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We have found 19,373 posts across 4 actor forums:

Any book recommendations on Psychology? by aweiner99  •  last post Apr 21st

I believe it’s important to have knowledge about psychology as an actor as it helps you determine why your character acts the way they do and what makes them tic.

Who are the top 10 Hottest/most in demand actors right now? by Happy_Cat5061  •  last post Apr 21st

Timothee Chalamat...who else?

LGBT Actors- how do you play "Straight?" by Happy_Cat5061  •  last post Apr 21st

I've been cast to play a straight man in a love triangle with 2 women, and I'm gay. I'm not very flamboyant or feminine, but it's not totally far fetched either to pin me as not straight. How have you dealt with this before? How can I be as believable as possible?

Unvaccinated Actors by Usernameme3  •  last post Apr 21st

Is it difficult for unvaccinated actors to get an agent currently? I was going to send in my materials to an agency but they told me they only accept vaccinated actors Is this common? Will I be able to find an agent as an unvaccinated? Thanks

is this a good acting class? by Spiritual_Minute8559  •  last post Apr 21st

The two acting classes I've found locally have a ton of beginner actors. Are these kind of classes good? One is fun. The other is super boring...even though its full of beginners.

Acting more butch as a feminine man by ausaury  •  last post Apr 21st

First, I wanna start this by saying I’m very comfortable with myself as a man. I don’t really care that I’m perceived as being feminine. But it’s affecting my career as an actor so I’m not looking for comments that align with the sentiment “who cares! Just be you :)” Also I know I can turn down roles, but if I did I would get virtually no auditions. I’m a transgender man who is getting back into acting after having spent 8-10 years playing the “leading lady/romantic interest” type character. Super hyper-feminine roles. I’m wondering if there are any other feminine men who have had to learn how to butch up their performance in order to avoid being constantly given auditions for gay men. I want options. I want to be taken seriously as an option for more roles rather than just the “gay guy”, so I’m looking to butch up my performance. Genuine advice on doing this would be really, really helpful and appreciated. Please and thank you.

I came across a casting call that is past the deadline on actors access but is still available to check out by 666satanherr  •  last post Apr 21st

Is this some sort of error or has the submission date been extended?

Acting in Horror (and screaming question) by Unhelpfulhelpful  •  last post Apr 21st

I'm a female actor cast in my first horror project (and my first project since 2019 thanks covid) but I have no idea how to pull this off. I'd love to hear some techniques from other actors, especially ones who have acted in a project where they get killed by a monster (lol). I also have no idea how to scream. Do I practice my getting killed noises? How do I do that in an apartment? I might be getting cold feet/imposter syndrome but I'd appreciate any pointers

need your advice on acting training by dandansson  •  last post Apr 20th

Much of my early training was reading and reciting simpler material, mostly from children's books, song lyrics (much of it for children but not always) and reading simpler texts. I did this with a teacher who mostly focused on my voice, both singing and speaking. I was also taught how to use body movement when reciting or reading the stories. This teacher is a speech therapist and a singing teacher. I am not saying that all of what I did was acting but it helped me use my body and voice. I am now going through Osip's monologue from The Government inspector. I do this because of an acting teacher/coach I went to. I have only taken one lesson with him and am not sure if I should study with him.He told me that some texts that I have used in my training are too easy for me. My thinking is that it is important to be familiar with all kinds of texts. I like too use both simpler and other kinds of texts. One things that simpler texts do are forcing me to make voices (eg do different characters), be it texts for adult or children. It's more about how I say it and how my body moves than the story (even if the story is of importance), I guess. When the acting teacher/coach I went to told me to use more difficult texts I was a bit confused and perhaps a bit upset, I guess. I have always been thinking that we need all kinds of texts (or telling stories without texts sometimes). There is a famous actor who said that he did a lot of children's theatre early in his career at that helped him a lot so I am not sure things can be too simple.What do you think?

skills section of an actors profile. How much is too much? by JonnyDevious  •  last post Apr 20th

I've been trying to look through other people's acting profiles to get some wisdom here, but I'm curious on the Reddit perspective. I've basically spent my entire life trying every hobby... Juggling, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, motorcycles every type of longboarding and skateboarding, capoeira, rock climbing, break dancing, trapeze. A few years ago in school I was at decathlon athlete which basically means I do every single track and field event. I can play basketball, All around gymnastics, parkour, free running. This is maybe half the list of things I have taken seriously at some point and have at least an intermediate understanding of to the point where I could competently play a professional in that field with no training, not to mention the things I could put down a beginner's level of understanding with. I've kept it winnowed very far down on my profile to things I think would be immediately and commonly relevant to the things I would like to apply for so that someone reading my profile would actually breeze through the list and see that I am generally physically competent rather than completely disregarding a huge jumbled paragraph of skills. HOWEVER, looking at some other actors profiles they seem to throw everything down from whistling and humming and hacky sack to ping pong and jogging. So what do you think reddit? Should I get exhaustive in order to capture those projects that need something very specific or keep it condensed and concise?

Should I upgrade to AA plus if I'm a beginner? by Kitchen_Cellist_5683  •  last post Apr 20th

I only have like one film credit, ands its a small role. Is AA for more experienced actors who have more credits? Is it worth paying 70$ for?

Take note actors... These are the types of agents to avoid like the plague. by BigBadBootyDaddy99  •  last post Apr 20th

[\_sign\_or\_not\_honest\_opinions\_wanted\_from/]( [\_meeting\_update\_you\_cant\_make\_this\_shit\_up/]( Final update regarding this flakey rep... I email her this morning thanking her for her time (which was an utter waste of my time), and she emails me 1 MINUTE LATER saying "Great. Best of luck!" Common sense tells me if she can respond this fast, there is absolutely no excuse for what has transpired regarding this meeting for the past few days. I really feel sorry for any actor who isn't like me and has no other options but to deal with people like this. Take it from me though... THERE ARE MUCH BETTER OPTIONS OUT THERE. Shop around, don't be desperate, and I promise you'll find someone that is a million times more professional that believes in you and is enthusiastic about repping you. Out of all of the agents I spoke with, there wasn't one that even remotely behaved like she did.

any American here signed to a Canadian or out of USA agent? by MaveInfinite  •  last post Apr 20th

Just want to see if any American actor on this board has been lucky enough to get reps in Canada or somewhere else? I'm just ready to travel anywhere for my career. I need to start making moves.

Does Magnesium spray help? by Brokengraphite  •  last post Apr 20th

I heard another Voice actor say they used magnesium spray for tired vocal chords. Is this helpful? If so, what brands do you recommend?

Rankings by BigBadBootyDaddy99  •  last post Apr 20th

If you're not new to the biz, then you know the star meter rankings don't mean anything and no one cares about them for reasons I shouldn't have to go into here (do your research). But is that same "system" applied to the agencies or companies that rep the actors? I'm asking because I see agencies listed in the top rankings I know for a fact shouldn't be there just based on their client list. I mean a lot of the actors I've seen in these client lists haven't worked in years and the projects they have worked on weren't even big projects where they had major roles. Some of these same actors despite this, have starmeters at 100,000 to 200,000 when they haven't even worked in a few years. I'm guessing the company ratings are influenced by the arbitrary numbers of the actors?

Engineering college student in Texas. How hard would it be to land a job? by RazDoStuff  •  last post Apr 20th

I live in the middle of nowhere in Texas. I’m also an engineering student in college, but I have always had a passion for acting. I was an actor in my theatre program for high school for 3 years and have done student films. Should I consider moving or getting an agent?

How do you manage excitement over "big" auditions? (context below) by FierceDeku  •  last post Apr 19th

So I'm a trans actor and am in a weird spot right now. The auditions I get from my agent are either token co-star/guest star roles that are clearly meant to check a box for the network or they're massive roles that CDs are having a hard time filling because they don't really know enough queer actors yet. I have this current wave of social awareness to thank for both of those situations, but honestly have no idea how to process the latter. I've had 6 auditions in the past two years for big roles in MAJOR projects and each time I find myself totally obsessing over them until my excitement fizzles out into disappointment. The rest of my auditions, though, I have no problem submitting and forgetting, as is often recommended and is my preferred method of dealing with it. So how the hell do I deal with those big ones? Any thoughtful suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Who are your favorite LGBT actors under 40? by Happy_Cat5061  •  last post Apr 19th

ideally favorite non binary/ male actors in their 20's?

Actors for Ukraine Benefit!! by blbbulldog  •  last post Apr 19th

Calling all actors across the world to join us this Saturday for an Actors for Ukraine Benefit!! Hello my name is Brian Beegle and I am a Casting Director in Atlanta, Georgia. On Saturday, April 23rd at 8PM Eastern Time, I'll be hosting a 3 hour fundraiser for Ukraine on Youtube Live, and I am going to teach a very unique class for actors of all levels. After spending 20 years as an actor, and then 16 years as one of the busiest commercial casting directors casting close to 2000 projects, I have a lot to share with you! In this class on YouTube Live, I’ll cover acting from the Casting Directors' point of view, I’ll explain what Directors want and don’t want in auditions and I'll share what I have learned from the last 2 years of Zooming and accepting Self-Tapes. Trust me, these tips are very helpful and hilarious. Also, I’ll teach you acting techniques that will give you the freedom to never have to memorize a line again because you will mean what you say. Afterward, I will take questions live for as long as you have them! To be a part of this class, donate $10 to the Ukraine Fund with [](, and then [email]( so we can total the donations and you’ll get a response with a link to the class. Join me, and get 10 more people to join you, and let’s make a difference together for Ukraine. President Zelensky said "stand in front of the mirror every day and ask yourself were you able to do something? You will find the answer in the mirror. More importantly who you are.” Now is our time to stand with Ukraine. See you on the 23rd. Thank you.Brian