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We have found 19,373 posts across 4 actor forums:

UK Commercial/Print Contract question... by wc6g10  •  last post Mar 31st

Hi r/acting, This is a question for UK based actors- I have been offered a commercial contract with quite a respectable agency. After reviewing the contract they will be taking 1/3 of my earnings 'if the booking is inclusive of agency fees' and if **not** then they will take 20% of my gross total. Firstly, has anyone else signed a similar contract with this high commission rate? Secondly, I'm a bit confused by what they mean in terms of 'agency fee' and how that will affect my earnings, any advice? Any light you can shed on the matter would be much appreciated. Thanks everyone x

Question about Screen VS Voice by Jedi_Jitsu  •  last post Mar 31st

I was hoping to get some insights from actors here. I'm in a bit of a pickle in regards to screen acting course or taking a plunge into voice acting classes / equipment but I'm unable to do both at this moment. Would VO being the better option to bring in side money to afford screen training or is that just as long to bring in any real money as screen acting. I'm not a total newbie, I've taken acting classes in the past, I'm almost an advanced screen combat actor and motion capture acting trained. But looking for insights from those doing the actual work. Thanks in advance for any info.

Next steps by Late_Mixture2448  •  last post Mar 31st

Hi everyone I’m new to the group I’m from London England bit of a long message sorry , anyways I’ve always wanted to be an actor, but not really known how to get into it. I’ve recently started going to the Anna Scher Theatre I’ve enjoyed it good people good vibes and a place to express myself and actually act. I only did extra work before anyways I was wondering what I should do next to progress and get parts etc. I’m looking to build connections get more auditions and more material for my showreel etc any advice ?

Staged Readings - tldr they rock by clawhammer-cat  •  last post Mar 31st

Positionality: I consider myself an intermediate-level regional actor. I'm non-union for now and freelance. I see a lot of folks beginning to act here and figured I'd share a thing I wish I knew when I started. Occasionally - especially in the case of new/developing scripts - there will be a call for actors to do a staged reading. Sometimes readings will be held for established scripts that are difficult to stage or if a company can squeeze it into their budget. Usually readings are unpaid and informal, sometimes they have auditions and sometimes they're volunteer-basis. If you already know about these as a beginner, you're years ahead of me haha. Staged readings are a great way to not only practice with more dialogue and get more experience working with plays in a low-pressure (memorization-free, blocking-light) environment, but the networking is also fantastic. A fun way to practice acting for free is to get your friends together to read a play out loud and practice acting the scenes - a private home staged reading, if you will. Staged readings are also going digital these days, so you may not even have to leave home. I'm going to be in a staged reading this month and I'm so hyped! Anyone here done fun staged readings? How does translate to film/screenwriting?

Less auditions - leveling up or slow? by reddishMVP  •  last post Mar 31st

I’m being a bit impatient on this as it’s only really maybe been a month or two, but might as well make some conversation cuz why not. So I’ve been getting less auditions after starting the year off great with a national commercial, a one-liner on a film, and a callback for a commercial I ultimately didn’t book. I thought it’d be steady from there but it’s been pretty slow. However, I got sent my first guest star audition a week or so ago (not technically my first, as my first audition with my agents was a recurring guest star, but that was only because of specific race, which they incidentally got wrong lol, anyway). My most recent audition was for a co-star, but it was a pretty meaty one at 6 lines. For actors that are at a “higher level” than me - is this the process you went through when leveling up, or is it just slow? For context, I started with my agency the beginning of last year. Booked 4 TV/film roles and 3 commercials. Also have a recurring role on a show from before I joined this agency

A young confused actor looking for advice. by idontevenknowaway1  •  last post Mar 31st

So I (21M) have taken a break from acting for 3-4 year after a runin with a horrible and covid, and I now feel comfortable to return. I have been doing everything in these years. I've learned Spanish started a national sports association and have been a campaign manager for different young politicians in my country. When I did acting one of my Shakespeare teachers told me I was a natural talent, I have never really understood what that meant, I always felt like my teachers were expecting something or they saw something that I couldn't, it's hard to explain. Anyway, now I'm back and I want to keep doing it, but I have no idea about how to get back into it again. I'm not really good at physical acting so conventional is my best bet. But, I am so afraid I've wasted my time doing something completely wrong and useless. Ugh its hard to explain do any of you have any advice?

Aspiring actress by Individual_Ad4531  •  last post Mar 31st

I’m 16 almost 17 and I so desperately want to become an actress. I don’t know how to explain it to people but I genuinely want nothing more than to experience working on the set of a movie or tv show, learning and growing as a person and an actress. Does anyone have any advice on how to start an acting career?

boyfriend's jealousy issues by marcystonem  •  last post Mar 30th

I'm 22 years old and lately I was the lead in an episode in a one off series on general I recently realized that I want to try to make it as an actress but my boyfriend of almost 2 years isn't very supportive . He says that If I land another part where I have to kiss someone that he's probably going to want to break up with me . He claims he tried to be supportive when I had the lead part but he couldn't.. he wants to be with me and he wants to try but says he never wanted to be with an actress. How can I make him see that he has nothing to worry about?

Do I need an agent? by That1Girll  •  last post Mar 30th

So I’m fairly new to acting, been wanting to do it for years but was scared because I never really saw too many actors that looked like myself on tv. But I decided recently why not, won’t hurt to try. There’s a good amount of representation like myself in todays media, I feel more confident. However I’m struggling to find work that is seeking for my look. I have actorsaccess and am based in Texas(home based San Antonio, but can travel to Houston, Austin etc.) however there aren’t many roles that are fit for me. I see people talking about applying/auditioning for a number of roles within a month but I’m lucky to find 5. Which i know we have to audition for so many in order to even hear a yes so I feel like I’m never gonna hear a yes if there’s no roles available for me. Will getting an agent help with this problem? I know there are roles that only agents can see, but how am I supposed to get an agent with no credit? I have good quality headshots, currently taking and have been taking many classes (currently Stella Adler virtual class) but I’m too scared to apply to agencies for the lack of credits and experience. For reference I’m a 23 [F] African American, that can play age range of 16-24. I applied for a role that was seeking exactly that and never heard anything back after 2 weeks went back to look at the description again and realized they were looking for a “fair skinned black girl” which now I know why I hadn’t heard anything back because I’m dark skinned. Pls any advice? Do I have to move to a bigger market? I always thought Texas was a good starter market but maybe not for me. Idk. I’m lost and honestly just looking to at LEAST audition more for the experience.

Does anyone else feel that people who struggle through life a lot develop a knack for acting? by TheLegendTwentyS3ven  •  last post Mar 30th

Like if they’ve been through a lot in life, and any actors that come to mind

How do I unlock my good speaking voice? by thatonedude123  •  last post Mar 30th

I'm sorry if this isn't an appropriate place for this. But, i figured if anyone knows quite a lot about voices it would probably be voice actors. For some context, I am autistic and i spent a long time in my childhood being non verbal, and a long time following that speaking but not very often and not very well. I feel as though due to my lack of experience speaking, i haven't developed the technique that a person normally would with their voice as they get older. Recently, I've gotten more comfortable speaking with certain people and I've noticed that my voice changes a lot. There are times when it's low in volume and airy, I would describe it as similar to shaq's voice. When my voice is like that i have the feeling in my throat that i need to cough up some mucus but I'm unable to and it messes with my ability to produce a good sound. Other times, my voice is deep and rich and loud. I've noticed people are quite fond of it and can easily understand me when it's this way. I have no idea what I've done right to get my voice to sound that way and when it gets worse, i have no idea what I've done wrong. I was wondering if perhaps anyone here has any tips based on what I've described or if you could point me in the right direction to finding some answers. This is something that means a lot to me because after spending so much time not speaking and hating my voice, the idea that it could all change seems life changing to me.

Software for storing and editing audio by liannesbakery  •  last post Mar 30th

I’m an aspiring voice actor and I’m looking for a reliable software that I can use for recording voice audios on my computer. Any recommendations?

What is your biggest achievement as a voice actor? by risathekid  •  last post Mar 30th

What is your biggest success so far? A big role, dubbing your favorite character, meeting some cool people or working with them, etc.

How do actors that are very nice in real life look like threatening and dangerous people when playing criminals? by Mesdermort  •  last post Mar 30th

Hello everyone, I know this question may sound stupid, but I'll give you some examples so you can understand better what I mean. 1. [This is Alessandro Borghi](, he is an italian actor and is best known for playing a criminal in a movie about criminality and corruption in Rome. [As you can see]( he looks quite nice and normal, but [this is how he looks in this movie I was talking about]( [Here's another]( and [another one]( You can see that he actually looks kinda scary here, someone you don't really wanna mess with and he's also some sort of sociopath in the movie. 2. [This is another italian actor](, Salvatore Esposito, to me he has [a very kind face]( But he's also best known for playing a very dangerous Camorra boss in the tv show called "Gomorra" and [this is what he looks like in the show.]( And [here's another one]( Now you also have a lot of other actors that in normal real life interviews look very friendly and funny, someone you would actually hang out with, but I've always been so fascinated by how these artists completely change the way they look, from nice and kind to dangerous or at least very intimidating when playing gangster, criminals or mafia bosses(The actor that plays Tuco Salamanca in the show Breaking Bad is also a good example). I know you can sum it all up to "oh well, they do it by acting" but how exactly? what process do they go through to actually transform this way? You know even by social circumstances we know how to pretend to be sad or happy and stuff like that, we can cry, we can smile or laugh and so on, but, again, I'd really like to better understand how they can look like that so well

Survival jobs for actors in ATL and LA? by Electronic_Gap_5507  •  last post Mar 30th

Beginner actor wanting to move to ATL or LA. For actors who live in either or what survival jobs do you have to maintain your acting career?

Fiverr Help by GBG_Classic  •  last post Mar 30th

Hello Voice Actors of Reddit! I have wanted to do voice acting for some time and thought I’d start on Fiverr. I began to set up my page, but being completely new to this, I had no idea what I should charge along with all of the different specifics of what I should put there. I was wondering if anyone here had any tips on getting started there, or if there is a better alternative, where I should go. Any tips are welcome and appreciated!

BEGINNERS: Please search the thread and sidebar to see if your question has already been answered before posting a question that gets repeatedly asked by CanineAnaconda  •  last post Mar 30th

I've found this to be a very supportive and knowledgeable community, but it seems every day, the same few questions are posted without checking the sidebar or scrolling even a little ways down to see if it's already been asked. Some of us are working actors, been in the business a long time, or are really passionate about the craft and the business and are willing to take the time to give advice or just share what we know. But I've personally lost interest in answering questions I've already answered several times, and the result is you're not going to get as solid advice in response to your post as you might find in the same question answered 12 hours ago, a day ago, last week, a month ago.Some of the most persistent questions: * How do I get started? * How do I find auditions? * When is the right time to find an agent? * I live in another country and want to be an actor in the US, how do I do this? There's a pinned auto-moderated post "There Are No Stupid Questions" because no one should be judged for being inexperienced, not knowing the basics, or just starting out because we've all been there. But first, explore the sub, scroll the thread, put a little effort into it. Thanks.

Voiceover Demo Service? by AHungerForKnowledge  •  last post Mar 30th

Where can I find a service that produces voiceover demos for voice actors? I was trying to google it but I keep finding actual voice actors. Also, do you have any recommendations?

Developing a UK-based Casting Site and need your input! by XRhodesFilms  •  last post Mar 29th

Hey all! Hope this is allowed, apologies if not, but I'm hoping by helping me, I can help you. I've been an actor for around 22 years and have had a fair amount of frustrations with casting sites over the years and after talking to fellow performers, I realised I'm not alone! I decided to begin developing an alternative casting site and social network and need to know what people need and what frustrations performers have with what's currently on offer. As part of my development, I've created a survey, aimed particularly at UK performers. It's quite in-depth and takes most people about 10 minutes. Obviously, to ensure I'm providing what people actually want and need, I need as many responses as I can get. If all goes to plan, it will hopefully be well worth it down the line for all of us! [](