How to Teach Yourself a Dialect, According to a Voice Coach
I am of two minds here. This is a big job for an industry that produces a lot of revenue. That said, I served on some AEA committees in my time. Broadway generates billions and the Executive Director made nowhere near that much.
Curious as to your thoughts on this.
Want to Fire Your Agent - Try Saying This Instead
I am so excited for the premiere of a short movie I performed in called O Griet Sy's Droog. It opens tomorrow at the Silwerskerm Fees (Silver Screen Festival) at the Bay Hotel in Camps Bay. Hoping it receives great reviews.
I loved reading this and being reminded just how much stunt performers enhance storytelling from action films (obvious) to comedies. What's the best stunt you ever saw in a comedy?
My mentor, the late Sam Christensen (Casting Director for MASH, Clash of the Titans, etc), cared so deeply about actors, but what plagued him was how few of us knew how to "relax", "do less", and "just be yourself" in the audition.
Hey there, it’s Sam from the Far East Land!
For the past twenty years, I’ve been crafting TV commercials for names like Estee Lauder, Filorga, and Piaget and dabbling in short films across Asia (mostly China). Shooting a short or feature film in the States is the ultimate dream, but since I’m still a fresh face in that market, I’ll probably have to roll with my own scripts.
Being a non-US citizen makes getting a work visa in our industry a real challenge, so a non-union shoot might be my only option. But I don’t want to leave a bad mark in the land of dreams. So, it’s either I get the visa, or I’ll have to take my project elsewhere.
Production is pretty universal, so it shouldn’t be too different. But the casting part keeps bothering me. In China, I brief my casting director, and they bring me a list of talents. I’m not sure how it works in the US, especially if I want to cast union actors. Should I go to a casting company or hire a freelance casting director to handle it?
As I said, shooting in the US is a dream, but it’s not entirely up to me. So, my backup plan is to fly actors to China, Thailand, or Australia for my projects. My question is, how does that work?
I’d really appreciate any insights you can share.
PS: You can check out some of my work here::
I loved Spader as Ultron (one of the few good things about the movie). I would watch him read a phone book.
Hi Fellow Actors,
It is important to remember that your headshot is the first piece of marketing casting sees, so it needs to do two things:
1 Sell your brand
2. Grab their attention
Even in the palm of their hand.
I am not a huge fan of Anaconda or creature features of most kinds but I would watch these two do anything together. What do you think?
House of the Dragon casting director Kate Rhodes James takes us through her casting process in the below video! Did any of the insights that she shared about her goals and choices surprise you?
Are actors wasting time and money attending acting school? This is a very complicated question and a difficult decision. Watch the video to help you decide which is best for you.
Were you a theater major, studied at a conservatory, worked with someone privately or took local acting classes? If so, without naming the places, please share your experiences with us.
I just found his quote funny. Reminded me of the famous Micahel Cane quote about Jaws 4 , when he said he never saw the movie, but he did see the house it bought him, and it is lovely (paraphrasing).
You got this.