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We have found 19,369 posts across 4 actor forums:

event stress by RenB97  •  last post Apr 8th

I've organised a fundraising event, with comedians and actors for the 16th of April. I'm getting super stressed that not enough people are going to turn up. How do I spread the word and get people to come?

Agencies (Los Angeles) by waynegrundy  •  last post Apr 8th

What's up! ​ Feel free to DM me if you'd prefer that over commenting. I'm just trying to get some intel on some of the agencies that I've had meetings with recently since I'm shopping around. I find it's hard to know as an actor what they're like to work with ahead of actually working with them. As far as I can tell, they all have working and booking actors so that's great, this is not about if they're legit or not. I just want to know if anybody here has worked with or maybe knows somebody who worked with them and what their experience was. \- Making Stars Talent Agency (hearing mostly positive things but also some unhappy people) \- Dream Team Talent LA \- Spark Talent ​ Thanks! Again, if you don't want to share publicly, I totally understand so just DM me if that's the case.

I got a part! (but have no training) by ZealousidealFront560  •  last post Apr 8th

I stumbled into having a small role in a local film (two minutes of screen time and two short lines.) I am not an actor and haven't done anything like this since school plays. Is there anything I should know about being on camera or acting in general? Any exercises or warm ups I can do to get ready? I know I'm lucky to get this opportunity without trying, and I really don't want to mess up.

Booked 2 projects from 1 callback! by ParticularPaper6095  •  last post Apr 8th

A few weeks ago I got a chemistry read/callback from a self tape that I messed up (I made a [post]( about it). When I went to the reading the casting director wanted me to read another project. She told me she hasn't started casting yet but wanted to have some actresses read it. I read it and I thought she just wanted me to read it to get a feel for it. No, she wanted me to audition! When the rest of the actors came to read for the first project, she asked me and another actress to leave and practice the second project. Long story short, we kept switching from project to project and I read with different actress. After the reading I left and thought it was pretty cool that I was being considered for 2 projects now. Today I got a message saying... SHE WANTS TO OFFER ME A ROLE FOR BOTH PROJECTS!!!!!! I'm so excited!

Native Ukrainian language actors comfortable with war scenario context wanted, 50~ lines for $50 by ViperConcord  •  last post Apr 8th

Regards, we are looking for male native Ukrainian-speaking actors who are comfortable with, in this climate, participating as talent in our action game voicing Ukrainian military operators. Our Ukrainian talent is unfortunately stuck under occupation and will be adjoining you once they can. Simply read the script in Ukrainian with ad lib encouraged, export the files to our needs and send. Quality equipment and clean sound. Cca 50 lines for $50. Deadline: April 15th. Demos in comments or DMs. Thank You.

Looking for male Arabic and Vietnamese actors by ViperConcord  •  last post Apr 8th

Regards, Male Arabic and Vietnamese actors wanted, 50-55 \~ lines - $50, combat game. Native only, simply read the English script in Arabic or Vietnamese and export the files as per our instruction. Ad lib encouraged, usage will be across multiple factions including paramilitaries and national militaries as depicted, including insurgents so only apply if you're okay with that. If you're good, we would love to have you on retainer for when we expand. Quality mic, no popping and noise. Demos in the DMs or in the comments, I'll be checking them all out. Comms through Discord or email are fine. Anyone in possession of the skill and male is encouraged to pop in, we have actors that are first time ventures. Deadline: April 15th

$5 Fem voice for Superman fan film animation by artiboi_navarro  •  last post Apr 8th

I’m looking for someone to play Lois Lane for my fan film “Superman: Fortress.” She has three scenes, but I’ll link the script bellow, it’s only 7 pages. I’m looking for someone who sounds mature, witty, feminine, perhaps a bit arrogant but only because you have to be confident as a reporter with a military dad. As a fan film I will not be making money on this project which is why it’s only $5 USD. I’m hesitant to spend any money at all, but I’ve had a hard time getting a hold of any fem voices. As with all my voice actors, I’m happy to add your socials to the credits. Anything you can fit in a tweet. Here are the [characters]( And here’s the [script](

Feeling demotivated by Strict_Carpenter_661  •  last post Apr 8th

Hi everyone, I recently auditioned for a few a few acting jobs that I really wanted. I put a lot of time and effort into it & personally thought I did good but I guess the casting director thought otherwise. This has been ongoing for a while now and made me feel quite down and even made me contemplate about quitting my dream about becoming a film/tv actor. Has anyone ever been in a similar situation and any advice on to stay motivated, thanks.

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback by AutoModerator  •  last post Apr 7th

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.

anyone here love the chase of it all? by MaveInfinite  •  last post Apr 7th

When it comes to acting, I just love the chase. I never in a million years saw myself in that acting waiting room getting ready to pour my soul out. I basically didn't know what I wanted to do till I turned 19. I just had a love for tv and movies. I have co-stars and national commercials under my belt, but what I love is the chase. Submitting to agents, changing up my pitch email, trying new headshots, new acting classes, trying to out-think the business, waiting for that phone call, etc. Oh, don't get me wrong, I hate the fuck out of it sometimes..but at the end..I love it, I love the hustle of it. The journey truly is the best part and I don't think most actors realize that. anyone else feel the same?

how to be on character when it pokes at your biggest insecurities by kira_bakapot  •  last post Apr 7th

I'm not an actor, I'm a singer and have to sing the song from Chicago by the Velma character. I have to act out a performance of a sexy, flirty e charismatic character.... I'm a big curvy girl insecure in my body, this is the worst CH I could ever do. The performance is fine, but my acting is so bad, I don't feel it at all, it's so embarrassing. Sometime before practices I think of quitting cause I really really don't want to do it. Help/advices pls

Uta Hagen’s A Challenge for the Actor by mpchop  •  last post Apr 7th

So I’m a junior in HS and I’m currently taking a musical theatre class and learning more about theatre as an art form, and truly living up to my theatre kid potential. I asked my teacher if I could borrow Uta Hagen’s A Challenge For the Actor. He said I could and ever since, I’ve been reading it. I’ve made it up to Chapter 1 pages 14-15. Is it just me or… is the book kind of… boring? I know I’m only a few pages in obviously, and I’m not a big reader (I’m trying to read more since I want to be a writer), but I don’t know if I quite like or enjoy the heavy exposition dumps of what acting used to be like hundreds of years ago. Or am I coming off as too entitled? Am I missing something reading this book? Do I need to have a certain mindset? Thanks.

Is backstage legit? by oriisdead  •  last post Apr 7th

I’ve always wanted to act, and I actually consider myself pretty good at it (I know so do most people who want to be actors). Anyways, is backstage a good place to find auditions/extras jobs to start gaining experience?

Supposed to be the busiest time for me - but I'm getting nothing. by SpelingBeeLoser  •  last post Apr 7th

I'm Sag-E and repped by a really great agency in Houston, Tx. In the past, I've gotten to audition for some amazing projects! Co-star, Recurring, Leads - you name it! But since Covid, the auditions have dropped dramatically despite me seeing other actors in my agency still booking roles. I know they're submitting me for roles since I've been speaking with them and they've told me what they've pitched me for, but I haven't been getting auditions. I've gotten work on HBO, ABC, Hulu, USA and Netflix, so I just don't know what's happened. It's frustrating because I've gotten positive feedback from directors, casting directors, my teacher, and my agent so I just don't know what's going on. I'm 26 and I feel like there's tons of roles out there for me that go with my age and look. Any thoughts on what may be aiding in this slump? ​ I understand location can play a factor and have looked at moving, but my agency get breakdowns from NM, Louisiana, OK, GA, SC, TX and tons of productions film out here - especially GA. I'm just concerned that if I move it'll still be the same.

What skills does a movie actor have that many TV actors lack? by JayJax_23  •  last post Apr 7th

I’m curious because I hear and see it mentioned quite often that TV actors can’t transition to film well because they lack the skills to act in flim. Although there have been several cases of actors who started on TV shows and became successful on the big screens. What is the major difference between acting on TV and acting on flim? What skills does a TV actor need to be successful on flim?

Voice actors wanted! by LaserPanda06  •  last post Apr 7th

Hey everybody! I’m a game developer working on a visual novel. There’s many interlocking projects for the game, including a manga and a short webseries about the main character. And that’s what this is about! I’m looking for voice actors (preferably with a younger, feminine voice as the character is a young girl) for the webseries pilot. It will be animated in an anime-style (probably 90’s-00’s era) and will show my main character starting ballet lessons. Comment if you are interested in the job! I’d prefer a US based actor who can work from home.

Looking for voice actors! by LaserPanda06  •  last post Apr 7th

I have three roles available for the pilot episode of a webseries based off a video game I am developing. The episode will be posted to youtube to promote the game. Talent applicants must be able to sound like a young girl, as the main characters are 10 and 11 years old. Pay is based off of the amount of lines you have (as the episode is only ~5 minutes long), but average pay will be around $100. Please comment any questions you have, I will be happy to answer! I look forward to talking to you!

is my agent working hard enough for me? by correctstatement2022  •  last post Apr 7th

hello community members! this is my first post here, so apologies in advance if i make a mistake in any way. this question is directed towards people who have representation, some professional credits under their belt, and are constantly auditioning for film and tv. in my gut i feel like my agent isn't working hard enough for me: i've only had 6 auditions since march of last year which does not seem right. i'm also an actress of color, to which everyone says, "wow, you must be getting so many shots. your type is so hot right now." to which i say noooooope not true at all. is it time to find another home? how many auditions do you normally get? is this normal? thank you everyone. xo.

Is it worth it to audition for a role that feels degrading? by MisoSoup13  •  last post Apr 7th

I haven’t auditioned for much and at this point I just want to start auditioning for every show I can find. I’m pretty chubby and worry I’ll have a hard time landing roles. There’s a character in a show I want to audition for who’s described as a “tubby junk food enthusiast”. I know if I do well, that will be my role because of my size. I spend a lot of time advocating for people who look like me and insisting that I’m a person and not just a “junk food enthusiast” in real life. I think the show will be fun regardless but it feels degrading to play a character who’s main personality trait is being fat. Should I just say screw it and audition anyways? How do you guys feel about characters like that when you see them? Are you able to humanize the character and/or the actor?