my comic can be read on Looking for middle-low register female voices for the main character (~20 lines) and her daughter (like 2 lines lol). Need anyone who can voice act the children too. Room for misc. male voices if interested too.
Hello fellow actors. I am currently a theater actor and in AP Research, this is my senior year of high school. My paper is regarding Discrimination in the Theater Industry, and through my literature review, I found a gap regarding the effects it has on mental health. I am conducting a survey to answer that gap. If you guys would like to fill out this 5-minute survey regarding how discrimination in theater has affected your mental health, it would be greatly appreciated! ​ []( ​ Disclaimer: While this data will be anonymous, it will be used in my paper, and your taking the survey gives me your consent to use your data.
If you’re in a legit tv show, do you get a script for all of the episodes in it’s entirety or do you just get scripts for whatever episodes you’re going to be in? I always assumed it was only the scenes or episodes that the actor was going to be in because I’ve heard some actors say that they didn’t find out certain parts of the show they were in until they watched it. Thanks I’m advance!
I’m 18 and I’ve really wanted to be an actor since I was young, but I’ve noticed in movies and shows there aren’t much asian actors. Now I’m not talking about movies like crazy rich Asians, or everything everywhere all at once, or even movies like Shang chi. I’m just wondering what are the chances of an Asian actor being a main character in a show or movie where his race is not the main focus of the movie?
I’ve wanted to be an actor for almost 3 years now I’m 14 years old 5’11 decent looking And unique sorta I think but I really just love that your a whole different person while acting it’s like watching your self in different life’s I watch these actors living different life’s in each film and it just something about being someone else but anyway I really have no life plans I just wasn’t gonna try at all in my life cause I’ve only ever wanted to act I don’t except to become a star just expect to be paying the bills with acting or at least close to it I have a uncle that lives in LA he’s been in a movie he said he can help me out and that I should start now I’m going to move to LA once I’m 18 I’m moving to Arizona very soon I just know I need to take acting classes but first I’m going to get headshots to just post to sites I just need help on what do I do after I did acting classes for 3-4 years and after I got my photos how do I get a acting agent or how can I get a talent manager I’ve been looking in to one of those I’ve heard the actor for breaking bad walts son for got his name he had a talent agent at a young age someone just give me some advice I really want to do this I’ve tried doing this already 4 times I was gonna get headshots but always worried about what if it fails but like I said I’m dropping out soon I have no plans so I’m going to really really pursue acting if it doesn’t work out oh well then at least I tried what I wanted to do gonna give it till 30 then what ever happens in my life happens I don’t even care anymore so I’m not worried at all anymore about not getting anywhere with acting I’m going to try as hard as I can to become and semi successful actor I heard acting you can get lucky at any point it just takes one movie one show
I had an audition with them, although they say their are no upfront fees I have an off feeling about it. I saw a review that was from 5 years ago saying they ended up having to take classes and do expensive photos with them, but the agency responded to the review saying it wasn’t true lol, so no clue what to believe. They say they are a member of actra, but are not on the site. A few of their actors have some good credits but I’m still a little worried. Im very new, so it might just be horror stories. I’ve been doing pretty well booking from self submissions too so I’m scared to sign and get less work!!
I explored LA for a bit and was lucky enough to be accepted into Marjorie Ballentine's master class, and I was pumped to begin, but life brought me back east so I wasn't able to take the class. I'm looking for similar level master classes so I can be around people better than me, actors working at the guest / recurring / series regular level that I can learn from. I don't want to join a mixed level class. Bob Krakower, I'd love to take classes with obviously, but he hasn't accepted new students in quite a while. Vance Barber, one of his disciples, requires you to have studied with Bob first. Eric Reiss, he's been on my list for a long time too but his classes are still over zoom, and I really want to get back to acting in person with 20 people staring at me when I do it. Everything else I can find seems to be mixed-level or still over zoom. David Gideon, Karen Giodano, Anthony Abeson are all on my list as well. What other classes exist that I should research? I'm trained in meisner so I'd like to explore other techniques. I'd love to find a great clowning class, as I've never done that before. Getting into a reputable improv track that could potentially lead to being able to perform regularly on a team is something I'm interested in too, but I'm not seeing much for that these days. What classes changed the game for you / helped your break through to the next level in terms of skill level? Thanks for your help!
Hello reddit I’m a M18 and acting is one of my biggest dreams. I currently am in community college first year in San Francisco. In high school I didn’t do theater .I was to nervous and always afraid I would forget my lines and get bullied, last time I was in a play was elementary school, I was a lead but forgot 1/4 lines. I still remember the line I forgot till this day. In high school I was in Video Production for 3 years(editing/directing class, it was really cool) we made skits and every other Wednesday it will be shown to the school via bulletin if your skit was good enough. A handful of times me and my group would make it in the bulletin and I would be a main character in our skits. I loved it. I’ve always struggled in school just to find out last year I was diagnosed with ADD, anxiety & low self esteem. It all made sense when I was diagnosed, the puzzles connected haha. Now that I’m 18 I really want to get out there and start my acting career. I feel even more motivated because I’m getting alot of compliments of how good I look now, and that I should model(which is another goal of mine but that’s for another subreddit I should talk about. I have backstage and actors access but they always ask me to pay to submit to a role. Which one do I trust? Apparently it’s very important to have a agency representing you as well. Let’s say I want to someday play as a superhero for like DC or marvel, how can I get a chance to audition? I pretty much dm Sarah Finn every week to pray one day she sees my messages. My biggest fear is getting a role I’ve been waiting for just to overthink and forget my lines. Is there any method anyone knows to glue it in my brain(at the right time)is this dream of mine realistic?
There is a casting office in Tampa with an older lady behind a desk who would check actors in. I think her name is “Kathy?” I remember her being such a vile person. She would talk down to me all the time even though I’d book commercials through the office. I tried so hard to be friendly with her but she would never let it happen. Even when I was leaving and heading to LA, I tried to give her a thoughtful goodbye, which went like this: Me: "Hi, I just wanted to let you know it's been nice meeting you at this office. I'm moving to LA." K: "Moving to LA? Are you SAG YET?" Me: "No not yet." (I am now) K: "Well, good luck then, because you're just gonna be another face in the crowd." I was a bit stunned that someone who also would talk so highly of herself in "the industry" would belittle so harshly other actors...over nothing at all. I ended up booking such amazing roles in my career that I am so thankful for, but I know she wouldn’t care, and would probably find a way to talk him down. The only people I’d see her talk nice to were way overly bubbly actors who I believe were paying for her acting class. Maybe she was a good teacher. I don’t know, can’t say. I’ll just never forget her attitude. The worst I ever came across. Anyone else? If not her feel free to share your own story.
Sometimes I get very into a TV show and it gets me thinking: Yes, I want to do what they do! But at the same time, when I imagine the life of a professional but not famous actor who has to accept most of the roles he is offered it starts to lose its appeal... I also don't want to do theatre. I feel like if it were truly about the art of acting for me, I would want to it. But I don't. It always seemed rather silly to me. Or is it common to not want to do theatre but TV? I've also noticed that I'm okay with being an average actor. I don't really strive for greatness in my craft. But then again... so many famous actors don't seem all that ambitious about their acting. So many seem to be just okay but not amazing actors. But well maybe they were only in it for the fame too... I've always wanted to be famous but didn't care about acting until I hit my 20s...
Hey guys. I know we all go through this on our acting journey but I’ve been in a hole for the last few months. It seems like I’m sending really good tapes, my agent is impressed with and people I do them with, studio, etc. I just can’t book anything. I’ve been with my agent for over a year, had a few pencils and feedbacks at the beginning but for over 6 months I must’ve taped at least 25 times and I heard nothing…. Nothing… I just don’t know what’s going on. It crashes my confidence. No feedback no nothing. I am ashamed to say I’m an actor when somebody asks me what I do. I just don’t know. Became really confused lately. Not sure if I should be doing it. Yeah I love it and I really want it and I work and invest in it but I don’t know. Like anything… even “hey thanks for your tape it was ok”. I don’t know. I’m really close to just giving up. I don’t really know what I want from this post. Maybe you have an advice or something.
Is it good for a new actor career to act in Bollywood? I’ve heard mix’s things about it
I did the talent link on actors access and I received a message from someone saying theyre interested in representing me. What do I ask, how do I know if they're a right fit for me?
I signed with Evolution Talent Agency about a year ago. This is my first agency, so I’m fairly new to this. Honestly, I’m a bit frustrated because 99% of the time they only send extra roles. The rest is basically up to me to go on actors access and pay them I believe 20 percent for non sag, and 10 percent for sag. The way I got signed was with an audition for them. They made us all read a Sears script, which seemed pretty stupid for film and television to me considering there was no way to really gauge emotional depth from a 3 sentence sears commercial script. Afterwards they signed me, and just threw me a two year contract with no formal meeting or even a brake down of what it means to sign with the agency. Fast forward, I’m kind of at a point where I feel pretty frustrated, because I don’t get what’s the point of being signed by an agency just to submit to extra roles that I could’ve done myself. A brief history and background for myself, I’ve edited for Mr.Beast. Won a Best Visual Effects award for my first film. I somehow impressed the lead sound designer of the Twilight Saga, who actually worked on my first film film. Also went on the Red Carpet at the Cannes Film Festival in France. Before the beast channel I kinda hit a crash and basically built my reel from the ground up. Don’t mean to sound like a glorified douche, just wanna show I’m passionate about things. Just wanted to know from other actors if the whole extras thing and barely any auditions is usual. At this point, I don’t feel like this is an agency I can really advance my career with. And would love feedback on what I may need to do better.
What does it mean to be a “technical actor”? How does this compare to, say, and emotional actor? What is the opposite of a technical actor? Are there certain advantages to being a “technical actor”? What kinds of projects and work would “technical acting” be more suited towards? Thanks everyone!
I have a question about (and for) Asian actors based in the US and UK. Have there been instances where you got casted for an Asian role but it’s not your ethnicity? For example, the character is supposedly Japanese but you’re Korean. Does that happen a lot? How do you feel about it? If this is inappropriate, please feel free to delete this post.
I have little to no reel footage. I have a small bit of footage that I made from a short film project I shot on film that I am in. I have headshots from modeling and collaborations I have done. I've been applying to all sorts of projects on backstage and actors access, i get auditon requests, and then crickets. I know it is the nature of the biz. But I really would love to land an agent for the sake of representation. I have a list of SAG agents I would like to send my headshot/best self tape/very limited reel to, but is it even worth it to do? Do agents entertain new actors with little to no experience/reel footage?
I’m just curious what you guys think are the more common/more competitive actor types? Like gender, race, size, etc. I think there is a proper word for it but it’s slipping my mind! I know it is competitive for everyone, but I would assume a 22 year old women would have a harder time booking roles than say a 55 year old? Curious on all your thoughts!
I currently live in Columbus, Ohio and am looking to try applying to talent agencies for acting. Does anyone have any experience with the Helen Wells Agency or Heyman Talent agency? I can't find many reviews of them online besides the few that are on Google and the majority of those are from years ago. I was also trying to check out PCG Talent but again, their Google reviews are from years ago, and it's hard to find out anything else about them. They have a website, however, they don't have a FAQ section nor do they give any information on how to apply or what their process is; just a contact form and that's it. If anyone here is a new/small time actor residing in Columbus, OH, do you mind sharing any info you have on these three talent agencies, please? I just want to hear honest experiences, so anything anyone can share is greatly appreciated. Also, if you are from Columbus and used another talent agency outside of these, please do share!