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Actors Access Video Pixellation by Ok_Spell_6971  •  last post Oct 31st

I have a great camera (or so I thought), but my videos look like sh\*t on Actors Access. I know this happens to everyone, but I have peeped other actors' reels and have seen a few which look clearer than mine. Is there some tip that I'm missing, beyond just uploading even higher resolution footage?

Working actors on here that are recurring guest stars / series regulars & above: what are your THOUGHTS through out the day? by fuckingabundance  •  last post Oct 31st

i'm getting metaphysical as fuck, because doing things "the normal way" isn't getting me where I want to be. I am trying to reprogram my mind & my subconscious mind with thoughts of abundance, wealth, success, and ultimately with the same thoughts that series regulars have through out the day, so that I can transform my life to get to that place as well. So, for the recurring guest star actors on here and the series regular actors on here.. can you be kind enough to describe what thoughts you think through out the day? 1. What is your overall mindset like? 2. When you wake up in the morning, what thoughts do you think? 3. What are your thoughts right before you go to bed? 4. When you're going about your day, doing chores and menial tasks, where is your mind? What thoughts are you thinking? When you are doing things you HATE, where is your mind at and what thoughts are you thinking? 5. When you are working on your acting stuff, going through your scripts, what are you thinking? What are your thoughts? 6. What other activities do you do to keep your mind in a positive place? Do you do specific exercises? Specific yoga? Specific stretching exercises or breathing exercises? 7. Do you do any kind of "law of attraction" / "law of assumption" / "manifesting" exercises like visualizing a scene of your goals complete and looping it in a relaxed state or positive affirmations or anything like that? 8. What was your mindset like back when you were "struggling" and how did you change your mindset to what it is now, and do you attribute that to your success booking more work and moving up the ladder as now a recurring guest star or series regular? 9. What can you attribute to being the main differences in how you think back then vs. now? 10. What else can you say has helped you, mentally, spiritually, in your path to get you where you are today? 11. Do you consider yourself "lucky"? Do you consider yourself "better than other people" or "more talented than other people"? Or do you consider yourself "humble" and focus on gratitude for what you have"? Please don't knock me for asking these questions. Some of you may think it's "woo woo". But people like me are born into less-than-opportune circumstances and the "work hard and grind" and blah blah blah doesn't seem to lead anywhere (I think it's a trap, personally). I believe unlocking my mind and overhauling my thinking to not only be more positive / abundance oriented, but to actually THINK and HAVE THE SAME THOUGHTS as working actors, will help to manifest that into my reality. And holy cow guys, I could really use that help, so please indulge me with these questions, if you could be so kind. Thank you!

actors choice by BluebirdLow6195  •  last post Oct 31st

If acting is mostly actors choice why do u need classes ? all classes teach is headshots, resume, portfolio etc. just ways to spend money. Anyone can join their schools low-budget theatre program and come out with amazing acting. There’s bad actors that have “token” classes. All acting is is the interpretation of how a person displays a character or emotion

What's the deal with actor's trailers? by TimPrice2  •  last post Oct 31st

This is a bit of a newbie question, but what's the deal with the trailers actors have? What is their main purpose? How many actors on a production get them (only the top stars, all recurring roles, everyone including day players, etc)? How nice are they inside?

Looking for advice. by mmd12703  •  last post Oct 30th

Hey everyone I am new to this subreddit and am intrested in doing voice acting the past two years Ive been a scare actor and it has provided plenty of opportunities to get to voice act for certain characters for example mine tonight had a very deep southern Louisiana accent and I nailed it where should I go from here to get proper training and gettinv started looking for roles? Any advice is appreciated!

Will ADHD medication effect my performance as an Actor? by Supaturkk  •  last post Oct 30th

I've been struggling my whole life when it comes to reading and i'm really struggling on the theory side of acting. i'm 5 weeks in my Acting course and It's a 3 year course squished into 2 years. I've booked in to see a psychiatrist about it. I'm just worried that this medication will effect my performance Long term as I'm committed to doing this fulltime for the rest of my life! I've also done a complete detox from distractions like Social Media, Gaming, Youtube etc.. for about 10 weeks hoping it'll help me to concentrate but i'm still struggling.. :( Just wondering how anyone elses experience with ADHD that's in this field. Thank you

6 Headshot Disasters To Avoid by Headshots-in-London  •  last post Oct 30th

Ok, let’s be honest headshot disasters are pretty common – more so than you’d think. I'm a headshot photographer in London and I talk to casting directors on a regular basis, and in that time I’ve heard about several headshot disasters that occur over and over again! In this article, I’m going to explain 6 headshot disasters to avoid and how doing so will improve your opportunities for more auditions and more work. I thought it would be a good idea to go over some of the most common headshot disasters here. 1. – Headshot Disaster no.1 – Your headshot doesn’t look like you. 2. – Headshot Disaster no.2 – Your headshot is a bank and bland. 3. – Headshot Disaster no.3 – Face acting / overacting. 4. – Headshot Disaster no.4 – Distractions – background, jewellery, clothing. 5. – Headshot Disaster no.5 – Too much comedy. 6. – Headshot Disaster no.6 – Too much sexuality. And as you read these disasters ask yourself these questions about your headshot; *  Does my headshot look like me as I am now? *  What’s the message my headshot is sending? *  Could it be better, what can I improve? * Is your headshot dated, are your clothes, hairstyle and style of photography old-fashioned? * Am I connecting with the viewer, are my eyes alive? ### Headshot Disaster no.1 – Your headshot doesn’t look like you! [How's that for a toupé?]( I’ve heard this time and time again,  the number one complaint from casting directors is; when an actor walks into the audition room they don’t look like the headshot they submitted. Wow! Can you imagine that? What a waste of time, both your time and more importantly the time of the casting director and their team! A big no-no! Why do actors do it? Well, there can be many reasons from laziness in updating their headshot, to not being aware of how they look now. And, a real or more likely, imaginary concert about the way they look. I don’t look 30 anymore… and the resulting fear they’ll be no more opportunities anymore. What a load of rubbish, there are acting roles for every age! As a headshot photographer for almost 30 years, I’ve dealt with just about every possible insecurity known to men or women when shooting headshots. I’ve had men whose hair is thinning on top ask me to fill it in and give them a lush head of hair. Men and women who wanted to look younger, less haggard or less tired. I’ve had requests to remove double chins, wrinkles, bags, and scars, you name it and an actor has usually asked to have me ‘Photoshop it’. ### It’s not fare The wear and tear of everyday life has an effect on the body, late work nights, too many parties, excessive drinking and smoking all leave their marks on our faces – it’s who we are. We should be happy about the way we look, it reflects the lives we have lived. It’s all part of our very own characters and therefore our castability. One of my jobs as a headshot photographer is to advise my clients on how to achieve a successful headshot, sometimes that advice can be tough to hear. But it’s tough love – I want you to score more auditions and book more work. However, knowing who you are and accepting your look is key to a successful headshot and can sometimes be tough to accept. But when you do it opens new doors and opportunities. You should embrace who you are. Understanding who you are as an actor and accepting the roles you are suitable to play based on the way you look is a big step forward. Shooting headshots to suit those characters and those roles will ensure you are pitching yourself at the right type of roles. It’s also helping you to avoid some of the more common headshot disasters. Therefore roles you are more like to be asked to audition for. Make sure you avoid the wrath of a casting director by submitting a headshot that looks like you do, not your younger sister or brother. Look out for Headshot Disaster no.2 coming soon.

Who is it!? by madeahames  •  last post Oct 30th

My Mum says I remind her of a singer/actress from maybe the 90s, early 2000s. She might be American. She might be called Melissa. Emphasis on the mights! Oh, she has dark hair. Fgs, help me in this pursuit. Oh, also, she wasn't mainstream.

how to check if a stage name is available by YogurtclosetFresh991  •  last post Oct 30th

Hi, ​ I'm new to acting and was wondering how to make sure a stage name was not already taken by any other actors. I've searched imdb and heard that I should check in with sag aftra. Does anyone else have any other good resources or databases to see if an acting stage name is unused? ​ Thanks!

Online Agent/Manager Showcases by Ok-Area-6990  •  last post Oct 30th

Can anyone who has done the showcases from acting and voice studios and actors connection tell me how they work? Like I know it’s says there a Q&A then you have the chance to perform but is it like a performance in front of everyone who is on the zoom or just for the agent/manager like in a breakout room or something?

UK actor here. How do you source your work? by Ramoach  •  last post Oct 30th

I've been acting for a little over 4 years now and have an agent. So far I've gotten all my roles from starnow and backstage but I am now on spotlight. I'd love to hear how you find work aside from those methods! Just trying to get myself out there more. Hopefully this is helpful to other Uk actors too. Cheers!

Starting out need advice by mmd12703  •  last post Oct 30th

Hey everyone I am new to the subreddit, growing up I took multiple acting and improv classes as an adult I have 2 years work experience as a scare actor where ive gotten to do lots of character development and voice acting. I have been told I have a very good facial structure and jaw to act or model I am getting headshots done soon, but what should I do from here? What should be my next step from trying to transition from a scare actor to a real actor? Any advice is appreciated friends!

What would your ideal acting class be like? by Unhelpfulhelpful  •  last post Oct 29th

I moved away from my favourite casual/short course acting school and am half tempted to try to recreate it. It was a place where you had to submit your CV to do any of their courses and workshops and I loved that concept because it meant that it wasn't an awkward mix of newbies and experienced actors. I got to work with a brilliant dramaturg, had working actors as teachers, and did some great accent classes. So for those who are currently working/auditioning, what sort of class would be your ideal class to join? One that challenges you? Keeps you fresh for auditions?

Looking for voice by Llama_plushies  •  last post Oct 29th

I am making a show/ series on YT called "Vodka County" I need voice actors for main character Vodka and the background characters if anyone wants to for free Dm me

submitting workshopped scenes to producer by Right_Candy859  •  last post Oct 29th

I have a screenplay that I have submitted to a producer who is keen on the piece. I have already indicated that I intend to play the lead. This, will most certainly be one of many obstacles to getting this over the line. Now, I am a professional actor with plenty of experience but I'm far from being a named actor. I am also naive when it comes to approaching producers hence my question. Is it a good idea to have a few workshopped scenes ( self tape/ rehearsal studio) on the ready should they come back and have reservations on my casting?Or is this amateurish etc?(Let's aaume the acting is good)

Starter agency recommendations in LA? by fuhhh45645  •  last post Oct 29th

I’m planning on finding representation in LA is there any agency’s any of y’all recommend for a actor starting out? Specially for theatrical representation/ commercial

Suggestions for medium to short 3M scenes? by prosql  •  last post Oct 29th

I'm hoping to get some suggestions for a scene from a theater play. The criteria I need to meet is: * 7-10 minute length * 3 male actors (It's ok if a given actor plays more than one character, but there needs to be an obvious point for the role swap). Actors are 20's, 40's and 50's, but it isn't a huge deal if they have to play something outside their age group. * Each actor needs to have significant stage time - that is, the 3rd can't be a single incidental character (them playing multiple characters over the course of the scene is fine) * Public domain or available very inexpensively (educational use only - not for performance) This is for an acting class assignment that requires a 7-10 minute scene with 2 classmates who are both male. I can find scenes, but finding matching length is a challenge and I simply don't have the breadth of play knowledge to pull ideas out of thin air. I was able to find some interesting duologues when it was going to be just me and one other actor, but an additional actor was placed in the mix and now I'm struggling for a fit. This isn't for production use - it will be an in class only thing. I do not, however, mind paying a small fee for a script I know will meet the need. At the moment, my only candidate is a scene from A Midsummer's Night Dream, but we'd like to go with something more modern. Suggestions are appreciated!

Why does not being represented prevent you from being cast? by Blueeyesindisguise  •  last post Oct 28th

Despite being called in to audition for roles , will casting/production not move forward with an actor with no representation who has a good audition?

What do you guys think about Evan Peter’s performance in the Jeffrey Dahmer mini series? by inaszzz  •  last post Oct 28th

Guys this is not an usual question here… but I just want to hear the opinions of my fellow actors and actresses.