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Actors going vegetarian? (Not vegan.) by CuspChaser111  •  last post Oct 31st

I'd like to go full on vegetarian and I was wondering if it helped with your acting life. Did you get healthier? Lose pounds? Did you get less mucus-y? (Sometimes I think the milk I could cut down on, but not all the way.) I'm down to no red meat, just chicken. Or did it affect you adversely and did you find yourself tired on set, etc? Thanks.

Enough Credits? by Pleasehelp937  •  last post Oct 31st

Hi. For the past 3-4 years I have been taking acting lessons and summer intensives at a well regarded studio in Hollywood. Some notable alum include Shi’a lebouf and Scarlett Johansson. I only add this to explain the seriousness and effectiveness of the class. Over the past six months I have been debating and decided it was time to at least explore the idea of an agent. I have been told short films are a good way to build up my resume, but I have also been wondering if projects through my school count. The plays through my school are performed at local theaters and directed by ex-actors. I have done about five plays/musicals at my time there. Along with that I have also been in a few of the student films at my high school ( not fancy college films). On top of that I perform with an outreach program through a nationally accredited regional theater. I have also sung classically at Carnegie hall and in London with a youth chamber choir. My question was, is it possible to get an agent with those “credits” in theory, assuming I send in a demo without doing student films? (i forgot to mention I am looking for a musical theater agent). Side question when they ask for “demo reel” can I send them a well taped video of myself performing a monologue or is that the reason I need to do student films? Thank you any help is appreciated.

Where can I see examples Meisner's repetition exercise performed by experienced actors? by Everearth  •  last post Oct 31st

Most of what I've seen are examples of novice actors or with inaudible audio.

I have multiple voices and am wondering if this is for Me by helpmenowpls9999  •  last post Oct 30th

It's come to my attention that despite being far past puberty, I have absolutely no control over my voice(s). I have multiple voices to the point that people who I talk on the phone with do not immediately recognize Me, or comment on it. I get weird looks when I meet someone a second time, and when I talk to them I find out my voice has changed. This was a worse issue when I was younger, I vividly remember being unable to stop sounding like a boy with a deep, throaty voice one day at lunch. Some voices are impacted by emotion, but there are times I want to use one voice and am stuck in another, and there are other voices I have to force. A friend recently recommended I take voice training classes, but I'm not even sure I'm the right fit, and when I try to search "controlling my voices" all I get is schizophrenia information, or people who talk too loud. I am actually very soft spoken and can control the volume, but the actual sound of what I say has so much range it's kind of annoying. I am also not schizophrenic, I'm not hearing any voices, I just have no control over mine:) My questions for voice actors are: 1) did you pursue this line of work because you already had different voices you learned to control? Or did you start and learn your range? 2) do you have a favorite freebie site or video that you found helped practice different voices before employing a professional voice coach? 3) what happens in a voice acting class??? Is everyone sitting around saying the same thing in different voices? I am fully intent on hiring someone eventually, but I would prefer to learn a little control first

Phil LaMarr Has the Voiceover Advice All Actors Need by DeadDillo  •  last post Oct 30th

Good part-time jobs flexible for an actor’s schedule? by justsomethrowawayacc  •  last post Oct 30th

I’m about to finish training at a bank as a teller. I figured since it was part-time that I would be able to switch my shifts around when I had an audition or booking. But after telling my manager about a callback I have tomorrow, she let me know that she’s able to switch around my shifts for now because I’m still training, but then once I actually start working then I’ll be expected to work on the shifts assigned to me. I’ll be talking to her more tomorrow about this, but at this point it sounds like I’m going to have to make work my first priority, meaning the possibility to miss a lot of audition opportunities. This is especially difficult because the way my auditioning schedule works is very unpredictable. Most of the time I get notified about an audition one or two days in advance, and I’m thinking it must create a lot of inconvenience for my manager to have to switch me around last second. Are there part-time gigs out there that would accommodate for an unpredictable actor’s schedule?

Should I start by youtubing first? by MarleenMonrue  •  last post Oct 30th

So my lifelong dream is to be an actress. As a kid I've always tried to get a part in plays whenever possible but being a small town girl I only gathered so much experience. I've began taking some lessons but as they're really expensive I cannot really continue taking them next semester. Being a college student and tied up to a part time job I can't really audition right now apart from the fact that we don't even have good audition platforms in my country anyway. I was wondering if it's worth the energy making youtube videos like remaking scenes of my favourite movies or original content? I would also appreciate if you answered to my previous similar post []( Oh and also, is it a stupid idea that after I finish college (I'll be 24) I begin professional education as an actress? Because I want acting to be more than just a hobby for me eventually. The last thing I want is being tied to a job I hate. I wanna be a working actress by the time I'm 30. It's not like the end of the world if I don't make it to Hollywood but considering most celebrities already started when they were my current age makes me feel anxious. I'm aware of not being the best but the last thing I want is to be the next disaster artist. I also don't wanna hide forever either. Also I really like Helena Bonham Carter style of acting, so what can I do to ''go her steps'' but also stay somewhat original?

Am I ready for an agent? by Derpytheseadragon  •  last post Oct 30th

So I know that getting an agent is like what people see as “making it” sometimes and that lots of Unexperienced actors tend to think that it’s like the “first move.” I’ve been working professionally for about a year and my schedule is starting to get to a point where it’s almost impossible for me to keep track of everything that I’m doing. I have 5 calendars (One for everything, one for preformance one for school one for my survival job and one for my personal life) and endless notifications and reminders on my phone but I just can’t seem to keep track of it all, on top of trying to make sure that I can still audition for upcoming productions. My only thing keeping me from doing this is that I am 17. And I don’t want to be stuck as a “child actor” or be put into a specific niche for roles. Does anyone have expirence with this?

How did you get your agent? by aayra19  •  last post Oct 30th

Since every actor/actress wants an agent, I thought it be would nice to talk about the different ways people with representation, got their agent to help everyone in their pursuits. For me, right out of college I started working at a talent management company. This was before I started pursuing acting. I worked with agents while I was there, and when I realized I wanted to pursue acting, I went to an agent who I worked with a lot got along well with, and asked if she would represent me. She said yes, and that’s how I got my agent. Just wanted to mention since this is an unconventional way of getting an agent!

Anyone heard of New Way Films? by Ilikeitmetal  •  last post Oct 29th

Hey guys, first time poster and I'm not technically an actor but looking out for a friend. I'm doing some life coaching for a guy in the Philippines, he's won a couple acting awards from his school there and is wanting to really get into the industry. He looked around and submitted his info to a producer named Sean GK, and I'm a LITTLE sketched out by this. The website of the studio is and he has an imdb page, but he's asking my buddy to pay $600 for a couple extra classes and is supposedly paying for his flight, hotel all that for a place in one of his upcoming films. I don't know much about the industry, but is this weird? Had anybody heard of this producer or company before? I would hate to see him loose his money for no reason.

got an informal coffee meet up with a long-working not-famous actor. what questions can I ask to best utilize this experience? by lndnDDD  •  last post Oct 29th

I was waiting on them, noticing them rehearsing tv sides and taking it very seriously, i didn't want to be obnoxious and ask them anything during their meal since I've waited on plenty of celebs / industry and people just want to fucking eat and be left alone, so I just wrote a little note with my website on the receipt. lucky enough they emailed me for coffee. i know I just need to be a human being and be cool get get to know them, but I've kind of allowed my head to be spun around for a while now with how the industry works and shit and I just want to get it back on straight before I handle this, so yeah figured I'd ask you guys for some advice. Make sure I check off all the boxes to really learn from this conversation without being desperate or an asshole.

Listen to my podcast about acting and other disciplines! We go live today @ 2pm e.t. by Wolfofbklyn  •  last post Oct 29th

Hey all, I have a podcast that I started a few weeks ago. I am an actor and creator based in NYC. I graduated from the MFA-Acting program from The New School for Drama. The podcast is an open talk show about the creative process and what it's like to be a creative on the ground level. And we talk about everything in between. Check me out on instagram @markpuchinsky. We are going to go live at 2pm E.T. on Youtube and Instagram live. Youtube link here Also, the podcast is currently available on iTunes and will be available on google play in a day.

Should I do extra roles for Student Films? by sushiandtacos  •  last post Oct 29th

I recently auditioned for the lead in a student film and wound up getting cast as an extra. I am debating doing this. I really wanted to be an actor as a career and I KNOW this shouldn't be going on my resume, but at the same time, I'm a beginner with little credits. I wanted to be an extra professionally and I normally would not go out of my way to be an extra in a student film but I was given this opportunity anyways. I am very grateful they considered me but I'm confused as well. Should I take the opportunity and do it or should I back out? Also, if I take this, should I create an "Extra/Background" actor resume, since this might not likely be my last extra role?

Films made in China by jonlevine  •  last post Oct 29th

I’ve seen a couple of these Chinese “state sponsored films” advertised on Backstage that are looking for American actors to travel to and shoot in China. I’m curious to know if anyone here has any experience with them, good or bad. The pay looks pretty good and they seem to cover all expenses. I’m wondering if there’s a catch or if they’re legit.

Are acting classes worth it? by stargirlkim  •  last post Oct 29th

I have always wanted to be an actress all I have done is a bunch of plays in middle school and high school I am now 24 and I was thinking of taking some classes but I’m just wondering if they are even worth it?


This project tells an inspiring story based on the real conflict of Nigeria and the terrorist organization called the Boko Haram, who have kidnapped thousands of girls to be sold as sex slaves. This is a story of female empowerment. We're able to offer free professional headshots, but unfortunately, this is unpaid. There's not a lot of funding for this type of movie, so our budget is small. That being said, this is a powerful story that we're very excited to tell. You would be playing a Boko Haram captive alongside our ensemble of leads! There are also many days open that we need talent for, so you can come out for as many as you like to increase your time on camera! We will be filming in Santa Clarita. Please include a photo with your submission. Below are the dates that we're looking to cast, along with some additional info about the project. Help us tell this important story! IF INTERESTED, PLEASE EMAIL ME DIRECTLY AT "Heir to the throne, Princess Aisa has her world flipped upside-down when her sister is kidnapped by the terrorist organization known as the Boko Haram. When her government fails to take action, Aisa gets herself captured to find her sister and bring her home safely, learning the plight of those captive women who came before her." AVAILABLE DATES: 10/31, 11/2, 11/6, 11/8, 11/9

Has anyone else taken Actor’s Therapy? by TheaterNerd  •  last post Oct 28th

If you’re looking to build a book, questioning what’s in your book, wondering if a song is good for you, if you want to workshop a song or a monologue for an audition, if you can’t choose between a song or a monologue for an audition, Actor’s Therapy is amazing....

Slating by srg11  •  last post Oct 28th

what is the proper way to slate at an equity MT audition?

Totally new to acting: What should I spend my money on? by MiserableText  •  last post Oct 28th

I (27 F) have always wanted to try acting, and I am moving to NYC in about 6 months. I have spent the last 9 years in school, and I got my Master's in Creative Writing. I recently got a windfall of money, and I paid off all of my debts, built an emergency fund, and have some left over. I have around 20k that I can spend on pursuing acting, and I am not sure how I should use it. I want to take some classes, but I don't know if it would also help to spend money on cosmetic procedures like Lasik (I wear glasses), porcelain veneers, under eye fillers, etc. I know that appearance isn't what makes one valuable as an actor, but I also know having a neat appearance could help me. tl;dr Is it worthwhile to spend money on cosmetic procedures when pursuing acting?