Please support our extremely Diverse cast !. We are seeking funding for our SAG production. BROKEN FEATHER a narrative film, We are a indigenous based Production Company. Our goal is to bring to light the horrors Indigenous children endured at Border Schools. We wish to present it to general audiences, highlighting the true evil that occurs in unexpected places. Please help us reach our goal. You can help at
Hope this post doesn’t make you hungry. I watched a limited series last night (The Madness on Netflix – incredible series!) where the main character was eating pizza and drinking, and I thought about this. Are there any techniques that actors use when eating and drinking in scenes so the food/drink doesn’t get in the way of performing?
You've found the perfect casting call that aligns perfectly with your acting style. You submit your materials, and now they’ve asked for a self-taped audition. How do you prepare to deliver your best performance? Let's hear your tips and strategies!
Happy Thanksgiving to All the Amazing Creatives in the Stage 32 community!!! What a talent pool we are!!! Make this a Day of Giving Thanks for all you've done, will do and for all the events in your life that have created the creative artist you are in your chosen art form(s)... The good, the bad, and the joyful to the painful. No matter where you call home, give thanks for who you are and what you can become today!!! Best to All...
Hey guys, as you know I just got approved for representation. I need to upload an acting reel for my resume. I put one together with all the projects that I've done. I would love some critique. Clip order? Maybe remove one of the clips? Should the duration be longer or shorter than 1:44? I would just love some help. Thanks!
Found this fascinating especially with all the days and hours that go into Broadway:
I really enjoyed this video of Andrew breaking down his most iconic roles and not just talking about the basics of the projects, but getting into detail about his process and approach for roles that challenged him.
Self-Tape or In-Person Auditions: Which is Better For Actors
Hi Everyone! I will view anyone's post who views mine. We should all click on "View-for-view" in our profile's. It is a quicker way to help each other out!! make sure you have that clicked In your settings!! Thanks and happy holiday's!!
Casting director Laurie Records talks about social media and what advice she would give to #actors who are trying to build out their social media:
You know, as actors we can often get into a zone where we are waiting for the roles to come to us, just lose napkins fluttering in the breeze waiting for some gust (booking) to sail us in some direction or another. Whether it's a soap or a blockbuster may not matter as long as we get to touch that special feeling that only exists when the camera is on and the stakes are high. While luck favours only a few, the rest are left out here with unrealized characters and our shoelaces tied together.
For the third week of November Write Club, **Marla Sokoloff**, Screenwriter, Director, & Actress (The Merry Gentlemen, Rosé All Day, Betrayed By Love, Sweet On You), is having a **FREE Ask Me Anything in the Screenwriting Lounge**! The AMA is focused on “*Advice For Aspiring Screenwriters, Directors, & Actors.*”
This Stage 32 system does not allow us to delete our accounts. This is incredibly CREEPY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is Stage 32 designed and run by CREEPS?
Hola, who wants to play Tag with me? Check out my page and leave an 8 score review on my films and I will do the same...What a business;) If your actually interested in watching my short films.
There's such an incredible range of talent and experience here I wanted to share for anyone who FITS & interested. If you know someone off here that fits, feel free to share it. Seeking a cameo appearance male actor age 30+ with recognizable credits and a following. This is an ART film. It will exhibit in museums across Europe before making its way to the US which means millions of eyes. This is a film about facing our own humanity and an allegorical and humble search for oneself and that a single way to truth doesn't exist as we learn more from all the bumps and detours and falls than a single straight line. In this character's case, he was once a larger than life, mega star that was basically shot out of a cannon to the top, but dropped like a rock back down. He is then left only with himself, his reflections, and how to find who he truly is after only defining himself solely based on being this mega star that was for a while treated as if he were a God. Which is where he is at in the film, speaking to a reporter on everything he learned, the long, hard way, but came out conquering his own reality, and attaining an understanding most never look to reach. Room for improv as well. Very short day, will only be needed probably for 3 hours or so. If you have specific scheduling availability feel free to include that as well. Rate is $250 non-negotiable. No one funds art films no matter where it is going to play. You feel me? You MUST email casting with your "NAME - CWaLG" in the subject line. Thanks!
Acting was so much fun, know i enjoy seeing people do it.