I'm a director but I want my actors to adopt an exaggerated style of acting. Something akin to Japanese Kabuki theatre or general stylised acting something like Jack Nicholson in The Shining or The Joker in The Dark Knight. Are there any books on the art of overacting?
I know there are a number of improv jams in LA, which are super cheap, anyone can show up, and improv a comedic scene. Does the same thing exist for dramatic scenes? And not necessarily improv - just a cheap place where actors come together and work on scenes?
Hello! Wanted just a quick opinion from you all. What do you guys tend to use more, Actors Access or LA Casting? I use to use both, but I took a break from acting, and I've only reactivated my Actors Access account since I've been back. I'm currently not represented, so I haven't felt the immediate need to start up an LA Casting account again. I've also stopped auditioning for student films all together, and I remember getting mostly just student film auditions from LA Casting, and more TV/Netflix auditions from Actors Access. Hence why I just reactivated that. What do you guys tend to get more success from, as far as legitimate/professional auditions?
After 2 years of going to acting classes and workshops, several low budget student films and unpaid gigs, hundreds of dollars spent on good headshots and demo reels and countless nights worrying about if this is the right path for me. I finally managed to get a meeting with a manager this Thursday. Wish me luck fellow actors.
A lot of one’s friends have insisted that since people are spending more time watching shows on Amazon Prime and Netflix (and things alike) that there are now more opportunities than ever. How true is this; and if you feel that this is false, when was the real *golden age* for actor/actress employment?
Im currently applying for Drama Schools in the UK and Im not sure if realistically Im old enough to be considered. Im 19, which I know on paper isn't too young, but I also know people are quite often in their early 20s when they apply. I went to Sylvia Young's and have worked in the industry since I was young and I do have a lot of experience in the West End and TV under my belt, I guess that may play in my favour, but Ive applied to the Likes of RADA, LAMDA, Guildhall, Bristol Old Vic and I know that they quite often take older students. I am signed at Waring and McKenna, which is a good agent, but drama school is something I've always wanted to do and I really just want to better myself as an actor. Any advice?
Hello, I have recently secured a full time job (accounting firm, 9-5 Monday to Friday). I know this will affect my chances of becoming an actor because I won't be able to attend auditions during the day, but how much of an effect will this have? Are there many auditions after 5pm or on the weekend? Or is video auditioning the way to go? Thank you in advance :)
Hi guys, first time poster here and I hope this topic is OK. I have a friend who is bears a close resemblance to a well-known actor. It's close enough that complete strangers or people he's meeting for the first time have brought it up immediately. The facial resemblance and body type are both there. My friend is 19 years younger than the actor in question, though the actor is in great shape and looks younger than his age. Here's where it gets interesting. We want to make a short documentary of us trying to get my friend acting work as a body double, stand-in, or "young version" of this actor. My friend has no acting experience but is a talented dude who'd put in the hard work to do it if it actually came to be something. He also has the kind of job and life where he actually could pack up and go if something actually came up. But, of course, we really don't care if something comes up, we just want to make the doco of the experience, win-or-lose. So my question for you wonderful actors out there is, how does look-a-like / resemblance / young version casting work? Would we want to get pro head-shots done, pro monologue demo recording, contact a specific casting agency? The actor he resembles is represented by a super high profile agency that does not accept any unsolicited materials, which is to be expected. Appreciate any help, and thanks!
Hey all! I've starting writing guides on getting actors / creatives out of the office as fast as possible so they can, well, create stuff / get to auditions Would really appreciate your thoughts / opinions if the below guide resonates / helps - happy for any feedback! [https://drive.google.com/open?id=1SYT5OVgeY1qiT7cwoxZ2CySey2l05YBV](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1SYT5OVgeY1qiT7cwoxZ2CySey2l05YBV) Outside of work I love to act and play music so I'm trying to combine my experiences of finishing corporate life effectively to help others find more time to get creative. Thanks in advance! David
I had to do some at 16 in this film called 'Breath' with Elizabeth Debicki and was wondering what it was like for any other actors who have done the same. How do you feel about attitudes towards on-screen nudity as a whole?
I'm looking for additional resources when I move back to New York next month, and I'm already familiar with Actors Access, Backstage and Casting Networks. BUT I've never used IMDB Pro, and I'm wondering if anyone is familiar with it and can share a review of its pros and cons. Specifically if I get anything out of it that isn't offered by one of the other three main services.
https://youtu.be/RL-uUivHW7Y What an amazing actor. He shows how he started his life in acting and how much he loves it. An amazing actor, defiantly the Captain America we’re all needed.
So to start off my dream is to become an actor or a writer, I don’t see myself as anything else I don’t have an agent nor do I know how to get one I tried applying to two talent agencies and not hearing anything back despite telling me they’ll let me know if I’ll get represented or not I don’t have a reel but I’m trying to get work for my reel, they all tell me you need experience but won’t hire me to get experience that’s the most retarded thing I ever heard, I haven’t been in anything at all but where I live which is in Oklahoma it’s hard every time I try to audition for something I get told where’s your resume or previous which is retarded I’m stuck here because I can’t afford to move anywhere so can I get some advice please I know I sound like I’m whining but I’m just really frustrated.
does anyone belong to TinyChat? just found out we can watch shorts on TC AND AND WE CAN COMMENT on the short s at the same time...pretty cool
Hey voice over community! I am a novice/aspiring voice actor and currently write an informational and sometimes comical blog about my journey through the voice over world, how to start a career in voice acting (via my experiences), and sometimes how to do certain impressions or accents. I wanted to let you all know about it in hopes that my may help others participate in this wonderful community. If you are interested in reading about my experiences I will put a link to the blog at the bottom of this post. I will also put a link to my Instagram for this blog. The Instagram posts give a heads up for upcoming blog posts. ​ Blog Site: [https://ids.uni.edu/ihearvoices/](https://ids.uni.edu/ihearvoices/) Instagram: [https://www.instagram.com/ihearv0ices/](https://www.instagram.com/ihearv0ices/)
Hello dear voice actors! I need your wise advice. ​ We're making an indie short-length interactive movie. Actually it will be an FMV game where you can choose what to do next (without any pause) and get 2 really different or 3-4 semi-different stories. The genre is Criminal Thriller. And we're making it in Russia and in Russian, so that's where my clumsy English from (sorry) and a sourse of the main question :) ​ There will be a two main (male and female) and a few secondary (male only) roles. About 10-15 minutes with dialogs. And we'll need to make an English version of the movie. I used to work in game development with a foreign narrative actor but that project is different. ​ I suppose that looking for different actors by ourselves would be a bad idea. We'd probably need some kind of post-production (post-localisation, editing .etc) work, and a producer/studio help to work with a few actors… ​ 1. So is the best way to look for some VO studio to outsource that work? 2. And is there something we need to know as newbies? 3. If you can tell us something about costs for such professional work (average price for an actor per minute or per hour maybe) - it would be cool! ​ Thanks in advance for any reply!
Age:19. Ugh, after many standing roles, finally I got my first level 2 role which was a Bit Role. Now it wasn’t for a small series, but a big one with big stars. Anyway, my role was a soldier who comes to check is friend (A Medicare) who got injure. When my part came I was pressed, shivered, excited and talked so fast, we were stuck on my part like 10 min doing it over and over and hearing the Director saying: “again”, or “do it more XYZ” etc. It surprised me because I’ve already been performed in front of 300 hundreds people so I scared from 30? I must note the cast itself were so good, told me I’m good and it’s ok and even the director took me to a personal conversation even tough he had a huge cast and people behind the camera to manage and I had only 3-4 lines yet he came. But I felt the disappointment in the air. I expected from myself to be good, I trained, I wanted to make them all proud especially because I grew up on them. I feel so bad, like they won’t cast me anymore and that I’m a bad actor, and I’m crying so hard): If I can’t control on a bit role what would it be like as a main role? It punches me so hard on my heart/: