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We have found 19,369 posts across 4 actor forums:

Reel feedback by Tim Neff  •  last post Feb 13th

I would love any constructive criticism, advise and input on my action/stunt reel! Thanks so much guys and girls!

What is a good site to hire a voice actor through? by VoiceoverQuestion  •  last post Feb 4th

I am hiring a voice actress for an audio narration of a play that lasts about 20 minutes.

New-to-me service by Robert Leckington  •  last post Jan 5th

My agent has asked me to sign-up with AgencyPro. In the past, some actors out here in NYC have said that it isn't a good service for an agent, for whatever reason. I'm trying to get an idea as to what you all think? Is it legitimate? Do you know about it? Does it get work for actors? Just curious. I have already signed up for the annual service rather than paying monthly since she required me to do it. Thanks you guys.

"With Love" A Super Hero/Villian, Monster Girl Visual Novel Dating Sim seeking female voice actors! by PongGeneral50  •  last post Dec 25th

Good evening, my user alias is "TheGeneral" and I'm working with a group of artists to create a visual novel dating sim that is tackling an epic love story between a normal human, and their "powerful" monster girl intrest at the "College of Heroes." Also properly known as "With Love." "The story itself takes place in world much like our own, but has advanced far greater with the many different races that populate it. The "College of Heroes" represents the ultimate collabartion work of the people of earth who wish to protect it, from those that would seek dominate or destroy the world. The heroines the main protagonists falls in love with ((Note you can choose gender in the beginning of the game, that will affect overall story significantly)) come from many diffrent backgrounds. Some who come from cities of the USA, to those who come from diffrent realms, each monster girl is different. Another tie in aspect with each heroine is their rival, which the main character can choose them over their orginal heroine of choice, if they choose to go down that route. Ultimately, this story will be quite an epic of romance, betrayal, bonds, and heroics of the ages." As the game is being fully made, I'm seeking female voice actress to voice two characters from the cast of 12. We already have one voice actress taking up two characters, meaning will need 5 more actress to take up remaining 10 characters. This said the game does follow an SFW + NSFW theme, where the safe version will be the initial marketed version, while the Not safe for public eyes version will be set as an optional patch. The NSFW theme is sexual intemense that is crucial in the realistic college relationship the protagonists and the heroine will have. In short, if you do not want to partake in those scenes, then this project is not for you. ((And to note, we will be treating those scenes with good taste rather than mindless eye candy...)) Payment, being most important detail, will be in full discussion with your price of working. Though there will be downtime between each script reading, due to the production speed, programming, and writting per chapter for each character's own arch. We will need a voice demo reel to make sure your voice matches what we are looking for two characters you be voicing. I'll send you the character list so you can pick your two characters you be intrested in voicing. Lastly, I do hope this enough info to intrigue your interest of the project. I'll be happy to show the art so far for the game, and answer any questions that need to be addressed. -TheGeneral

The Trees That Bled by  •  last post Oct 23rd

The cast (including me) for The Trees That Bled has been announced #TheTreesThatBled

Looking for Female Voice Actresses for Sci Fi Game by BavarHorn  •  last post Oct 17th

Project Bavar Voice Over Audition Hello my name is Kyle an I am looking for voice actors for my teams next project. Currently we are looking for Female Voice Actors for our new game currently labeled Project Bavar. This will be Paid Work. The game will be a Sci Fi Arena based game that will be rated Mature. Character Information and Lines. All current VA requirements have been filled. Will post later for minor rolls once script is completely finished. >If you have demo reels and would like to be considered in the future please send them to I will email people start of the weekend if they were chosen or not.

VOICE ACTOR/ACTRESS NEEDED ASAP (for educational purposes only) by keurig16  •  last post Oct 13th

VOICE ACTOR/ACTRESS NEEDED ASAP (for educational purposes only) Will provide you with credit and copy of final motion graphics video along with a payment of $10.00. Hello, I am a college student looking for someone to read this script for my final motion graphics project. I am creating this video to provide an environmentally safe alternative to Keurig k-cup disposal. The script does not need to follow a specific time so you can speak at a slower pace. This is intended for a younger audience, so please speak clearly. I will credit you at the end of the video and will provide you with a final copy of the project as well. Thank you for your time! Script: In 2014, there were enough K-cups to wrap around the world over 10 times. (pause) All of these k-cups ended up in landfills because they contain non-recyclable plastic, which causes harmful waste to the environment. (pause) To solve this problem and raise awareness, Keurig Green Mountain is teaming up with recycler APC Play & High Ridge Farms to create the program k-play; an environmentally friendly and fun project to reuse K-cups. (pause) K-play’s goal is to eliminate K-cup waste nationwide. The plastic K-cups are collected at elementary schools and sent to recycling plants, where they are melted down and turned into playground equipment by APC Play. (pause) For every 500 cups that are donated, Keurig will plant a tree from high ridge farms to give back to the environment. (pause) 10,000 k-cups will earn your playground a new swing set donated by k-play. (pause) Finally, k-play will reward your playground a brand new slide for every 100,000 k-cups collected. (pause) If you’d like to sign your school up to participate just visit and click on the tab K-Play to enter. (pause) Together we can make a difference to replace the waste.

Best books on voice acting? by catrtd7  •  last post Oct 8th

My best friend is an aspiring voice actress. I've been browsing Amazon for books on voice acting as a Christmas present (I shop early, lol). I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations or can tell me which book they think would make the best gift. I'd buy a couple of them, but buying one that's better than the rest would make more sense (and save some cash). So, do you guys have any recommendations? I'm looking for one that has 1) Good tips and advice on getting into the business 2) inspiration and motivation and 3) information on what it's like being a voice actor. I'd prefer that the book is written by a voice actor with a strong writing voice, so my friend will really like, identify with, and pay attention to the writer. But any recommendations are greatly appreciated! Thank you so much!

Casting non-union Ford industrial by Cerris Morgan Moyer  •  last post Oct 7th

Casting a (paid) non-union, non-broadcast internal industrial buyout. Seeking women and men, age 25-32 (ish), diverse ethnicities. It's a lifestyle shoot for internal pitching -- auto company. We've worked with them before and it's a fun and easy shoot and the footage is beautiful for your modeling/commercial acting video reel. Shooting one or two days mid-to-late October. Please email headshot/reel, contact info and links to websites/casting profiles to Thank you, hope to see you soon!

Agency Expansion, Looking For Talented Actors by Terrece Lynn  •  last post Oct 3rd

The Wayne Agency located in LA is looking for talented actors for there expansion of their Commercial and Theatrical Division. We are a SAG/AFTRA franchised agency and we would love to hear from you. Please email for additional questions!!!! Thank you and we look forward to receiving your submissions!!!!!

The Headshot Truck! by Dani Lennon  •  last post Sep 27th

Hey all- If you are in need of new headshots, or even just one or two looks, check out The Headshot Truck! They just launched their NYC truck too, so now they're in NY and LA! Their campaign on IndieGogo is still running, and there are perks for both trucks. Here's the link! Aimee is the gal in charge of the campaign so you can email her with any questions too!

Questions for an Actor turned Agent by Lisa Martel  •  last post Sep 21st

Hello fellow Karmalites! A few year ago, I made a career change from actor to agent. I've been on Karmalicity for years and just stayed - such great people on this site :-) If any of you have questions about the rep side of the business, I'm happy to answer them. Of course, it would only be my opinion, but if I can shed some light for you, I'm glad to do it. Ask me anything about how agents work, how to get an agent or general industry questions. I won't share my opinions on particular agents, tho. And I'm not looking to sign new clients at this time, so please don't ask me to review your materials for consideration. TY in advance for that! I've been thinking about creating an "Actor turned Agent" blog... "If I knew then what I know now"... so perhaps answering your questions will help us both! Cheers! Lisa Martel

Who would be interested in voice acting for a Youtube series? by Anthracite4  •  last post Sep 4th

I'm currently working on an animated YouTube series in Anime Studio that I will need 10-20 voice actors/actresses for. It won't be done for a while as I need to finish animating, drawing, writing, etc. but I'd like to see how many people who would be interested in this. There will be at least 10 episodes, each hovering around 15 minutes in length. It is mainly a comedy/satirical series. Pay can be negotiated if you would want it, but I'm sure it wouldn't be a ton. If anyone would be interested, please reply, or if you have any questions, ask! I'm working on the scripts and stuff right now- here's the link. PM me your Gmail if you'd like to contribute.

Help Booking: Nashville, Knoxville, Greenville/Charleston shows in Oct. - Florida indie/soul/rock band by fuberghadi  •  last post Aug 14th

Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida band. We love to show trade and the scene here is really booming. We are touring Sept. 29 to October 8 and so far the schedule looks like this. Any help with shows we can jump on, promoters to contact, venues, house venues, related bands that could help, is all very much appreciated. 9/29 Thursday Jacksonville, FL - BOOKED 9/30 Friday Savannah, GA - BOOKED 10/1 Saturday Charleston, SC - BOOKED 10/2 Sunday Chapel Hill, NC - BOOKED 10/3 Monday Knoxville, TN - BOOKED (thanks to this thread!) 10/4 Tuesday Asheville, NC - NEED HELP-Local band is helping but nothing Confirmed 10/5 Wednesday Nashville, TN - BOOKED 10/6 Thursday Atlanta, GA - NEED HELP 10/7 Friday Athens, GA - NEED HELP-Local band is helping but nothing Confirmed 10/8 Saturday Tallahassee, FL - BOOKED Music is comparable to Ben Howard, Jimmy Eat World, Hozier, and James Blake. We will be touring on the heels of releasing our new EP. Stream Full Album on Bandcamp: Website: Live Video: EPK: Facebook:

CASTING Sweet Girl Ages 6 to 9 Caucasion by Yvette Rachelle  •  last post Jul 10th

Need dark blonde, light brown or brown hair.Caucasion only. Natural Actors not over trained! Email

Further cast/character info by merodm  •  last post Jul 7th

Was trawling through the wiki and IMDB and found some interesting revelations about the characters thus far - in addition as IMDB can sometimes be a disreputable source I have also confirmed some of these from actor's websites - The man in the navy suit in the Marrakesh cutscene is credited as 'The Gatekeeper' whilst the mystery man ordering the hits is credited as 'The Shadow Client' - there is also another character named 'The Herald' yet to appear - Well known actor Jason Isaacs voiced Reza Zeydan - Actors mostly known from British television such as Alec Newman and Michelle Asante are voicing future Elusive Targets, with Asante's character being named 'Olivia Hall' whilst other British actors including Oliver Cotton and Matthew Gravelle are voicing as yet unidentified roles - The additional voices cast numbers about 20, with some having voiced targets as well as civilians (notably Dalia, Ritter, Silvio, Congressman Troutt, Knight) and others having voiced prominent level characters as well as civilians (Sheikh, Pam Kingsley, Lana, Viktor's bodyguard, Kruger/Roberto Vargas/Konny Engstrom, Decker/Olander/Tren Po, Valerie St Clair and Sebastian Sato) - And in comparison, so far 47, Diana, The Shadow Client, The Gatekeeper, The Herald, Fanin, Viktor, Soders, Di Santis, Reza and Strandberg all have voice actors who just voiced those characters

Vote for DEADLY REVISIONS! by Gregory Blair  •  last post Jul 6th

We're in the FANtastic Horror Film Festival and you can vote for us! See all the film trailers here: then vote for your favorites here: Votes for DEADLY REVISIONS, cast & crew would be most appreciated! Thank you, Karmalicity family!

Casting cute boy lead age 9 to 11 & Cute girl ages 5 to 7 by Yvette Rachelle  •  last post Jun 30th

Caucasian blonde or brunette boy and girl to play young siblings not too tall. Natural Actors not over trained thespians for Family adventure Christmas Film. Tommy the boy is starting to lose his childhood innocence and not sure he believes in Santa anymore. The girl still belives inmSanra and magic.Parents that can be investors as well as bonus as film is nearly financed and has Star Names and Distribution.

Request for Voice Over Actress for GTA V Machinima by Moxness  •  last post Jun 22nd

I'm producing an episodic Grand Theft Auto V machinima animation that needs a voice actor for one of the main recurring characters in the series. Currently I'm looking for a female to voice the character of Veronica, an african-american spy in her early 30's and ex-romantic interest of the main character who helps the main character with uncovering a conspiracy he's become entangled in. Please post links to your demo reels if you think this is something you might be a fit for. This is a low budget show, but it is a paid opportunity, and I will get in touch with more details if I feel that your voice demo would make you a good fit. Thanks!

Looking for voice actors for a startup project. by BeatVids  •  last post May 6th

Primarily, we could use with some female voice actresses since we already have enough male actors. We plan to make revenue off of this as soon as we can, but if you like to join our startup team now, we would like to welcome you. Feel free to message me, and I can show you what we will do.