and I know this is mainly for acting but as an actor I've found that I do a lot of picture taking and posing. I'd really like to stop feeling so awkward when it comes to taking pictures for photoshoots or posters and was wondering if anyone new any good posing/modelling classes on how to pose better while I'm here? Thanks!! Even if they're online. Thank u!

How to know when you’re ready for an agent? Where to start looking? by Mysterious_Elk8691  •  last post Mar 12th

I’m a new actress, whose managed to book around 10 things (thankfully) since the new year - I’ve recently gotten a request to be a background extra for a Tyler Perry commercial and landed an audition for an Amazon prime video series coming out. When do you know if you’re ready for an agent and how do I really get my foot in the door to speak to one?

What’s the hardest thing about acting FOR YOU? by Abstract_Corduroy74  •  last post Mar 12th

What’s the hardest thing about being an actor for YOU, as a unique individual. This can include lifestyle, craft, process, auditions, business, etc. Open to multiple different answers.

WANT TO BE A PRO ACTOR by No_Housing_2254  •  last post Mar 12th

Hey! I'm a 16yo male and have an incredible and amazing passion for acting, for years I have been determined to do whatever it takes to be on the big screen as a full time job. I need all the advice and references I can get. How do I pursue this? I will do whatever it takes. Thanks a ton!

Actor basically put in such a weird position. by pawndiaper  •  last post Mar 11th

How to handle someone that seems to be copying my work ? by bustergaming777  •  last post Mar 11th

Basically since I started creating online comedy sketches a guy I know who has to the ‘only’ actor/ filmmaker out of everyone has started suddenly doing comedy sketches too. He has never done anything like it before but now suddenly here it is and I’m also noticing similarities between my characters and sketches each week. He also won’t collaborate if I ask.

What is up with making fat and/or unattractive people (especially women) character actors in Hollywood? by PrincessKLS  •  last post Mar 11th

So I didn't get this from a good or reputable source, it was some dude I met in one of my FB groups, I've since blocked him but when I told him about wanting to lose weight, etc and always (even when I was young and thinner) wanted to be more of a sexy, bombshell type, this dude suggested I should become a character actor. He wasn't a looker himself and seemed to have unrealistic goals for himself considering his back story and the FB group we met in was for oppressed, poor people, etc. He was 42 and I'm 39, so I guess you can say we both had dreams that weren't recognized ever. IMO, he had no clue how the industry worked by the way he talked to me and gave me advice, etc. For the record, I'm not actually planning to break into Hollywood at my age, etc but I still want to become famous somehow before I die, etc. But his advice got me wondering tonight, why is it, "unattractive people" are encouraged to become character actors in Hollywood?

Limitations of the actor by Abstract_Corduroy74  •  last post Mar 11th

How can you overcome or subvert your limitations as an actor?

I’m desperately ready to start acting and book my first professional role by Proof-Pollution454  •  last post Mar 11th

I recently have moved to Atlanta GA for my professional acting career to succeed. I turned 24 this February and before submitting to agents I got new professional headshots , uploaded my reel footage , monologue clips onto my casting networks and actors access and want to book my first professional work in Spanish soap operas and have also been taking acting classes consistently. Is it bad if I’m eager to become a working actor and doing all the right things to pursue this career ? I’m doing all the right things also have had panic attacks. I’m open to meeting new acting friends to help me

This Is Being Sent Out to Media Outlets. END LABOR EXPLOITATION IN OUR INDUSTRY by HeightThese1554  •  last post Mar 11th

**It’s A Big Club And You Ain't in It: How Pay-to-Play Casting Workshops Rob Society of** **Theater Arts, Imperil Our Culture As a Whole, And How We Can Fix It** By Jalopi Sunshine The Theater is the oldest temple of humankind. It is truly sacred. Older than God, older than religion. Older than culture. It is a Temple. Acting is one of the oldest professions. It is in our primal nature to tell stories, mimic creatures we saw in the wild, and regale our tribe with tall tales to inspire, uplift, make us laugh, or warn us of danger. Theater is sacred, it is primal, carnal, and hardwired into our consciousness. It is how we evolved. I am here to write to all the actors of the world, to all the struggling brilliant artists out there that have so much to give and are obscured by shadows, to warn you, and the public, that culture itself is in peril and decline. There is a dynamic within our industry that is both counterintuitive in terms of producing content and work, and barely hides the blatantly predatory, mafioso, and exploitive practice of pay-to-play castings. Actors, generally speaking do not make a lot of money, we are all generally hustling, working a survival job, or two, to support our art form. If we do get paid for actually acting, it is likely gone within a week or two. I want you to imagine a world where every time you wanted to find a job you had to slide some cash to the hiring manager to simply be in the room or zoom. I want you to imagine what kind of society that would create. It’s a dystopian fever dream, or for all of you Triangle Farmers, a pyramid scheme. That is precisely what is happening within the acting community today. As a casting director, your job is to find the right people for the right role, that is what you do, that is your role, and more importantly your responsibility. Our job as actors is to perform with the best of our abilities and pray to Dionysus that we execute the role in a way that is true to the story being told. So if I were to analyze this logically, and try to make sense of this, I must pose this question: Why are we paying you to do your job? What can you possibly gain from 75$ out the pocket of a starving artist and another human beings hopes and dreams? The way I see things, by showing up, and performing, we are your raison d’être. Why are you charging us to help you do your job? We know you are getting paid by someone, but is the compensation for your labor so insufficient that you must squeeze an extra two hundred dollars here and there from people who are simply trying to do their job? Or is it simply greed and the almighty dollar bill? Is it a way of gatekeeping so that the people who actually land roles are simply the elite? Why? We have a word for this, plutocracy. Here’s why this is counterintuitive on the casting side: you aren’t seeing people that can breathe literal life into the stories and roles they take on. The consequences of this are dire, and apparently for some, very lucrative if you can put your conscience in your back pocket long enough to prey on people’s hopes and dreams. But it also poses a danger for the sacred crafts of storytelling, acting, and theater, because thousands of characters are simply not on your radar. If we need diversity for your productions, it is there, we are there, right under your nose, knocking on the door with a welcoming hand. Are you really going to allow shortsighted greed to eclipse what could be an opportunity to cement your legacy as someone who opened the door for someone who’s performance inspires the primal catharsis of a well played character, and uplifts humanity? This seems silly to me, and I pity you. As actors, we choose this life, out of respect for the craft and those that came before us we will toil ad infinitum. But we also have a responsibility to protect this ancient ritual from forces that seek to exploit our craft and bastardize our art for some petty pocket money. We are all responsible for this mess. And it must be fixed, and soon, or I fear that our sacred ancient ritual will be hollowed out, gutted, and placed on the sacrificial altar of the almighty dollar. The solution to this conundrum is kind, compassionate, easily doable and beneficial for everyone: Stop exploiting our labor. Stop nickel and diming our laborers who simply wish to perform to the best of our abilities and give everyone who bravely throws their hat in the ring a fighting chance. We too are workers. End pay to play Casting Director Workshops. It is wrong, it is unethical, far too common, and it is predacious. End the exploitation of artists who simply want to share their sacred gift to the world. It’s going to be okay. I promise you, the works that will be created and the people who give life to the characters will not disappoint.

had to get a new Reddit account by moq_9981  •  last post Mar 11th

Hi guys, I have previously posted here and had some young actors reach out to me in DM's asking for advice about acting in NYC. One in particular started asking me about NYC acting classes and the business and it ended up becoming a discussion about law school lol, you know who you are. I had to get a new Reddit handle which is almost identical to my last reddit name moq9981. I didnt know if you deleted your account it was permenanet on Reddit (unlike Instagram). As such I lost all my old DM's and didn't make a record of who I was talking to. If any of you guys still have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me again and I would be more than happy to answer any questions.

London acting class recommendations? by sethghecko  •  last post Mar 11th

I was an actor from my teens to my late twenties but left it all behind about ten years ago. I miss it dearly and want to get back to it but it’s been so long that I’m not sure where to start. I live in London so that’s a good start; but I can’t seem to find any weekly acting classes for a reasonable price. Does anyone know of any acting classes in London they would recommend?