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2 options need help by Thy_imbecile  •  last post May 1st

Hi everyone, I have 2 different paths I can take but I’m really lost on which to peruse. One is go to acting school after college or get into medicine. I know there are both completely different and have nothing to do with each other but medicine provides certain comfortable pay where as acting dosent but acting just seems far more fun and like a hobby and not just a job . I checked online and it seems that only 2% of actors make a living just to sustain them selves. So if you guys found your self in a similar situation and had to make a decision in the next Few months what would you do? Take a degree that will guarantee you good pay but may leave you upset or risk it and go for something you like doing but could really put you in a tight situation.

Should I drop the show? by fuzhudeer  •  last post May 1st

Basically I'm black and have the least amount of singing and speaking than the rest of the cast. I have about three short singing lines while everyone else has entire songs or multiple phrases. I'm a soprano so it's not like I'm a bad singer. The white people have the most spoken and singing lines as well. There is one black role which has a song that's very soulful and has a clear blackcent that still hasn't been casted yet after two weeks. I have a feeling the older white woman who wants it badly will get it. I don't want to seem whiney cause you get what you get. I don't think the directors were consciously like "she's black! Give her less!" It's just really weird how I have far less than everyone else despite the theater preaching "inclusiveness" all the time. It's a professional theatre so I don't want to seem selfish or a diva for not getting a lot so I'm hesitating. Anyway should I drop? Tldr: I'm black and have the least amount of roles/lines than the nbpoc and white actors. Should I drop?

monologues needed! by 654323456789  •  last post May 1st

i’m getting back into acting after a long break during covid, and i’m working on monologues as a way to practice at home outside of classes and such. does anyone know of any good monologues for women? preferably sad/dramatic/romantic themes (bonus if there’s crying) and i need ones that come from movies or tv shows, because i try to challenge myself to do it differently than the original actor did, and also i’ve heard that the company im auditioning for soon prefers when you audition with something from modern media (not sure why tho) something over 1 minute is best, and i need something that will “pull at the heart strings” for an upcoming audition as well. also, if you know of any websites with a sort of database of monologues that would be very much appreciated as well!

Improv help! I accidentally interrupt a scene in progress and have one sentence to excuse my entrance before I exit. What do I say? by HouseofS  •  last post May 1st

I am doing a local production of ‘The Play That Goes Wrong’. My character bursts onto the stage with a fire extinguisher to put out a small fire in a bucket. The script calls for me to make an excuse why I’m leaving with the bucket but the special effects team says I have to leave the bucket on stage. So I get to Improv why I burst onstage (ignoring the fire that just went off) and quickly exit in one sentence (Not counting, ‘Good Bye’ or ‘Terribly Sorry’.) I turn to Reddit to see what different things I could say. Help a new actor out!

[Help needed] Help me decide my stage name by sadkins2244  •  last post May 1st

Hey folk! I'm an actor, and I have this small gig coming up, which is excellent! Except.. they asked for my name. Being a little more professional than the school plays I've done, I'm looking to sort of find and stick with my professional reputation. My name is Sydney Alexander Adkins, and I can't decide what sounds more professional and "powerful." Sydney Adkins? Sydney Alexander? Sydney A Adkins? (I also use Syd.) (I also have a few cool family names, but I don't have a heavy connection with them one way or another) tl;dr I'm a young nonbinary (they/he) actor, and I'm trying to figure out what works.

thoughts on Ryan Gosling by Julius-Wayne  •  last post May 1st

I was just wondering what you all thought of him. For some reason, I can't help but love him in every movie, but I have to admit compared to other actors his acting is a little dry. I've only watched a few of his best movies though, The Notebook, La La Land, and Drive. I've noticed he gets mixed reviews from different people and (loop back to beginning of post, continue reading until you wake up)

Awards and Accolades on Resume? by sp00kysabrina  •  last post May 1st

Hey! Looking to see what is appropriate to put on an acting resume before I put it on. I was in a film that was nominated so far for the Sundance Film Festival's Grand Jury Prize, won the Aspen Shortsfest Jury Prize for Best Comedy which makes it Oscar Qualifying, and won the Florida Film Festival Special Jury Award for Comedic Storytelling. I think those things are pretty cool haha and I feel like it might be beneficial to mention them, but they aren't like specific awards I myself won as an actor, they're just the awards a film I was in won so I'm not sure if they'd be appropriate to put on my resume. So, would any of those be appropriate to mention on my resume, would some be appropriate while others not so much, etc.? Thanks for any insight!

Casting Workbook Actors HomeKit? by TAVEL2oo  •  last post May 1st

Anybody know or remember the coupon code from Good Faith Casting (follow her on IG if you don't already) to buy the Actors Home Kit with a huge discount?

Pitfalls of argument scenes by shelovesme-sure  •  last post May 1st

I’m a high school teacher, and this round of Scene Study the kids have requested “intense arguments.” I’m working on compiling a lesson/list of pitfalls or common mistakes actors make when doing a (verbal) fight scene. Examples are shouting/emphasizing every curse word, getting very close your partner’s face the whole time, that kind of thing. Thanks, thespians!

film academy in mumbai by West-Thing158  •  last post Apr 30th

ICE is the best institute for learning acting, modelling, or direction. If you also want to become a professional actor or any related filmmaking career then ICE is the best choice. ICE has a strong connection and already so many alumni in ALT Balaji, Red Chillies, Balaji Telefilms, Dharma Production, and so many production houses. ICE is one of the best [Film academy in Mumbai]( ICE offers part-time courses or full-time courses for everyone who has an interest in the Filmmaking industry. You can check our alumni as well as what courses we offer by visiting our official website. Why only watch movies don’t you think we also have to participate in a lead role in any movies or TV serials. Trust me after choosing ICE institute you feel wings on the backside of your body. ICE holds your hands and gives you a proper lesson or guidance to become perfect in the career you choose in the Filmmaking line. After completing your course ICE also helps you to find the auditions places to achieve your goal and every time when a new audition is announced ICE will notify you. [](

Gauging interest by micaiahf  •  last post Apr 30th

So I am probably jump in the gun here with a slew of things. However, I have a project I a quite Serious about ( three years deep) and would like to see Succeed. I have multiple artists. Crafting my idea into physical form, I have all of my character designs (Not all as They are still currently being worked on) and a manga Artist currently taking what I have out of my (loosely Cobbled together script) (Not even in the correct format of what the script is) and fleshing it out. Etc... With all that being said I am potentially looking to have some voice actors do a little bit of voice acting (shocking I know right) I am building or attempting to build it with us known as a pitch Bible as I would maybe like to present this to the company once everything is completed. (Again I’m jumping the shark is might be like 5-10 years down the road) But I am just tossing this idea out here. r/WeaponsRemorse is my sub reddit. There is no art placed there or anything of the sort yet. As I would likely need to get everything copyrighted as I don’t want my ideas stolen… Again jumping the shark. The age range voices I am looking to cover are 8-10 yrs old (female), (female) 14, (male) 19 (female) 23 (female) late 30s-40s (male) 16. now I currently have three pages in a manga style being made right now so I would only need about three voice actors. To cover this one so far.. Anyway sorry for the wall of text. But I’m trying to convey this in a somewhat professional way. I would be willing to pay for your time. Or if you would be willing to volunteer that would be great as well... Thank you for your time and again sorry for the wall of text You can respond here or via DM

am I doomed? by GamingSInMyDNA  •  last post Apr 30th

Hi everyone! Names Billy I'm 31 years old. I feel so behind in my life. Ever since I was in high school I wanted to come to LA and act. I'm actually here in la now and still have yet to try to be a actor. My whole life I listened to everyone but myself. I have done everything besides act and I have been homeless 3 to 4 times throughout my life. I went on backstage got a membership and uploaded a old headshot from 3 years ago. But I'm noticing they also want cover letters and reels and I want to go to school out here but can't afford it out here. I was wondering if I'm doomed? I plan to go to school for underwater welding in July and I'm hoping by next year I can live out here to actually try and pursue it. I know with my dedication and hard work I can do anything. My work ethic is crazy. I just feel that it won't happen because I'm not as youthful looking as I once was.

What is a good movie scene to act out with my sister? by stalenmate  •  last post Apr 30th

I’m a 21 yo guy who’s an aspiring actor. I haven’t done any acting before really, but do intend to start soon. I plan on starting by acting out / reenacting movie scenes with my sister (who I recently found out likes acting also) to get over the fear of being on camera and just start the process on getting experience, in SOME way. I would like to know if you guys had any specific movie scenes you think would be good for this first time. Thanks.

Should I wait till college or start now to start working? by Wonderful_Sherbet_90  •  last post Apr 30th

Hi! I'm a high school senior looking to start building up a resume with credits from student films and non-union roles. I have a few months till I can get on a college campus and start making irl connections with students and staff, including theatre and filmmaking groups. But my problem is that I have this "go, go, go" mentality right now and feel like I need to start building up my credits as soon as possible. I'm not really satisfied with any of the roles or opportunities that I've seen online on Actor's Access or websites like Backstage, either because I'm not qualified enough for some of them or because the casting call doesn't match my demographic. Should I just wait till I start college to build up my resume and continue going to classes and building my skills till then? I know that this journey should not and cannot be rushed, so I don't want to force myself to start off now. But I have some kind of fear that my "youth" will start fleeting or that I'll regret not working during these few months before school starts again. If anyone has dealt with a similar situation or similar thoughts, please let me know. I'd rather find comfort by relating to someone else's experience than going back and forth in my head.

I don’t know if this agency is a scam by Treevor191  •  last post Apr 30th

I went to an agency audition and I got a call back to come back tomorrow, although I would also have to pay to take classes with them. Also I know agency’s usually don’t require you to pay anything first. I’m not sure if I’m allowed to say the agency, but they do have real actors. So basically I want to know if it’s a scam or not before I pay anything.

Can I reject a triggering audition? by leopardlimo  •  last post Apr 30th

Hi, I’m an actress that just recently got signed to one of the biggest and best agencies in my city. I’ve had my agent for a little under a month and have been sent three auditions, this currently audition being my third. The subject matter of the film (without giving too much away) is a character that grew up sexually abused by their uncle and didn’t speak up, until they ran away. This story is triggering to me, however it is my third audition and I was warned against rejecting the audition by my coaches because of the stature of my agency and not wanting my agent to have a negative perception of me. The two auditions I was sent, I was given a day and a half essentially to get done and I responded timely with those. I’m asking if I am able to reject the audition or if I should just suck it up and do the role to not risk being potentially dropped by my agency.

M 26, how does one change careers and ultimately get into acting professionally… ie commercials, tv shows, movies, etc. by youngfranklin_  •  last post Apr 30th

I just recently turned 26 and I’m at a point in my life where I want to drop everything and give my all in order to get into the show business game. My whole life, I’ve always wanted to be an actor and be on the big screen but was told that I’d never make it because not everyone does and you have to be really good. I gave up on the dream a long time ago and ended up going to college to get a degree in biomedicine in hopes of becoming a doctor. I’ve had multiple jobs after college and have never been fulfilled and I find the countless hours of studying and grinding to be tedious when it’s not something that fulfills me. I’ve been working doing cancer research for the past two years but I feel so drained and I’m not happy at all… I want to drop everything and pursue my actual dreams of becoming an actor but I don’t even know where to begin. And I feel so old already, I feel like you really have to get into the game early on or you run into a dead end. Where do I even begin? Do you think it’s possible for me with no experience other than being in musicals and plays in the past? Does Hollywood really want a 26 year old with no actual show bizz experience. Please help!

I Want To Create My Own Work by LoveExile  •  last post Apr 30th

I'm a struggling comic actor in LA and I have sitcom ideas for projects that I'd like to produce. I don't want to around for someone to hire me for a sitcom. I want to realize them and collaborate with other actors on them I'm just not sure how do I go about doing that. I know Fleabag was a one woman play before it became a series. I wonder how I'd go about doing something like that?

Extras Management vs Face2Face (for SAG background work) by TimPrice2  •  last post Apr 29th

Extras Management and Face2Face are the largest calling services in LA. Some people swear one of them is better than the other at getting union actors background work. Some others say it doesn't matter since they submit you to (mostly) the same jobs. I figured we should have a poll to find out. Note: This is only for SAG-AFTRA union background actors. Non-union work is completely different and would deserve it's own poll. [View Poll](