Basically the above question. I (20 NB) just wanted to get the general scope of things. Emma D'arcy and Mason Alexander Park are probably the only prominent NB actors I know as of the moment and they both can pass off as cis characters of their AGAB. I'm currently in Uni and I want to act in the future but I also want to get top surgery and I was wondering how that would affect my prospects of booking jobs and etc. given that NB characters are pretty rare and I might need chest stuff to pass as my AGAB. Would appreciate anything you can share w me. Thanks in advance :)
Hello to all voice actors, I would like to know **what are some channels or platform that you guys use to post your voice over work or demo?** I know there are a lot of different ways to get your work published these days. I don't know if you guys have any other channels besides YouTube or not. If you do have, please kindly share yours. It would be really great help to me and others. Thank you.
I’m a freshman in college and I have this Gen-Ed theatre class that requires me to act out a scene of the Professor’s choosing for the final. It’s in a few weeks, but we received our scenes yesterday. Upon reading mine, I was shocked. He said that he picked pieces that he felt “fit our character”. My character, throughout the play, uses many swear words and talks about sexually explicit things. My scene partner, however, does not. I feel deeply uncomfortable with having to say these things in front of my class, considering that I do not speak like this around strangers or freely in public. I’m more on the reserved side, but not shy. This is making me really upset. My professor did preface that everything is “just acting” before giving us our scripts, but after seeing mine I don’t know how I can possibly separate myself from this vulgar content seeing as I’m not a professional actor and I do not plan on acting anytime soon (just a Gen-Ed class, I’m a film major with a concentration in cinematography). Any advice helps. Thanks.
Hi all, Shooting a SAG micro budget short and we have a party scene. We'd like to populate with non-union actors - I'm curious how much it would typically cost? These would essentially be 'Day Players' for a couple hours in the scene.
Apologies and delete if not allowed, but is anyone able to identify the voice actor in this video? Or maybe a very similar one? Thanks and sorry again if not allowed. I can repost tomorrow in anything goes :) [Faust Wine](
Do you think people just have this talent hidden inside of them to act? I’m 27 now (m). And since about 8 I was really intrigued by actors I was seeing on movies and tv. I would look them up to see where they were from and how they started. Throughout middle school and high school that’s all I would think about. I’m not sure why. I kept telling everyone it’s what I wanted to do but for some reason I was scared to do theater in HS cause being on the football team I didn’t want to be made fun of. I didn’t go to college after HS and I’ve always worked off dead end jobs.I’m not sure if the universe works in a way to make you meet people for a reason just I would often bump into people who in somewhat involved with acting or that’s what they want to do. I ended up joining the Navy reserves a few years ago. I’m thinking about going active and not too long ago after giving up on chasing that dream for a long time I had a co worker who has her own business in production and I told her about my life story and she said go for it. Is this the universe telling me something? Are acting classes worth or better to go to an acting college? How do I find out if this is really what I want to do?
I'm about to be 30. I started taking acting classes about a year ago and I feel like I can compete with the best of them. Unfortunately I don't have a reel but have clips from my acting class. How do I get in front of representation without any credits? I don't want to sit here cranking out a bunch of backstage student film auditions.
I have a scene with 2 other actresses who play my best friends in a film that I have the lead in. They were cast a while ago when another actress had my part, and cast around her I guess. Now that I have the role I do not mesh well with these women. They’re low key bullies and kind of mean, they mocked me during a club scene we had together because I didn’t want to twerk (wouldn’t make sense for my character). I genuinely just do not like their personalities and I’m not looking forward to working with them for our final scene together. How can I deal with this? I barely want to be in the same room as them. I know I need to get over it but I just need some advice.
Hello everyone I am a beginner actor and I am having a hard time getting out of my own head when rehearsing lines. I feel like my delivery is the same their no dimension behind it just bland. I’ve been working with an acting coach and we are working on finding the visceral reaction to a line. But no matter how many times I repeat it all sounds artificial. Would love some help
i've been in a rut for way too long. not being able to afford quality / consistent classes in many years to improve / network obviously has an affect as well. I just feel like i've been pursuing this for so long, I still feel so empty, like i'm missing something fundamental in terms of finding work / booking jobs, etc. etc. im in sag, i read for co-stars about 1-2x a week usually, on average, once in a while i'll get a tape for something bigger, but it's so sporadic, and i've been pinned a bunch last year, lots of repeats from casting, but it's just taking absolutely forever, like enough to make you go crazy, and i'm just not happy at all with this journey. frankly, it completely fucking sucks. I need WAY more fulfillment and i just want to fucking book a job, or I need to completely restructure my life and adjust how much time i even think about acting, let alone pursuing it, because it's just driving me absolutely crazy. somebody that hasn't put 1/100th of the work in that I have can get "lucky" and book a job faster than me, even after the years i have put into this. it just infuriates me, and i dont want to feel this way anymore. anyway, i'm based in brooklyn. I'd love to buy you a coffee and ask you some questions / share my materials, if anybody has time today (sunday) or one day this week. Thanks guys!
I live in Canada and while waiting for a booking as an actor, I mainly do extra/background work so I drive a LOT. I am considering getting QuickBooks or Self-employed and I know the subscription fee can be written off but im checking if there are better options out there. Thank you!
What do you use to wash your rhinoceros skin?
Recently I did a pilot with some really cool people. One of the actors added me to a group chat but he called the group chat something else that has nothing to do with a film or tv show. Idk if I’m just overthinking things or if my question is actually a possibility…
Hey everyone, I'm just venting mostly, but I want your perspective and any similar stories on this as well. Sorry if it's rambling. I'm just super frustrated and need to get this out. A bit of context: I've been a professional actor for around 11 years, living in LA where I have a commercial and theatrical agent. I'm auditioning fairly frequently. Not terrible, not great, you know how it is. I recently stated a 90 day period with a manager. I met them two or so years ago now, and we kept in touch, finally pulling the trigger a month or so ago. One of their more famous clients has a class, and they have an ongoing group that meets on the Clubhouse app, which is essentially an advertisement for the class. It's cool, and it's a positive environment, but it's an add more or less. Anyone that has been at this for a while knows the kind of thing I'm talking about. I join and it goes well. I talk to them a bit and I leave that feeling pretty excited. We also had a phone call beforehand that seemed to go really great, and they seemed normal and professional. I was very honest about my desire at this point in my career to continue to build relationships with casting directors and show them that I am reliable and have a solid craft, to which they seemed very receptive. I introduce them to my agents, and it turns out that they already know each other. Great! They had me join Casting Workbook in addition to the sites I'm already on (LA Casting, Actor's Access, Casting Frontier), but they stressed that it was free and that I didn't need to pay for the premium until we get some traction on the site. This was also a good sign, IMO. After I joined, I shot them an email to chat about next steps, to which they replied by inviting me to join another meeting on the Clubhouse app the next day. I assumed this would be some kind of orientation for new clients. Turns out, it was just another meeting advertising her client's class. Ok...fine. I talk to them a bit again, goes well again. But it's very apparent that this client is pushing me pretty aggressively to join the class. I feel I should say that I'm not resistant to going the class, but I can't afford it right now. That's the reality we all face as artists. Sometimes money is tight. That's why I'm seeking a help me get in the room for higher profile and paying projects...but anyway... After this meeting, I text my manager to thank them for having me, and let them know that I have many great interactions and new contacts from my own work over the last two years that I'm excited to share. They respond with a heart eyes emoji. Ok, ok, good sign. I compose a super organized and succinct email with the most important stuff in bold, about all the networking stuff I had been working on, and letting her know when I'm free to chat about it... This includes some really great auditions, online direct message interactions, and workshops with some really prolific casting directors and actors. I've had a busy two or so years. That was about a month ago...and she has completely ghosted me. She never responded to that email. I even followed up after two weeks and got nothing. I have no clue how this could have offended her, or if it's even personal at all. I just don't understand how showing initiative puts off so many people in this industry. This isn't the first time this has happened to me. I'm always very careful to make it clear that I'm deferring to them on wether or not any of the leads I have are worth anything, but I'm simply doing what industry professionals constantly harp on that actors do on their own. I'm feeling pretty gaslit by the whole thing. Should I no longer try to take initiative, or should I do it in a different way? What are your thoughts on what my next move should be?
So my situation is this: I worked as a child actor from 8–13 in big shows like RSC’s Macbeth, School of rock etc. Now I’m 16 years old and I’ve decided I want to continue as a working actor though I’ve developed so many other interests e.g singer-songwriting, fashion, writing, film etc. I’m a term (UK equivalent of a semester for the USA kids) into my screen acting and writing course at my production arts college and surprisingly it sucks! The facilities and equipment are great; high-tech cameras, freedom to use the other course’s facilities e.g sewing machines in the costume department to make own clothes, but the teaching is a drag. It feels so introductory for me, not only that but I don’t think I have very good teachers either. They’re teaching us how to ‘play pretend with different characters’ rather than BECOME different people from different worlds and it’s so draining. The bottom line is, I don’t go home feeling like a better actor, I go home with regret for going to the college. It’s so oversubscribed too (25 kids per teacher.) I had an acting coach (Jeffery Meek - LA) for a month before joining and he changed my life when it comes to acting, only around 5 sessions before I temporarily quit to ‘settle into college’ and I already feel like I have a greater understanding on what it means to be a strong actor. Not only this but I had a routine in that 10 week summer before I joined. I was doing vocal training, dance classes, piano lessons and dialect coaching with stars in my eyes and purpose in my heart, it felt great! Knowing why I was waking up each morning, doing a little bit of work each day, it felt peaceful and productive. I thought if I quit it all to settle into school, I’d be able to get a feel for the workload then see how I can work my routine around it but I can’t! It feels like too much but i also underestimated how exhausting it is to go to college for a few hours to be in an environment I hate. My options are (According to the UK government): 1. Find a new course at a new college… Maybe something not very creative so I can separate my interests from ‘obligatory work.’ Business studies sounds like my best bet as I understand being an actor means my body is my business but I’d also love to run my own big company one day. 2. Work / volunteer 20 hours a week + part-time education… 3. Get an apprenticeship… I wondered if my Dad could start his own company to give me an apprenticeship so I can actually do whatever I want working under him .I was thinking of taking a year break from education so I can organise my life like it was in the summer. Money isn’t a huge issue for me thanks to the amount I’d piled on from my work as a child actor. I wondered if I should have a year off to try to develop my career as much as I can through lots of training and work under an apprenticeship of with a family member with a company. Then at the end of that year I can readdress whether I want to find a course or continue as i am. Maybe an acting coach in the UK would be better too. P.S I have a big musical theatre background, but I hate theatre now. I only want to do screen! I’ve given my ‘spotlight’ link so you can see my actor credits / training. I hope I’ve given enough information on my circumstances and dilemma. Let me know if you have any questions and looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
While working on set, a fellow actor told me one of the actors is not really vaccinated and has a fake card. There is no way that is true, right? Doesn’t production verify everyone’s medical records to make sure no one is lying?
As you guys can tell by todays and future movies, Latinos are slowly but surely making it into the main stream entertainment industry. I feel motivated and inspired seeing my own people make an example to be an actor. My girlfriend who is part of the industry, books regular BG principles but nothing too crazy. She told me I can break into it giving my background and looks. I appreciate her kind words but which girlfriend wouldn’t motivate their boyfriend to get into their hobbies? Anyway, she told me to get into BG work to see how it feels on set and to see how everything works. She helped me sign up with a random agency and got into work. The first month of working was so fantastic. The first bookings were fun mainly because I was with 5 or less BG and when that happens, everyone gets used to work, talk to camera crew, directors and basically gets to meet everyone. If it’s something I noticed, I would get pulled out of BG and get bumped up to photo doubles and stand-ins. It happened so fast I got my sag same month of working for the first time. In addition to that, I would regularly get photographed for stock photos for the movie/tv-show I would work for. I would ask my other BG co-workers how great it’s been-everyone would say I’m lucky to be getting my opportunities which is true. But I also got the conclusion I look different than everyone which is why I would get asked to do these bumps. What my point is, my luck isn’t getting me anywhere, it’s the fact that I’m brown and have a unique look to myself that appeals the production crew. I don’t mean to brag. I just need to take advantage of this. So far my agency signed me up for their stand-in department but I don’t want to used as an accessory anymore and would like to go further. Any pointers?
So I applied, auditioned for, and got cast in this student film about a month or so ago. Filming doesn't happen until Nov. 11th, but as far as I thought, I got the role in it. Got a message from the director I auditioned with, gave her my number, the works. Well, this morning I saw the same project on Actors Access, with the role I booked available to submit for (And no, this isn't an old listing, it was posted yesterday) I can't imagine this is a good thing, but I would think (or at least hope) that if they changed their mind on me, they would tell me? Does anyone know what this is about? (And I'm sure this probably wasn't a good idea in hindsight, but I was just so annoyed that I submitted myself again lol)
Hello! I'm a student from Thailand and I'm researching about voice acting/voice over hobbies and jobs for my university assignment. I got assigned to making a tutorial video about getting started as a voice actor. This video purpose was assigned as a guide way to make good use of free time. And I find voice acting to be one of the most interesting leisure activities, and it can also lead to career development in the future. For those of you who see this poll, I would like to ask you to press the option that matches yours. And I would really appreciate it if you could share your voiceover experience of what you're doing or how you started your voiceover. Whether you work in this line or just try it for fun, I would love to hear from you. Thank you in advance. **(Some comments may be included in the video, if you disagree please let me know.)** [View Poll](
Hi! I’m currently living in NYC and have done basically all of the service industry jobs as a side hustle. HOWEVER, I want a job that involves acting and I’m not sure where to start. It doesn’t have to pay the rent, just anything that might pay a little so I can afford acting classes. Thanks!