Hey there! I’m a voice actor in the wings, and I’m looking for more opportunities to be apart of! I’m not exactly looking to be paid, unless it’s a bigger project, and rather looking for things to add to my portfolio! If you’d like to see what I can do, DM me at my Instagram: @/wannabe.m.e !
First of all I just wish to say I am not homophobic in the slightest, I am simply wondering as I saw a post on twitter from a casting director about wanting to specifically have 'Queer actors and Performers' only get in touch for upcoming work. So my question is, with a normal job there are discrimination laws in place for this mainly to give equal rights and so forth but when it comes to the acting industry, a foundation built upon playing characters, what exact reason is it that there is quite clear separation for briefs and roles etc. Why does it matter what someone's sexuality is if they are playing a character?
I am a theatre actor based out of NYC and have worked in numerous Broadway and regional productions… whenever I get an audition or self tape for on-camera work, I feel like I have no clue what I’m doing. My fiancée and I will be moving to the Atlanta area soon for the many film opportunities, and I’d love to work with a private coach to learn advanced film-acting technique. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. :) Thank you!!
Hey everyone, is my agent being greedy or being honest. The other day I found some work on my own from Mandy & my agent found me that same work a few days after I did. But I told him that I’ve already auditioned for them as I’ve been shortlisted. My agent then calls me few days later telling me that I shouldn’t be applying for jobs on Mandy my self and if I find something I like send him over an email and he’ll apply for me on my behalf. The reasoning he gave was because this will strengthen your chances of landing that role and will also casting directors would rather be in contact with agents instead of actors as it comes across as more professional. Part of me thinks he has only said this because he knows if i find work via him he’s guaranteed his % for the job. Or am I being naive and he’s correct about the whole professional thing.
I’ve got an audition coming up and can’t decide on a monologue to audition with, any suggestions? I consider myself a pretty good actor (for a teenager) and have landed leading roles in the past. I really want someone dynamic and interesting to preform, maybe something dramatic? I’d totally appreciate any suggestions!!
Any other actors here in Chicago? I’d love to make more friends/hear your journey of acting here!
I did an okay audition, not good, but okay. I learned it quickly and taped it quickly and sent it off, since I was in a time crunch. Do they immediately peg me as a mediocre actor, and never want to see work again?
I really want/need to create a LinkedIn for acting gigs but I literally have no idea how to start, specially because my peers know mostly how to create one for regular jobs.(Also I hardly mention to people IRL I want to be an actress because most people literally just shut me off and think it's silly and childish) Also another tips for someone who wants to get started are very much appreciated(I want to act on movies and/or TV shows)
I've been doing a workshop which has various instructors come in and give you scenes/monologues and accordingly give you feedback on how to improve. The number 1 feedback I receive is 'your performancws are honest and sincere, but you're a little too tight; you need to work on your instrument.' What does that mean, and how do I work on it?
I’m 18F and I work completely in the 18TPY range, mostly going out for 13-17 year old roles. I don’t even look old enough to play 18. Because of this, a lot of the roles I’m being sent out for are characters who are part of an on-screen family, or at least have a sibling involved in the story. Is being a redhead killing my chances at getting these roles? I feel like it would make me so much harder to match to other actors than a blonde or brunette actress. I have great reps, and despite going out for at least 90% family roles, I only book roles that don’t involve any family casting. Would I book more if I just went brunette?
I’m a non union actor. It’s literally a small role, I’m not being Taft Hartley for this right? Lol
Hi there I am a 13 year old living in England. Recently I have seen so much great movies that have made me want to persue acting as a career.My mother is single and has to look after 4 children so we are poor.It has been my dream ever since I was around 8 to be in a show like stranger things or a marvel or Star Wars movie.I have not been to acting school yet but I do drama in school and I am quite good at it . I really want to become an actor and hope to live in America when I am older.I have started a fiverr account which will hopefully make me enough money to go to acting school and help me to get an agent to help me and to hopefully make enough money to provide for my family.I wish to one day be famous and Starr in a Netflix show or a marvel movie. Thank you and goodbye
I was trying to do a self tape for an open audition on actors access. While doing this self tape and looking back at the video of myself I felt a curtain emotion I don’t know the word but basically saying “why do I look like that” “why is my side profile like that” I had a side profile shot basically the whole self tape (because it’s set in a car) and I felt really discouraged on the way I looked on my side profile and just put it aside and didn’t finish the self tape. Any advice on self tapes. Should I have done this car scene at an Angle where it’s showing my front profile (I’m more secure with my front profile) any advice?
I’ve seen him in exactly three movies: Balls of Fury, and the first and third Fantastic Beasts movies. Despite all of those films being just meh, I really enjoyed Dans performance in all three. I find his comedic timing very funny and natural. It makes me wish he was cast in more stuff. Thoughts on him as an actor? Any other movies people might know him in?
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
Before Audition Update was acquired by Backstage, there used to be a page where actors could share their experiences of working with specific companies. It had all sorts of input like "they charge for housing" or "that city is no fun" or anything that could be useful information to actors who are auditioning or working for that company for the first time. Does that forum still exist, either on Backstage or anywhere else?
I have a 4.8 gpa and my parents say they don’t want me to be an actor they say that nobody will hire me bc I’m black and why does it matter I told them that there are roles specifically for black people to play them and when I say that she calls me disrespectful and talking back I’ve wanted to be an actor since 5th grade
This is my biggest issue!! I put so much stress and energy into saying a basic phrase “correctly,” or a certain bodily movement which in turns leaves my performance with less depth and emotion. I know how to read the script and think about what brought my character here, what she’s thinking, what she wants, her motives, etc etc. I’m good at that and I can picture a scene well but then in the moment I lose all trust in myself. I’m so caught up in the whole “do I have *it* “ as in “am I a naturally good actor??” for some reason and it’s driving me insane. I want to do this for the rest of my life SO BADLY but I get so stressed about whether I can just act well in the first place. Listen. I’m an anxious anxious gal and i’m wondering if anyone else has gone through this issue or has any words of wisdom
Title says it all. I do not like my manager. As a manager—awful to work with. Claims I need to do all the networking, reaching out to agents/CDs and pitches myself… basically expecting me to take on what they do and pay them their percentage. The exact opposite of what I wanted for a manager/actor relationship. I also recently found out through the grapevine that they have a history of contacting people on their roster inappropriately…which was the final nail in the coffin with my business relationship with them. No I haven’t mentioned this to them. My contract ends this November, however I’m trying to get an early jump with new rep and I’ve pretty much never booked a single thing with this individual. Auditions do come in, however little bookings. November seems too far to endure this any longer, so I figured I’d reach out claiming that given the lack of booking and me wanting something more out of a manager, that it seems best for us to part ways. Obviously this would be written respectfully. I’ve had friends mention if they said no and tried to force me to uphold the contract that I should bring up their history…but that seems far too extreme and frankly cultivating bad karma. If the contract doesn’t have a single thing saying I can part ways, is it even worth trying to contact them? Any advice on what you’d do if you were me?