Im doing an assignment for college and we are asked to investigate usual pathologies in the mouths of actors caused by the profession I can't find any directly linked so I thought if any of you could give me a hand by sharing your experiences
Hello, I am 18 and I have no experience in acting or acting knowledge. I’ve always had some type of interest since I was young but never got into it. Now I’m on my way to college as a business major but I’m not sure if that’s my route. I’m attending to ASU and studying business. I however what to act and be in movies/shows and what. Yes I know that requires talent and practice and I want to see if I’m capable of doing that. My problem now is I have no idea how to start. I heard film school at colleges are not the route as they teach you how to move the camera but not be on it. I’m not sure if you get what I mean. Should I still attend to college and on the side take acting classes? What should I do? How do famous actors on Netflix and what not get their auditions? Please let me know.
The Actors Studio West is not currently accepting auditions. Anyone have any experience with studios in LA that are comparable in format? Essentially, I want a space that I can work on plays as well as screenplays.
Hi guys. I just came here to tell you that I’ve discovered my passion for acting and I’m going to go to the US to work hard on fulfilling my dream of becoming a drama film actor. It’s actually impossible rn, cause I’m from Ukraine and I don’t need to tell you what’s going on here. But so far, me and my family are safe. In times like these and under constant threat to your life you start to think about your life story and what was the thing you didn’t do although you’ve dreamt about it. What dream did you block just to work in marketing for 4 years and realize that you don’t like it at all. And that’s how, on the third month of war I’ve realized that I need to go to the US and start my acting career if I survive. It’ll definitely be a struggle, but I owe myself to give it a try and work hard on it. So now I want to tell everybody who’s feeling down or thinks you can’t do it anymore although it is your biggest dream — don’t give the fuck up. If the only think that distracts me from the actual war and rocket strikes on my city is my dream to become an actor and I make my first steps for it even in these conditions — then you have no excuse for giving up and forfeiting your dream. Keep grinding guys, you motivate me as well. Standing together ✊
Hey there, So I'm a recent transplant from the LA area (I know, I hate me too) to Providence, RI. I'm getting the lay of the theatre-land in a few days from a local actor friend of a friend, but was curious about the film/tv/voiceover/commercial scene! Some questions: What casting sites do you use? Also, why do you use what you use? I abandoned Casting Networks before moving because all it seemed to have is non-union work. I have representation and will be pursuing a Boston agent, but I like to submit myself regardless. Currently I just have Backstage and Actors Access. I've signed up with Slate Casting to receive their notifications, and know about Boston Casting and Paradice. Any thoughts on Casting in general? I primarily work as a VO artist: Any thoughts on local VO casting or VO? Lastly, any thoughts in general on how to approach this region? I'm a little burnt out on taking classes and building a community that way, but would appreciate any other ideas on how to get to know the community. I'm definitely going to be checking out some theatre relatively soon. Thank you!
I’ve been wanting to hang with actors who are passionate and help each other out with auditions and filming scenes to build each other’s resume. Hangout and talk about movies and shows. I went to IDSA and Anthony Meindl drama and I would like to connect with others who’ve been in a drama class too!
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
I'm just interested to know how many Indian voice actors are here And how much do you charge? for some projects
Hi, I live in a very small town I'm Missouri and I've been thinking of making a mockumentary about a fake disease in this town because the town is mostly obese and everyone walks with a waddle the term for the disease in the movie is "the carthage waddle" I'm looking for people who are somewhat obese and have a good sense of humor that would do fake online interviews about this "disease" I'm a minor so I don't have the biggest budget but you would be paid a small amount I'm still in the script stage so it could be months down the line PM me if you're interested in hearing more. Thank you.
As actors, what do you set your Facebook page to "Public" (everyone in the world can view your posts w/o being your FB friend) OR "Private" (Only friends can see what you post) I'm not too sure what Casting Directors would want to see ? because I'm almost certain the look us up on FB (but, I could be wrong)
I heard this episode from one of my favorite acting podcasts last night it's hosted by a casting director who runs a successful studio in LA, she often gives advice and interviews all the top casting directors etc. When I heard this one I really felt I needed to share it with you guys. a must listen for anyone who may be feeling fed up with self-taping or depleted as an actor in the post covid industry. I know I am. ​ [](
Just wondering if anyone has some insight to whether casting directors watch/view ALL the submissions for national/international casting calls, specifically on breakdown services/actors access. As I’m unrepresented, and though I will submit to these, I feel like it is a shot in the dark. Recently sent a self tape for a feature that was an open call to the US and Canada, and I thought I did really well, but I doubt the CDs from LA will even see me.
**Yale & Actors Equity Questions** ​ 1. Do all Yale MFA graduates get membership in Actors Equity? I see it's listed on the website, but I'm a bit confused by the paragraph below. *"Yale Repertory Theatre serves as an advanced training center for the program. All Acting students work at Yale Rep as understudies, observing and working alongside professional actors and directors. Students may be cast in Yale Rep productions during the season, depending upon their appropriateness to the roles available. Through work at Yale Repertory Theatre, those students who are not members of Actors’ Equity will attain membership upon graduation."* ​ >2. Does this mean that you have the option of working at the Yale Repertory Theatre or is it mandatory? I'm only asking as it says students will attain membership of actors equity upon graduation. I don't want to be stuck in a Union as soon as I graduate, it would be much more beneficial for me to build experience in Film/TV in Non-Union roles and eventually join SAG-AFTRA down the line. ​ >3. If it is mandatory, do Actors Equity members have to only act in Union projects? I know how it works in SAG-AFTRA but not really AE. Plus, is Actors Equity only theatre? If you do have to work in union only projects, does that only apply to theatre? Or do you have to work in union only projects for film/tv too like SAG-AFTRA. ​ **Tuition & Degree Questions** ​ >4. I'm also a bit confused by the free tuition for the David Geffen School of Drama, on the website it says the $150 million gift makes those programs tuition-free, but on the tuition and general expenses page, it still says tuition is $34,800. ​ >5. Is it worth it to get an MFA from Yale? I mean this in terms of gaining connections, networking, and overall just having a better chance of being noticed by agents, casting directors and large auditions? Obviously I know the learning experience is fantastic, but I mean it more in a business sense. ​ >6. Julliard or NYU Tisch School of Arts? (Bachelor of Fine Arts) ​ >7. Does Julliard or NYU Tisch have better financial aid? I definitely think the tuition at NYU is much more expensive compared to Julliard. Doing a simple net price calculation on Julliard brought the total down to like mid 40's for tuition and all the other costs. (including financial aid). Not sure about NYU since they don't really have a calculator or information about how much they usually give for financial aid.
Something has always kept me away from really pursuing acting. I can’t stay away from it and I’m in an acting class now that’s been super transformative and helpful but I still get SO NERVOUS and anxious before acting. I always think it’s not meant for me because of how nervous and shy I get, even tho I really love it. Also another small thing is I’m pretty insecure and self conscious about how I look. I’m trying to change my thinking About it but sometimes those dark thoughts tell me I’m not pretty enough to be on screen.
I'm living in Thousand Oaks atm, and I'm taking stage combat classes in Burbank, but I'd like to get back into taking regular acting classes as well. However, I'd like to avoid driving to LA as much as I can, since it's really wearing on my gas money. Does anyone know of any classes they'd recommend in areas west of LA (like Woodland Hills, Calabasas, etc.)? I'm looking for something targeted toward adult film and television actors - right now, I'm only finding local theaters who occasionally do classes, or kids' acting classes.
What acting classes in SF do you recommend for a beginner adult actor?
In order to develop very specific mannerisms for a certain role do actors try to find real world examples to study? How? How do you track down a person with the mannerisms you’re looking for or the emotions of a very specific situation you’re looking for? Thanks very much
[Some voice over things I've made]( Still pretty novice at this. Just looking for any constructive criticism people can offer. I'm about two years into this whole thing and I'm about to take an "introduction into acting" class in early May.
Hi, I'm looking for some good two-actor-scenes and monologues for a workshop. Ideally something that feels contemporary and hip (doesn't matter when it was actually written). It can be any type of scene (funny, intense, anything), I only care that it is well written and entertaining for others to watch. I realize this is a wide open question but I'm Just looking for suggestions from others who might have already cherry picked some great scenes and monologues. Thanks in advance!