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If you’re an agent or manager attending workshops with no intention of signing anybody F*** YOU! If you’re a casting director grifting people F*** YOU Too! by Southern-Lad-49  •  last post Dec 3rd

LET A GUY VENT! **This sick money grab needs to end!** I have attended these workshops for years at the usual places... but have never heard of anyone signing with the upper-tier reps they invite. *\*I have seen very few people getting signed to reps in the success stories section but they are very, very small companies, mostly managers.* I know it’s for the money but don’t these agents at these more upper-level agencies make enough money? Also, these reps always have an attitude at these things & talk about how busy they are & act like it’s a fucking burden for them to be there, then why do you come?! Why do you keep doing them?! I’ve also noticed, It’s usually the same reps again and again at these meetings. The people who are actually suffering through this are the actors, not the reps! The reps are the ones wasting our time by not having any intentions of signing anyone. My friend and I attended a workshop recently and one of the agents, was not even looking at the performances, he was checking his phone the whole time! Some of these workshops promise one on one time with the reps, I can’t tell you how many times these reps just fucking sit there not doing shit or saying shit. I always have to initiate the conversation & they give one-word answers, at least fucking ACT interested, you work with actors all day! What is crazy is some workshops provide feedback forms which is great and I have received some incredible feedback but when I reach out to the agent or manager I never hear back. I know there is no guarantee but I have been acting for years and I have never met anyone who signed with these agencies from these workshops. I have heard of a few people getting called in by CD’s but... 95% of the time they have good reps and already knew the CD. These CD workshops cost double, triple the rep workshops and they never provide detailed feedback! These workshops are incredibly expensive and the class sizes are so large. I can’t believe the money I have spent for minutes, seconds really, of these people's time. I am so sick of these scams that are supposed to help actors but are just robbing us blind. 1. **Have any of you signed with upper-tier reps (KMR, STEWART, ABRAMS, CESD, etc.) after these workshops? Please expand below.** 2. **Have any of you been called in by a Casting Director after these workshops with no/lower tier reps and never met the CD before? Please expand below.** [View Poll](

Acting dreams by Menatllyillmushrooms  •  last post Dec 3rd

Hi. I really want to become an actor, and I am a teenager. I am not quite sure what to do to start as for acting in things. Any tips?

New Actor Needs to get some work in Chicago by Fair_Guy1  •  last post Dec 3rd

Hello I am a new actor and I am looking to find work in Chicago. In the past I did some background work in NYC and it was paid very little but it ended up being a film on Lifetime with Kelsey Grammer. Now I want to know the process of Working in Chicago. I am open to any suggestion. MY qualification include \*1 Year Acting Course from San Francisco Film School \*3 Months Working as A Background artist with River Red Booking \* Associates in Film Making from San Francisco Film School. Knows Camera Operator, Script Writing, Acting, Video Editing and AP and AD work. URL to my Small Movie is []( Please Guide me. Very Respectfully

Do you get to see what projects your agent submits you for? by Tiny-Bite-9525  •  last post Dec 3rd

Do you get to see on actors access, casting networks, or any of casting site if your agent submitted you for a project. Or do you only find out if you get an audition for the role?

Seeing casting calls for roles that seem like they’re already cast? by Vegetable_Will_4888  •  last post Dec 3rd

I know this is an odd question, but it’s happened a few times now. I just came across a casting calls for multiple roles only posted yesterday and got excited because one of the roles was perfect for me, but when I clicked on the producer and found his imdb the movie was already on there, with multiple names listed, the role I wanted to tape for already has an actress listed. I don’t know if I should still submit or what is going on lol.

List of all NYC Acting Studios & Conservatories by yerrr212  •  last post Dec 3rd

Like other Redditors, I also have had trouble finding acting classes in NYC that are affordable and actually teach a technique. I'm starting this thread for people to share every acting class and their experiences for other actors to consider and research. **Has anyone attended Neighborhood Playhouse School of the Theatre or American Academy of Dramatic Arts?** classes I've attended so far: **Stella Adler:** 12 week conservatory, I was not too fond of the location and new building. I didn't like that it was mandatory to take voice lessons. I would have preferred to take an additional technique class. I left because an instructor refused to answer a question I asked about an assignment via email because I owed money to the studio. (I was on a payment plan). Professors in Universities don't even do this, often times students have to wait for financial aid to kick in and they technically owe tuition but professors never discuss this or are aware of it and students continue to attend classes. That instructor tarnished the entire experience negatively and I never went back. I also didn't feel we were learning a technique at all. Specifically how to break down scenes and how to create circumstances, bridge a character, etc... **HB Studio**: Acting 1 with Michael Beckett. I left this class feeling like I learned absolutely nothing. I researched the instructors and made the wrong choice to go with Beckett. Most of this class was spent watching an older man act out home scenes with this younger girl in the class. Looking back it was weird. He would give them the most feedback and give next to no feedback to others including myself. We had to come up with a scene to act out with a partner and a southeast Asian guy and girl were scene partners who made up a scene about an arranged marriage. Beckett told them that these things don't happen anymore and it's not realistic. They discussed this among themselves for some time in class and the two students never came back. I'm pretty sure this was kind of racist... **Atlantic Acting:** I've applied for their evening classes but the instructors at the time seemed to be recent young Atlantic graduates. I didn't think it was worth spending the $600 on so I ended up not attending. **Susan Batson Studio:** I found Susan Batson through google and liked that they have an affordable drop-in class pre-covid. I learned the most here in a matter of a few classes I attended. I did find it odd majority of the students were European and on a student visa. This was odd to see outside of a BFA setting. Another red flag was the monologues we had to perform (everyone had to perform the same one in each class) when performed by women, a large chunk decided to sexualize the scene and make it over the top. This made me uncomfortable. This brings me to my last point. When you sign up you are encouraged to meet with an advisor one on one in a room so you can be referred to a class. If you attend here in person do not do this if you are a woman. The advisor put his hand on my knee and I sensed a me-too situation in that place...if you are a woman run or at least do not take that instructor's class. **One on One Nyc:** I'm pretty sure this place is a scam. I took a workshop led by an industry manager and learn about the business. The manager was beyond miserable and provided nothing of value. I asked if she believes it is a good idea as an actor to cold call or email CD's ourselves and her answer was in circles avoiding the question. It was a 3-day workshop I left after the first day because this lady not only avoided my question or giving us any insight into to the business but the way she spoke to the actors who paid to hear her speak was beyond disrespectful. There are so many more studios/conservatories in NYC, I hope this thread saves people time and money. Or at least investigate a little further where they are putting their efforts into.

Online Voice Acting School? Which one? by Lucashmere  •  last post Dec 3rd

Hello, I am brand new to Voice Acting, as well as this sub, so forgive me if this question has been asked before, or if I start to ramble. I have had a knack for doing weird voices, impressions, sound effects, etc. since I was a child. I am now 25 and I recently got inspired by someone to pursue voice acting. They do online classes with Voice One based in San Francisco, and they love it, but I know Atlanta Voice Over Studios, and Edge Studio based in New York might be good options too. I was wondering if any of you have information on the experience at any of these schools, wether it be good or bad, in-person or online. Voice One seems very affordable, and it's also in my home state, CA. Is there a general consensus on which has a better online course? Any other advice for starting Voice Actors would also be extremely appreciated. Thank you in advance to all who respond, and I hope to run into some of you someday in the field!

Finally starting acting classes by Dragamis  •  last post Dec 3rd

Since I was a mid, I've always been interested in acting, but we weren't able to afford acting classes so I let go of that interest and I'm now doing a programming course in sixth form (high school for Americans, I'm 16). However I've just remembered how much I wanted to get into acting, so I've asked my actor friend about his classes (he's been in commercials and a kids game show from what I know), the class also comes with an agency free of extra charge which is great. My parents are on board with me wanting to give it a go, considering how much I wanted to do it as a child, and I'm really looking forward to it! The one thing I felt was missing from a programming job was that I'd never feel like my work was being fully appreciated, and a proper mark wouldnt be left when i go, so even if I end up in that field, if I get just a few commercials or student films, at least I'll be able to say I did something. Not sure why this turned into a rant haha, I'm just very excited

Does it make sense to move to LA if most of your "traction" has been with CDs in NYC? by abetterworld44  •  last post Dec 3rd

I just want to be spending all of my time acting. I want to work as minimally as possible and spend every day auditioning for student films, taking classes, rehearsing with other actors, meeting writers and directors, and just giving this my absolute all. i'm in SAG, and i have a handful of very low tier agents & manager based on the east cost covering ATL and NYC. I've read for about 90% of the major CDs in NYC, with many repeats from them, and now I read about 1-2x a week mostly for costar. but i haven't booked my first co-star yet. I just feel like I'm missing out on opportunity being in this city. I feel like i'm stuck constantly waiting tables and not really able to do anything acting related besides take classes. there really aren't that many opportunities for student films / indie films in NYC. I feel like there are so many more in LA. But i dont have rep in LA. i dont think my reps have connections with reps in LA either. I only know 2 people in LA but i'm not afraid of starting over and meeting new people. I moved to NYC not knowing anybody either and now I have a handful of friends after a couple years. I know i'd probably be stuck waiting tables in LA too, but I just feel like I'm missing out on so much being over here. I just feel so lost pursuing this anymore. I want to develop a network. I want to be doing acting related things every day to further myself, and I just don't know what to do anymore. Part of me feels like it would be stupid to leave NYC since I've gotten so many repeats from casting in NYC, and that I should stay here until I book at least a couple of co-stars, if not guest stars. but it has taken SO MANY YEARS to even get to where I am now, who knows, it could potentially take me another 3 years to book that first co-star! and then to have to wait until I book a guest star? that could take 3-5-maybe 10 years from now! Part of me feels like it's a waste to go to LA without having a rep over there, and that you need a GOOD rep to make LA worth it since it's so much more competitive. I'm just so lost. I just want to fucking act and make this my life. What would you do if you were me? i'm going to be a broke struggling waiter in either city I live in. I know they say to "live where you are happy"... well i'm not really happy anywhere when I'm stuck being a broke waiter. I'm happy when I get to act. (i mean, i have other things that make me happy, but you know what I mean). I just want to act.

Charismatic actors by Lampshadevictory  •  last post Dec 3rd

In your opinion, can you learn on stage charisma? And if so, what are charismatic actors doing that's different?

How do people with no acting experience get casted for big roles? by Secret-Conflict-6617  •  last post Dec 3rd

I’ve seen a few actors who were casted for lead roles or just main roles without any prior experience. Does experience really matter if your just good at acting. I want to start but have no experience, I’m obviously not expecting a big role but I feel like I have a lot of life experience and would use that to help me out. Is it possible?

That audition feeling by WackyPaxDei  •  last post Dec 3rd

Acting Class Tips by christinamorgan326  •  last post Dec 2nd

Hi all, I'm relatively new to the whole 'acting' world and have recently been shopping around for a class or two to try out. I've signed up for so many free acting webinars that seem to just beat around the bush and by the end of it, all they really wanted to do was sell you their program which will cost you your first born child. I wanted to come on here to get some advice and or suggestions on some zoom/online classes for beginners. The only 'real' experience I have with acting was a small class I used to take at my local library about 10 years ago and some school theatre. In addition to this, I have had a bit of luck with background work as of late, and was able to join SAG AFTRA after only working in the scene since mid May of this year. I should also mention, my interest is mostly in Acting for Television + Film, not Theatre. I've heard of Actor's Edge classes, the Hollywood Winner's Circle, among many others but feel like most of these programs are either too much $$ upfront or are for people with more experience. Any and all help would be appreciated, and I'd love to hear what your opinions are! ​ Thank you in advance! Sincerely, a newbie.

Gift for an actor! by Ok_Nefariousness7375  •  last post Dec 2nd

Hey yall, i have a friend whos into acting and even wants to persue it so i thought no better people to ask then other actors what she might want for christmas. i should also mention that she does more film acting than theater. im looking for fun, unique gifts and not necessarily equipment. let me know if you want more info and thank you for advance for any suggestions!

Looking for voice actor/actors for an analog horror series by ALTRABYTE  •  last post Dec 2nd

I might be looking in the wrong place, but I'm searching for some VA's to voice some characters. The series takes place in 2004, a man named Alex Harper has bought a box full of three VHS tapes, and other film reel. Each watch through of these tapes keep getting stranger and stranger, it's like what ever is in these old tapes from 1988 to the 2000s, is trying to contact him... but why are they telling him to 'wake up'? If anyone is interested in this, please message/DM me and I'll send the script over to ya. Note that I'm not that confident in my writing, but I feel that I'm improving

just wanted to say im meeting actress ming na wen tomorrow by nicholasbloom  •  last post Dec 2nd

shes been in everything over the yrs disney marvel star wars etc im gonna ask what inspired her n acting

Finally Feeling Validated by ZebyKhan  •  last post Dec 2nd

Hi everyone! I wanted to celebrate this year with this community. I’ve been lurking for years and I’m constantly motivated and inspired by all of you. This is the first year in my over 7 years of acting that I finally feel validated by this industry. Like all of us, I’ve been fighting for crumbs and something must be hitting because I’ve booked 11 projects this year. 5 commercials that ranged from being on tv to just playing online. 3 co-stars for tv shows(shooting my last one today for Amazon!). 2 industrials and 1 pilot being EP’d by a big director. I finally feel like I might be able to make this into a career. I’ve been an actor for 7 years. Moved to NYC with very little money and no connections with the kind of confidence only a 20 year old can have. I just got signed to an agency last year after trying for so many years. This industry broke me and I’ve wanted to quit so many damn times but I always said “just a few more months”. This industry is tough but I hope this post inspires you to continue to act! Never give up! There’s a place in this industry for all of us in this industry! Thank you so much everyone for all the advice you’ve all given, the tough love, and the never ending support. Forever a subscriber to r/acting.

Actors here be like So What If ... by doersvtalkers  •  last post Dec 2nd

Hi. I am an actor. I'm really good. I promise. I am 28 years old and I started acting four years ago. Four whole years I have been doing this. The last 32 months during a global pandemic. So why can I not get an agent? I took a Zoom class for awhile. I rehearsed for it a few times and the teacher said I was great. So what if he knew I would give him a bad Yelp review if he said I wasn't? Just like I did with that nasty woman I started with in-person that kept getting on my case? So what if she had a proven track record for training working actors? So what if there are more than 1,000 actors in L.A. that look just like me? So what if there are more than 5,000 worldwide? I deserve an agent, dammit. I never did theater in high school. I was too cool to hang out with the theater geeks. I never did it in college either and have never done a play nor do I intend to. I have never done anything artistic in my life. That is nerd shit and this is show business. Not show art. I don't have time for it anyway because I have an office job that tires me out too much mentally. I have that because I majored in something practical in college that is not even what I do. So what if there were at least five perfectly good theater, film, and media arts departments in my home state university system I could have attended for cheap had I applied myself in high school? So what if I could have gotten this same job with any one of those degrees? I am too good to work with my hands so don't talk to me about that. I deserve to get an agent and get famous right here from my cubicle. See, this is all about luck. Every actor you see on television or the big screen just got lucky if they are not nepotism babies. There is no good reason I should not just blow right by all those privileged theater nerds that have been acting since they were little kids. And those that went to college and grad school for it? That spell it with a TRE? Are you kidding me? Nerds! They aren't special like me. No I am not arrogant. They are the ones that are arrogant for thinking they are better than me. So what if they have been committed to acting their whole lives and I only started dabbling in it a few years ago? We don't need a license for this and do not even need to be good at it. But I am good at it because I say so. Better than them. I would be a lead on a prestige show and on my way to the A-List by now if not for all the talentless nepotism babies clogging up the works and getting in my way. So what if they are proven commodities? So what if they grew up on and around professional television and film sets? So what if I wouldn't even know where to go if I stepped into one of those places? So what if I don't know what 95% of the people on those sets even do? They are in a place that is rightfully mine. But I can't get a decent agent and cannot for the life of me book the co-star that would surely lead me to the promised land. That is everyone's fault but my own.

Are you Fi-core? by Failed2launch  •  last post Dec 2nd

For those who don't know, a Fi-Core actor is someone who joined the SAG-AFTRA union, and then decided to announce Fi-Core status and allow yourself to work non-union jobs. I want to know if you had success after declaring Fi-Core status. Also, bonus points if you live in a Right-to-Work state and can tell me if you still do union jobs WITHOUT DECLARING Fi-Core. If you're new to voice acting, I recommend googling the term, because mods don't allow links to non-reddit sites. [View Poll](

I think I let a future acting career slip by by Mr-whatever46  •  last post Dec 2nd

A few months ago or maybe it was a year ago I was on and I saw that they were looking for extras or actors for a TV show called the flight attendant, and at the time I was kinda interested in it, but I just passed on it, and as of right now it is streaming on HBO Max, honestly I wish I pursued that chance.