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We have found 19,373 posts across 4 actor forums:

Voice actors wanted! by LaserPanda06  •  last post Apr 7th

Hey everybody! I’m a game developer working on a visual novel. There’s many interlocking projects for the game, including a manga and a short webseries about the main character. And that’s what this is about! I’m looking for voice actors (preferably with a younger, feminine voice as the character is a young girl) for the webseries pilot. It will be animated in an anime-style (probably 90’s-00’s era) and will show my main character starting ballet lessons. Comment if you are interested in the job! I’d prefer a US based actor who can work from home.

Looking for voice actors! by LaserPanda06  •  last post Apr 7th

I have three roles available for the pilot episode of a webseries based off a video game I am developing. The episode will be posted to youtube to promote the game. Talent applicants must be able to sound like a young girl, as the main characters are 10 and 11 years old. Pay is based off of the amount of lines you have (as the episode is only ~5 minutes long), but average pay will be around $100. Please comment any questions you have, I will be happy to answer! I look forward to talking to you!

is my agent working hard enough for me? by correctstatement2022  •  last post Apr 7th

hello community members! this is my first post here, so apologies in advance if i make a mistake in any way. this question is directed towards people who have representation, some professional credits under their belt, and are constantly auditioning for film and tv. in my gut i feel like my agent isn't working hard enough for me: i've only had 6 auditions since march of last year which does not seem right. i'm also an actress of color, to which everyone says, "wow, you must be getting so many shots. your type is so hot right now." to which i say noooooope not true at all. is it time to find another home? how many auditions do you normally get? is this normal? thank you everyone. xo.

Is it worth it to audition for a role that feels degrading? by MisoSoup13  •  last post Apr 7th

I haven’t auditioned for much and at this point I just want to start auditioning for every show I can find. I’m pretty chubby and worry I’ll have a hard time landing roles. There’s a character in a show I want to audition for who’s described as a “tubby junk food enthusiast”. I know if I do well, that will be my role because of my size. I spend a lot of time advocating for people who look like me and insisting that I’m a person and not just a “junk food enthusiast” in real life. I think the show will be fun regardless but it feels degrading to play a character who’s main personality trait is being fat. Should I just say screw it and audition anyways? How do you guys feel about characters like that when you see them? Are you able to humanize the character and/or the actor?

imdb pro link vs imdb link by Dante Salerno  •  last post Apr 7th

Is there a difference between the imdb link and the imdb pro link? Is the imdb pro link just the vanity url?

Is Fame Street worth it? by JackBBSS  •  last post Apr 7th

Hello I'm a new actor and wondering is Fame Street worth it for work and experience? Also the different pay walls, what do you get? Thanks for taking the time to read this.

How do aspiring actors without BFA's or BA's in acting/theatre get into prestigious drama schools for grad school? by Opening_Attention321  •  last post Apr 7th

As someone currently going through the drama school process from a pre-professional curriculum, I'm curious how many actors without receiving any prior training or having any extensive acting experience get into prestigious drama schools for their MA's or MFA's? At the top of my head, Riz Ahmed, Bradley Cooper, and Gemma Chan, all had undergraduate degrees in Philosophy Politics and Economics (PPE), English, and Pre-Law (respectively) before auditioning for the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, the Actor's Studio, and Drama Centre London and getting in. I think even Jeffrey Wright had gotten a bachelor's degree in Political Science before enrolling at NYU Tisch for their MFA in Acting. I'm just curious if there are any actors in this community that got accepted into a prestigious drama school after coming from a different academic or career background.

First time ever as an extra next week. What are some Do's/Don'ts? by bubblezcavanagh  •  last post Apr 7th

I'm a seasoned theatre actor, but next week will be my first time ever on a TV set. Theatre is a completely different beast. The more streamlined process, more collaborative room, and less wait time. I'm not sure what to expect on a set other than the opposite of that. Even showing up to the studio today to check in/get tested I felt a tad unprepared and that I stuck out. For my fitting tomorrow and the actual shoot date, what are some things I should be aware of? Do's and don'ts? Recommendations? General etiquette? Thanks in advance. I'm a little nervous, but excited! Edit: It's at Steinman Studios in Brooklyn, if anyone has first hand experience working there.

Why is doing background seen negatively? by mchilili  •  last post Apr 7th

I know not to expect anything and I genuinely just enjoy meeting other people with the same passions (or not!) and being in an environment I love to be in. But I always hear people say not to do background too much if you want to be an actor. Why is that so?

Question for agents by barcaelj  •  last post Apr 7th

How long after an agent pitches an actor do they receive the sides from the casting director? (Assuming the CD allows the actor to self tape)

Hey! I am currently writing an essay for my degree and I was wondering if anyone would be able to share their thoughts on things I will list below. by Live-One-7693  •  last post Apr 7th

What inspires you to become an actor What do you agree and disagree about within the industry How difficult have you found it to get an audition or even getting the part Thank you in advance :)

When should NDA's be signed? by Flimsy_Woodpecker382  •  last post Apr 7th

Hello everyone. I am an actor and I have the following doubt. There was a film audition call that I applied for. I sent my video, resume, and some headshots through email. I received a callback a month later and they asked me to audition for an specific role. After reading the description, I decided not to audition for it after all since I didn't like the role and felt it was just not for me. I sent my reply to one of the producers and apologized for my decision. A week later I received the same email for the same role but this time it included an NDA contract which is something that I don't have experience with. My questions are: 1. Should I sign it even when I said that I am not interested in the role or the project? 2. If I don't sign it, would it affect me or look bad on me? Thank you.

Finding acting auditions and agencies by pekopekotobio  •  last post Apr 7th

I really want to become an actress and I'm ready to audition, the only thing is I can't find auditions around me and i don't know any agencies nor do I know someone with connections. If you're an actor or you're informed about acting info's in Malaysia, specifically Sabah. Please help me on how to find auditions or agencies to audition to. Anyone is also welcome to help!

Moving Cross Country...What Job Should I Get? by Bonzai_Monkey  •  last post Apr 7th

Hi there! I currently live in Northern California, and have decided to move to Atlanta, Georgia after doing a lot of research on the best place to live for starting actors. My question is: what kind of job should I get? I really only *need* enough money for food, but obviously I'd like to set the bar at my own place (small and humble is acceptable, if not ideal), a gym membership, and basic costs of acting, such as classes, or the occasional piece of equipment for auditions, things like that. It has crossed my mind that auditions can really come at any time, so it would be nice to have some flexibility in my work hours--all I'd need is the ability to adjust hours in order to do my auditions, and attend acting classes. I'd fit working out and practicing acting in my free time. So, any suggestions?

Will Real People Victoria help me become a successful actress in NYC? by Mr_Blank_Clock  •  last post Apr 6th

Hi all, Not sure if this was the appropriate subreddit but I am a 30 year old woman living in Melbourne wanting to pursue acting. I haven’t acted in anything since high school so I’m getting back into it and wanted to join an agency. I’m working in hospitality whilst attending university for arts. Is Real People Victoria worth it? I saw some of their reviews on Google where people were saying they weren’t getting any work and that they had to pay $100’s to get headshots taken. My goal is to be a working actress in New York City. Thank you!

How long did it take to book your first role without a rep? by allifromwestva  •  last post Apr 6th

Been self submitting on Actors access for about two months. Got 6 auditions on my first two weeks then absolutely nothing after. Just want to hear about others journeys!

by Alicynpackard  •  last post Apr 6th

Should Voice Actors Sound Conversational Most of the Time? by AHungerForKnowledge  •  last post Apr 6th

I should start by saying that I understand there's no "One rule fits all" in any performing. I also understand that the client determines the performance for the most part. I'm asking in general. I'm reading a book called V-Oh! and it's very focused on being conversational. It says to match the cadence and tone of a person speaking to their friend. I'm quite new to the business, just under a year, and I'm wondering if I should be performing in a more conversational way? The majority of jobs I receive are commercials. I wonder if I've got a kind of announcer bias in the way I speak on the mic. I certainly don't talk the way I do to friends. I annunciate much better and speak with more emotion whilst trying not to sound like C-3PO. Of course I'm trying NOT to sound like I'm rigid and reading text. Do any of you remember a time when you decided to become more conversational and less Announcer-ish? By the way I have a traditional "British accent" I don't know if that comes into play when compared to Americans.

Any other actors looking to move to the Atlanta area? by gmd24  •  last post Apr 6th

Hi there! Hope this question is ok here. I'm a queer actor looking to move to the Atlanta area and need roommates! I'm 31 and come from the improv/sketch community in Chicago but am originally from the Southeast (and am currently here) and am looking to be closer to the Georgia scene. Would loves to possibly rent a house in the Marietta area. DM if interested or have any suggestions!

Does anyone have any reviews or heard of Sarah Gaboury from Real Actor’s Lab? by watch1122  •  last post Apr 6th

Thinking about taking classes with her